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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Negrila C. (2011) XPS Analysis of Corrosion Products Formed on Mild Steel Surface
Samide A, Tutunaru B & Negrila C

Negro F. (2009) Integrated Zircon U/Pb, (U-Th)/He, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Study of a Normal Fault Zone (Western Alps, Switzerland)
Guerra I, Corfu F, Stockli D, Ruiz G, Mancktelow N, Negro F, Vennemann T & Kalt A
(2005) Natural and Thermochemical Stability of Monazite in Low-Grade Metapelites
Goffe B, Janots E, Brunet F, Bollinger L, Grevel K, Cemic L & Negro F

Negrón-Mendoza A. (2009) Mineral Studies on Earth and Mars: Chemical Evolution Approach
Colín-García M, Ortega F, Negrón-Mendoza A & Ramos-Bernal S

Negru G.A. (2023) Atmospheric Reactivity of Ketolimonene: Ozone Kinetics, Reaction Products and SOA Formation
Roman C, Amarandei C, Negru GA, Arsene C, Bejan IG, Jamar M, Dusanter S, Olariu RI & Tomas A

Negulescu E. (2017) Imaging Trace-Element Distribution in Zoned Crystals – An Application to Metamorphic Garnet Porphyroblasts
Stremtan C, Sabau G, Negulescu E & Chew D
(2015) Late Stage HFSE-Enrichment in the Ditrău Alkaline Complex, East Carpathians
Săbău G & Negulescu E
(2014) Peritectic Metasomatism and Agpaitic Line of Descent in the Endocontact Zone of the Măgureaua Vaței (MV) Intrusives (Apuseni Mts.)
Săbău G & Negulescu E
(2014) Growth and Demise of Chloritoid along a Metamorphic P-T Path: An Example from the South Carpathians
Negulescu E, Săbău G & Massonne H-J
(2013) Monazite Anamnesis – Providing a Quantitative Timeframe for Metamorphic Petrogenetic Processes
Săbău G, Negulescu E & Theye T
(2012) Chemical Zoning of Eclogite Lenses in Subduction Complexes: An Example from the Leaota Massif, South Carpathians
Negulescu E & Sabau G
(2012) Chemical U-Th-Total Pb Ages in Recycled Metamorphic Terranes: The Case of the South Carpathian Basement Units
Sabau G & Negulescu E

Nehme C. (2019) Simplified Technique for 87Sr/86Sr Measurement in Limestones by MC-ICP-MS
Puente B, Ballesteros D, Painchault A, Nehme C, Mouralis D & García-Alonso JI

Nehrbass-Ahles C. (2017) Past Dynamics of Atlantic Ocean Overturning: A Multi-Proxy View on Three Key Intervals
Gottschalk J, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C, Hodell DA, Nehrbass-Ahles C & Jaccard SL

Nehring F. (2007) Trace Element Partitioning in the Granulite Facies
Nehring F, Foley S & Hölttä P

Nehrke G. (2021) Boron Isotopic Signatures in Cold-Water Corals Determined by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS
Steinhoefel G, Beck K, Wall M, Nehrke G & Held C
(2021) Controlling CaCO3 Particle Size with {Ca2+}:{CO32-} Ratios in Aqueous Environments
Seepma SYMH, Ruiz-Hernandez SE, Nehrke G, Soetaert K, Philipse AP, Kuipers BWM & Wolthers M
(2019) Isotopic and Elemental Mapping of Bamboo Corals – Reference to Calcification Mechanism and Proxy Applications
Flöter S, Fietzke J, Gutjahr M, Farmer J, Hill TM, Hönisch B, Nehrke G & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Endolithic Algae Affect Modern Coral Morphology and Chemistry
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Detecting Biogenic Diagenesis in Tropical Corals
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Engelkes K, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Na Incorporation into Inorganic CaCO3 and Implications for Biogenic Carbonates
Mezger E, Devriendt LS, Olsen E, Watkins J, Kaczmarek K, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L & Reichart G-J
(2017) NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera
Keul N, Langer G, deNooijer L, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Reichart G-J & Bijma J
(2016) Wintertime Sea-Ice Chemistry and Influence of Glacial Freshwater Discharge during Two Contrasting Years in a Spitsbergen Fjord
Fransson A, Chierici M, Nomura D, Granskog M, Kristiansen S, Martma T, Nehrke G & Steen H
(2013) A New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
Nehrke G, Keul N, Langer G, de Nooijer L, Bijma J & Meibom A
(2013) Opening the Foraminiferal Proxy Black Box a Bit Further
Bijma J, Brombacher A, Funcke A, Howes E, Kaczmarek K, Keul N, Langer G, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Raitzsch M & Reichart G-J
(2012) Calcite Growth Kinetics and Solution Stoichiometry
Wolthers M, Nehrke G & Van Cappellen P
(2011) Calcium Carbonate Precipitation by the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
Kranz SA, Wolf-Gladrow D, Nehrke G, Langer G & Rost B
(2010) Calcite Growth Rate and Solution Composition
Wolthers M, Nehrke G & Van Cappellen P
(2010) The Role of Ca Pools in the Calcification Process of Foraminifera
Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Langer G, Meibom A & Bijma J
(2009) Incorporation of "Hydrothermal" Elements in Foraminiferal Calcite: Results from Culturing Experiments
Munsel D, Kramar U, Nehrke G, Dissard D, Bijma J, Berner Z & Reichart G-J
(2007) A Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Kramar U, Majzlan J, Nehrke G & Zöger N

Nehzati S. (2020) Before and after Spectra: Enhanced Chemical Speciation Below Former Detection Limits
Nehzati S, Dolgova N, Sokaras D, Kroll T, Pickering I & George G

Neibauer Jacquelyn (2020) The Distribution of Anaerobic Iron Oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
Bolster K, Neibauer J, Keil R & Moffett J

Neibauer Jacquelyn A (2021) Shelf to Basin Shuttling of Iron in Oxygen Deficient Zones
Bolster KM, Keil R, Neibauer JA & Moffett J

Neidhardt Harald (2013) Estimating the Role of Competing Ions on the Arsenic Mobilization Processes in the Aquifers of Bengal Basin by Surface Complexation Modeling
Biswas A, Gustafsson JP, Neidhardt H, Halder D, Kundu AK, Chatterjee D, Berner Z & Bhattacharya P

Neidhardt Harald (2015) Sorption Behavior of As on Iron Phases at a Migrating Redox Front
Neidhardt H, Berg M, Frising A, Stengel C, Winkel L, Kägi R, Trang P, Lan V & Viet P
(2015) Determination and Quantification of Arsenic Sorption Characteristics in the Pleistocene Aquifer of Hanoi, Vietnam
Rathi B, Neidhardt H, Berg M, Davis JA & Prommer H
(2015) Quantifying Reactive Transport Processes Governing Arsenic Mobility in a Bengal Delta Plain Aquifer
Rawson J, Prommer H, Neidhardt H & Berg M

Neidhardt Harald (2019) Halogen Cycling (F, Cl, Br, I) in the Critical Zone
Epp T, Neidhardt H, Marks MAW, Markl G & Oelmann Y

Neidhardt Harald (2023) The Fate of Phosphorus in Groundwater Systems
Neidhardt H, Shao W, Li Y, Rudischer S, Eiche E, Schneider M, Pham T, Pham V, Biswas A, Berg M, Guo H & Oelmann Y

Neidhardt J. (2011) Polysaccharide Fractionation of Soil Organic Matter due to Reaction with Ferrihydrite
Eusterhues K, Neidhardt J, Rennert T, Kögel-Knabner I & Totsche KU

Neil B. (2022) Discovery of a Giant Juvenile 3.3–3.1 Ga Terrane in the Rae Craton, Canada
Neil B, Tersmette DB, Chacko T, Heaman LM, Kjarsgaard BA, Martel E, Creaser RA, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Dufrane SA & Luo Y

Neil C. (2020) Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Reveals Pressure-Dependent Methane Trapping in Shale
Neil C, Mehana M, Hjelm R, Hawley M, Mao Y, Viswanathan H, Kang Q & Xu H
(2014) Roles of Arsenate and Phosphate in the Nucleation and Growth of Iron (III) (Hydr)oxides
Neil C, Lee B & Jun Y-S

Neil F. (2020) Rheology and Thermal Structure of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Ridge Inferred from Gravity Data and Models of Plate Flexure
Pleus A, Ito G, Wessel P & Neil F

Neil G. (2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR

Neil Helen (2017) SW Pacific Export Production Since the Last Glacial Maximum: No Evidence for Iron Fertilisation
Chase Z, Durand A, Bostock H, Jaccard S, Neil H, Noble T & Townsend A
(2013) A 30ka Sponge-Diatom Silicon Isotope Record of Dissolved Silicon Concentration in Subantarctic Mode Water
Rousseau J, Ellwood M, Neil H, Bostock H & Fallon S
(2013) Deglacial Trends in the Oxygen Content of Intermediate Waters in the Southwest Pacific
Chase Z, Townsend A, Bostock H & Neil H

Neil Helen L.

Neilan B. (2015) Microbial Communities and Bioactive Metabolite Potential of Microbialites from Extreme Australian Environments
Vardeh D, Woodhouse J & Neilan B

Neill I. (2019) Using Mineral Isotope Stratigraphy to Understand Crustal Contamination in the Lesser Antilles Arc
Brown J, Prytulak J, Cooper G, Macpherson C, Nowell G & Neill I

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