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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paytan Adina (2014) Core-Top Calibration of B/Ca in Pacific Ocean N. incompta and G. bulloides as a Surface Water Carbonate System Proxy
Quintana Krupinski NB, Russell AD, Pak DK & Paytan A
(2014) Combined Stable Strontium and Sulfur Mass Dependent Isotopic Measurements in Barite to Identify Origin
Griffith E, Paytan A, Schauble E, Scher H, Widanagamage I & Senko J
(2014) Resource Potential and Environmental Conservation of CA Seamounts, an Initial Review
Conrad T, Hein J & Paytan A
(2014) Stable Sr Isotopes in Seawater
Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Griffith E, Chien C-T & Street J
(2013) Methane Transport and Release to the Atmosphere in Permafrost Areas via Subterranean Groundwater Discharge
Paytan A, Lecher A, Dimova N, Sparrow K & Kessler J
(2013) Characterizing the Pb Isotopic Contribution of Dust to Seawater
Erhardt A, Chen C-T, Jacobson A, Moy C & Paytan A
(2012) Investigating Controls on Calcium Isotope Ratios in Marine Carbonates and Barite Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E, Fantle M, Bullen T, Eisenhauer A & Paytan A
(2012) A New Look on the Barium Cycle: Stable Barium Isotope Fractionation in ODP Sediments and Calibration Experiments
Bottcher ME, von Allmen K, Paytan A, Neubert N, Brumsack H-J, Samankassou E & Nagler TF
(2011) Using Lead Isotopes in Marine Barite to Understand Intermediate Water Dynamics
Erhardt A & Paytan A
(2010) Aerosol Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
Paytan A, Mackey K, Reistetter E & Buck C
(2010) Lead Isotopes in Marine Barite: An Intermediate Water Mass Tracer
Erhardt A & Paytan A
(2010) Seawater Calcium Isotope Record over the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E & Paytan A
(2009) A Calcium Isotope Excursion Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Payne J, Turchyn A, Paytan A, DePaolo D, Lehrmann D, Yu Y & Wei J
(2008) Evidence for a Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle during the Past 30 Million Years from a Record of Calcium Isotopes in Marine Barite
Griffith E, Paytan A & Bullen T
(2005) Seawater Calcium Isotopes from Marine Barite: A Potential Record of Carbonate Deposition in the Oceans
Morris E, Paytan A & Bullen T
(2005) Sulfur Multiple Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic-Cretaceous Sulfur Cycle
Wing B, Johnston D, Ono S, Farquhar J & Paytan A
(2005) The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Seawater from Marine Barite during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (~55<!s><$>Ma)
Faul K, Paytan A & Gray E
(2004) Seawater Sulfur Isotope Fluctuations in the Cretaceous
Paytan A, Kastner M & Thiemens M
(2003) Ca Isotope Fractionation during Ca-Carbonate Precipitation: There’s More to it Than Temperature
Bullen T, Kim S & Paytan A
(2002) Temperature Dependence of Ca Isotope Fractionation in Marine Carbonates
Deyhle A, Macdougall D, MacIsaac C & Paytan A
(2002) Geochemical Evidence for Enhanced Productivity and Paleoclimate Reconstruction during S1 Sapropel Deposition in the Mediterranean
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Kastner M & Bernasconi S

Paytan Adina (2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J
(2015) Magnitude and Mechanisms of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic during Warming Climate: Case Study from Alaska
Dimova N, Paytan A, Kessler J, Sparrow K, Garcia-Tigreros F, Lecher A, Murray J & Tulaczyk S
(2015) Phosphorus Biogeochemistry New Approaches New Insights
Paytan A
(2015) Marine Barite Production in the Mediterranean over the Last 20 Kyr: Reconstructing Productivity and Climate Fluctuations
Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Jiménez-Espejo FJ, Gallego-Torres D, Nieto-Moreno V, Paytan A & Ortega-Huertas M
(2015) The Role of Viable Airborne Microorganisms Deposition in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea
Rahav E, Herut B & Paytan A
(2015) Constraining the Mechanisms Driving δ44/40Ca Variations in Coccolithophores: A Mixed Culture and Fossil Study Approach
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Kolevica A, Abrevaya L, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Isensee K, González-Lemos S & Stoll H

Paytan Adina (2017) Climate Change Education for Adaptation and Resilience
Paytan A, Weiss E, Halversen C, Pedemonte S & Mescioglu E
(2017) What the Flux? Isotopic Constraints on the Marine Barium Budget
Horner T, Auro M, Paytan A & Nielsen S
(2017) Barium Cycling in the Ocean: The Role of Bacteria in Marine Barite Precipitaion
Martinez-Ruiz F, Jroundi F, Paytan A & Gonzalez-Muñoz MT
(2017) Modelling the Mechanisms Controlling d88/86Sr Variations in Coccolithophores
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Kolevica A, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Abrevaya L, Isensee K & Stoll H
(2017) The Barium Isotopic Composition of the Global Groundwater Flux
Bitterwolf K, Horner T, Auro M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Paytan A
(2017) Applying δ11B as a Paleogroundwater Discharge Proxy along Coastlines
Broach K, Paytan A, You C-F & Wang D
(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J
(2017) Diversity of Airborne Fungi in the Air Masses over the Mediterranean Sea
Mescioglu E, Rahav E, Eizenga JM, Herut B, Vichik A & Paytan A

Paytan Adina (2018) Isotopes, Genes and Technology The Past, Present and Future of Corals
Paytan A
(2018) Insights into the Genesis of post-Marinoan Barite Using Ba Isotopes
Crockford P, Wing B, Paytan A, Halverson G, Torres M, Hayles J, Caxito F, Uhlein G & Horner T
(2018) Silicate vs Carbonate Weathering: Isotopic Co-variability in the Fraser River, Canada
Bitterwolf K, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eisenhauer A, Santiago-Ramos D, Higgins J & Paytan A
(2018) Geochemistry, Weathering and Other Processes – A Teachable Moment
Paytan A

Paytan Adina (2019) The Story of Sulphur in Seawater
Paytan A, Yao W & Wortmann U
(2019) Insight from Metal and Nonmetal Isotopes for Barite Formation
Griffith E, Paytan A, Wortmann U, Eisenhauer A, Scher H & Bullen T
(2019) Mechanisms of Pelagic Barite Precipitation
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad MDM, Lam P, Bishop JKB, Horner TJ, Morton PL & Kastner M

Paytan Adina (2020) Tungsten Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic Sulfur Cycle
Yang R, Elliott T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Li T, Ling H, Chen J, Hein JR, Coath C, Stubbs D & Li G
(2020) Barium-Isotopic Signatures of Barite Diagenesis
Middleton J, Paytan A & Horner T
(2020) Magnesium and Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dolomite Formation
Tatzel M, Paytan A, DiLoreto Z, Dittrich M, Bontognali T & Sanchez-Román M
(2020) Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes in Seawater over the Late Quaternary
Wood M, Tatzel M, Pit S & Paytan A
(2020) Role of Exopolymers in Pelagic Barite Precipitation in the Ocean
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad MDM, Lam P, Horner T & Kastner M
(2020) Teaching with Data: Engaging Students in Learning Through the Use of Authentic Data
Paytan A

Paytan Adina (2021) Engaging Students in the Geosciences Using Effective and Versatile Climate and Data Literacy Teaching Modules
Paytan A, Weiss E, Pedemonte S & Apple J
(2021) Seawater Stable Strontium Isotope Fluctuations over Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Wood M, Kolevica A, Eisenhauer A, Hain M, Ridgewell A, Griffith EM & Paytan A
(2021) Barium Isotope Signatures of Barite Diagenesis
Middleton J, Paytan A, Saito M & Horner TJ
(2021) Factors Controlling Pelagic Barite Distribution Across the Ocean Water Column: New Insights from the Great Calcite Belt
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Lam PJ, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad-Ortega MDM, Horner TJ & Kastner M
(2021) Refining Trace Metal Temperature Proxies in Cold-Water Scleractinian and Stylasterid Corals
Stewart J, Robinson LF, Day R, Strawson I, Samperiz A, Burke A, Rae JWB, Spooner P, Etnoyer P, Williams B, Paytan A, Leng M, Haussermann V, Wickes L, Bratt R & Pryer HV

Paytan Adina (2022) Barium Isotope Fractionation during Ion Exchange at the Barite-Fluid Interface: Implications for Barium Cycling in Seawater
Middleton JT, Paytan A & Horner TJ
(2022) Trace Metal Analysis of Coral Skeletons: Anthropogenic Influences on Corals in Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pessoa I, Paytan A, Wood M, Pit S, Antonioli L & Geraldes M
(2022) Stable Tungsten Isotopic Composition of Seawater over the Past 80 Million Years
Li G, Yang R, Stubbs D, Elliott T, Li T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Ling H-F, Chen J, Hein JR & Coath CD
(2022) Global Quaternary Carbonate Burial: Updated Reconstructions, Persisting Uncertainties, and New Directions
Wood M, Hayes CT & Paytan A
(2022) Microbial Control on the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Cenozoic Marine Sulfate
Waldeck A, Hemingway JD, Yao W, Paytan A & Johnston D
(2022) Geoscience Resources on Opportunities in the Workforce (GROW): Helping Students Navigate Careers Beyond Academia
Paytan A, Wood M & Houlton H

Paytan Adina (2023) Marine Barite Formation in the Mediterranean during Sapropel Deposition: Role of Microbial Processes and Primary Productivity
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Monedero-Contreras RD & de Lange GJ
(2023) Subsurface Carbon Dynamics in Diverse Coastal Wetland Settings at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Pit S, Paytan A, Chuang P-C, Hermosillo N, Galindo-Eguiarte V & Osleger L
(2023) Shelf Pyrite Weathering as Negative Feedback to Glacial pCO2 during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Yao W, Markovic S, Paytan A, Erhardt AM & Wortmann UG

Paz A. (2020) Biogeochemical Processes Responsible for Iron Duricrust Cementation
Gagen E, Paz A, Levett A & Southam G
(2019) Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Oxide in the Rhizosphere of Plants Grown on Ferruginous Duricrust (Canga)
Paz A, Gagen E, Levett A & Southam G
(2016) Iron Biogeochemical Cycling in Ferruginous Duricrust (Canga)
Paz A, Gagen E & Southam G
(2016) The Importance of Iron Duricrust Formation to Brazilian Iron Ore Production
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Monteiro H, Paz A & Vasconcelos P

Paz Y. (2011) Analysis of Thermal Phases in Canaanite Ceramic 'Metallic Ware' Using FT-Ir Spectroscopy
Shoval S & Paz Y

Pazos F. (2001) Bioinformatics Approaches to the Detection of Protein Interaction Networks
Blaschke C, Gonzalez M, Oliveros-Collazos JC, Pazos F, Tamames J & Valencia A

Pazukhina A.A. (2023) Geochemical Variations in the Composition of LIPs of the South-East of the Siberian Platform
Savelev AD, Pazukhina AA, El Bilali H & Ernst RE
(2021) Refinement of Paleomagnetic Data for Meso-Neoproterozoic Rocks of the Southeast of the Siberian Platform
Savelev AD, Pasenko AM & Pazukhina AA
(2020) Geochemical Typification of Early Cambrian Magmatism of the Northeast of the Siberian Platform (Neleger River Area)
Savelev AD, Malyshev SV & Pazukhina AA

Pazzaglia F. (2014) Chemical Weathering and Pedogenesis in Rubified Paleosols of Central Pennsylvania
Peters S, Pazzaglia F, Blake J & Dykman J
(2005) Five Ways to Examine What Isn‚t in There with Cosmogenic Isotopes
Gosse J, Baker S, Pazzaglia F, Brandon M, Karlstrom K, Pederson J & Finkel R

Pe-Piper G. (2013) LREE-Rich Beach Sands from Sithonia Peninsula (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Papadopoulos A, Christofides G, Pe-Piper G & Koroneos A
(2007) Deciphering the Time of Igneous Activity in the Lavrion Ore Province, Attica, Greece: Manifestation of Late Miocene and Triassic Magmatism
Liati A, Skarpelis N & Pe-Piper G

Peach D. (2013) The Geochemistry of London
Ludden J, Peach D & Flight D

Peach E. (2019) Pathways of Organic Carbon Degradation in Sand
Hutchinson T, Kessler A, Wong WW, Greening C, Peach E & Cook P

Peacock A. (2014) Critical Role of a Wetland Plant on Uranium Biogeochemistry in an Iron-Rich Reducing Condition
Chang H, Buettner S, Seaman J, Jaffe P, Koster Van Groos P, Li D, Peacock A, Scheckel K & Kaplan D
(2012) Electron Donor Utilization during the Bioreduction of Uranium
Jaffe P, Barlett M, Kerkhoff L, Long P, Lovley D, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Tan H & Williams K
(2008) Characterizing the Extent and Role of Natural Subsurface Bioreduction in a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer
Campbell KM, Qafoku N, Kukkadapu R, Williams K, Lesher E, Figuera L, Peacock A, Davis J, Icenhower J & Long P
(2008) Microbial, Geochemical, and Physical Responses to Biostimulation for U(VI) Reduction in Soil Columns
Jaffe P, ElBishlawi H, Kerkhoff L, Kukkadapu R, Long P, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Wilkins M & Williams K
(2001) Lipids and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry of Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
Zhang CL, Sassen R, Peacock A, White DC, Huang Y, Wall JD & Larsen L

Peacock Caroline (2019) The Role of Minerals in Cryptic Methane Cycling in Marine Surface Sediment
Xiao K-Q & Peacock C
(2019) U(VI) Sorption and Nanoparticulate Formation in Secondary Amorphous Silica
James E, Peacock C, Graham J & Burke I
(2019) Secrets of the Deep – Shining Light on Bio-Essential Element Cycling at the Sediment-Seawater Interface
Peacock C
(2018) Understanding Trace Metal Sorption by Marine Minerals to Validate and Calibrate Geochemical Palaeoproxies
Peacock C, Rodley J, Dixon S, Poulton S, Parkinson I & James R
(2018) Mineralogical Controls on the Cycling of Trace Metals in Marine Sediments
Peacock C
(2016) Cobalt Sorption to Ferrihydrite and Ferrihydrite-Humic Composites
Woodward G, Peacock C, Otero Fariña A, Law G, Thompson O & Burke I
(2016) Molecular-Level Coupling of Iron and Carbon Cycling and its Impact on Micronutrient Bioavailability
Peacock C, Otero Farina A, Woodward G & Foster H
(2016) Phosphorus Cycling in a Low Sulfate Euxinic Ocean Analogue, Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
Xiong Y, Guilbaud R, Peacock C, Cox R, Krom M & Poulton S
(2016) Silica Scaling Depending on SiO2 Speciation in Geothermal Waters
van den Heuvel DB, Gunnlaugsson E, Gunnarsson I, Stawski TM, Peacock CL & Benning LG

Peacock Caroline L (2015) Lysozyme Controls the Character of Biomimetic Silica Composites
Meier DB, Stawski TM, Peacock CL & Benning LG
(2015) Manganese Oxides: A ‘Mineral Pump’ Mechanism for Transforming Organic Carbon?
Johnson KL, Peacock C, Purvis G, Lopez-Capel E, Gray N, Wagner T, März C, Greenwell C & Worrall F
(2015) Coupled Cycling of Mn and Micronutrients in Marine Sediments
Peacock C, Atkins A & Shaw S
(2015) Reactivity and Cycling of Trace-Metals in Marine Sediments
Peacock C
(2015) Phosphorus Cycling in a Euxinic Precambrian Ocean Analogue
Xiong Y, Guilbaud R, Cox R, Peacock C, Krom M & Poulton S
(2015) Effects of Mg2+ on the Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Calcium Sulfate
Rabizadeh T, Stawski T, Peacock C & Benning L
(2014) Nano-Scale TEM Imaging of Caesium Incorporation into Illite Interlayers
Fuller A, Shaw S, Ward M, Haigh S, Mosselmans F, Peacock C, Stackhouse S, Dent A, Trivedi D & Burke I
(2014) Enhanced Uptake of Sr into Calcite via an Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Precursor: An EXAFS Study
Littlewood J, Shaw S, Peacock CL, Trivedi D & Burke IT
(2014) Coupled Cycling of Iron and Bioessential Trace-Metals
Peacock C, Moon E & van Maldegem L
(2014) Transformation of Ni-Rich Birnessite Nanoparticles: Implications for the Fate of Bioessential Ni
Atkins A, Peacock C & Shaw S
(2014) Biomineralization of Mn Oxides by Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacilli from an Extreme Environment
Mayanna S, Peacock CL, Ciobota V, Narayana VKB, Kothe E, Rösch P, Popp J & Büchel G
(2014) Neutralisation of Red Mud Leachate: Mineralogical and Trace Metal Effects
Burke I, Peacock C, Lockwood C, Stewart D, Mortimer R, Ward M, Renforth P, Gruiz K & Mayes W
(2013) Bioessential Metal Sorption at Ferrihydrite-Bacteria Interfaces
Peacock C & Moon E
(2013) Post Depositional Transformation of Ni-Rich Birnessite
Atkins A, Peacock C & Shaw S
(2013) Protein-Silica Interactions: The Effect of Lysozyme on the Structure of Amorphous Silica
Meier DB, Tobler DJ, Peacock CL & Benning LG
(2013) Tracking Changes in Ocean Redox during the PETM Using Cr Isotopes
Parkinson I, Dixon S, Sexton P, Fehr M, James R & Peacock C
(2012) Solution Chemistry Controls Multisite Sorption of 137Cs on Micaceous Soils
Fuller A, Shaw S, Peacock C, Trivedi D & Burke I
(2012) Deciphering the Cenozoic Tl Isotope Record of Marine Ferromanganese Crusts- New Evidence from Adsorption Experiments
Peacock C, Nielsen S, Wasylenki L, Moon E & Rehkamper M
(2012) Neptunium Biogeochemistry and the Manganese Cycle
Law G, Thorpe C, Shaw S, Atkins A, Peacock C, Livens F, LLoyd J, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
(2011) Speciation of Contaminant Metals in Red Mud from Ajka, Hungary
Burke I, Mayes W, Peacock C, Brown A, Jarvis A & Gruiz K
(2010) Modelling Trace-Metal Sorption to Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides: Cu(II) and Bacteriogenic Ferrihydrite
Moon E & Peacock C
(2009) Cu(II) Sorption to Bacillus subtilis and Bacteriogenic Ferrihydrite: Insights from XAS Spectroscopy
Moon E & Peacock C
(2009) Oxidative Scavenging of Tl by Mn Oxide Birnessite: Sorption and Stable Isotope Fractionation
Peacock C, Moon E, Nielsen S & Halliday A
(2009) Surface Complexation of Cu on Birnessite (δ-MnO2): Controls on Abundance and Isotopic Composition in the Deep Ocean
Sherman D, Bednarz E, Peacock C & Archer C
(2008) Investigation of Thallium Isotope Fractionation during Sorption to Mn Oxides
Nielsen S, Peacock C & Halliday A
(2007) Surface Complexation of Uranium(VI) on Fe/Mn (Hydr)oxides
Sherman D, Peacock C & Hubbard C
(2005) Sorption of Ni by Marine Fe-Mn Nodules and Crusts: Surface Complexation and Structural Incorporation of Ni in Birnessite
Peacock C & Sherman D
(2004) Metal Sorption to iron(III) (Hydr)oxides: The First Surface Complexation Models Consistent with Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry
Sherman D & Peacock C
(2002) Vanadium (III, IV and V) Sorption onto Goethite a-FeOOH
Peacock CL & Sherman DM
(2000) Mechanism of Cu Sorption onto Iron Oxides: Results from Sorption Isotherms and Spectroscopy
Peacock CL, Sherman DM, Todd E & Heasman DM

Peacock Caroline L. (2023) Ligand-Induced Isotopically Heavy Zn Release during Marine Birnessite Transformation to Todorokite
Wang Z, Li W, Homoky WB, Little SH & Peacock CL
(2023) Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Minerals Protect Carboxyl-Rich Organic Carbon from Microbial Remineralisation in the Marine Environment
Curti L, Xiao K-Q, Babakhani P, Moore OW, Otero-Farina A, Woulds C & Peacock CL
(2023) Production of Geopolymerised Organic Carbon in Association with Iron at Hydrothermal Vents
Moore OW, Lough AJM, Woulds C, Homoky WB, Curti L & Peacock CL
(2022) Mineralogical Control on Methylotrophic Methanogenesis and Implication for Cryptic Methane Cycling in Marine Surface Sediment
Xiao K-Q, Moore OW, Babakhani P, Curti L & Peacock CL
(2022) Zn Stable Isotope Fractionation during Sorption onto Todorokite: A Molecular Perspective from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Function Theory
Wang Z, Kwon K, Peacock CL, Mo X, Gou W, Feng X & Li W
(2022) The Role of Soil Organic Carbon Chemistry in Soil Aggregate Formation and Carbon Preservation
Otero-Fariña A, Brown H, Xiao K-Q, Chapman P, Holden J, Banwart S & Peacock CL
(2022) The Role of Carboxyl Groups in Inhibiting and Retarding Microbial Remineralisation of Organic Carbon (OC) during Adsorption with Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Curti L, Xiao K-Q, Babakhani P, Moore OW, Woulds C, Kazemian M, Kaulich B & Peacock CL
(2022) Preservation and/Or Escape: The Fate of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Global Marine Sediments?
Babakhani P, Dale AW, Woulds C, Moore OW, Xiao K-Q, Curti L, Zhao M & Peacock CL
(2022) Iron &amp; Manganese Catalysis of Reactive Organic Carbon Molecules into Stable Forms within Marine Sediments
Moore OW, Curti L, Woulds C, Bradley JA, Mills BJW, Homoky WB, Xiao K-Q, Babakhani P, Fisher BJ & Peacock CL
(2022) An Isotopically Heavy Source of Nickel: Release of Nickel during Birnessite Transformation into Todorokite
Chen L, Archer C, Little SH & Peacock CL
(2017) Macroscopic and Microscopic Study of the Retention of Contaminants by Organo-Mineral Composites
Otero-Fariña A, Peacock CL, Moon EM, Antelo J & Fiol S
(2017) Molecular Controls on the Concentration, Speciation and Isotopic Composition of Trace Elements in Marine Sediments
Peacock C
(2017) Biogeochemical Controls on the Bioavailability of Ni in Seawater
Peacock C, Atkins A, Mayanna S & Shaw S
(2017) Assessing Ocean Deoxygenation during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Remmelzwaal S, Dixon S, Parkinson I, Schmidt D, Monteiro F, Sexton P, Fehr M, Peacock C & James R

Peacock E. (2004) The West Falmouth Oil Spill: A Geochemical Update after 35 Years
Reddy C, Nelson R, Xu L, Peacock E, White H, Eglinton T & Slater G

Peacock M. (2017) Tracing Methane Emissions from Temperate Wetlands
Lengger S, Lim K, Hornibrook E, Peacock M, Bull I, Evershed R & Pancost R

Peacock S (2000) Transient Tracers and Interannual Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cell
Rodgers K, Dutay J, Orr J, Monfray P, Madec G, Peacock S & Key R

Peacock S. M. (2001) A New Model for Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and Phase Changes in Subducting Slabs
Hacker BR, Peacock SM & Abers GA

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