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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pearson Paul (2021) A Palaeogene Record of the Ionic Composition of Seawater and its Relationship to Atmospheric CO2
Evans D, Rosenthal Y, Erez J, Hauzer H, Cotton L, Zhou X, Stassen P, Pearson P, Renema W, Saraswati PK, Todd J, Müller W & Affek HP
(2019) Eocene Carbon Cycling and Climate Interactions
Anagnostou E, John E, Babila T, Sexton P, Ridgwell A, Pearson P, Gasson E, Lunt D, Pancost R & Foster G

Pearson Paul N. (2022) Plankton Life-History Reveals Adaptions to Cenozoic Climate Change
Coxall HK, Pearson PN, Huber BT, Cramwinckel MJ, Vermassen F, Handl T & Ezard THG
(2015) Source and Magnitude of Carbon Release Associated with the PETM
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Ridgwell A, Anagnostou E, Pearson PN, Pälike H, Norris RD, Thomas E & Foster GL
(2015) Eocene Seawater pH – Atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John E, Edgar K, Pearson P, Ridgwell A, Inglis G, Pancost R, Lunt D & Foster G
(2013) Eocene pCO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in “Glassy” Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John EH, Edgar KM, Pearson PN, Lear CH, Pancost RD & Foster GL
(2013) Relatively Small Degree of Surface Ocean Acidification during the PETM in the North Atlantic
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Pearson PN, Heiko P, Norris RD & Foster GL
(2013) Response of the Biological Pump to Elevated Ocean Temperatures during the Eocene
John E, Pearson P, Wade B, Coxall H, Foster G, Wilson J & Ridgwell A
(2009) Comparison of Long- and Short-Term Terrestrial Carbon Isotopic Records of the Palaeogene
Pancost R, Handley L, van Dongen B, Pearson P & Schouten S
(2008) Integrated Biomarker Records Reveal Complex and Dramatic Changes in High Latitude Climate during the Paleogene
Handley L, Hollis C, Crouch E, Schouten S, Huber M, Morgans H, Pearson P, Sinninghe Damsté J, Burgess C & Pancost R
(2002) Eocene Meridional Temperature Gradients from Oxygen Isotopes
Pearson P
(2002) The Boron Isotope Approach to Paleo-pCO2 Estimation
Pearson P & Palmer M

Pearson Vic (2023) Studying Habitability and Biosignatures Formation in Laboratory-Simulated Martian Environments
Olsson-Francis K, Pearson V, Macey M, Cogliati S, Ramkissoon N & Schwenzer S

Pearson Victoria (2020) Thermochemical Modelling of the Subsurface Environment on Enceladus
Hamp R, Olsson-Francis K, Schwenzer S & Pearson V
(2019) Simulation Experiments to Identify Potential Martian Bio-Signatures
Ramkissoon N, Macey M, Schwenzer S, Pearson V & Olsson-Francis K
(2019) Modelling the Rock-Water Interactions in the Sub-Surface Environment of Enceladus
Hamp R, Olsson-Francis K, Schwenzer S, Ramkissoon N & Pearson V

Pearson Victoria K. (2009) Laboratory Experiments on the Weathering of Iron Meteorites and Carbonaceous Chondrites by Iron-Oxidising Bacteria
Kee T, Gronstal A, Pearson V, Kappler A, Dooris C, Poitrasson F & Cockell C
(2002) Locating Organic Material in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Pearson VK, Kearsley A, Sephton M & Gilmour I

Pease Victoria (2013) Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry of Cretaceous Basalts from Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Canada
Nobre Silva I, Pease V & Morris G

Pease Victoria (2014) Age and Tectonic Significance of Cryogenian Magmatism on Socotra
Pease V, Whitehouse M & Al-Khirbash S
(2014) Accurate and Precise U/Pb Dating of Baddeleyite Single Crystals by Quadrupole LA-ICP-MS
Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser CC, Pease V, Söderlund U & Nilsson M

Pease Victoria (2016) Greenschist Facies Metamorphic Zircon in a Regional Normal-Sense Shear Zone, Brooks Range, Alaska
Hoiland CW, Miller EL & Pease V

peat database collaborators T. (2017) Quantifying Terrestrial Temperatures during the Early Paleogene: New Insights from Novel Organic Geochemical Proxies
Naafs D, Inglis G, Rohrssen M, Pancost R & peat database collaborators T

Peate David (2020) Investigating Nb & Ta Anomalies at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
Spitz B, Reagan M, Peate D, Duarte E & Rowe M
(2019) Quantifying Magma Generation Mechanisms of Large-Volume Silicic Eruptions of Afro-Arabian Flood Volcanics Through Mineral Chemistry, Radiogenic Isotope Analyses and Numerical Modelling of Melt Evolution
Thines J, Ukstins I, Peate D, Horkley LK & Coulthard, Jr. D
(2017) Identification of Subduction Signatures in the Geologic Record
Pearce J, Peate D & Smithies H

Peate David W (2022) The Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai Jan 15, 2022 Eruption: Mineral and Melt Evidence for Heterogeneous Magma Sources
Ukstins I, Adams DT, Peate DW, Cronin S, Wu J, Brenna M, Shane P, Smith IEM, Paredes Marino J & Kula T
(2021) Tracking the Evolution of a Submarine Arc-Hosted Hydrothermal System Through the Deportment of Phosphorous and Rare-Earth Elements
Höfig TW, Mott AV, Miller BV, Horkley LK, Zhang C & Peate DW

Peate David W. (2014) Peridotite Source for Enriched Snaefellsnes Off-Axis Lavas, Iceland
Peate D
(2014) Constraints on Petrogenesis of Silicic Magmas in the Afro-Arabian Flood Basalt Province Using Oxygen Isotopes
Ukstins Peate I, Harris C & Peate D
(2011) Assimilation of Lithospheric Mantle Melts by West Greenland Tholeiitic Magmas Recorded by Melt Inclusions
Peate D, Ukstins Peate I, Kent A & Rowe M
(2009) A New Trend for the Cape Verde Hotspot Magmas: Isotopic Evidence from Boa Vista
Holm PM, Peate DW, Dyhr CT & Schmith J
(2009) Shallow Slab Melting at the Start of Western Pacific Subduction: Geochemical and Experimental Evidence
Pearce J, Peate D & Rushmer T
(2008) A Melt Inclusion Investigation of Crustal Contamination: A Case Study at Paricutin Volcano
Rowe M, Peate D, Ukstins-Peate I & Housh T
(2008) Melt Inclusions as a Recorder of Crustal Assimilation Processes
Peate DW, Thompson J, Ukstins Peate I, Rowe M & Kent A
(2006) Compositional features of enriched Icelandic mantle components
Peate DW, Breddam K, Baker JA, Kurz M, Grassineau N & Barker AK
(2005) Temporal Variations of a Heterogeneous Mantle Plume Source; Santiago, Cape Verde
Barker A, Holm PM, Peate D & Baker J
(2004) Pb Isotope Heterogeneity of the Mantle beneath Iceland
Peate D, Baker J, Breddam K, Waight T, Skovgaard A, Stecher O, Prestvik T & Jonasson K
(2004) Pb-Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions of Tertiary Lower Silesia Basalts (SW Poland)
Ladenberger A, Peate D, Baker J & Michalik M
(2004) Dykes from Bermuda: Melilitites and Nephelinites
Olsen S, Bernstein S, Holm P, Brooks C, Kokfeldt T, Peate D & Gunn B
(2004) Extreme Geochemical Heterogeneity in Indian Ocean Tephra Layers from Afro-Arabian Silicic Flood Volcanism
Ukstins I, Peate D, Kent A & Baker J
(2004) Compositional and Isotopic Constraints on the Formation of Coexisting Silica over- and Under-Saturated Syenites: The Kangerlussuaq Intrusion Revisited
Riishuus M, Peate D, Tegner C, Wilson J & Brooks C
(2004) He, Hf, Nd and Double Spike Pb Isotope Geochemistry of the Canary Islands Archipelago
Mouatt J, Baker J, Harrison D, Peate D & Turner G
(2004) Interaction of the Rifting East Greenland Margin with a Zoned Ancestral Iceland Plume
Barker A, Peate D & Baker J
(2002) Comparison of Isotope Dilution and Laser Ablation REE Measurement of Geochemical Standards Reference Materials
Jacobsen B, Baker J, Kent A, Peate D, Bernstein S & Stecher O
(2002) New Double Spike Pb-Isotope Results for Primitive Icelandic Lavas
Breddam K, Peate D, Stecher O & Baker J
(2000) Low 187Os/188Os Isotope Ratios in Icelandic Basalts
Smit Y, Parkinson I, Hawkesworth C, Cohen A & Peate D
(2000) Precise and Accurate Pb-Pb Dating of Apatite, Sphene and Monazite in situ by High Mass Resolution LAM-MC-ICPMS
Willigers BJ, Krogstad EJ, Baker J & Peate DW

Peaudecerf A. (2000) Impact of the Burial Environment on Archaeological Bone Preservation. The Example of the Neolithic Lacustrine Sites 19 and 21 of Chalain, France
Reiche I, Peaudecerf A, Vignaud C, Menu M & Charlet L
(2000) Influence of Cations on the Dissolution of Apatite – A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach
Peaudecerf A, Charlet L, Chapron Y, Reiche I & Menu M

Pec M. (2017) Experimental Insights on Reactive Melt Migration in the Upper Mantle
Pec M, Holtzman B, Zimmerman M & Kohlstedt D
(2014) Influence of Stress on Melt Topology in Viscously Deforming, Partially Molten Rocks
Kohlstedt D, Pec M & Holtzman B

Peccerillo A. (2011) Melting Condition and Evolution of Fissural Volcanism in the Island of Faial (Azores Archipelago)
Zanon V, Peccerillo A & Pacheco JM
(2000) Bi-Plot Analysis to Explore Major Oxide Composition in Basic Rocks from Filicudi (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy): Comparison with Classical Harker Diagrams
Buccianti A, Peccerillo A & Santo AP
(2000) Magma Evolution at Filicudi Volcano, Aeolian Arc, Italy
Santo AP & Peccerillo A

Peccia A. (2023) What can Sulfur Isotope Ratios Measured in Melt Inclusions Tell us About the Subduction Zone Sulfur Cycle?
Taracsak Z, Mather TA, Pyle D, Plank T, Ding S, Peccia A & Aiuppa S

Pech C.G. (2023) Unravelling the Role of Surface Complexation in the Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Aerosols
Pech CG, De Jong J, Ciotonea C, Dhont G, Mattielli N & Flament P

Pecharová E. (2020) Comparison of Greenhouse and Field Experiments for Cesium Uptake in Two Aquatic Plant Species
Vacula J, Komínková D & Pecharová E

Pecher K. (2005) Chemistry of Metallic Iron Nanoparticles
Amonette J, Sarathy V, Linehan J, Matson D, Wang C, Nurmi J, Pecher K, Penn L, Tratnyek P & Baer D
(2005) Spectroscopic Characterization of Nano-Magnetite: Facts and Mystery About an Illusive Mineral Phase
Pecher K, Baer DR, McCready D, Engelhard M, Lopatin S & Browning N
(2002) Abiotic Dehalogenation of Aliphatic Contaminants in Heterogeneous Fe(II)/Fe(III) Systems
Haderlein SB, Elsner M, Erbs M, Hofstetter T, Pecher K & Schwarzenbach RP

Pecheyran C. (2023) Elemental Fingerprints of Mollusk Larval Shells can Help Estimate Population Connectivity in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
Mouchi V, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Cathalot C, Matabos M, Rouxel O, Jollivet D, Broquet T & Comtet T
(2021) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates from LA-ICP-MS Isotope Ratio Maps: Comparison between Different Data Processing Methods
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Paroissin C, Grignard P-A, Motte G, Chailan O & Girard J-P
(2019) High-Resolution 87/86Sr Analyses in Freshwater Mussels: Time-Series and Cartography Using Femto-Laser MC-ICP-MS
Lazareth CE, Pecheyran C, Berail S, Santos RV, Freitas CEC, Gaillard B & Pouilly M
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates by UV Femtosecond LA-ICPMS: Toward Reliable Ages from Isotopic Images and Without the Need for a Carbonate Primary Standard
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Grignard P-A, Chailan O & Girard J-P
(2017) Frontiers in Speciation Sciences: The MARSS Center: Centre of Mass Spectometry for Reactivity and Speciation Sciences
Donard OFX, Berail S, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Bowen I, Szpunar J, Bierla K, Schaumloeffel D, Malherbe J, Horreard F, Martinez H & Courreges C
(2012) Analysis of Individual Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions by Femtosecond Laser Ablation and TOF-SIMS
Pottorf R, Dreyfus S, Siljestroem S, Pecheyran C, Catalayud B, Phan N & Madincea M
(2011) Determination of U-Th and Pb Isotope Ratios in Crude Oil, Kerogen and Asphaltenes: Potential Application for Dating Age of Expulsion of Crude Oil from the Rock Source
Sanabria G, Pécheyran C, Bérail S, Prinzhofer A & Donard OFX
(2009) Exploring the World of High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Laser Ablation Coupled to ICPMS for Trace Element Analysis in Solids
Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Fernandez B, Ricard E, Gourlan A & Donard OFX
(2003) Fractionation of Mercury at the Molecular Level in Tuna and Whale from World Oceans: Potential and Limits of This Novel Approach to Assess Global Mercury Cycling
Donard O, Krupp E, Pecheyran C, Amouroux D & Fitzgerald W

Pečiulytė D. (2011) Behaviour of Tc(VII) in Aqueous Solutions in the Presence of Iron Oxides and Microorganisms
Druteikienė R, Lukšienė B, Pečiulytė D & Baltrūnas D

Peck D. (2005) Trace Element and Hf-Nd Isotopic Profiling of Crustal Contamination Across the Marginal Zone of the Muskox Intrusion, Nunavut
Mackie R, Scoates J, Weis D, Maerschalk C & Peck D

Peck E.K. (2022) From Free-Flowing and Dynamic to Backed-Up and Stagnant: How do Milldams Alter Denitrification and Nitrogen Processing in Riparian Soils and Terraces?
Peck EK, Inamdar S, Sherman M, Hripto J, Peipoch M, Gold AJ & Addy K

Peck V. (2022) Antiphased Dust Deposition and Productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 Million Years
Weber ME, Bailey I, Hemming SR, Martos YM, Reilly BT, Ronge TA, Brachfeld S, Williams T, Belt S, Smik L, Vogel H, Peck V, Gutjahr M & Seki O
(2021) Organic Carbon Isotopes of Planktic Foraminifera
Hoogakker B, Anderson C, Grant H, Mahaffey C, Blackbird S, McClymont E, Rickaby R, Poulton A & Peck V
(2020) Productivity and Dissolved Oxygen Controls on the Southern Ocean Deep-Sea Benthos during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
Stewart J, Spooner P, Burke A, Chen T, Li T, Rae J, Roberts J, Peck V, Liu Q & Robinson L

Peck W. (2005) Oxygen Isotopes in Zircon from A-Type Granites in Southern Finland: An Indicator of Separate Terrains?
Elliott B, Peck W, Ramo T, Vaasjoki M & Nironen M
(2005) A-Type Granites and AMCG Suites; An Isotopic Study from SE Finland
Rämö OT, Elliott BA, Peck WH, Johanson B & Alviola R
(2002) Zircon Evidence of the Earliest Archean Crust: 4.0-4.4 Ga
Valley JW, Cavosie A, Graham C, King E, Peck W & Wilde S
(2001) Liquid Water in the Early Archean: Ion Microprobe Evidence from Oxygen Isotopes in 4.01 to 4.40 Ga Detrital Zircons
Peck WH, Valley JW, Wilde SA & Graham CM

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