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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paul Maxence (2015) Exploring Pb Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals: Measurement by TIMS and Application to the Deglacial Southern Ocean
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Paul M, Rehkamper M, Robinson L & Adkins J
(2013) Lead Isotopes and Concentrations in the South Atlantic from the UK GEOTRACES Transect along 40°S
Paul M, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Weiss D, Lohan M & Henderson G
(2013) Quality Control for Novel Isotope Analyses
Rehkämper M, Wombacher F, Nielsen S, Schönbächler M, Fehr M, Goldberg T, Larner F, Laycock A, Paul M & van de Flierdt T
(2013) Understanding the Marine Biogeochemical Cycle of Pb in the Equatorial Atlantic
Bridgestock L, Paul M, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Achterberg E & Lohan M
(2012) Lead Isotopes in South Atlantic Seawater: Insights on Anthropogenic Inputs and Ocean Circulation
Paul M, van de Flierdt T, Weiss D & Rehkamper M
(2007) Osmium Groundwater Flux from the Bengal Basin: Implications for the Osmium Marine Budget
Paul M, Reisberg L, Vigier N, Zheng Y & Charlet L
(2006) Sediment sources and transport in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin: information from Os isotopes
Paul M, Reisberg L, Vigier N, France-Lanord C & Galy V

Paul Michael (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC
(2002) An Insight into 244Pu Abundance in Interstellar Matter
Paul M, Feldstein C, Valenta A, Ahmad I, Nakanishi T & Sakamoto K

Paul Michael (2002) 10Be Measurements on Neolithic and Paleolithic Tools from Israel
Verri G, Boaretto E, Bordeanu C, Hass M, Paul M & Weiner S

Paul R. (2023) Complex Organic Matter Degradation by Secondary Consumers in Chemolithoautotrophy-Based Subsurface Geothermal Ecosystems
Lloyd KG, Paul R, Rogers T, Fullerton K, Selci M, Cascone M, Cordone A, Stokes M, Steen A, de Moor M, Chiodi A, Stefánsson A, Halldorsson SA, Ramírez-Umaña C, Jessen G, Barry PH & Giovannelli D

Paul S. (2023) The Neodymium Isotopic Composition in Oxic Pore Waters from the Atlantic and Pacific: Implications for the Use of Nd Isotopes as a Past Water Mass Proxy
Paul S, Gutjahr M, Xu A, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2022) Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining on Cu-Speciation in Polymetallic Nodule Provinces in the Pacific Ocean
Zitoun R, Koschinsky A, Sander S, Paul S, Noowong A & Manirajah M
(2020) The Significance of Colloidal Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Deep-Sea Pore Waters
Paul S, Schmidt K, Kurahashi E & Koschinsky A
(2020) Trace Elements and REY in Bottom Seawater and Oxic Pore Water in NE Pacific: Pilot Study on the Application of a DGT Passive Sampling Method
Schmidt K, Paul S & Kriete C
(2019) Calcium Phosphates in Pacific Deep-Sea Sediments as Proxies for the REY Distribution in Pore Waters
Paul S, Bau M, Volz J, Köster M, Kasten S, Haeckel M & Koschinsky A
(2017) Long-Term Impacts of a Manganese Nodule Mining Experiment on Sediment and Pore Water Geochemistry
Paul S, Koschinsky A, Gaye B & Daehnke K

Paul T. (2011) Challenges to Predicting the Fate of Emerging Classes of Organic Micropollutants in Subsurface Environments
Strathmann T, Machesky M, Finneran K & Paul T

Paul V. (2022) Geochemical Factors Influencing Cyclical Precipitation of Sphalerite and Galena in Low Temperature Mississippi Valley Type Ore Deposits
Paul V, Makowsky D, Jimenez A & Varco J
(2022) Uptake of Uranium by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Liu J, Guo X, Rose K, Perez-Huerta A, Paul V, Dash P, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Caporuscio F, Xu H & Roback R
(2021) Retention of Geochemical Signatures during the Transformation of Aragonite to Calcite at Elevated Temperatures
Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Jimenez A, Dygert D, Varco J, Paul V, Perez-Huerta A, Migdissov A, Dash P & Kirkland B
(2021) Uranium Uptake by Apatite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Jimenez A, Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Makowsky D, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Paul V, Migdisov AA & Roback R
(2019) Evaluation of Uranium Entrapment by Apatite Crystallization in Hydrothermal Fluid
Jimenez A, Nguyen A, Gabitov R, Paul V, Migdisov A & Roback R
(2018) Stable Calcium, Magnesium and Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M
(2018) Microbial Diversity in Hematitic Bearing Rock from Tropical Sri Lanka
Wickramarathna S, Chandrajith R, Senarathe A, Wickramashinghe S, Paul V & Dash P
(2017) First Measurements of Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Island Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Li Z, Gaines E, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M

Paula J.R. (2019) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.4 Ga) Carbonates in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Region, Eastern Brazil
Paula JR, Caxito FA, Sial AN & Ribeiro DT

Paula L.T. (2021) Magma Genesis in the Lithosphere-Asnthenosphere Boundary during Lithosphere Break up
Paula LT, Vieira Conceicao R, Gervasoni F & Thoaldo Romeiro M

Paula-Santos Gustavo (2023) Continental Weathering Changes Tracked Through Coupled Li and Sr Isotope Trends in the Late Ediacaran-Cambrian Carbonate Rocks of the Salitre Formation, Brazil
Bedoya-Rueda C, Paula-Santos G, Caetano-Filho S, Afonso J, Babinski M, Guacaneme C, Borges K & Trindade R
(2020) Lithium Isotopes in Groundwater from Distinct Interconnected Aquifers
de Paula Marteleto T, Navarro M, Paula-Santos G & Enzweiler J
(2020) Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of an Ediacaran-Cambrian Epicontinental Basin in West Gondwana
Guacaneme C, Babinski M, Paula-Santos G, Caetano-Filho S, Bedoya-Rueda C, Kuchenbecker M, Reis H & Trindade R
(2020) Eustatic Control on Superheavy δ34S Pyrite Trends from Late Ediacaran-early Cambrian Carbonate Successions of the West Gondwana: Sulfate Distillation Cycles in Shallow Water Platforms?
Caetano-Filho S, Paula-Santos G, Sansjofre P, Cartigny P, Ader M, Guacaneme C, Babisnki M, Kuchenbecker M, Reis H & Trindade R
(2019) Disturbances in the Late Ediacaran-Cambrian Marine Carbon Cycling Tracked Through Paired Carbon Isotope Evolution of the Bambuí Group, Brazil
Caetano-Filho S, Sansjofre P, Paula-Santos G, Guacaneme C, Bedoya-Rueda C, Babinski M, Ader M, Kuchenbecker M & Trindade R
(2018) Rare Earth Elements in Carbonate Rocks of the Bambuí Group, Brazil, and their Relationship with Early Diagenetic Environments
Paula-Santos G, Caetano-Filho S, Enzweiler J, Navarro MS, Kuchenbecker M & Bedoya-Rueda C
(2018) On the Realibility of Sr Isotope Chemostratigraphy of Late Ediacaran Carbonates from the Bambuí Group
Guacaneme C, Babinski M, Paula-Santos G, Caetano-Filho S, Bedoya-Rueda C & Trindade R
(2017) Rare Earth Elements of Ediacaran Carbonate Rocks and their Significance as Paleoenvironmental Proxies
Paula-Santos G, Caetano Filho S, Babinski M & Enzweiler J
(2015) The Isotope Record of Carbonates from an Ancient Epeiric Sea: The Case of the Bambuí Group, Brazil
Paula-Santos G, Babinski M & Guacaneme C
(2013) U-Pb Dating vs. Sr Isotope Chemostratigraphy on Neoproterozoic Carbonates: Shedding Light on Blind Dating?
Babinski M, Paula-Santos G, Kuchenbecker M, Caetano-Filho S, Trindade R & Pedrosa-Soares A

Paula-Santos Gustavo M. (2023) Continental Weathering during the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Mg and Li Isotopes from Carbonates of the Neo-Tethys Ocean
Gómez-Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA
(2023) Multi-Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Basin
Paula-Santos GM, Kasemann S, Elias EM, Bowyer F, Trindade R, Babinski M, Wood R & Leme J
(2022) Mg and Li Isotope Geochemistry at the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis and Continental Weathering
Gómez Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA

Paulatto L. (2017) Oxygen, Carbon and Calcium Site-Specific Isotopic Fractionation in Apatite
Aufort J, Ségalen L, Gervais C, Paulatto L, Blanchard M & Balan E

Paulatto M. (2013) Quantification of the Magma Fluxes Feeding the Growth of a Shallow Magma Reservoir (Soufrière Hills, Montserrat)
Annen C, Paulatto M, Sparks S, Minshull T & Kiddle E

Paulet Y. (2014) The Impact of Salinity on the Incorporation of Mg, Sr and Ba in the Aragonite Shell of Ruditapes philippinarum
Gillikin D, Poulain C, Thebault J, Munaron J, Bohn M, Robert R, Paulet Y & Lorrain A

Pauli E. (2006) Molecular Recognition at Organic Acid-Calcite Interface
Teng H, Chen Y & Pauli E

Paulick H. (2010) The Bulk Silicate Earth’s W Budget Revised: Implications for the Timing of Core Formation
König S, Münker C, Hohl S, Paulick H & Köhler A
(2009) The Elemental Budget of W during Mantle Melting and Crust Formation
Münker C, König S, Kirchenbaur M & Paulick H
(2007) The Geochemical Behaviour of W, Nb-Ta, and Zr-Hf during Mid Ocean Ridge Melting
Münker C, Paulick H & König S
(2007) The Origin of Tertiary Intraplate Volcanism in the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field, Germany
Moll M, Münker C & Paulick H
(2007) Sub-Segment Scale Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near Ascension Island from Combined Hf-Nd-Sr Isotope Evidence
Paulick H, Münker C & Haase K

Paulig L. (2015) Recrystallization Kinetics of Calcite, Morphology Controls, and the Influence of Eu3+ and SeO32-
Heberling F & Paulig L

Paulillo A. (2020) A Simplified Model for Estimating the Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Power Generation
Paulillo A, Kim A, Striolo A & Lettieri P

Paulini P. (2015) Anomalous PVT Behaviour of Periclase – An Ultra-Sonic and Raman Study between -200° and +100° C
Mirwald PW, Paulini P, Tappert R & Stalder R

Paulino S. (2017) Radon Tracers of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Jamaica
Paulino S, Gordon-Smith D-A, Buddo D, Bokuniewicz H, Rapaglia J & Zaggia L

Paulino Lima I.G. (2013) Searching Radiation-Resistant Microorganisms in High-Mn Sites
Paulino Lima IG, Fujishima K, Navarrete J & Rothschild L

Paull B. (2023) Exploring the Unknowns of Levoglucosan and its Isomers in Sediments to Increase the Efficacy of This Technique as a Biomass Burning Tracer
Stevens HJ, Proemse B, Sanz Rodriguez E, Barmuta L, Chase Z, Bowie A, Paull B & Saunders KM

Paull C (2003) Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and their Possible Relations with the Underlying Gas Hydrates
Chen Y, Matsumoto R, Paull C & Usller W

Paull Charles K. (2010) Enrichments of Heavy Sulfur (34S) in Sulfide Minerals: Gas Hydrates, Methane Delivery, and Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Borowski WS, Rodriguez NM, Paull CK & Ussler W

Paulmann C. (2020) Thermal Annealing of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce): Mechanical and Structural Properties
Reissner CE, Reissner M, Bismayer U, Navrotsky A, Paulmann C, Pöllmann H & Beirau T
(2019) Mechanical and Structural Properties of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce)
Reissner CE, Bismayer U, Ewing RC, Navrotsky A, Reissner M, Paulmann C, Skoda R, Pöllmann H & Beirau T
(2007) Doping-Induced Structural Phenomena in Pb-Based Relaxors
Bismayer U, Mihailova B, Paulmann C, Malcherek T, Güttler B & Gospodinov M

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