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Munkhzul B. (2016) New U-Pb Zircon Age Data for the Khushuut Uul Granite Pluton and Host Rock, Central Mongolia
Munkhtsengel B, Odgerel D, Gerel O, Miao L & Munkhzul B

Munley W. (2022) Detection of Fallout in Smoke from Forest Fires along the Pacific Coast: A Study of Actinide and Fission Product Transport
Gartman B, Noyes K, Estrada J, Friese J, Gajos N, Pratt S, Woods V, Eslinger P, Munley W, Tedrow S, Greenwood L, Cantaloub M, Spitler G, Beck C, Arnold E & Metz L

Munné A. (2019) A Multi-Isotopic Approach as a Tool for Assessing Nitrate Pollution in the Province of Girona (NE Spain)
Vinyes M, Navarro Ciurana D, Torrentó C, Carrey R, Micola N, Garrido T, Munné A, Solà J, Soler A & Otero N

Munnecke A. (2019) Uranium Isotopes, Ocean Anoxia, Primary Productivity and Carbonate Diagenesis
del Rey Á, Havsteen J, Munnecke A, Bizarro M & Dahl T
(2013) Clumped Isotopes, δ18O, δ13C, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr: A Multiproxy Approach to Silurian Brachiopod Shells
Wacker U, Fiebig J, Gerdes A, Munnecke A, Joachimski MM & Schöne BR
(2012) Clumped Isotopes Applied to Silurian Brachiopod Shells, Gotland/Sweden
Wacker U, Fiebig J, Munnecke A, Joachimski MM & Schoene BR

Munnik Frans (2011) Iodine Fingerprints Biogenic Fixation of Platinum and Palladium
Cabral AR, Radtke M, Munnik F, Lehmann B, Reinholz U, Riesemeier H, Tupinambá M & Kwitko-Ribeiro R

Munnik Frans (2013) Imaging of Spatial Trace-Element Distribution in Apatite Using Various X-Ray Based and Spectral Analytical Methods
Słaby E, Lisowiec K, Michalak PP, Götze JU, Munnik F, Förster H-J & Rhede D
(2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U

Munoz Alfonso (2011) High-Pressure Phases and Dynamical Properties of ZnAl2O4 and ZnGa2O4
Rodriguez-Hernandez P, Munoz A, Lopez-Moreno S & Romero A

Munoz Amalia (2013) Light Absorbing Products from Aqueous Processing of α-Dicarbonyls: Matrix Effects and Atmospheric Implications
Finessi E, Hamilton JF, Baeza-Romero MT, Rickard AR, Healy RM, Peppe S, Adams TJ, Daniels MJS, Ball SM, Goodall ICA, Monks PS, Borras E & Munoz A

Munoz Angelica (2014) The Degassing Character of an Explosive Basaltic Volcano: Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
Lucic G, Stix J, Sherwood Lollar B, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Muñoz A & Ibarra Carrache M
(2012) Magma Chamber Processes Leading to the January 1835 Eruption of Cosigueina Volcano, Nicaragua
Longpre M-A, Stix J, Munoz A & Espinoza E

Munoz Carlos (2016) The Geothermal System of Copahue-Caviahue Volcanic Complex (Argentina): Relationship between Isotopic Composition of Thermal Fluids and Fault Network
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Barvo F, Pizarro M, Pinti D, Takahata N, Sano Y, Vinet N, Munoz C & Sanchez J

Muñoz Carolina (2014) Chemical Composition of Wet Precipitation Long Range Transport of Mercury at Three Sites of Taxco-Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico
Garcia R, Garnica J, Calderon ME, Campos J, Muñoz C, Ramírez A, Bustos E & Luz J
(2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L

Munoz Cristina (2016) Climate and Geochemical Interaction Control Soil Carbon Dynamics
Boeckx P, Doetterl S, Munoz C & Zagal Venegas E

Munoz E.C. (2023) Method Development of Uracil Kinetic Degradation to Measure Position-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Values
Munoz EC, House CH, Freeman KH & Baczynski A

Munoz G. (2023) Environmental Occurrence and Biotransformation Potentials of Novel Polyfluoroalkyl Betaines
Liu J, Liu M, Munoz G, Hermiston J, Zhang J, Vo Duy S, Wang D, Dey AS, Bottos E, van Hamme J, Lee LS & Sauvé S
(2023) Phytoavailability of PFAS
Sauvé S, Munoz G, Michaud A, Djurdjevic D, Arrouy L, Saliu TD, Tuc QD & Vo Duy S

Muñoz L. (2018) Legacy Mine Tailings in Urban Areas: Assessing Heavy Metal Exposure from Street Dust
Cortés S, Arce G, Leiva C, Muñoz L, Gutiérrez S, Moya P, Vega A & Pastén P

Munoz Manuel (2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B

Munoz Manuel (2019) LIBS Imaging for Geological Samples: Short Review of Applications
Motto-Ros V, Fabre C, Trichard F, Pelascini F, Panczer G, Gaft M, Cugerone A, Genty D, Cauzid J, Tarantola A & Munoz M
(2019) Geochemical Tracers of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Exhumed Mantle Domains: A Comprehensive Study of Serpentinization Processes
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G

Munoz Manuel (2016) Ni and Fe Bearing Phases and Redox during the Weathering of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O

Muñoz Manuel (2017) Redox Transfer by Iron- and Sulfur-Bearing Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Brunet F, Vidal O, Hattori K, Vantelon D, Trcera N & Huthwelker T
(2017) Element Absorption and Release during Serpentine Involved Reactions: Element Cycles in Subduction Zones
Luginbuehl SM, Rosa AD, Louvel M, Merkulova M, Krstulovic M, Munoz M, Wilke M & Irifune T
(2017) Reappraisal of MORB Redox State Using Both Fe and S Speciation
Alard O, Baudouin C, Chassé M, Parat F, Muñoz M, Nguyen H & Ananuer H
(2017) Petrology and Geochemistry of Scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co Laterites
Teitler Y, Cathelineau M, Ulrich M, Ambrosi J-P & Munoz M

Munoz Manuel (2023) Oxygen Breath of Subduction Zones Revealed by Arsenic in Serpentinite
Pokrovski G, Sanchez-Valle C, Guillot S, Borisova AY, Munoz M, Auzende AL, Proux O, Roux J, Hazemann J-L, Testemale D & Shvarov YV
(2023) Refining the Stratigraphy of the Moroccan Phosphate-Bearing Sequences: Insights from the U-Pb Dating and ∂13C Chemostratigraphy
Aubineau J, Parat F, Poujol M, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Chi Fru E, Séranne M, El Bamiki R, Elghali A, Raji O, Munoz M, Jourani E-S, Yazami OK & Bodinier J-L
(2023) Early-Diagenesis Carbonation of Biogenic Apatite: The Pathway for the Past-Seawater REE Conservative Uptake
Bonnet C, Munoz M, Mathon O, Parat F & Bodinier J-L
(2023) Serpentinization as a Tape-Recorder of Mantle Exhumation: The Example of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Manatschal G & Boulvais P

Munoz Manuel (2015) Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution and Fractionation during Lateritisation: Insights from XRF/ XAS
Janots E, Bernier F, Brunet F, Muñoz M, Trcera N, Berger A & Lanson M
(2015) Do MORBs Record the Oxidation State of Earth’s Upper Mantle?
France L, Mary B, Deloule E, Munoz M, Koepke J, Letourneur L, Ildefonse B, Bolfan Casanova N, Devouard B & Deschamps F
(2015) The Behavior of Fe and S during Serpentinite Dehydration
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Vidal O & Brunet F
(2014) Evolution of Iron Redox State in Serpentine from Mid-Ocean Ridge to Subduction Zone
Andreani M, Debret B & Munoz M
(2013) Iron Oxidation State in Serpentine during Subduction: Implications on the Nature of the Released Fluids at Depth
Debret B, Andreani M, Munoz M, Bolfan-Casanova N, Julie C, Nicollet C & Schwartz S
(2013) REE Microdistribution in Laterite from Madagascar
Janots E, Brunet F, Berger A, Bernier F, Munoz M, Lanson M, Trcera N & Gnos E
(2011) Weathering Effects on the Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Ulrich M, Muñoz M, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Picard C
(2011) Iron Speciation in Serpentine during Oceanic-Type Serpentinization
Andreani M, Munoz M, Marcaillou C & Delacour A
(2011) Ferric Iron and Water Incorporation in Wadsleyite Under Hydrous and Oxidizing Conditions
Bolfan N, Munoz M, McCammon C, Deloule E, Ferot A, Demouchy S, France L, Andrault D & Pascarelli S
(2011) From Compositional to P-T-Deformation-T(Relative Age)-Redox Maps at the Thin Section Scale
Vidal O, Lanari P, Dubacq B, Munoz M & Lewin E
(2010) Experimental Evidence for Perovskite and Post-Pv Coexistence throughout the Whole D" Region
Andrault D, Munoz M, Bolfan-Casanova N, Guignot N, Perrillat J-P, Aquilanti G & Pascarelli S
(2006) Study of Labile Cd pool in contaminated soil using Stable Isotope Analysis, Radioactive Isotope Dilution and Sequential Extraction
Sivry Y, Riotte J, Munoz M, Sappin-Didier V & Dupré B
(2005) In situ Determination of the Partitioning of Pb, Rb, Sr between Hydrous Melts and Aqueous Fluids at High Pressure and Temperature
Bureau H, Menez B, Valerie M, Somogyi A, Munoz M, Simionovici A, Massare D, Burchard M, Kubsky S & Shaw C
(2004) Zn Isotopic Composition of Fumarolic Gases from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia), Preliminary Results
Nonell A, Toutain J, Polve M, Munoz M, Viers J, Sortino F, Gainville R & Dupre B

Muñoz Manuel (2020) Conditions of Fluid-Rock Interactions and Related Chemical Mobilities in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Insights from Rodingites and Serpentinites
Ulrich M, Amann M, Muñoz M, Lemarchand D, Pelt E, Sauter D & Manatschal G
(2020) Geochemical Study of Serpentinization along an Ocean-Continent Transition Zone: The Alpine Tethys as a Case Study (SE-Switzerland)
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2020) Al and Fe Speciation in Natural Chrysotile, Lizardite and Antigorite, from Fe K-Edge XANES-EXAFS and 27Al NMR Spectroscopy
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Farges F, Lee D, Merkulova M, Andréani M & Mathon O
(2020) Rare Metals in Recrystallized Pb-Zn Mineralizations: New Insights from the Pyrenean Sphalerite
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Oliot E, Munoz M, Kouzmanov K, Salvi S, Motto-Ros V, Barou F & Le Goff E

Munoz Manuel (2022) Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry during Experimental Seawater-Based Serpentinization
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Osselin F, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2022) Crystal Chemistry and Concentration Process of Nickel in New Caledonia Laterite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O

Munoz Manuel (2021) Iron Redox and Potential for Hydrogen Production during Serpentinization of Fine-Grained Lherzolites: Results from a 417-Day Batch Hydrothermal Experiment
Tichadou C, Godard M, Munoz M, Leprovost R, Bonnet C & Gouze P

Munoz Marguerite (2013) Pb, Zn and Cd Dynamics in Mining Areas Under Mediterranean Climate and Carbonated Geologic Context: Northern Tunisia Example
Munoz M & Ghorbel M

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