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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Nath B (2004) Geochemistry of Arsenic in Deltaic Sediment
Chatterjee D, Chakraborty S, Nath B, Jana J, Mukherjee P & Sarkar M

Nath B (2015) Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM

Nath S. (2016) Interactions between the Role of Climate and Vegetation Controls on Shale Weathering: An International CZO Study
Dere A, Santini T, Larsen J, Nath S & White T

Nathan G. (2021) Isotopic Fractionation during Multi-Stage Core Formation
Nathan G, Shahar A, Rubie D & Jacobson SA

Nathan J. (2021) Balancing the Modern Marine Barium Isotope Budget with Estuarine Processes
Bridgestock L, Nathan J, Paver R, Hsieh Y-TA, Porcelli D, Tanzil JTI, Holdship P, Carrasco G, Annammala KV, Swarzenski P, Andersson P & Henderson GM

Nathan V. (2023) The Multiply Substituted Isotopologue 12CH2D in Methane Differentiates Biological Production Mechanisms
Ash JL, Li J, Nathan V, Torres M, Welte C, Morra K, Frisch S, Jetten M, Feng X, Young ED & Leavitt W
(2022) Combinatorial and Rate Effects on the Multiply-Substituted Isotope Signatures in Methane during Biological Production and Consumption
Li J, Chiu B, Cobban A, Piasecki A, Nathan V, Rhim JH, Young ED & Leavitt WD

Näthe K. (2013) Can Saharan Dust Explain Extensive Clay Deposits in the Amazon Basin? Radiogenic Isotopes as Tracers of Transatlantic Transport
Andreae MO, Abouchami W, Näthe K, Kumar A, Galer S, Jochum KP, Williams E, Horbe AMC, Rosa J & Harrison G

Nathwani C. (2023) Developing Reusable Tools for Geochemical Data in Python: The Pyrolite Roadmap
Williams M, Buckle T & Nathwani C
(2022) Controls on the Magnitude of Ce Anomalies in Zircons and Implications for T-X-Fo2 Evolution of Magmatic Systems
Loader MA, Nathwani C, Wilkinson JJ & Armstrong R
(2021) Resolving Tectono-Magmatic Processes that Drive multi-Myr Arc Magma Evolution in Central Chile
Large SJE, Nathwani C, Buret Y, Tapster SR, Knott T & Wilkinson JJ
(2021) Classifying Metallogenic Fertility in Magmatic Arcs Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques and Implications for Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation
Nathwani C, Wilkinson JJ & Armstrong R

Nativel P. (2002) Differentiation Rates and Geochemical Characterization of Parental Magmas for The Piton des Neiges Volcano (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)
Kluska J-M, Gillot P-Y & Nativel P

Natkaniec-Nowak L. (2022) Dianite, Rare Siberian Gemstone, – Mineralogy, Origin, and Terminology Issues
Dumańska-Słowik MA, Powolny T, Natkaniec-Nowak L & Stankiewicz K
(2020) Fire Phenomenon in Agate from Deer Creek (Arizona, USA)
Dumańska-Słowik M, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Gaweł A, Kowalczyk-Szpyt J, Milovska S & Łatkiewicz A
(2019) Mineral Composition of Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks in Ba Vi Area, North Viet Nam: A Preliminary Results
Smoliński W, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Khac Nguyen G, Gunia P & Heflik W
(2019) Blue and Green Natural Fluorescence Phenomenon in Amber from Sumatra (Palembang Province) and Dominican Republic (El Valle, Hato Mayor Province)
Stach P, Drzewicz P, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Naglik B, Wagner M, Girulski R, Kubica D, Milovsky R & George C

Natland J.H. (2011) Geothermobarometry of Basaltic Glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau
Husen A, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Sano T, Natland JH, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2011) Highly Depleted Melt Inclusions in Olivine from Shatsky Rise
Almeev R, Portnyagin M, Wengorsch T, Sano T, Natland J & Garbe-Schönberg D

Natori S. (2022) Source and Reaction of Atmospheric Zinc in Aerosols Based on the Isotope Fractionation Mechanism during the Vaporization Process
Natori S, Fujiwara M, Tanimizu M, Kurisu M, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y

Natrajan L. (2023) Microbial Impacts on Colloid-Radionuclide Interactions in Legacy Spent Nuclear Fuel Ponds
Morgan C, Byrd N, Robinson C, Lopez-Odriozola L, Woodall S, Shaw S, Natrajan L, Morris K & Lloyd JR

Naude Kate (2013) Unravelling Complex Groundwater Recharge and Transport of Contaminants Using Combined Stable and Radioactive Isotope Tracers
Vennemann T, Reymond C, Buffat A, Desponds L, Morel C, Naude K, Miller J & Mapani B

Naude Katherine (2010) N and O Isotope Composition of Nitrate in Aquifers of the Naukluft Mountain Region, Namibia
Vennemann T, Reymond C, Bernhard C, Naude K & Miller J

Nauer P.A. (2020) Decoupled Fermentation and Respiration in Permeable Sediments – A Dihydrogen Conundrum
Nauer PA, Kessler AJ, Hutchinson T, Attard KM, Glud RN, Greening C & Cook PLM
(2020) Rapid Establishment of the Soil Sink for Atmospheric Hydrogen in Young and Oligotrophic Glacier Forefields
Chiri E, Nauer P, Schroth M & Greening C

Naughton F. (2015) Sources of Pb during the Last 9.5kyrs in a Long Sediment Core of the Southern Portuguese Shelf
Mil-Homens M, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Caetano M & Campos I

Naughton H. (2020) Assessing Controls of Carbon and Sulfur Fluxes in High Elevation Floodplain Sediments Under Transient Hydrologic Conditions
Dewey C, Fox P, Dwivedi D, Anderson C, Naughton H, Keiluweit M, Benner S, Nico P & Fendorf S
(2018) Organic Matter and Electron Acceptor Chemistry Jointly Determine Soil Carbon Decomposition Pathways in situ
Naughton H, Keiluweit M & Fendorf S

Nauhaus K. (2003) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane at Hydrate Ridge (OR)
Treude T, Boetius A, Knittel K, Nauhaus K, Elvert M & Krüger M

Naumann R. (2013) Mobility of Inorganic and Organic Compounds from Black Shales during Unconventional Gas Production
Wilke FDH, Vieth-Hillebrand A, Naumann R, Horsfield B & Erzinger J
(2013) Occurrence and Distribution of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Regenspurg S, Dilling J, Naumann R, Mielcarek J, Schkade U-K & Zotzmann J
(2012) The Role of Lead (Pb) in Highly Saline Fluids of a Deep Geothermal System: Complexation and Precipitation
Regenspurg S, Naumann R, Deon F & Feldbusch E
(2012) On the Interaction of Minerals and Brine with Pure / Impure CO2
Wilke F, Erzinger J, Vasquez M, Wiersberg T & Naumann R
(2011) Neon Identifies Two Billion Year Old Fluid Component in Kaapvaal Craton
Lippmann-Pipke J, Sherwood Lollar B, Niedermann S, Stroncik NA, Naumann R, van Heerden E & Onstott TC

Naumann T. (2010) Distribution of K, Rb, and Cs within Savannah River Site Soils Inferred from Acid-Leaching, K-Ar, and Isotope-Exchange Studies
Wampler JM, Krogstad E, Naumann T, Zaunbrecher LK & Elliott WC

Naumenko M. (2013) High Precision Determination of the Terrestrial 40K Abundance
Naumenko M, Mezger K, Nägler T & Villa I

Naumenko-Dèzes Maria (2020) Isotope Effects of Radiation on Fossil Organic Matter
Naumenko-Dèzes M, Kloppmann W, Blessing M, Bondu R, Gaucher E & Vengosh A
(2016) 40K-40Ca – 87Rb-87Sr Age Comparison: Constraints on the 40K Decay Constant
Naumenko-Dèzes M, Nägler T, Mezger K & Villa I

Naumenko-Dèzes Maria O. (2021) Estimating Geochemical Background Values for Naturally-Occurring Constituents in Groundwater – A Case Study of Fluoride in Alberta Groundwater
Bondu R, Humez P, Kloppmann W, Naumenko-Dèzes MO & Mayer B

Naumko I. (2011) The Isotopic Composition of Carbon and Oxygen in Calcite of Veinlets and Host Rocks within the Limits of the Kokhanivka Oil Field Carpathian Foredeep, Ukrainе
Naumko I, Zagnitko V & Belets'ka Y
(2010) Fluid Inclusions and Stable Isotope in Calcite of Trostyanets Volcanogenous Complex (Ukrainian Carpathians)
Bondar R, Naumko I & Zagnitko V
(2010) The Isotopic Composition of Carbon and Oxygen of Calcite of Veinlets and Enclosing Rocks within the Limits of the Lopushna Oil Field Ukrainian Carpathians)
Naumko I, Zagnitko V & Belets'ka Y
(2010) Abiogenic-Biogenic Bases of the Genesis and Synthesis of Natural Hydrocarbons in the Earth's Lithosphere (by Fluid Inclusions Research)
Naumko I & Svoren Y
(2009) Metamorphic Fluids: Comparison of Volatile (Marmarosh Massiv, Ukrainian Carpathians and Zermatt Region, Swiss Alps)
Naumko I, Bondar R & Sakhno B
(2009) Bowels of the Earth:natural Physicochemical Reactor
Svoren' Y & Naumko I

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