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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Parsekian A. (2010) Multi-Scale Measurement and Monitoring of CH4 Dynamics in Peatlands Using Geophysical Methods
Slater L, Comas X, Parsekian A, Nolan J, Reeve A & Glaser P

Parseval P.D. (2023) Voluminous Felsic Crust Formation from the Hadean Ultramafic Protocrust
Borisova AY, Safonov OG, Nédélec A, Bohrson WA, Kosova SA & Parseval PD
(2023) Numerical Simulation of the Formation of the IDDP-1 Rhyolitic Melt (Krafla Volcano, Iceland)
Melnik OE, Borisova AY, Gaborit N, Bindeman IN, Laurent O, Traillou T, Raffarin M, Stefánsson A, Llovet X, Parseval PD, Proietti A, Tait S, Vazquez JA & Leisen M

Parshin A. (2013) Spatial Database for the Hydrochemical Monitoring of Lake Baikal
Parshin A, Shestakov S & Chudnenko K
(2013) GIS Mapping of Geological Features of the Baikal Mountain Region Based on Integrated Geochemical Indicators
Budyak A & Parshin A

Parshotam L. (2011) Modelling Methyl Halide Emissions from Plants: From Cytosol to the Atmosphere
Parshotam L, Christopoulou D & Redeker K

Parsi Z. (2005) Molecular Characterization of Natural Organic Matter Using Non-Discriminating Flash Pyrolysis
Parsi Z, Hartog N & Górecki T

Parsons A. (2010) In situ Instrumentation for Sub-Surface Planetary Geochemistry
Bodnarik J, Evans L, Floyd S, Lim L, McClanahan T, Namkung M, Parsons A, Schweitzer J, Starr R & Trombka J

Parsons Chris (2022) Are Bioretention Cells Reducing Urban Stormwater Nutrient Loadings? An Analysis of Data from International Stormwater BMP Database
Zhou B, Shafii M, Parsons C, Passeport E, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2020) Phosphorus Retention in a Dammed Reservoir in Ontario, Canada: Implications for Nutrient Management
Kao N, Parsons C, Niederkorn A, Mohamed M, Sorichetti R & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Soil Biogeochemical Processes Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using a Process-Oriented Experimental Approach
Rezanezhad F, Milojevic T, Oh D, Parsons C, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Nutrient Silicon Cycling and Seasonal Silicon Limitation in a Eutrophic Coastal Embayment
Ridenour C, Parsons C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Does Silica Control the Mobilization of Phosphorus from Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides?
Sabur MA, Parsons C & Van Cappellen P

Parsons Chris T (2023) Sediment Core Reconstruction of Changes in Phosphorus Loading and Cycling Accompanying a Watershed’s Transition from Agricultural to Urban Land Use
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Ippolito I, Graham A, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Shafii M, Parsons CT, Rezanezhad F, Hall RI & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Field-Derived Phosphorus Accumulation Rates and Fractionation in Bioretention Cells
Lisogorsky A, Rezanezhad F, Van Cappellen P, Parsons CT, Shafii M, Zhou B & Passeport E
(2023) Soil Biogeochemistry Under Variable Moisture Content and the Role of Anaerobic Processes
Van Cappellen P, Fairbairn L, Ramezanzadeh M, Ye J, Gharasoo M, Parsons CT, Macrae M, Slowinski S & Rezanezhad F
(2023) Do Bioretention Cells Reduce Urban Stormwater Phosphorus and Nitrogen Loads? Insights from the International Stormwater Best Management Practice Database
Zhou B, Parsons CT, Shafii M, Passeport E, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P

Parsons Chris T. (2019) Winter Soil Processes in Transition
Rezanezhad F, Smeaton CM, Hug L, Jensen GB, Krogstad KJ, Macrae ML, McCarter CPR, Milojevic T, Mills R, Parsons CT, Quinton W, Rudolph D, Smith S, Townsend HR & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Decoupling the Effects of Soil Moisture and Oxygen on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes
Fairbairn L, Rezanezhad F, Parsons C, Macrae M & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Modeling the Seasonal Variation and Impact Factors of Nutrients in the Fanshawe Reservoir
Yu S, Parsons C & Van Cappellen P

Parsons Christopher (2021) Possible Coupling of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (AOM) and Anammox in Cold Wetland Soils
Townsend HR, Rezanezhad F, Slowinski S, Smeaton C, Macrae M, Parsons C, Webster K & Van Cappellen P
(2021) Sediment Core Phosphorus and Other Human-Influenced Element Distributions Record Historical Land Use and Runoff Changes in the Watershed of an Urban Lake
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Graham A, Rezanezhad F, Shafii M, Parsons C, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Hall R & Van Cappellen P
(2016) Interplay between As, Sb, Cr and N in Argillaceous Suspensions Under Redox Oscillating Conditions
Markelova E, Couture R-M, Parsons C, Markelov I, Made B, Van Cappellen P & Charlet L
(2015) Comparative Im/Mobilization of As, Cr, Sb in Argillaceous and Soil Suspensions
Markelova E, Couture R-M, Parsons C, van Cappellen P, Made B & Charlet L
(2013) Dependence of Sulfur Cycling and Mobility in Peat Soil on the Water Table Regime
Rezanezhad F, Couture R-M, Parsons C, Kovac R, O'Connell D & Van Cappellen P
(2011) The Effect of Flood-Induced Redox Oscillations on Arsenic Mobility in a Calcareous Fluvisol
Parsons C, Couture R-M, Omoregie E, Roman-Ross G & Charlet L
(2009) Modeling of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Nepal: Geostatistical Predictions of Risk Using Remote Sensing Images
Parsons C, Lado Rodriguez L, Reuter HI & Montanarella L

Parsons D. (2020) Using Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes to Partition Sources of Riverine Sulfate
Relph K, Stevenson E, Turchyn S, Antler G, Bickle M, Baronas J, Parsons D, Darby S & Tipper E
(2019) Preliminary Weathering and Carbon Budgets for the Irrawaddy and the Salween Rivers
Baronas JJ, Tipper E, Bickle M, Hilton R, Stevenson E, Hackney C & Parsons D
(2017) Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in the Mighty Mekong River Basin
Relph K, Tipper E, Bickle M, Parsons D, Darby S & Robinson R

Parsons I. (2010) Pervasive Replacement in Alkali Feldspars: A Major Crustal Process
Parsons I
(2008) T-T Evolution of Fast Diffusion Pathways in Alkali Feldspars
Parsons I & Fitz Gerald J
(2005) Grain-Boundary and Intra-Crystal Dissolution-Reprecipitation Reactions in Alkali Feldspars
Parsons I & Lee M
(2005) Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence Mapping of Calcite and Feldspar
Lee M, Martin R, Edwards P & Parsons I
(2002) Where is Geochronology Going? Insights into Intracrystalline Reactions from Alkali Feldspars
M. Lee M, Cayzer N & Parsons I

Parsons L. (2016) Reexamining Disagreement between Simulated and Observed Climate Variability with Water Isotope Physics and Proxy System Models
Dee S, Parsons L, Loope G, Ault T & Emile-Geay J

Parsons Matthew (2010) Assessing Landscape Response to Land-Use Change Using Sediment-Chemical Chronologies and Backcast Modeling
Long D, Yansa C, Pijanowski B & Parsons M
(2007) Evaluating Environmental Response Trends Using an Integrated Paleolimnological Approach
McLean C, Long D, Yansa C, Ognjanova-Rumenova N, Stevenson J & Parsons M

Parsons Michael (2014) Controls on Uranium, Rare Earth Element, and Radionuclide Mobility at the Decommissioned Bicroft Uranium Mine, Ontario
Parsons M, Friske P, Laidlow A & Jamieson H
(2014) Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Mobility and Bioaccessibility at Historical Gold Mines in Nova Scotia
Parsons M, Walker S, Jamieson H, Meunier L, Koch I & Reimer K
(2012) Impact of Remediation Design on Arsenic Leaching from Historic Gold Mine Tailings
DeSisto S, Parsons M, Kavalench J & Jamieson H
(2011) Establishing Baseline Geochemical Conditions at Historic Gold Mines for Risk Assessment and Remediation
Parsons M, Goodwin T & Little M
(2011) Characterization of Nanoparticulate Arsenic in Waters Draining Abandoned Gold Mine Tailings
Gault A, Parsons M & Jamieson H
(2008) Characterization of Multiple Secondary Minerals in Arsenic-Rich Gold Mine Tailings
Jamieson H, Walker S, Parsons M & Hall G
(2008) Arsenic-Rich Airborne Particles Associated with Gold Mine Tailings: Particle Size, Mineralogy and Texture
Corriveau M, Jamieson H, Parsons M & Campbell JL
(2006) Mineralogy and bioaccessibility of arsenic-bearing secondary phases in gold mine tailings
Jamieson H, Corriveau M, Parsons M, Koch I & Reimer K

Parsons Michael (2015) The Influence of Colloids on the Mobility of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Waters
Jamieson H, Lussier-Purdy C, Laidlow A & Parsons M

Parsons Michael B. (2019) Impact of Climate Warming on the Speciation and Long-Term Stability of Arsenic in sub-Arctic Lakes: Implications for Environmental Monitoring of Mine Sites
Miller CB, Parsons MB, Jamieson HE, Ardakani OH, Swindles GT, Nasser NA, Gregory BR, Patterson TR & Galloway JM

Parsons R. (2009) Experimental Study of Ge Sorption to Particulate Organic Matter
Parsons R & Galy A

Parsons-Davis T. (2020) Additive Manufacturing of PGE Standards with a Silica Matrix
Sio CKI, Parsons-Davis T, Lee E, Wimpenny J, Pascall A, Kuntz J, Goodell J, Roberts K, Bandong B & Bennett N
(2019) Chemical Associations in Legacy Materials from Nuclear Testing in Carbonate and Seawater Environmments
Knight K, Balboni E, Parsons-Davis T & Wimpenny J

Parsotam V. (2011) In situ Stable Isotopic Detection of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Monterey Bay Cold Seeps via Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
Wankel S, Gupta M, Leen JB, Provencal R, Parsotam V & Girguis P

Partey F. (2006) Mechanism of arsenic sorption onto laterite iron concretions from Prestea, Ghana.
Partey F, Norman D, Ndur S & Siegel M
(2005) Source of Fluorine and Petrogenesis of the Rio Grande Rift Type Barite-Fluorite-Galena Deposits
Partey F, Lev S, Casey R, Widom E, Lueth V & Rakovan J

Parth V. (2017) Health Risk Assessment of Some Dominant PAHs Species Detected in Soil Near Kolkata MSW Landfill Site
Parth V & Mukherjee S
(2015) Geochemical and Human Health Risk Assessment for Metal Pollution in Water Environment Around Kolkata Landfill Site
Parth V & Mukherjee SN
(2011) Major Ion Chemistry of Subsurface Water Samples Around Waste Disposal Sites of Hyderabad City, India
Parth V, Murthy NN & Saxena PR
(2010) Pedogeochemistry Around Industrial Waste Disposal Site at Dundigal, Hyderabad City, India
Parth V, Murthy NN & Saxena PR
(2009) Hydro-Geochemistry Around Waste Disposal Site at Pattulaguda, Hyderabad, India
Parth V, Murthy NN & Saxena PR
(2008) Geochemical Evaluation of Contaminants Around Waste Disposal Site – Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, India
Parth V, Murthy NN & Saxena PR
(2007) Adsorption of Heavy Metal in Contaminated Surface Water onto Limestone and Coconut Coir Pith
Parth V & Murthy NN

Parthasarathy G.

Parthasarathy Gopalakrishanarao (2017) Naturally Occurrning Fullerenes in P-T Boundary Section from Spiti Valley, India: Links to Global Anoxia Events
Sreenivas B, Parthasarathy G, Bhandari N, Singh J & Sharma ND
(2017) Rare Earth Elements Pattern in Kamargaon L6 Ordinary Chondrite
Borah RR, Saikia B & Parthasarathy G

Parthasarathy Gopalakrishnarao (2021) Clay Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Shales from the Paleoproterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Dharwarn Craton, Southern India: Implications on Provenance and Paleoweathering Conditions
Roy P, Sreenivas B & Parthasarathy G
(2017) Spectroscopic Charcterization of Schreyerite V2Ti3O5 a Rare Vanadium-Titanium Oxide Mineral from a Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India
Parthasarathy G, Chandra U & Saikia B
(2016) Shungites and Fullerenes: Implications for Redox Evolution during Shunga Event
Sreenivas B & Parthasarathy G
(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transition and Infrared Spectra of Natural Antigorite- Implications For Dehydration Reactions on Martian Surface
Chandra U & Parthasarathy G
(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transition in Natural Gypsum-Implication to Martian Surface Mineralogy
Parthasarathy G & Chandra U
(2011) Pressure Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of Cummingtonite from the World’s Deepest Kola Super Deep-Borehole (KSDB-3), Russia
Parthasarathy G & Gorbatsevich F
(2011) Chlorine and CO2 Rich Fluids in 2.5 Ga Amphibolite-Granulite Facies Basement Below the Killari Earthquake Region, India and Seismogenesis
Pandey O, Parthasarathy G, Tripathi P, Rajagopalan V & Sreedhar B
(2011) Spectroscopic Investigations on Natural Stichtite and Synthetic Hydrotalcites
Parthasarathy G & Reddy C
(2011) Biomineralization and Growth Mechanism of Morphologically Controlled Strontium Carbonate
Sreedhar B, Satya Vani C, Keerthi Devi D & Parthasarathy G
(2011) High-Pressure Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Lohawat (Howardite) Meteorite up to 9 GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2011) Spectroscopic Characterization of Olivine due to Fe/Mg in Dergaon H5 Chondrite
Saikia BJ, Parthasarathy G & Borah RR
(2010) Mantle Metasomatism in the Basement of the Deccan Trap: Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonates from the Killari Borehole, Maharashtra, India
Pandey OP, Parthasarathy G, Ahmad SM & Tripathi P
(2010) Micro-Raman Spectroscopic Study on Ararki (L5) Chondrite
Parthasarathy G
(2010) Thermal and Spectroscopic Investigations of Nanocrystalline Calumetite- Cu(OH, Cl)2. 2H2O
Kumar G, Parthasarathy G & Rao J
(2010) High-Pressure Phase Transition in Microwave Synthesised (CuFe2S3): Resistivity Studies up to 9 GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2010) Electrical Resistivity of a Precambrian Native Iron Sample At High-Pressures up to 9.0GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2010) Nanocrystalline SnO2 at Earth’s Mantle Pressures up to 9 GPa
Sreedhar B & Parthasarathy G
(2009) Low-Temperature Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies on Natural Clinochlore
Kumar G, Parthasarathy G, Omkaram I & Rao J
(2009) Geodynamic, Thermal and Subsurface Structure Below the K-T- Boundary Impact Site, Offshore Mumbai, India
Pandey O & Parthasarathy G
(2009) Natural Ferrous Chamosite – A Marine Clay For Protection and Drug Molecules Synthesis
Sreedhar B & Parthasarathy G
(2009) Magnitude of Precambrian Impact Experienced by Native Iron Sample Through High-Pressure Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Chandra U & Parthasarathy G
(2009) Pressure-Induced Phase Transition in Cavansite – A Rare Zeolite from the Deccan Trap, India
Parthasarathy G, Mookherjee A, Kunwar AC & Jagadessh B
(2009) Electrical Resistivity of Clinochlore at High-Pressures up to 8 GPa
Parthasarathy G, Kumar G & Rao J
(2009) Spectroscopic Investigation of Mahadevpur H4/5 Ordinary Chondrite
Saikia BJ & Parthasarathy G
(2008) Presence of CO2 in the Uplifted Lower-Crust Below Seismogenic Region Latur, India
Pandey OP & Parthasarathy G
(2008) Spectroscopic Observation of Native Iron in Late Proterozoic Chaibasa Shale, Singhbhum Group, Eastern India
Sreedhar B & Parthasarathy G
(2008) Electrical Resistivity of Ti-Rich Phologopite Under Mantle Pressures
Parthasarathy G & Reddy T
(2008) Spectroscopic Studies on Dergaon Meteorite
Saikia BJ & Parthasarathy G
(2007) Fulgurites from Garuamukh, Assam, India- FTIR Spectroscopic Study
Saikia B, Parthasarathy G, Sarmah N & Baruah G
(2007) Organic Compounds in H5 Meteorite: Spectroscopic Investigation of Dergaon H5 Chondrite
Saikia B, Parthasarathy G, Sarmah N & Brauha G
(2007) Electrical Properties of Geikielite at High-Pressures and Temperatures
Parthasarathy G
(2005) Metamorphism of Neoproterozoic Kerala Khondalite Belt: A Study on Fluid Deposited Graphite
Chetty T & Parthasarathy G
(2005) Nano-Crystalline Osbornite from Carbonados: Spectroscopic Studies
Parthasarathy G, Haggerty S & Kunwar A
(2004) High-Pressure Phase Transition in Natural Marcasite
Parthasarathy G
(2003) Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Natural Iron-Rich Saponite
Parthasarathy G, Choudary B, Srinivasan R & Kunwar A

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