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Presnyakov M. (2013) Spin Transition of Fe2+ in Ringwoodite (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 at High Pressures
Ivanova A, Lyubutin I, Gavrilyuk A, Lin J-F, Mironovich A & Presnyakov M

Presnyakov S. (2007) Zircons from Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions at Noril'sk Area (Russia): A Compositional and U-Pb Study
Malich K, Petrov O, Badanina I & Presnyakov S
(2007) REE in the Oldest Zircons, Okhotsk Terrane
Presnyakov S, Berezhnaya N & Sergeev S
(2007) Archaean Evolution of the Okhotsk Terrane by U/Pb Zircon Chronology
Berezhnaya N, Kuzmin V, Glebovitsky V, Tolmacheva E, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Paderin I & Sergeev S
(2006) Geochronological evidences of three-stage tectonic evolution of the Dzhugdzhuro-Stanovoy fold terrane
Berezhnaya N, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Glebovitsky V & Sergeev S
(2006) First SHRIMP U-Th-Pb data on detrital zircons and monazite from ice drillcore, Vostok lake, Antarctica
Rodionov N, Belyatsky B, Matukov D, Antonov A, Presnyakov S, Leitchenkov G & Sergeev S
(2006) U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from the ore-bearing Kharaelakh intrusion (Talnakh district, Russia)
Petrov O, Malitch K, Shevchenko S, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Tuganova E & Khalenev V

Press L. (2007) Contrasting Behaviour of Arsenic, Iron, Manganese and Uranium during Anaerobic Incubation of Aquifer Sediments from Nadia, West Bengal
Press L, Gault A, Mondal D, Lythgoe P, de Hoog C-J, Heimann A, Lawson M, Hery M, Lloyd J & Polya D

Pressi L. (2008) Ultramafic Xenoliths Suites from Patagonia Extra Back-Arc, Argentine: Evidences of Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatized by OIB-Like Melts and Subduction Related Fluids
Gervasoni F, Conceição R, Jalowitzki T, Bertotto G & Pressi L
(2008) Slab-Derived Fluid Metasomatism in Mantle Lithosphere from Agua Poca Volcano, Argentina N-Patagonia
Jalowitzki T, Conceição R, Bertotto G, Gervasoni F & Pressi L
(2008) Geochemistry of Websterites from the Aznares Volcano, Argentine Patagonia: Constraints on Mantle Metasomatism
Pressi L, Conceição R, Jalowitzki T & Gervasoni F

Prestegaard K. (2010) Geomorphic Controls on Nitrate Processing in a Freshwater Tidal Marsh Invaded by Hydrilla sp., Patuxent River, MD
Seldomridge E & Prestegaard K
(2010) A Nested Watershed Study of Stream Flow, Suspended Sediment, and Contaminant Sources in the Urbanized Coastal Plain
Prestegaard K, Occhi M & Blanchet Z

Prestel E. (2007) Role of Bacteria on Uranium Migration in a Calcareous Peatland
Phrommavanh V, Klein J, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Gaudet J-P, Prestel E, Dubow M & Laporte E

Prestgard T.J. (2023) How Many Planetesimals are at the Origin of Carbonaceous Chondrites?
Prestgard TJ, Gattacceca J, Bonal L, Debaille V, Debouge W, Beck P, Vacher L & Laize-Générat L

Prestia A. (2014) Comparison of Geochemical and Physiologically Based Extraction Tests to Determine Arsenic Risks at Historic Mining Sites
Bowell R, Warrender R & Prestia A

Presto A. (2014) Total Particulate Matter from Mobile Sources in Los Angeles
Gordon T, Presto A, May A & Robinson A

Preston J. (2010) Influence of the L-Methionine on the Mackinawite Oxidation Stability
Chaves M, Valsaraj K, Preston J, Gambrell R, DeLaune R & Buchler P

Preston L.J. (2010) An Infrared Study of Modern and Paleo-Filamentous Bacteria from Rio Tinto, Spain
Preston LJ, Shuster J, Fernández-Remolar D, Banerjee NR, Osinski GR & Southam G

Preston R. (2020) Is Diamond Depth Distribution Systematic?
Nimis P, Preston R, Perritt S & Chinn I

Preston V. (2023) Discovery and Exploration of Active Off-Axis Hydrothermal Vents at 9° 54'N East Pacific Rise
McDermott JM, Parnell-Turner R, Barreyre T, Herrera S, Downing CC, Pittoors NC, Pehr K, Vohsen SA, Dowd WS, Wu J-N, Marjanovic M, Siverand JM, Bibaj E, Preston V & Fornari DJ

Preston Will (2019) The Uranium-Isotope Proxy of Oxygenation Changes in the Ancient Oceans: Global Versus Local Controls on 238U/235U in Black Shales
Stirling C, Gangl S, Preston W, Jenkyns H, Clarkson M, Moy C & Porcelli D

Preston William

Prestvik T. (2006) Carbonate Assimilation in the Alkaline Hortavær Igneous Complex, Norway
Barnes C, Li Y, Barnes M, McCulloch L, Frost C, Prestvik T & Allen C
(2004) Pb Isotope Heterogeneity of the Mantle beneath Iceland
Peate D, Baker J, Breddam K, Waight T, Skovgaard A, Stecher O, Prestvik T & Jonasson K

Prêt D. (2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of Modern Stromatolites: Clues to their Formation and Use as Paleoenvironmental Records
Debrie J, Prêt D, Benzerara K, Sans-Jofre P & Saint Martin JP
(2020) Multiscale Porosity an Mineral Mapping of Shales
Pret D
(2010) Transport and Ion Exchange between Na+ and Ca2+ in Vermiculite: Modeling of Experimental Data Obtained for Static and Stirred Flow-Through Reactor Methods
Tertre E, Pacreau M, Bruzac S, Ferrage E & Prêt D

Pretet C. (2014) Barium Isotopic Heterogeneity of Seawater Inferred from Coral Skeleton Data
Pretet C, Moeller K, Samankassou E, Reynaud S & Nägler TF
(2013) A First-Order Deep Time Reconstruction of the Marine Sr/Ba Ratio from Microbial Carbonate
Kamber B, Naegler T, Turner E, Webb G & Pretet C

Preto N. (2022) Paleoenvironment and Deposition of the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) Siderite-Bearing Lacustrine Sequence of the NE Ordos Basin, China: Implications for the Jenkyns Event
Li B, Jin X, Corso JD, Ogg JG, Lang X, Baranyi V, Preto N, Qiao P & Shi Z
(2020) Terrestrial Plants δ13Corg and Environmental Changes: Two Case Studies from the Permian of Northern Italy
Forte G, Kustatscher E & Preto N
(2013) The Carnian Pluvial Event Negative CIE at Cave del Predil (Early Late Triassic, Italy): A New Link to Wrangellia Volcanism
Dal Corso J, Roghi G, Rigo M, Gianolla P, Caggiati M, Gattolin G, Newton RJ, Jenkyns HC & Preto N
(2011) A Late Triassic Major Negative δ13C Spike Linked to Wrangellia LIP: The Carnian Pluvial Event Revealed
Dal Corso J, Mietto P, Newton RJ, Pancost RD, Preto N, Roghi G & Wignall PB
(2011) Effects of Ocean Acidification in a Supersaturated Ocean (Carnian, Late Triassic)
Preto N, Dal Corso J & Roghi G

Preto Gomes M.E. (2023) Petrogenesis of S-Type Syntectonic Granites from Santa Comba de Rossas, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Preto Gomes ME, Corfu F, Silva PB & Meireles CAP
(2021) Potential of Sr Isotopic Signature for Authenticity and Geographical Origin of Portuguese Wines
Teixeira R, Gomes S, Pereira L, Fernandes R, Mendes-Ferreira A, Preto Gomes ME & Martins-Lopes P

Pretorius S. (2015) Correlation of Highly Altered Tuffs in Permo-Triassic Coal Basins of Eastern Australia Using Zircon Composition
Allen CM, Esterle JS, Pretorius S & Wiemer D

Pretorius W. (2005) High-Precision Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Characterization of USGS Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and TIMS
Kieffer B, Weis D, Maerschalk C, Barling J, Dietrich-Sainsaulieu E, Williams G, Hanano D, Mahoney JB, Friedman R & Pretorius W
(2005) Siderophile Element Geochemistry of Restitic and Cumulate Xenoliths from the Southeast Province of the Kerguelen Archipelago
Pretorius W, Scoates J, Weis D & Mattielli N

Prettyman T. (2010) Dawn’s GRaND to Map the Chemical Composition of Asteroids Vesta and Ceres
Prettyman T, McSween H & Feldman W

Preud'homme H. (2013) New Frontiers in Natural and Chemical Tracers Monitoring for Reservoir Management
Preud'homme H

Preunkert Susanne (2023) Applications of 39Ar-Atta in Alpine Ice Samples – Surface Ages and Constraints on Diffusion
Wachs D, Bohleber P, Fischer A, Preunkert S, Stocker-Waldhuber M, Graf von Reventlow B, Arck Y, Robertz J, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2016) Investigation of Unique Oxidizing Capacity of the Antarctic Atmosphere Based on O-Mif Signatures in Atmospheric Sulfate and Nitrate
Ishino S, Hattori S, Savarino J, Jourdain B, Preunkert S, Legrand M & Yoshida N

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