Neelavannan K.
Microplastics in the Ganga River: Sources and Pathways to the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve
Neelavannan K, Sen IS, Sinha N, Thakurb AK & Misra DS
Neely Rebecca
236U in Seawater – Contaminant and Tracer
Henderson G, Belshaw N, Neely R, Thomas A, Holdship P & Buesseler K
Neely Rebecca
Molybdenum Isotope Behaviour Accompanying Vapour-Phase Transport in Geothermal Systems
Neely R, Þorbjörnsson D, Pearce C, Gislason S & Burton K
Biological Fractionation of Molybdenum Isotopes: Lake Mývatn, Iceland
Neely R, Siebert C, Burton K, Eiriksdottir E & Einarsson A
Neely Ryan
Systemic Swings in End-Permian Climate from Siberian Traps Carbon and Sulfur Outgassing
Black B, Neely R, Lamarque J-F, Elkins-Tanton L, Kiehl J, Shields C, Mills M & Bardeen C
Neerup R.
Grain and Crystalline Domain Properties of a Potential CO2 Storage Unit
Appelquist I, Neerup R & Loldrup Fosbøl P
Tracking the Temporal Evolution of Ostwald Ripening in CaCO3 Crystals, Related to Phenomena Observed Under CO2 Storage
Appelquist I, Loldrup Fosbøl P & Neerup R
Thermal Properties of a CO2 Sorbent and its Possible Degradation Pathways
Neerup R, Appelquist I & Loldrup Fosbøl P
Neethu S.
Tracing the Himalayan Erosion and Weathering Products in the Equatorial Indian Ocean Using Sedimentary Lead Isotopes
Neethu S
Neeway James
Comparing Alteration Layer Characteristics of Ancient Hillfort Glasses Corroded in the Field and Laboratory
Neeway J, Pearce C, Nava-Farias L, Seymour L & Marcial J
Neeway Jim
Iodine Conceptual Models at the Hanford and Savannah River Sites: Similarities and Differences
Qafoku N, Kaplan D, Lawter A, Neeway J, Bagwell C, Szecsody J & Truex M
Neff C.
Trace Element Mapping of Garnet by LA-Icp-Tofms
Rubatto D, Burger M, Schwarz G, Keresztes Schmidt P, Neff C, Lanari P, Hermann J, Vho A & Günther D
Neff D.
Bio-Corrosion Detection by Sulphur Isotopic Fractionation Measurements Using nanoSIMS
Grousset S, Mercier F, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Dillmann P & Neff D
Effect of Secondary Phases on the Evolution of Glass Alteration
Gentaz L, Lombardo T, Chabas A, Loisel C, Neff D & Rebiscoul D
Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D
Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
Inferences from a Corrosion Study of Iron Archeological Artefacts in Anoxic Soils
Saheb M, Neff D, Descostes M & Dillmann P
Micro-beam analyses of glass and iron corrosion layers in clayey rock.
De Combarieu G, Neff D, Foy E, Gin S & Barboux P
Neff U.
Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-Resolution Speleothem Record from Oman
Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A
Negahban Y.
Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements in Robat Karim Epithermal Manganese Deposit, South Tehran, Iran
Moghaddasi SJ & Negahban Y
Negele S.
New Ventilation and Gas Saturation Constraints for the Arctic Ocean from Dissolved Gas Tracer Data
Arck Y, Gerke L, Brinkman J, Engelhardt E, Freundt F, Friedrich R, Negele S, Robertz J, Scott S, Wachs D, Frank N, Oberthaler M, Tanhua T & Aeschbach W
Excess Air in Noble Gas Data Sets: Systematics and Paleoclimatic Significance
Negele S, Aeschbach W, Seltzer AM, Ng J, Kulongoski JT, Severinghaus JP, Kipfer R & Stute M
Revisiting Excess Air in Groundwater with a New Hydroclimate Tracer
Ng J, Seltzer AM, Noyes C, Negele S, Tyne RL, Aeschbach W, Kulongoski JT, Johnson HM, Stute M, McIntosh J, Ferguson G & Severinghaus JP
Enhancing the Evaluation of Noble Gas Data with the Software PANGA
Negele S, Kunz A-K & Aeschbach W
Negeri T.
Application of Principal Component Analysis and ToF-SIMS to Mineral Recognition, Surface Chemistry and Separation by Flotation
Smart R, Hart B, Biesinger M, Francis J & Negeri T
Negev I.
Man Made Water Cycles: Isotope Tracing of Desalinated Seawater Through Water Supply, Sewage and Groundwater
Kloppmann W, Negev I, Guttman J, Catherine G, Christine F, Marie P, Goren O & Burg A
Redox Conditions in Infiltration Basins of a Large Scale Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) of Effluent
Goren O, Gavrieli I, Burg A, Negev I, Guttman J, Kraitzer T, Cikurel H, Kloppmann W, Guerrot C & Pettenati M
Negi P.
Groundwater Arsenic Enrichments Associated with Coal Burn Remnants along Sutlej River, Punjab, India
Kaur N, Bhanu Y, Juneja A, Negi P & Paikaray S
Negishi H.
Heterogeneous Melt Involved in Formation of a Thick Moho Transition Zone in Northern Oman Ophiolite: Implications for MORB Evolution
Muroi R, Arai S, Negishi H & Tamura A
Negishi K.
XAFS Analysis of C-S-H Formed by Cemet-Betonite Interaction
Negishi K, Sakamoto H, Ishii T, Hayashi D, Fujii N, Owada H & Nitani H
Negra M.H.
The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R
Negrel J.
Multi Isotope (Li, B, U) Study of the Clay-Size Fraction in Weathering Profile
Lemarchand D, Négrel J & Chabaus F
Compared Behavior of Boron, Lithium and Uranium Series Isotopes Fractionement during the Weathering of Granite (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Negrel J, Lemarchand D & Chabaux F
Négrel Philipe
Hydro-Geochemical (KIRMAT) Modeling of 20-Year Geochemical Variations of Granitic Strengbach Catchment Springs (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Viville D, Pierret M-C, Beaulieu E & Négrel P
Negrel Philippe
Boron Geochemistry of European Agricultural Soil
Negrel P, Ladenberger A, Reimann C, Demetriades A, Dr. Birke M & Sadeghi M
Architecture of the Critical Zone and Geometry of the Water Pathways in the Strengbach CZO (France)
Chabaux F, Lerouge C, Gal F, Viville D, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Pierret M, Reuschlé T, Negrel P & Dezayes C
Chemical Weathering of a Granitic Watershed: Coupling Lithium Isotopes and Reactive Transport Modeling, Preliminary Results
Millot R, Tremosa J & Négrel P
Life Cycle of a Catchment from Weathering to Human Impact Traced by Lead Isotopes
Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Guerrot C & Millot R
Isotopic Tracing of Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions in Alluvial Contexts
Petelet-Giraud E & Negrel P
Tracing the Orgin of Guiana Beachsands Through Multi-Elementary Heavy Mineral Finger Printing
Lach P, Negrel P & Petelet-Giraud E
Present-Day and Long-Term Weathering Rates in Elementary Watersheds: Principle and Example of Application
Chabaux F, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Viville D & Négrel P
Combined Analysis of Uranium Series Nuclides and in situ Beryllium in a Weathering Profile Located in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Van Der Woerd J, Kali E, Pelt E, Pierret MC, Viville D, Wyns R & Negrel P
B-Li Isotope Characterization to Design a Frame of Hydrogeological Functioning of a Wetland System (Massif Central, France)
Négrel P, Guerrot C, Millot R & Petelet-Giraud E
Dynamic of Groundwater Circulation and Source of Salinity in Large Sedimentary Aquifers (Adour-Garonne District, SW France): Sulfate and Strontium Isotopes Constraints
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Brenot A, Malcuit E & Millot R
Water-Rock Interaction and Groundwater Salinity in Large Sedimentary Basins: An Inverse Modeling Approach
Négrel P, Millot R, Petelet-Giraud E, Malcuit E & Brenot A
Chemical and Multi-Isotope Fingerprinting to Constrain Groundwater Salinization of a Coastal Mediterranean Multilayer Aquifer (the Roussillon Basin, France)
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Aunay B, Ladouche B, Bailly-Comte V, Guerrot C & Dorfliger N
Application of Stable Isotopes for Tracing Pollutant Plumes in Groundwater
Ollivier P, Negrel P, Flehoc C & Hube D
Geochemical and Isotopic Approaches for Monitoring CO2 Storage Sites: Applicability for Shale Gas Development
Humez P, Mayer B, Negrel P, Lions J, Lagneau V, Kloppmann W, Inj J & Nightingale M
δ<sup>97/95</sup>Mo in Molybdenites from the Azegour Skarn (Morocco)
Breillat N, Guerrot C, Negrel P & Marcoux E
Lithium Isotopes in Surficial Waters: Examples from Rivers and Peatlands
Millot R, Négrel P, Desaulty AM & Brenot A
How Isotopic Hydrogeochemical Tools can Help Policy Makers to Target Priority Area for Drinking Water Preservation?
Brenot A, Gourcy L, Petelet-Giraud E & Négrel P
Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Groundwaters in the Aquitaine Basin (SW France): Lateral and Vertical Variability of the Eocene Formations, Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes of Acquisition of the Mineralization
Malcuit E, Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Atteia O, Franchesci M & Dupuy A
B-Sr-U Isotope Systematics and 14C Dating of Groundwaters from Southwestern France
Innocent C, Malcuit E, Flehoc C, Guerrot C, Kloppmann W, Petelet-Giraud E & Negrel P
Lithium Isotopes Systematics in Geothermal Systems
Millot R, Negrel P & Sanjaun B
Multi-Isotope Monitoring of Enhanced Weathering of Glauconitic Sands Under Controlled High pCO2 Conditions
Humez P, Lions J, Lagneau V & Negrel P
Role of Major Ion Geochemistry in Delineating Polluted Parts in Southern Granitic Aquifer System, Andhra Pradesh, India
Atal S, Négrel P, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
Multi-Isotopic (H, O, C, S, Li, B, Si, Sr, Nd) Approach for Geothermal Fluid Characterization in Iceland
Millot R, Àsmundsson R, Négrel P, Sanjuan B & Bullen T
Lead Isotopes in Groundwater as Indicator of Water-Rock Interaction (Masheshwaram Catchment, Andhra Pradesh, India)
Negrel P, Millot R, Roy S, Guerrot C & Pauwels H
Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Systems
Millot R, Négrel P & Sanjuan B
A U-Series Study on Groundwaters from Southwestern France
Innocent C & Négrel P
Sources and Contribution of Atmospheric Boron to Rivers Budget of French Guiana
Chetelat B, Gaillardet J, Freydier R & Negrel P
Boron Isotopes Behaviour during Weathering of Silicate Rocks
Casanova J, Négrel P, Petelet- Giraud E, Kloppmann W & Millot R
Constraining the Sr Isotopes Signature in Surface Waters Draining Granite-Gneiss by Atmospheric and Anthropic Inputs Correction
Petelet-Giraud E, Negrel P & Casanova J
Rare Earth Elements and Neodymium Isotopic Systematic in the Groundwaters of French Guiana
Negrel P & Petelet-Giraud E
Surficial and Ground Water Relations in the Loire Catchment (France). An Isotopic Characterization Focuses on a Wetland in the Upper Basin
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Barbier J & Gautier E
Chronology of Fluvial Sediments in the Loire River Valley over the Past 8500 Years:
Négrel P, Kloppmann W, Garcin M & Giot D
Boron Isotope Fractionation in Groundwaters as an Indicator of Permafrost Past Conditions in the Fractured Crystalline Bedrock of the Fennoscandian Shield
Casanova J, Négrel P, Blomqvist R & Wikberg P
Lead Contents and Lead Isotopes in the Labile Fraction of Sediments in Silicate-Drained Rocks: Evidence in Small Watersheds in the Massif Central (France)
Roy S & Négrel P
Arsenic and Rare Earth Elements Trapping by Carbonates and Hydrous Iron Oxides Precipitates Generated by Degassing and Oxidation of Mineralised Waters
Le Guern C, Baranger P, Conil P, Negrel P, Brach M, Bodenan F & Crouzet C
Negrete M.E.
Predicting 2, 4-Dintroanisole (DNAN) Sorption on Various Soil “Types” Using Different Compositional Datasets
Chappell MA, Seiter JM, West HM, Miller LF, Negrete ME, LeMonte JJ, Porter BE & Price CL
Negrete R.
Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
Negrich K.
Detection of of Biological Impacts on Serpentinite Weathering on Earth and Potentially Other Planetary Systems
Olsen A, Taylor A, Hausrath E, Negrich K & Yardley E
Biogeochemical Weathering of Serpentinite in Field and Laboratory Studies
Negrich K, Baumeister J, Yardley E, MacRae J, Hausrath E & Olsen A
Using Laboratory-Derived Mineral Dissolution Rates to Test Biogeochemical Weathering in the Field
Olsen A, Hausrath E, Yardley E, Bodkin M, Baumeister J & Negrich K
Characterization of the Microbe-Biotite Interface on Field Samples from a Mine Site, Derome, Sweden
Negrich K, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS