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Pimentel Marcio Martins (2015) Chronus: A New U-Pb Data Reduction Program
Oliveira FV, Pimentel MM, Giustina MESD, Zacchi EN, Lima BAF, Dantas EL, Rodrigues JB, Bühn BM, Matteini M & Santos RV
(2015) Reworked Old Crust-Derived Shoshonitic Magma: An Example from Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira V, Sial A, Pimentel M, Armstrong R, Guimarães I, da Silva Filho A, Lima M & da SIlva T
(2014) Algoma-Type Neoproterozoic BIFs and Related Marbles in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil): REE, C, O, Cr and Sr Isotope Evidence
Sial AN, Campos MS, Gaucher C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Nascimento RC, Pimentel MM & Pereira NS
(2014) Provenance and Chemostratigraphy of the Bambuí and Una Groups
Cunha RB, Santos TC & Pimentel MM
(2014) U-Pb Mineral Dating by Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS: State of the art
Buhn B, Pimentel M, Matteini M & Dantas E
(2013) C-, Cr-, Sr-Isotope Stratigraphies and Rare-Earth Elements in Carbonate and BIFs of the Neoproterozoic Jucurutu Formation, Seridó Belt, NE Brazil
Campos MS, Sial AN, Gaucher C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Nascimento RSC, Pimentel MM & Pereira NS
(2013) Comparison of the Fe Isotope Composition of Unfiltered Waters, Dissolved and Particulate Fraction of the Amazon River and its Tributaries
Poitrasson F, Vieira L, dos Santos Pinheiro G, Mulholland D, Seyler P, Sondag F, Boaventura G & Pimentel M
(2012) The Early Paleozoic of the Argentine Precordillera: C-Isotope Excursions
Sial A, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Toselli A, Ferreira V, Frei R & Pimentel M
(2012) C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy, Ce and Eu Anomalies in Neoproterozoic Carbonates the Serra do Paraiso (Rio Pardo Basin) and Sao Desiderio (Rio Preto Belt) Formations, Bahia, Brazil
Cezario WDS, Sial A, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Pimentel MM, Misi A & Pedreira AJ
(2011) C, Sr Isotopes in Cap Carbonate and and Ce Anomaly in BIFs of Jucurutu Formation, Seridó Belt, NE, Brazil
Campos M, Sial A, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Frei R, Nascimento R & Pimentel M
(2010) Contrasting Sources of Magmatic Epidote-Bearing Monzodiorites and Tonalites, NE Brazil
Ferreira V, Sial A, Pimentel M, Armstrong R, Spicuzza M, Guimarães I & Da Silva Filho A
(2010) C, Sr Isotopes, Cap Carbonates and Iron Formation, Neoproterozoic Seridó Belt, NE Brazil
Sial AN, Gaucher C, Ferreira VP, Campos MS, Nascimento RSC & Pimentel MM
(2009) C, O and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy of Neoproterozoic Amphibolite-Facies Cap Carbonates, NE Brazil
Sial A, Nascimento R, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Pimentel M & Silva Jr. N
(2009) SPICE-SNICE Couplet in One Same Section, Precordillera of Argentina: C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphies
Ferreira V, Sial A, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Toselli A, Parada MA & Pimentel M
(2008) In situ LAM-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Analyses of High-Grade Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in Central Brazil: Implications for the Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Brasilia Belt
Pimentel M, Buhn B, Junges S & Matteini M
(2002) C Isotopes in Early Paleoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks from the Minas Supergroup, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sial AN, Ferreira VP, Romano AW & Pimentel MM

Pimentel Mizusaki A.M. (2020) Carbonatite/Lamproite Liquid Imissibility in the Earth’s Mantle Through the Nefeline-Diopside-Kalsilite ±CO2, CH4, H2O Diagram
Vieira Conceicao R, Marcon VH, Wilbert de Souza MR, Colombo Carniel L, Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Rovane P, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & Schulz von Spitzenberger M
(2019) Testing Partially Abiotic Origin of Pre-Salt Oils by Experimental Petrology
Vieira Conceição R, Szatmari P, Wilbert de Souza M, Colombo Carniel L, Grings Cedeño D, Schmitt Quinteiro R, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & de Melo Portella Y

Pimraksa K. (2018) Low Temperature Synthesis of Zeolitic and Cementitious Materials for Environmental Cleanup
Pimraksa K, Setthaya N & Juengsuwattananon K

Pin Christian (2013) Development of the La-Ce Systematics: Application to Arc Magmas
Bellot N, Boyet M, Pin C, Chauvel C, Doucelance R & Auclair D
(2013) Microstructures and Geochemistry in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle of NE Spain
Fernández-Roig M, Galán G, Oliveras V, Pin C, Grégoire M & Devidal J-L
(2013) Insights into Boron Volatility in Magmatic Systems
Menard G, Vlastélic I, Rose-Koga EF, Piro J-L & Pin C
(2008) Contrasting Isotopic (Sm-Nd) Signatures in an Equivocal Bimodal Igneous Complex (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia)
Carrilho Lopes J, Munhá J, Pin C & Mata J
(2007) Nd Isotopes as Tracers as Crustal Rejuvenation
López-Guijarro R, Quesada Ochoa C, Fernández-Suárez J & Pin C
(2006) Mg- and Fe-rich wehrlites: products of progressive melt/peridotite reaction?
Vannucci R, Raffone N, Chazot G, Pin C & Zanetti A
(2004) Similar Sources for the Apuseni Mts and Banat (Roumania) Late Cretaceous Banatitic Magmatism
Vander Auwera J, Berza T, Dupont A, Marincea S & Pin C
(2002) The Composition of Mid Atlas Lithospheric Mantle
Raffone N, Zanetti A, Chazot G, Pin C & Vannucci R
(2002) High-K Magmas from the French Massif Central: Crust-Mantle Interaction during the Hercynian Orogeny
Arnaud N, Agranier A, Chazot G, Pin C, Poidevin J-L & Blichert Toft J

Pin Christian (2015) Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in NE Spain: Insight from Deformation Fabrics and Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths
Fernández-Roig M, Galán G, Pin C, Devidal J-L, Mariani E, Oliveras V, Martínez F & Grégoire M
(2015) Textural and Geochemical Record of Interaction between Enriched Mantle Magmas and Crustal Components in the Montnegre Mafic Complex (Catalan Costal Ranges)
Galán G, Enrique P, Butjosa L, Pin C & Devidal J-L
(2015) Cerium Isotope Systematics in the Mariana Arc-Basin System
Bellot N, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Pin C, Savov I, Plank T & Elliott T

Pin J. (2023) Erta Ale Volcano (Afar, Ethiopia) Plumbing System Architecture, Magma Source and Differentiation Series
Pin J, Chazot G, France L, Abily B, Gurenko A & Bertrand H
(2021) Thermodynamic Model for the Refertilization of the NOn-Cratonic Continental Mantle Lithosphere
Pin J, France L, Reisberg L & Lambart S

Piña B. (2017) The Anthropocene’s Fingerprint as Reflected by the Occurrence and Fluxes of Organic Pollutants in the Global Oceans
Dachs J, González-Gaya B, Castro-Jiménez J, Fernández-Pinos M-C, Casal P, Pizarro C, Morales L, Pizarro M, Vila-Costa M, Abad E, Piña B & Jiménez B

Pina C.M. (2023) New 3D Crystal Models for Teaching Crystallography
Pimentel C & Pina CM
(2019) Cation Ordering and Crystallinity of Dolomites in the Geological Record
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Crespo Á
(2019) Minerals in Science Fiction
Pina CM & Pimentel C
(2015) Synthesis of Dolomite Analogues at Ambient Conditions
Pimentel C & Pina CM
(2015) Formation of Metal-Bearing Overgrowths on Dolomite Surfaces
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E
(2013) Study of Surfaces of Al2SiO5 Minerals by Lateral Force Microscopy
Pimentel C, Pina CM & Gnecco E
(2013) Nanotribology of Mineral Surfaces in Aqueous Environments
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E
(2012) Epitaxy of Calcite on Dolomite and Kutnahorite (104) Surfaces
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E
(2011) Atomic Force Microscopy Observations of Nanostructures and Crystal Growth in Bivalves
Pina CM, Checa AG, Sainz-Díaz CI & Cartwright JHE
(2009) Nanoscale Epitaxial Growth of PbSO4 on the Celestite (001) Face: Implications for Mineral Reactivity
Pina CM & Rico-García A
(2008) Nanoscale Effects of Dissolved Silica on the Growth of Calcite {104} Faces
Pina CM, Merkel C & Jordan G
(2007) AFM Observations of Dissolution and Growth on Anhydrite (100), (010) and (001) Cleavage Faces
Pina C & Fernandez-Diaz L
(2007) Interaction between Barite and Celestite Cleavage Surfaces and Carbonate Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Sanchez-Pastor N, Pina C & Fernandez-Diaz L
(2007) The Replacement of Gypsum by CaCO3 Polymorphs: Reaction Steps and Formation of Pseudomorphs
Fernandez-Diaz L, Pina C, Astilleros JM & Sanchez-Pastor N
(2007) Growth of Calcium Carbonates in Gels in the Presence of Organic and Inorganic Additives
Merkel C, Jordan G, Pina C, Fernandez-Diaz L & Schmahl W
(2006) In situ AFM observations of mineral replacement reactions on sulphate and carbonate surfaces
Pina CM, Sánchez-Pastor N, Fernández-Díaz L, Pérez-Garrido C & Prieto M
(2004) The Effect of Supersaturation Rate on the Composition of Carbonate Solid Solutions
Heasman D, Pina C, Prieto M & Fernández-González A
(2004) Relationships between Crystal Morphology and Ba/Sr Distribution Coefficients in the (Ba, Sr)SO4-H2O Solid Solution-Aqueous Solution System
Sánchez-Pastor N, Pina C & Fernández- Díaz L
(2002) Heterogeneity of Mineral Surfaces and its Role in Geochemical Surface Reactions
Putnis A, Astilleros J, Pina C & Putnis C
(2001) Mineral Replacement Reactions in Solid Solution-Aqueous Solution Systems
Putnis C, Pina CM, Pollok K & Glikin A
(2000) The Crystallisation of (Ca, Sr)CO3 on Calcite {10-14}surfaces: An AFM Study
Astilleros JM, Pina CM, Fernández-Díaz L & Putnis A
(2000) Epitaxial Growth of Gypsum on Anhydrite: In situ AFM Observations and Computer Calculations
Pina CM, Becker U & Fernández-Díaz L

Piña J. (2019) Acid Rock Drainage in Mountain Catchments from the Pyrenees
Cirés J, Piña J, Vilà M & García-Sellés C

Piña Ruben (2022) Trace Metals Distribution in Pyrite from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
González-Jiménez JM, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, Reinaldo SR & Ruiz de Almodovar G
(2011) Graphite-Bearing Norites (Cortegana Igneous Complex, SW Spain): Mantle-Derived Carbon or Crustal Contamination?
Piña R, Crespo-Feo E, Ortega L, Barrenechea JF & Luque FJ
(2010) PGE Distribution in the Aguablanca Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposit, Spain: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS
Piña R, Barnes S-J, Gervilla F, Ortega L & Lunar R

Piña Rubén (2023) Multi-Isotope (S, C, O and Sr) Approach to the Genesis of the Picachos Cu-(Ag) Manto-Type Deposit, North-Central Chile
Corral I, Ortega L, Piña R, Fanlo I, Navarro-Ciurana D, Caldera N & Coll X
(2023) Geochemistry of Pyrite in Basic Rocks of the Betic Cordillera
Ferreira A, González-Jiménez JM, Blanco-Quintero IF, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R & Gervilla F
(2021) Mineral-Scale Mobility of PGE and TABS in Subducted Serpentinites
Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM, Piña R, Saunders J, Plissart G, Marchesi C & Padrón-Navarta JA
(2021) Golden Pyrites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, González-Jiménez JM, Reinaldo SR, Ruiz de Almodovar G, Proenza JA & Pons JM
(2019) Mantle-Crust Interation Formed Unique Ores in the SCLM of the Serranía de Ronda Peridotites (South Spain)
Gervilla F, González JM, Marchesi C, Hidas K & Piña R

Pina V. (2018) Intensive Pumping Impacts Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water Aquifers in an Inter-Montane Basin
Knappett P, Li Y, Datta S, Loza I, Majumder S, Hernandez H, Shepherd F, Aviles M, Pina V, Huang Y, Lynch B & Mahlknecht J

Piña-Ochoa E. (2010) Survival of Benthic Foraminifera (Globobulimina turgida) Through Intracellular Nitrate Respiration: A Laboratory Experiment
Koho K, Piña-Ochoa E, Geslin E & Risgaard-Petersen N

Pinard P. (2023) Improvements for Quantitative WDS and EDS Analysis of Minerals: Validation of Standard Reference Materials and Technology-Led Optimisation of Analytical Parameters
Jones R, Pinard P & Burgess S

Pinay G. (2021) Coupling Groundwater Age Tracers (CFCs) and In-Stream Solute Time Series (DSi) to Decipher the Reactivity of Crystalline Watersheds
Marçais J, Dreuzy J-RD, Aquilina L, Guillaumot L, Labasque T, Pinay G & Derry LA
(2013) Tracing Denitrification Using Isotopic Composition of Nitrogen in Soils and Plants
Sebilo M, Mothet A, Hamilton L, Malone E, Vaury V, Gros O & Pinay G

Pinchand T. (2019) Neotectonics and Geochemical Dispersion Processes in Australia: A Proxy to Assist Mineral Exploration
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Krapf C, Noble R, Fox D, Reid N, Ibrahimi T, Foss C, Dutch R, LeGras M, Lau I & Pinchand T

Pinchuk G. (2002) Regulation and Assembly of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by the Facultative Metal Reducing Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1
Gorby Y, McLean J, Pinchuk G, Hill E & Dohnalkova A

Pincus M.R. (2015) Geochronology of ex situ Shocked Zircons: Towards Dating Impacts
Cavosie AJ, Reddy SM, Timms NE, Erickson TM & Pincus MR

Pineau F. (2006) Carbon Flux at Mid-Ocean Ridges and CO2/Nb Variability in the Mantle
Cartigny P, Pineau F, Aubaud C & Javoy M
(2005) Volatile (C, N, Ar) Heterogeneity in MORB Popping-Rock Vesicles: Mantle Volatiles Mixed with Air
Cartigny P, Pineau F & Javoy M
(2004) The Geodynamic Cycle of Chlorine Based on d37 Cl
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejzwski N, Agrinier P, Pineau F, Charlou J & Monnin C
(2002) Carbon and Water in Pitcairn and Society Hotspots, French Polynesia
Aubaud C, Pineau F, Javoy M, Hékinian R & Cheminée J-L
(2002) Carbon in the Earth‚s Mantle: Neither Primordial nor Recycled but Simply „Mantle‰-derived
Cartigny P, Aubaud C, Jendrzejewski N, Harris JW, Pineau F & Javoy M
(2002) Carbon Isotopes in Basaltic Magmas, Processus or Source Signature ?
Pineau F, Jendrzejewski N, Aubaud C, Appora I, Shilobreeva S & Javoy M
(2002) The Dissolution of Hydrogen and Carbon in the Reduced Silicate Melt
Kadik A, Pineau F, Litvin Y & Javoy M
(2001) Volatile (C, N, Ar) Variability in MORB and the Respective Roles of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Degassing: The Southwest Indian Ridge
Cartigny P, Jendrzejewski N, Pineau F & Javoy M
(2000) Formation of Carbon and Hydrogen Species in Magmas at Low Oxygen Fugacity
Kadik A, Pineau F, Litvin Y, Jendrzejewski N, Martinez I & Javoy M
(2000) Chlorine Recycling in Subduction Zones: New Constraints from Chlorine Stable Isotopes
Godon A, Jendrzejewski N, Castrec-Rouelle M, Dia A, Pineau F, Boulègue J & Javoy M

Pineau P. (2021) Coupling between Sediment Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Dynamics in Anthropised Freshwater Marshes of Charente Maritime, France
Moncelon R, Dupuy C, Pineau P, Bénéteau E, Philippine O, Robin F-X & Metzger E

Pineda C. (2023) Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism in Irruputuncu Volcano, Central Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Guzmán-Marusic G, González-Maurel O, Pineda C, Rodríguez I, le Roux P & Godoy B
(2019) Melt Inclusion Study from the Quaternary Pudahuel Ignimbrite: A Window to Magma Chamber Processes
Pineda C, Cannatelli C, Ruprecht P & Morata D

Pineda N.A. (2023) Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of a Cretaceous Convergent Margin: Serpentinites from the Romeral Suture Zone, Colombia (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda NA, Castellanos OM, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA & Caneva A

Pineda-Rodriguez N.A. (2020) Carbonation and Silicification of Peridotites in the San Juan de Otates Ultramafic-Mafic Complex (Guanajuato, Central Mexico)
Lázaro-Paz CC, Colás V, Pineda-Rodriguez NA, González-Jiménez JM, Camprubí A, Proenza JA & Marchesi C

Pineda-Velasco I. (2019) Slab Controlled Petrogenesis of High-Sr Intermediate and Felsic (Adakitic) as a Result of the Propagating Slab Tear in a Hot Subduction System
Pineda-Velasco I, Kitagawa H, Nguyen TT, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E
(2019) Slab Morphological Evolution Underlying Volcanic Arc: Implications from Geochemistry and Geochronology of Late Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks in SW Japan
Nguyen TT, Kitagawa H, Pineda-Velasco I & Nakamura E
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Adakitic Magmatism in SW Japan
Pineda-Velasco I, Kitagawa H, Nguyen TT, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E
(2016) Geochronological Constrains on the Evolution of Late Cenozoic Volcanism in the Chugoku Area, SW Japan
Nguyen TT, Pineda-Velasco I, Kitagawa H, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E

Pinedo-González P. (2020) Tracing the Sources of Lead in the Canadian Arctic from the Atmosphere to the Ocean
Bergquist B, De Vera J, Chandan P, Pinedo-Gonzalez P, John S, Jackson S, Cullen J, William L & Steffen A
(2018) The Timing of Redox Changes, CAMP Volcanism, and the End-Triassic Extinction from the Levanto Section (Northern Peru)
Yager JA, West AJ, Corsetti FA, Berelson WM, Thibodeau AM, Pinedo-González P, Rosas BS, Bergquist BA & Bottjer DJ

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