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Ozawa Kazuhito (2015) Constraints on the Formation Process of the Ungrouped NWA 6704 Primitive Achondrite
Hibiya Y, Ozawa K, Iizuka T & Yamaguchi A
(2015) Chemical Evolution of a Protoplanetary Disk and Early Determination of Planetesimal Chemical Compositions
Nagahara H, Nakata M & Ozawa K
(2014) Chemical Evolution of the Protosolar Disk and Chondrite Compositions
Nakata M, Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2014) Evolution of the Protosolar Disk and Planetesimal Compositions
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2013) Diversity of Melts Migration Process within the Uppermost Mantle along a Mid-Ocean Ridge: An Example from the Northern Oman Ophiolite
Akizawa N, Arai S, Tamura A & Ozawa K
(2013) Large Scale Material Transport in the Protoplanetary Disk and its Relevance to the “Planetary” Oxygen Isotopic Composition
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2012) Oxygen Isotopic Exchange Reaction between Silicate Melt and Ambient Gas
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2011) Viscosity Measurements of FeO-Rich Silicate Melts and Its Implication for the Lunar Crust Formation
Sakai R, Kushiro I, Nagahara H, Ozawa K & Tachibana S
(2011) Kinetics of Condensation and Cosmochemical Fractionation of the Planet Forming Materials in the Early Solar Nebula
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2004) Kinetic Condensation of Gas for the Diversity of Ferromagnesian Chondrule Compositions
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2003) Stability of Forsterite, Enstatite, and Silicate Melt Around Young and Evolved Stars
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2003) Melt-Peridotite Reaction in the Upper Mantle: Constraints from Major Exchange Components
Ozawa K
(2002) Chemical Diversity of Chondrule Melt and its Origin
Nagahara H & Ozawa K
(2002) Incongruent Evaporation of Olivine at Low Temperature
Ozawa K & Nagahara H

Ozawa Kazuhito (2020) A Peridotite Xenolith from Garnet-Stability Field beneath Aitutaki: An Implication for Small-Scale Convection
Akizawa N, Ozawa K, Wallis S, Tamura A, Ishikawa A & Kogiso T

Ozawa Keisuke (2023) Trace Element Partitioning between Bridgmanite and Silicate Melt up to CMB Pressure and the Origin of the Hf-Nd Mantle Array
Ozawa K, Sakamoto N, Hirose K, Tsutsumi Y, Iizuka T & Yurimoto H
(2019) Experimental Determination of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 Liquidus Phase Diagram up to CMB Pressure
Ozawa K, Hirose K & Tateno S

Ozawa S. (2013) Organic Carbon from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: Hints for Biogenic Origin
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Hu S, Zhang J, Gillet P, Xu Y, Hao J, Miyahara M, Ouyang Z, Ohtani E, Xu L, Yang W, Feng L, Zhao X, Yang J & Ozawa S
(2013) Igneous and Impact Processes on a Ureilite Parent Body Inferred from Y-983890 Polymict Ureilite
Ozawa S, Yamaguchi A & Kojima H
(2013) Discovery of Coesite and Stishovite from Eucrite
Miyahara M, Ohtani E, Yamaguchi A, Ozawa S, Sakai T & Hirao N

Ozawa Shin (2012) In situ U-Pb Dating of Baddeleyite in Shergotty and a Chassignite: Implications for Martian Chronology
Ozawa S, Ireland TR, El Goresy A, Ohtani E, Miyahara M & Ito Y

Özaydin S. (2021) The Mantle Source of the Eastern Australian Leucitites: Evidence from Whole Rock and Olivine Compositions (and Why the Olivine Compositions do Matter)
Shea JJ, Lanati AW, Ezad IS, Özaydin S & Foley SF

Ozbay S. (2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S

Özcan M. (2014) Biogeochemical Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions on Alkaline Lakes: A Case Study on Lake Van in Eastern Turkey
Olgun N, Çağatay N, Aksu A, Balkıs N, Kaiser J, Öveçoğlu L & Özcan M

Özçelik O. (2016) The Comparison of Konya Basin Pliocene Aged Two Coal Fields in Terms of Element Content
Altunsoy M, Özçelik O & Güllüdağ CB
(2016) Organic Geochemistry of Lower Miocene Coaly Units: Example of the Soma Formation, Manisa, Turkey
Hökerek S & Özçelik O
(2014) Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Pliocene Coaly Units (Ilgın–Konya, Turkey)
Altunsoy M, Ozdogan M & Ozcelik O
(2014) Biomarker Characteristics of Triassic Kasımlar Formation; Akseki–Anamas Platform, Western Taurus, Turkey
Özçelik O, Altunsoy M, Yalçın Erik N, Hökerek S, Ünal N & Kuşcu M
(2014) Trace and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Black Shales in Triassic Kasımlar Formation, Anamas – Akseki Platform, Western Taurids, Turkey
Kuşcu M, Özsoy R, Özçelik O & Altunsoy M
(2013) Organic Geochemical Characteristics of the Coaly Miocene Units in the Şahinali (Aydın) Region, Büyük Menderes Graben, Turkey
Özçelik O, Altunsoy M, Hökerek S, Ünal N & Yalçın Erik N
(2013) Organic Facies Variation from Well Data on the Bituminous Miocene Units, Northwesthern Anatolia (Sevinç/Ağapınar-Eskişehir), Turkey
Altunsoy M, Şengüler İ, Ünal N, Hökerek S & Özçelik O

Özdemir S. (2015) A View to the First Half of the Earth’s Impact History: Barberton CT3 Spherule Layers, South Africa
Özdemir S, Koeberl C, Schulz T, Reimold WU, Mohr-Westheide T & Hofmann A

Özdemir Y. (2017) Geochemistry and Petrology of the Solhan (Bingöl) Volcanics, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey
Oyan V, Özdemir Y, Keskin M & Güleç N
(2015) Holocene and Upper Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar Ages from Nemrut Volcano
Barfod D, Goff J, Karaoglu Ö & Özdemir Y
(2013) Effect of Magma Mixing on the Evolution of the Intermediate Members of Süphan Volcanics: Eastern Turkey
Özdemir Y, Güleç N & Blundy J
(2013) Geochemistry and Petrology of the Tımar Basaltic Volcanism in the Northeast of Lake Van
Oyan V, Keskin M & Özdemir Y

Özden S.

Özdirekcan S. (2000) Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotopes: The Effect of Biosynthetic Pathways
Schouten S, Özdirekcan S, van Dongen BE, van der Meer MT & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Ozdogan M. (2014) Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Pliocene Coaly Units (Ilgın–Konya, Turkey)
Altunsoy M, Ozdogan M & Ozcelik O

Oze C. (2019) Carbon Negative Olivine Cement
Oze C & Scott A
(2016) Chromium Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide in Serpentinization Systems
Oze C, Sleep N, Coleman R & Fendorf S
(2014) Hydrogen Production Through Olivine Alteration
Neubeck A, Nguyen Thanh D, Hellevang H, Oze C, Bastviken D, Bacsik Z & Holm N
(2014) The Chemical Utility of Serpentinization Products
Oze C & Holm N
(2014) The Utility of Paired Isotopic and Diffuse Soil CO2 Flux Investigations in Geothermal Systems
Hanson M, Oze C & Horton T
(2012) Soil Gas Exploration at Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand
Kennedy B, Bloomberg S, Rissmann C, Horton T, Mazot A, Gravley D & Oze C
(2012) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from White Island Volcano, New Zealand
Mazot A, Bloomberg S, Horton T, Rissmann C, Oze C, Gravley D & Kennedy B
(2011) Reactivity of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks with CO2-charged Fluids and the Autocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Form CH4
Rosenbauer R, Oze C, Jones C, Thomas B, Goldsmith J & Bischoff J

Özen V. (2019) Interrogating the Paleocene Palaeoclimate Paradox
Henehan M, Barnet J, Planavsky N, Littler K, Hain M, Thomas E, Özen V, von Blanckenburg F & Hull P
(2015) Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The History of Palaeocene Ocean pH
Henehan M, Hull P, Planavsky N, Thomas E & Özen V

Ozen Balaban T. (2014) Hydrogeochemical Characterizations of Pamukkale-Karahayit Geothermal Fields (Denizli, Turkey)
Ozen Balaban T, Tarcan G, Gemici U, Colak M & Karamanderesi İH

Ozerov A. (2003) From High-Mg Basalts to Dacites: Continued Crystal Fractionation in the Klyuchevskoy-Bezymianny Magma Plumbing System, Kamchatka
Almeev R, Kimura J, Ozerov A, Ariskin A & Barmina G

Ozerskiy A. (2015) Hydrogeochemical Conditions in Archaean Impermeable Crystalline Rocks (Siberian Craton)
Ozerskiy A
(2014) Radionuclides in the Archaean Rocks Adjacent to the Nizhnekansky Rock Massif (Siberian Craton)
Ozerskiy A
(2013) Trace Elements in the Environment at the Site of Probable Underground Building in the Nizhnekansky Rock Massif (Siberian Craton)
Ozerskiy A & Ozerskiy D

Ozerskiy D. (2013) Trace Elements in the Environment at the Site of Probable Underground Building in the Nizhnekansky Rock Massif (Siberian Craton)
Ozerskiy A & Ozerskiy D

Özfirat P. (2009) Simulated Microstructure Development during Prograde Metamorphism
Özfirat P, Caddick M & Thompson A

Ozgen I. (2022) Developing Insights into River Corridor and Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemistry Across Scales
Dwivedi D, Ozgen I, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer ME, Faybishenko BA, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S
(2021) A Scale-Adaptive Framework to Predict Water and Nutrient Fluxes Across Land-Water Interfaces
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer M, Ozgen I, Faybishenko B, Nico PS, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S

Özgen-Xian I. (2020) A Scale-Aware Modeling Framework to Quantify Subsurface Geochemical Exports and River Water Quality
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Newcomer M, Arora B, Özgen-Xian I, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S

Özgür N. (2020) Conceptual Modeling of Geothermal Waters in the Continental Rift Zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N
(2019) Conceptual Modeling of the Geothermal Waters in the Continental Rift Zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N
(2017) Extinct Geothermal Systems in the Continental Rift Zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N
(2017) Hydrogeological Modeling of the Geothermal Waters of Alaşehir in the Continental Rift Zone of the Gediz within the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N, Çalışkan TA & Aydemir E
(2016) Genetical Modelling of the Hg, Sb and Au Deposits in the Continetal Rift Zone of the Küçük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N
(2014) Hydrogeochemistry of Fluorine in Groundwaters of Isparta, SW Turkey
Özgür N & Çalışkan TA
(2009) Genetical Modelling of the Epithermal Hg Deposit of Haliköy, Sb Deposit of Emirli and Au Deposit of Küre in the Rift Zone of the Küçük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Özgür N

Ozgurel O. (2021) Helium Partitioning between the Earth's Mantle and the Core during the Core Formation
Ozgurel O & Caracas R

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