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Pavuluri Chandra (2009) Molecular Characteristics and Seasonal Differences of Urban Organic Aerosols from Chennai: A Case Study of a Mega-City in Tropical India
Fu P, Kawamura K & Pavuluri C

Pavuluri Chandra Mouli (2023) Molecular Distributions and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Diacids, Oxoacids, and α-Dicarbonyls in PM2.5 from Underground Coal Fire Field in Inner Mongolia, North China: Implications for Anthropogenic Origin of Azelaic Acid
Xu Z, Zhao X, Li P, Dong Z, Sun R, Fu P & Pavuluri CM
(2023) Optical Characterization, Seasonality, and Sources of Brown Carbon in Fine Aerosols from Tianjin, North China: Year-Round Observations
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C-Q
(2021) Light Absorption and Flouorescence Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Brown Carbon in PM2.5 in Tianjin, North China
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C
(2021) Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Diacids, Oxoacids, α-Dicarbonyls and Fatty Acids in PM2.5 at Tianjin, North China: Implications for Origins and Secondary Formation Pathways
Li P, Pavuluri CM, Dong Z, Xu Z, Fu P & Liu C
(2020) Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Total Carbon, Diacids, Oxoacids, a-Dicarbonyls and Fatty Acids in PM2.5 at Tianjin, North China
Li P, Pavuluri CM, Dong Z, Wang Y, Xu Z, Fu P & Liu C-Q
(2017) Changes in Atmospheric Loading, Composition and 13C Isotope Ratios of Organic Aerosols with Biological Activity in Northeast Asia
Pavuluri CM, Kawamura K, Fu P & Tachibana E

Pavuluri S. (2021) Reactive Transport Modelling with a Coupled OpenFOAM®-PHREEQC Platform
Pavuluri S, Soulaine C, Claret F & Andre L

Pawel M. (2008) Dynamics of Water in Aqueous Solutions Confined in Silica Matrices Determined from Neutron Scattering
Cole D, Mamontov E, Dai S, Pawel M, Liang C, Jenkins T, Gasparovic G, Kintzel E, Vlcek L & Cummings P

Pawlak F. (2023) Anthropogenic Particles in the Atmospheric Aerosol in the Hornsund Area (Southern Spitsbergen)
Wliczyńska-Michalik W, Pawlak F, Kozioł K & Michalik M

Pawlak J. (2014) Atypically Heavy Isotope Composition of Carbon and Oxygen in Calcareus Sinters from the Cordillera Orientale, Andes, Argentina
Hercman H, Gradziński M, Alonso RN, Gąsiorowski M, Jach R & Pawlak J

Pawley A. R. (2006) In-situ study of the structure of talc and 10Å phase at high pressure using synchrotron IR and XRD
Parry SA, Pawley AR, Jones RL & Clark SM
(2001) Dynamic In Situ, High-P/T Mineralogical and Petrological Research Using Synchrotron Radiation
Henderson CMB, Shaw S & Pawley AR

Pawley Alison (2020) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson S & Shorttle O
(2019) Halogens in Garnet Eclogites from Western Norway: Implications for Subcontinental Mantle Metasomatism
Burgess R, Hughes L, Quas-Cohen A, Pawley A, Droop G & Cuthbert S
(2019) Halogen Heterogeneity in the Icelandic Mantle Source
Waters E, Hartley M, Street K, Burgess R, Pawley A, Halldórsson SA & Shorttle O
(2017) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in High Pressure Subduction Zone Minerals from the Western and Central Alps
Hughes L, Burgess R, Pawley A, Chavrit D, Lyon I, Tartese R, Droop G & Ballentine C
(2015) Halogen Abundances in OIB Source Regions
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Marquardt K, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2014) Evidence for Volatile Recycling from Determination of the OIB Mantle Source Halogen Concentration
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Clay P, Ruzié L, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2014) Halogen Incorporation in Forsterite at Earth´s Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Marquardt K, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2013) Halogen Partitioning Behavior at Earth's Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Lyon I, Pawley A, Henkel T, Ruzie L, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine CJ

Pawlik-Skowroñska B. (2006) Mineral Phases and Element Composition of the Cu Hyperaccumulator Lichen Lecanora polytropa
Purvis OW & Pawlik-Skowroñska B

Pawlikowski M. (2004) Mineralogy and Chemistry of Osteoporosis – Mechanism of Mineralization (Calcification) of Human Tissues
Pawlikowski M

Pawlowska M. (2012) The Unusual Nature of the Proterozoic Biomarker Record and the Mat-Seal Hypothesis
Brocks JJ, Pawlowska MM & Butterfield NJ
(2009) Biomarkers vs. Body Fossils – Insights from the Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda and Ui Groups
Pawlowska M, Schinteie R & Brocks J

Pawlowski J. (2023) 500 Million Years of Foraminiferal Calcification
de Nooijer LJ, Pacho Sampedro L, Jorissen F, Pawlowski J, Rosenthal Y, Dissard D & Reichart G-J
(2014) High-Throughput Sequencing of Marine Biodiversity Archives: Promises and Challenges
Lejzerowicz F, Esling P & Pawlowski J

Pawlowsky-Glahn V. (2013) Geochemical Processes Affecting Stream Water at European Scale Investigated by Differential Scaling Operator (Perturbation) in the Simplex Metric
Buccianti A, Egozcue JJ & Pawlowsky-Glahn V

Pawlyta M. (2020) Biogenic Sphalerite and Galena Formation in Peatlands Polluted by Atmospheric Deposition
Smieja-Król B, Pawlyta M, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Kądziołka-Gaweł M
(2014) Radiocarbon Dating of Soot Aggregates – Speleothems Black Layers Example
Hercman H & Pawlyta M

Paxton R.B. (2021) Hot and Late: Clumped Isotopes in Middle Jurassic Calcite-Cemented Concretions from Skye
Paxton RB, Andrews JE, Dennis PF & Marca AD

Paxton S.T. (2010) Constraints on Sedimentation Rates from Uranium Diffusion
Cruse AM, Paxton ST & Aufill M

Payà A. (2017) Mineral Chemistry as a Tool for Optimization the Mineral Processing in the Central Andean Tin Belt
Jiménez-Franco A, Payà A, Alfonso P & Garcia-Valles M

Payan P. (2004) Preliminary Study of the Organic Matrix Secretion Pattern into Biominerals: The Scleractinian Corals and Fish Otolith Models
Pereira-Mouriès L, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Puverel S, Zoccola D, Payan P & Allemand D

Payandi-Rolland D. (2017) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in the Mérantaise River (France)
Roche A, Payandi-Rolland D, Vennin E, Bundeleva I, Amiotte-Suchet P, Bouton A, Courvoisier H & Visscher P

Payblas C. (2019) Binding Dynamics of Carboxylate to Amorphous Aluminum Oxide As Studied By Flow Adsorption Microcalorimetry: Effect of R-Group Chemistry
Payblas C & Harvey O

Paychere S. (2009) Carbon Isotope Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon as a Tracer of Geo-, Bio- and Anthropogenic Sources of Carbon: Examples from Swiss Rivers and Lakes
Vennemann T, Fontana D & Paychere S

Paydary P. (2018) Usefulness and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Application to Selenium Oxyanion Biogeochemistry
Larese-Casanova P, Schellenger A, Paydary P, Xia L, Jaisi D & Onnis-Hayden A
(2018) Quantum dot Dissolution in Photic and Aphotic Aqueous Environments
Paydary P & Larese-Casanova P

Payet V. (2021) Mapping Silica Content of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Using ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset
Ito G, Flahaut J, Barthez M, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Martinot M & Payet V
(2019) Felsic Rocks on Mars
Flahaut J, Brustel C, Payet V, Allemand P & Quantin C

Payn Robert (2018) Sr and U Isotopes Reveal the Influence of Lithologic Structure and Weathering on Surface-Groundwater Interaction along a Mountain Stream (Hyalite Canyon, MT)
Miller F, Ewing S, Payn R, Paces J, Leuthold S, Michalek T & Custer S
(2014) Groundwater Nitrate and the Fate of Native Soil Fertility with Cultivation
Ewing S, Sigler A, Brookshire J, Payn R & Wankel S

Payn Robert A (2022) Water Quality Legacies of Agriculture, Urbanization, and Strip Mining in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
Ewing SA, Payn RA, Reinhold AM, Meredith E, Mitchell C, Foster MJ & Keeshin S

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