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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pavese Alessandro (2015) Lower Mantle Hydrogen Partitioning between Periclase and Perovskite: A Quantum Chemical Modeling
Pavese A, Bonadiman C, Merli M & Diella V

Pavia Frank (2014) Dust in the Southern Hemisphere – From Source to Sink
Winckler G, Borunda A, Koffman B, Recasens C, Pavia F, Kaplan M, Goldstein S, Schwarz R, Anderson R, Lamy F, Gersonde R & Pahnke K

Pavia Frank (2015) Scavenging of Thorium and Protactinium by Particles from the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Anderson R, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Cheng H, Lu Y & Edwards RL

Pavia Frank (2017) What do Deviations from the Reversible Scavenging Model Tell us About the Removal of Trace Elements from the Ocean?
Anderson R, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards L
(2017) Vertical POC Flux Profiles and Oxygen Utilization Rates from Particulate 230Th-Normalization
Pavia F, Anderson R, Lam P, Martin M, Fine R, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Pavia Frank (2021) Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Marine Ba Cycle: Dissolved and Particulate Barium Distributions along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic and South Pacific Zonal Transects (GA03 and GP16)
Shiller A, Rahman S, Anderson R, Charette MA, Hayes CT, Gilbert M, Grissom K, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2021) Thorium-Derived Dust Fluxes in the Pacific: Examining Seawater, Particle and Sediment-Based Estimates
Black E, Anderson R, Edwards RL, Hayes CT, Li X, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Redmond NA & Schroedl P
(2021) Particulate Excess Ba as a Proxy for Biological Productivity along the North Atlantic and South Pacific GEOTRACES Transects
Rahman S, Shiller A, Anderson R, Hayes CT, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2021) Changing Chemistry of Particulate Manganese in the Near- and Far-Field Hydrothermal Plumes from 15°S East Pacific Rise and its Influence on Metal Scavenging
Lee J-M, Lam PJ, Vivancos S, Pavia F, Anderson R, Lu Y, Cheng H, Zhang P, Edwards RL, Xiang Y & Webb S
(2021) Global Patterns in Oceanographic Influences on 10Be Deposition Rates to the Seafloor
Middleton JL, Winckler G, Schaefer J, Pavia F, Anderson R, Schwartz R, Zhou Y & Kinsley C

Pavia Frank (2022) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon from U M4-edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Houchin SK, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Pavia F
(2022) Constraints on Global Dust Inputs and Iron Cycling from Measurements and Models of Thorium Isotopes
Pavia F, Wang W-L & Moore K

Pavia Frank (2023) Benthic Flux of Isotopically Heavy Ni from Sediments Helps to Resolve Mass Balance of Nickel in the Modern Ocean
Bian X, Yang S-C, Raad RJ, Lunstrum A, Dong S, Kemnitz N, Rollins N, Cetiner JEP, Pavia F, Hammond D, Berelson WM, Adkins J & John SG
(2023) Equatorward Expansion of the North Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones over the Past Three Decades
Landry K, Dong S, Chen J-J, Kong T, Osorio Rodriguez D, Pavia F, Subhas AV, Peng XN, Adkins J, Berelson WM & Wang XT

Pavia M. (2019) How do Microbes Make Minerals in the Environment? Tracking Iron and Sulfur Biomineralization Using Meta-Omics and Microscopy
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R, Henri P, Pavia M, Polson S & Macalady J

Paviceciv M.K. (2016) Erosion Rate Study at the Allchar Deposit (Macedonia) Based on Radioactive and Stable Cosmogenic Nuclides (26Al, 36Cl, 3He, and 21Ne)
Paviceciv MK, Cvetkovic V, Niedermann S, Pejovic V, Amthauer G, Boev B, Bosch F, Anicin I & Henning WF

Pavićević M.K. (2009) 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Geological Events of the Allchar Deposit and its Host Rocks
Neubauer F, Pavićević MK, Genser J, Jelenković R, Boev B & Amthauer G

Pavich M. (2012) Post OIS6 Climate-Change Records in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Markewich H, Pavich M, Wysocki D & Litwin R
(2012) Rock Micro-Structure Controls Regolith Thickness
Bazilevskaya E, Lebedeva M, Rother G, Pavich M, Parkinson DY, Cole D & Brantley SL
(2005) Grain Size Dependency of <+>10<$>Be Concentrations in Alluvial Sediments in the Great Smoky Mountains
Matmon A, Bierman P, Larsen J, Southworth S, Pavich M, Finkel R & Caffee M

Pavinato P.S. (2022) Micro- and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil
Hesterberg DLR, Ferreira TR, Pólo CC, Rabelo RS, Tolentino H, Pérez CA, Roose T, Gonzaga LC, Carvalho JN, Bordonal RDO & Pavinato PS

Pavlekovic M. (2009) Novel Tools for in situ Detection of Biodiversity and Function of Dechlorinating and Uranium-Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Environments
Hauer K, Meisinger DB, Pavlekovic M, Thomas SH, Kniggendorf A-K, Chee Sanford J, Sanford R, Lebrón CA, Liebl W, Loeffler FE & Lee NM

Pavlidou A. (2018) Nutrient Dynamics in East Mediterranean Sea Under Different Water Masses
Pavlidou A, Rousselaki E, Velaoras D & Papadopoulos V
(2017) Nutrient Dynamics in Eastern Mediterranean Sea, South of Crete Island
Pavlidou A, Rousselaki E, Velaoras D & Psarra S
(2016) Long Term Hypoxic/Anoxic Conditions and Nutrient Enrichment in an East Mediterranean Embayment: West Saronikos Gulf, Aegean Sea, Greece
Pavlidou A, Kontoyiannis H & Rousselaki E
(2015) Benthic Fluxes of ex situ Incubations and Porewater Nutrient Concentrations Near the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Athens, Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P, Prifti E & Kaberi E
(2014) Nutrient Fluxes in a Hypoxic Marine Environment of East Mediterranean
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P & Kaberi H

Pavlista M. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F

Pavlov A. (2018) Chain Formation as a Mechanism for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Archean Atmosphere
Harman C, Pavlov A, Babikov D & Kasting J
(2017) Chain Formation as a Mechanism for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Archean Atmosphere
Harman C, Pavlov A, Babikov D & Kasting J
(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2008) Climate Stability on the Early Earth. How to Recover from Glaciations?
Pavlov A
(2008) Phosphorus Redox Chemistry on the Early Earth: Clues to Biochemistry
Pasek M, Kee T, Bryant D, Lauretta D, Melosh J, Pavlov A & Lunine J
(2007) Hydrogen Abundance in the Prebiotic Atmosphere. Reducing or Weakly Reducing?
Pavlov A, Stevenson S & Yelle R
(2005) Mystery of the Volcanic Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Signature in the Antarctic Ice-Core
Pavlov A, Mills M & Toon O
(2004) Dating Method of the Martian Permafrost and Ice Using Isotopic Ratios of Dissolved Gases
Pavlov A, Kogan V & Konstantinov A
(2004) Prebiotic Methane Abundance in the hydrogen/CO2-rich Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Tian F, Toon O & Holland H
(2003) S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Ono S, Rumble D, Kasting J & Toon B
(2003) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Records from the Hamersley Basin, Australia
Ono S, Rumble D, Pavlov A, Eigenbrode J, Kasting J & Lindsay J
(2001) Photochemical Modeling of Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Low-O2 Atmospheres
Kasting JF & Pavlov AA

Pavlov S.G. (2015) Space Weathering on Mercury: An Integrated TEM, FTIR and Raman Study
Stojic AN, Weber I, Pavlov SG, Morlok A & Hiesinger H

Pavlova G. (2016) New 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Sn- and W-Polymetallic Mineralization in the Erzgebirge / Krušné Hory (DE, CZ)
Seifert T & Pavlova G
(2007) Silicate Weathering in Anoxic Marine Sediments
Wallmann K, Aloisi G, Haeckel M, Éisenhauer A, Tishchenko P & Pavlova G
(2006) A possible long-term CO2 sink through submarine weathering of detrital silicates
Aloisi G, Wallmann K, Tischenko P, Haeckel M, Pavlova G, Greinert J & Eisenhauer A
(2002) Au-Ag Mineralization Formation at Dukat Deposit (NE Russia)
Palyanova G, Pavlova G, Borisenko A & Borovikov A

Pavlova Ludmila (2010) Traces of Melting in Mantle Spinel Peridotite Xenolith from Khorog Volcano (Northern Mongolia)
Mekhonoshin A, Kolotitlina T & Pavlova L

Pavlova Lyudmila

Pavlova O. (2013) Variability of Biogeochemical Characteristics of Bottom Sediments Near the B.Goloustnoe Seep (Lake Baikal)
Pogodaeva T, Pavlova O, Kalmychkov G, Shubenkova O & Zemskaya T

Pavlova T. (2020) Gold-Silver Kyplatap Ore Knot within the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogenic Belt, Eastern Russia
Pavlova T & Pilitsyn A

Pavlovic N. (2010) Coal and Human Health
Orem W, Tatu C, Pavlovic N, Kolker A, Engle M, Bunnell J, Lerch H & Corum M

Pavlovich M.S. (2001) Experimental Study of the Fluor-Tremoliten?Fluor-Gallium-Glaucophane Join
Pavlovich MS & Jenkins DM

Pavlovskaya A. (2013) Luminescence of Products of Hypergenesis Ore Deposits
Boroznovskaya NN, Zyryanova L, Nebera T & Pavlovskaya A

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