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Patnaik J.K. (2011) Biological Precipitation of Calcite in Stalagmites
Kumar A, Routh J, Mangini A, Baskar S & Patnaik JK

Patnaik R. (2019) Estimation of Dinosaur Body Temperature from Late Cretaceous Sauropod Eggshell from India Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Patnaik R, Jafar SA & Sahni A

Paton C. (2015) New Developments in 3D LA-ICP-MS Imaging: Advanced Alignment and Analysis Techniques
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2015) High-Precision Nd Isotope Analysis by MC-ICPMS: Implications for Early Earth Silicate Differentiation
Saji NS, Wielandt D, Paton C & Bizzarro M
(2015) Identification of Two Distinct Presolar Carriers Using Ba-Isotope Anomalies of Acid-Leachates and CAIs
Paton C, Schiller M & Bizzarro M
(2014) Laser-Ablation U-Pb Geochronology in common-Pb Rich Minerals
Paton C, Paul B, Woodhead J, Hergt J & Bizzarro M
(2014) High-Resolution 3D Imaging Strategies for Bio-Materials by LA-ICP-MS
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2013) The Hf-W Chronology of FUN CAIs
Holst J, Olsen M, Paton C, Nagashima K, Schiller M, Wielandt D, Larsen K, Connelly J, Jørgensen J, Krot A, Nordlund Å & Bizzarro M
(2013) Formation Timescales of Pallasite Meteorites Inferred from the Mg Isotope Composition of Olivine
Larsen K, Schiller M, Paton C & Bizzarro M
(2013) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System and Rapid Washout Accessory for Tungsten Isotope Measurements with Multicollector ICP-MS
Smith F, Holst J, Paton C & Bizarro M
(2013) Resolving S- and R-Process Presolar Carriers Using Ba-Isotope Anomalies in FUN CAIs, Bulk Meteorite Samples, and Ivuna Acid Leaches
Paton C, Schiller M & Bizzarro M
(2011) High-Precision Mg Isotope Measurements of Inner Solar System Materials by HR-Mc-ICPMS
Bizzarro M, Paton C, Schiller M & Ulfbeck D
(2011) High Precision Ca Isotope Analysis Using MC-ICPMS and TIMS
Schiller M, Paton C & Bizzarro M
(2011) Improved 27Al/24Mg Ratio Measurement Using a Modified Isotope-Dilution Approach
Paton C, Schiller M, Ulfbeck D & Bizzarro M
(2009) Isotopic and Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICPMS
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Hergt J, Paton C, Greig A & Maas R
(2008) African Kimberlites Revisited: In situ Sr-Isotope Analysis of Groundmass Perovskite
Woodhead J, Phillips D, Hergt J & Paton C
(2006) Laser ablation analysis of Sr isotopes in kimberlitic perovskite
Paton C, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD & Phillips D

Patra A. (2017) Exploring the Possibility of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxima (PETM) Events Across the Paleogene Succession in the Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, Western India
Patra A & Shukla A

Patra K. (2017) Petrogenesis of Peridotitic Komatiites from Two Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Sargur Group, Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S & Dash JK
(2016) Constraints on the Evolution of the Mafic-Ultramafic Rock Suites of Selected Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK & Tom NG

Patra P. (2016) Increasing Summer Net CO2 Uptake in High Northern Ecosystems on Land
Welp L, Patra P, Roedenbeck C, Nemani R, Bi J, Piper S & Keeling R
(2016) CO2 Flux Estimation by Top-Down Approach over the Arctic Region
Saeki T & Patra P
(2016) Onboard Observations of Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 during Arctic Cuises in 2012-2015
Tohjima Y, Sasano D, Kosugi N, Kameyama S, Ishidoya S, Ishijima K & Patra P

Patra S. (2022) Recovery of Marine Primary Producers Following the KPg Mass Extinction in Southern Tethys Upwelling System
Patra S, Rosenberg YO & Amrani A
(2017) Organic Geochemical Characterization of Gondwana Coal Deposits in India: Evaluation of Depositional Environment, Thermal Maturity and Hydrocarbon Generation Potential
Dirghangi S, Patra S & Dutta S

Patranabis-Deb S. (2019) Coupled MORB and Arc Signatures from a Neoarchean Greenstone Belt, Central India: Intra-Oceanic Double-Sided Subduction
Deb G, Saha D, Patranabis-Deb S & Banerjee A
(2019) Barberton Type Meta-Komatiites from Singhbhum Craton, India: A Window into Paleoarchean Mantle
Bachhar P, Saha D, Banerjee A, Patranabis-Deb S & Deb GK

Patrice L. (2017) Zinc Salts Action to Reduce the Kinetics of Glass Atmospheric Alteration
Alloteau F, Valbi V, Odile M, Isabelle B, Patrice L, Daniel C, Antoine S & Thibault C

Patrice Arnaud K. (2020) Zircon Textural Analyses, Th/U and Geochronology, Tools to Understand Neoproterozoic to Cretaceous Events Registered by I-Type Anatectic Granitic Basement in the Mamfe Basin (SW Cameroon, Centra Africa)
Sylvestre Nguo K, Patrice Arnaud K, Richard David L & Fouateu Rose Y

Patricia B. (2019) Long-Term Monitoring of Drip Water Trace Elements and Cl Variability of Río Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Fernanda L-H, Juan Pablo B, Martin M-E, Patricia B & Stephen B

Patricio R.L.P. (2020) From Near- to Far-Field Stresses: The Emplacement of Plio-Pleistocene Dikes at Trindade Island and its Relationship with South Atlantic Neotectonics
Ribeiro C & Patricio RLP

Patrick A. (2013) Pathways of Redox State and Sulfur Release Track the Shift from Low-Energy to Highly-Explosive Basaltic Eruptions at Mt. Etna
Moretti R, Metrich N, Patrick A, Alessandro A, Ilenia A & Valeria DR

Patrick Mackenzie E (2023) Extreme Precipitation Event Timing can Determine Boreal Forest Soil Carbon Response to Climate Change
Patrick ME & Ziegler S
(2022) Topographical Controls on Soil Organic Carbon in Moist Boreal Forest Mineral Soils
Patrick ME, Gates Z & Ziegler S

Patrick Matt (2020) Vesicularity and Rheology of the Kīlauea 2018 Lava Flows
Halverson B, Whittington A, Hammer J, deGraffenried R, Lev E, Dietterich H, Patrick M, Parcheta C, Carr B, Zoeller M, Trusdell F & Llewellin E

Patrier P. (2021) Origin of Carbonate Cements in Deep Marine Siliciclastic Turbidites Revealed by SIMS and LA-ICP-MS Micro-Analyses
Azzam F, Blaise T, Brigaud B, Barbarand J, Patrier P & Portier E
(2019) Oceanic Crust Assimilation in Kerguelen Archipelago Trachytes
Rabin S, Grégoire M, Patrier P, Meunier A & Poitrasson F

Patry L. (2023) Mo Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the 2.93 Ga Red Lake Carbonate Platform
Migeon ALE, Afroz M, Patry L, Sans-Jofre P & Lalonde SV
(2023) Elemental and Carbonate Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform at Red Lake (Canada)
Afroz M, Fralick PW, Patry L & Lalonde SV
(2023) Comparative Rare Earth Element Systematics from Three Mesoarchean Carbonate Platforms
Lalonde SV, Patry L, Afroz M, Wilmeth D & Bonnand P
(2023) Oxygenic Photosynthesis in the Mesoarchean Confirmed by La-Ce Geochronology
Patry L, Bonnand P, Boyet M, Afroz M, Wilmeth D & Lalonde SV
(2022) In situ Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of a Mesoarchean (2.93 Ga) Sulfidic Shale, Red Lake, Canada
Afroz M, Marin-Carbonne J, Fralick PW, Patry L & Lalonde SV
(2021) High-Precision Elemental and Stable Isotope Mapping of a Mesoarchean Stromatolite: Implications for Primitive Phototrophic Metabolism and Paleoecology
Nicol L, Sans-Jofre P, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Patry L, Homann M, Gobert T & Lalonde SV
(2021) Mesoarchean Redox Cycling from Shallow to Deep Through Coupled Fe-S Stable Isotope Measurements
Patry L, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Sans-Jofre P, Thomazo C, Homann M & Lalonde SV
(2021) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Chemostratigraphy of a Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform (Red Lake, Canada)
Afroz M, Fralick PW, Patry L, Sans-Jofre P & Lalonde SV
(2020) New Insights on the Biogenicity of South Africa’s Oldest Stromatolites
Homann M, Lalonde S, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Patry L, Hayles J, Walsh M, Lowe D & Byerly G
(2020) New Insights into Mesoarchean Photosynthesis from >2.8 Ga Carbonate Platforms of the Superior Craton
Lalonde S, Sansjofre P, Ramsay B, Patry L, Afroz M, Homann M & Fralick P
(2020) Facies Control on Geochemistry of the Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform at Woman Lake (Canada)
Ramsay B, Fralick P, Bielski P, Patry L, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2020) Fe Isotope and REE Signatures Through a Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform: New Data from the 2.94 Ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt (Canada)
Patry L, Fralick P, Sansjofre P, Homann M, Thomazo C, Afroz M & Lalonde S

Pätsch J. (2014) Using Carbon and Radium Isotopes to Evaluate the Biogeochemical Impact of Boundary Exchanges in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Hagens M, Brenner H & Pätsch J
(2014) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Sediment-Water Column Exchange in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Pätsch J, Omar A, Schrum C, Daewel U, Brenner H & de Baar H

Patsis A.C. (2023) Assessing the Roles of Nitrogen Fixing Microorganisms in Subsurface Environments
Sheik C & Patsis AC
(2023) Metagenomic Analyses Reveal the Role of Organosulfur in Deep Subsurface Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling
Patsis AC, Sheik C & Santelli CM
(2023) Sediments in Deep Fracture Networks Reveal Divergent Sulfur Cycles
Schuler CJ, Patsis AC, Sheik C, McDermott JM, Santelli CM & Toner BM
(2022) Metagenomic Insights into the Importance of Organic Sulfur in the Deep Biosphere
Patsis AC, Santelli CM & Sheik C

Patsoukis-Dimou A. (2020) Investigations of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Precipitation in the Presence of Oil Using 3D-Printed Micromodels
Menke H, Patsoukis-Dimou A, Maes J, McGravie T, MacKay E & Sebastian G

Patt A. (2023) Gas Trapping at the Ice Surface and in Clathrate Hydrates Under Astrophysical Conditions, as Studied by GCMC Simulations
Joliat J, Patt A & Picaud S

Pattammattel A. (2020) Speciation of Iron and Carbon in California Air Particulate Matter Using Complementary STEM/EELS and STXM Studies
Leppert V, Robinson M, Pattammattel A, Aronstein P & O'Day P
(2020) Nano-XANES: Chemical Mapping with Hard X-Rays
Pattammattel A, Tappero R, Ge M, Chu Y, Huang X, Gao Y & Yan H

Pattan J.N. (2010) Sr-Nd Isotopic Variations in the Central Indian Basin Surface Sediments
Sukumaran NP, Pattan JN, Parthiban G & Bhaskar Rao YJ

Pattanaik J.K. (2018) Statistical Approach to Select Least Mobile Element for Weathering Profile Study
Kisku PC & Pattanaik JK
(2018) Distribution and Estimation of Short Term Deposition Rate of Atmospheric 10Be in Sambhar Lake, Rajasthan, India
Pattanaik JK, Ekka SV, Kisku PC & Kumar P
(2017) Behaviour of Major, Trace Elements and REE during Basalt Weathering in a Tropical Humid Climate
Kisku PC & Pattanaik JK
(2015) Enhanced Carbon Delivery from the Ganga (Hooghly) River Estuary Through Degradation of Organic Carbon and Carbonate Dissolution: Evidence from DIC and delta13C of DIC
Dalai TK, Samanta S & Pattanaik JK
(2013) Geochemical and Isotopic Studies of the Hooghly River Estuary, India: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Organic Carbon
Samanta S, Dalai T & Pattanaik J
(2013) Chemical Weathering and Regolith Development over Rajmahal Basalt and Chotanagpur Gneiss: A Comparative Study
Kisku PC, Pattanaik JK, Dalai TK & Balakrishnan S
(2010) Sr Isotope Geochemical Studies on Rivers of South India: Evidence for High CO2 Consumption Rates on Chemical Weathering of Silicates
Pattanaik JK, Balakrishnan S, Bhutani R & Singh P
(2007) 10Be and Clay Mineralogical Studies on Lagoonal Sediments from Kaluveli, Pondicherry, India: Significance to Paleoclimate
Pattanaik JK & Balakrishnan S

Pattanaik S.

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