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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pattelli G. (2013) Mercury Transport along the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy)
Gray JE, Rimondi V, Costagliola P, Lattanzi P, Vaselli O & Pattelli G

Patten C (2011) Concentration of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements in MORB Sulphide Droplets: New Sulphide Melt-Silicate Melt Partition Coefficients
Patten C, Barnes S-J & Mathez EA

Patten Clifford (2016) Mobility of Au and Other Metals in Supra-Subduction Zone Oceanic Crust: Insight from the Troodos Ohiolite
Patten C, Pitcairn I, Teagle D & Harris M

Patten Clifford G. C. (2023) Disruption of a High-Pressure Unit during Exhumation: Petrology and Geochronology within the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos Islands, Greece)
Peillod A, Patten CGC, Drueppel K, Beranoaguirre A, Zeh A, Gudelius D, Hector S, Majka J, Kleine BI, Karlsson A, Gerdes A & Kolb J
(2023) Fe, Cu and Zn Isotopes: Proxies to Constrain the Magmato-Hydrothermal History at Oceanic Core Complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane Area, MARK, 23°N, ODP Leg 153)
Coltat R, Debret B, Tilhac R, Andreani M, Patten CGC, Godard M & Escartin J
(2022) Metal Mobilization during High Temperature Alteration of Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: Implications for the Metal Sources of Ultramafic-Hosted Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
Patten CGC, Junge M, Peillod A & Coltat R
(2021) Orogenic Au Deposits of the Pohjanmaa Belt, South-Western Finland: Deposit Model and Potential Co-source
Hector S, Patten CGC & Kolb J
(2021) Ultramafic-Hosted Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: An Overlooked Sub-Class of VMS Deposits Forming in Complex Tectonic Environments?
Patten CGC, Coltat R, Junge M, Peillod A, Ulrich M, Manatschal G & Kolb J

Patterson C.S. (2017) Characterization of the Radiation Damage of Ultramarine Pigments by Microscale X-Ray Spectroscopy
Webb SM, Pouyet E, Ganio M, Patterson CS & Walton MS

Patterson David (2017) Predicting Metal Mobilisation during CO2 Storage: The Role of Synchrotron XFM
Pearce J, Dawson G, Southam G, Patterson D & Golding S
(2016) Investigation of Metal Associations in the Metal- Rich Black Shales of the Niutitang Formation in the Context of the Cambrian Explosion
Pages A, Barnes S, Schmid S, Le Vaillant M, Patterson D, Ryan C, Fan H & Wen H

Patterson Des (2013) RESOChron: ELA-Icp-He-Ms Instrument for in situ U-Th-Pb-He Geothermochronology
McInnes B, Evans N, Shelley M, McDonald B, Gibbs D, Norris A, Roberts E, Gabay C & Patterson D

Patterson Desmond (2018) Thermal History Recovery from Zircon 4He/3He Thermochronometry
Brennan C, Stockli D & Patterson D

Patterson G. (2016) Paleoenvironmental Implications of Archean Magnetotaxis
Kirschvink J, Lin W, Patterson G, Wang Y, Bazylinski D, Zhu R & Pan Y

Patterson James (2014) Geochemical Studies of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in Central Washington, USA
Gazis C, Holt R, Patterson J, Taylor S & Weis Z

Patterson Jessica (2020) Testing Chlorite Geochemistry as a Vector to Mineralization: A Case Study from the Laronde Penna Deposit
Patterson J & Gregory D

Patterson K.H. (2021) Rare Earth Element Phyto-Availability in Abandoned Mining Areas
Patterson KH, Dia A, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Prudencio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M

Patterson M. (2008) Autoliths as Samples of Kimberlite Magma
Patterson M, Francis D & McCandless T

Patterson S. (2020) Depletion, Metasomatism and Water Distribution in the Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Bizimis M, Ashley A, Beunon H, Patterson S, Doucet L, Peslier A & Nadine M

Patterson Timothy (2012) A High-Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using C and N Isotopes in a Subarctic Environment, Northern Canada
Griffith F, Clark I, Patterson T, Macumber A, Galloway J & Falck H

Patterson Timothy R. (2019) Impact of Climate Warming on the Speciation and Long-Term Stability of Arsenic in sub-Arctic Lakes: Implications for Environmental Monitoring of Mine Sites
Miller CB, Parsons MB, Jamieson HE, Ardakani OH, Swindles GT, Nasser NA, Gregory BR, Patterson TR & Galloway JM

Patterson Wes (2016) New Lunar Non-Polar Highlands Perspectives of Regolith Maturation
Cahill J, Lawrence D, Delen O, Stickle A, Patterson W & Greenhagen B

Patterson William (2009) High-Frequency Late Glacial to Mid-Holocene Climate Variability: Evidence from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Values of Marl Lakes in Canada, Ireland and the United States
Patterson W, Eglington B, Holmden C, Brasseur J, Mc Kenzie S & Manchester C
(2007) Fractionation between Inorganic and Organic Carbon during the Lomagundi Carbon Isotope Excursion
Bekker A, Beukes N, Kenig F, Holmden C, Patterson W & Eglington B
(2002) 10, 000 Year Nitrogen Isotope Record from Lake Ontario, Understanding Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics from a Paleo-Perspective
Anderson W, McFadden M, Mullins H & Patterson W

Patterson William (2012) Ten Millennia of North Atlantic Seasonality: Evidence from Stable Isotope Values of Micromilled Molluscs
Timsic S, Patterson W, Eglington B & Andrews J

Patterson William (2014) Visualizing the Heterogeneity of Trace Metals Incorperated into the Vertebrae of Esturine Dependent Elasmobranchs Using LA-ICP-MS
Lewis J, Patterson W & McLachin K
(2013) Exploring the Benefits of TruLine Technology on a NWR193UC Laser Ablation Instrument
Patterson W, McLachlin K, Hutchinson R & O'Connor C

Patterson William (2017) Biogeochemical Responses to the Installation of Artificial Reefs on the Shallow Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Primary Production, Respiration and Nutrient Fluxes
Cesbron F, Brooks K, Hernandez P, Haynes K, Barfield C, Patterson W & Caffrey J

Patti F. (2009) Geogenic Trace Elements in Groundwaters in the Mt Etna Region: Geostastistical, Proteomic & Epidemiological Approaches to Assessing Human Exposure and Health Risks
Cascio C, Lado LR, Polya D, Zappia M, Patti F, Nicoletti A, Jenkins R & Haris P

Pattison D. (2012) Metamorphic 'Cascade Effects' due to Nucleation-Related Overstepping
Pattison D
(2008) Equilibrium and Kinetics in Metamorphism of Pelites in the Nelson Aureole, British Columbia
Pattison D & Tinkham D
(2006) Formation and Fractionation of Metamorphic Sulfide Melts
Tomkins A, Mavrogenes J, Frost R & Pattison D
(2005) Equilibrium and Fractional Crystallization in Prograde Metamorphism Revisited
Tinkham DK & Pattison DRM
(2005) Unreactivity of Garnet in Low Pressure Metapelites
Pattison D, Tinkham D & Yang P
(2005) Monazite Petrogenesis in the Nelson Contact Aureole, Southern British Columbia
Tomkins H & Pattison D

Pattison E.F. (2019) Petrography and Geochemistry of Mafic-Ultramafic Inclusions in the Sudbury Igneous Complex (Canada)
Wang Y, Lesher CM, Pattison EF, Lightfoot PC, Golightly JP & Liu J

Pattison P. (2013) Micro-X-Ray-Diffraction Investigations of an Altered Cement-Clay Interface
Dähn R, Schaub P, Popov D, Pattison P, Jenni A, Mäder U & Wieland E

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