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Mueller Karl (2015) Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N

Mueller Karl (2014) Applying Quantum Chemistry to Interpret XAS and NMR of Cd(II) Adsorbed onto Gibbsite and Kaolinite
Watts H, Kubicki J, Mueller K, O'Day P, Govind N, Small M & Poweleit E
(2014) Probing Silicates to Assess Reactivity at the Surface-Solution Interface: An NMR Study of Feldspars
Kleinsasser E, West J, Washton N & Mueller K
(2010) Reactive Surface Area Measurements Using a Solid-State NMR Probe Molecule
Sanders R & Mueller K
(2010) Investigating Silicate Mineral Dissolution with Computational Tools While Crossing Scales
Morrow C, Olsen A, Kubicki J, Mueller K, Brantley S & Cole D
(2009) 27Al NMR Studies of the Impact of Tank Waste Leachates on Hanford Sediment Samples
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P, Chorover J, Sunkyung C & Perdrial N
(2009) Molecular-Level Control of Oxide Dissolution: Insights from NMR and Computational Chemistry
Mueller K, Sanders R & Washton N
(2009) Investigating Clay Mineral Surface Reactivity Across Scales Using Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Sanders R & Mueller K
(2008) NMR Studies of the Impact of Mineral Transformation and Sorbate Aging on Contaminant Speciation and Mobility
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P & Chorover J
(2008) Near Equilibrium Investigations of Quartz and Forsterite Dissolution
Davis M, Wesolowski D, Anovitz L, Allard L, Brantley S & Mueller K
(2008) ChemXSeer: Cyber-Tools for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
Mueller K, Mitra P, Giles CL, Garrison B, Kubicki J & Bandstra J
(2005) Dissolution Rate Dependence on Reactive Surface Sites
Washton N, Brantley S & Mueller K
(2001) Solid-State NMR Investigations of the Dissolution of Sodium Aluminosilicates Under Ambient Conditions
Tsomaia N, Mueller KT, Brantley SL, Hamilton J, Pantano CG, Criscenti L & Kubicki J

Mueller Kathrin (2011) Using Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Investigate the Reduction of c(2x2)-O/Ni(100) by Hydrogen
Mueller K, Shavorskiy A, Bluhm H & Starr D

Mueller Kevin (2020) A New Plant Carbon Isotopic Framework for Identifying Forest and Grassland Transitions over the Last 30 Million Years
Schlanser K, Diefendorf A & Mueller K

Mueller Kim (2009) Modeling Large Scale Geogenic Contamiantion of Groundwater, Combining Geochemical Expertise and Statistical Techniques
Amini M, Johnson A, Abbaspour K, Mueller K, Berg M, Winkel L & Hug S

Mueller Marcella (2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K

Mueller Maren (2016) STXM-NEXAFS and fs LA-ICP-MS Investigations of Rock Varnish
Macholdt DS, Poehlker C, Foerster J-D, Weber B, Kilcoyne ALD, Weigand M, Mueller M, Lieberwirth I, Jochum KP, Kappl M, Haug G & Andreae MO

Mueller Mathias (2019) Metamorphic Overprint and Dolomitization of Mesozoic Carbonates (Latemar Platform, Italy)
Mueller M, Jacquemyn C, Riechelmann S, Schurr S, Igbokwe OA, Walter B & Immenhauser A

Mueller Megan (2012) The Energetic and Kinetics of Uranyl Reduction on Pyrite, Hematite, and Magnetite Surfaces: A Powder Microelectrode Study
Renock D, Mueller M, Ewing R & Becker U

Mueller Paul (2019) Episodic Crustal Growth and its Relation to Plume-To-Plate Transition, Wyoming Province, USA
Henry D, Mogk D & Mueller P
(2019) Elemental Analysis of Zircons via Tandem Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Pandey S, Guerrero JC, Gonzalez J & Mueller P
(2018) Plumes and Blooms in Archean Crustal Evolution
Mueller P & Mogk D

Mueller Paul A. (2017) Nd, Pb and Hf Isotope Provenance of Glacial Granitic Pebbles in Late Ordovician Diamictites of the Taurides, S Turkey
Gürsu S, Möller A, Mueller PA, Köksal S, Kamenov G & Göncüoğlu MC
(2014) Plumes, Plates, and Protocontinents: A U-Pb Perspective
Mueller P, Wooden J & Perfit M
(2013) Deciphering Crustal Evolution from Metamorphic and Geochemical Signatures in Calc-Silicate Gneisses
Fukai I, Dutrow B, Henry D, Mueller P & Foster D
(2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y
(2010) Plutonic Imaging of Two Proterozoic Underplating Events in the NW Wyoming Province from Hf-Isotopes of Zircon from Cretaceous Batholiths
Foster D, Mueller P, Heatherington A, Kamenov G & Gifford J
(2010) Melt Evolution in a Calc-Alkalic Batholith Recorded in Silicate and Oxide Mineral Assemblages
Barth A, Wooden J & Mueller P
(2010) Reliability of LA-MC-ICP-MS Hf Isotope Analyzes: Insights from Natural and Synthetic Zircons
Kamenov G, Mueller P, Wooden J & Mazdab F
(2010) Profiling Eoarchean Magmatic Crustal Growth Using the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Zircons
Mueller P & Wooden J
(2009) Crustal Growth and Recycling during Supercontinent Cycles: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Hf-Isotope Data from the Damara Orogen
Foster D & Mueller P
(2008) Evidence for Recycling of Crust and Mantle Lithosphere during a 2.4 Ga Rifting Event
Stroud M, Mueller PA, Foster D, Kamenov G, Mogk D & Wooden J
(2008) Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for the Origin of the Boulder Batholith, Montana
Wooden J, Mazdab F, Mueller PA, Aleinikoff J, Lund K, Wiegand B, Kita N & Valley J
(2008) Plutonic Imaging: A Key to Understanding Crustal Evolution
Foster D, Mueller PA, Mogk D, Wooden J, Kamenov G & Probst K
(2007) Mantle and Crustal Processes in the Hadean and Archean: Evidence for the Onset of Subduction at 3.8 Ga
Shirey S, Kamber B, Whitehouse M, Mueller P & Basu A
(2006) Radiokrypton Analysis in the 21st Century: Development and Application of a Laser Atom Trap
Sturchio N, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Bailey K, O'connor T, Yokochi R & Probst P
(2006) Linking metamorphism, deformation and geochronology of accessory phases: examples from the Kaoko Belt, Namibia
Foster D, Coyner S, Mueller P, Kamenov G, Gray D & Goscombe B
(2005) Basement Influence on Phanerozoic Tectono-Magmatic History of the Northern Rocky Mountains
Foster D, Mueller P, Vogl J, Mogk D, Wooden J & Heatherington A

Mueller Peter (2023) What can 81Kr and Other Environmental Tracers Tell us About Paleoclimate in the Pleistocene: An Example from the South-Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Love AJ, Purtschert R, Jang W, Lu Z-T, Yang G, Fulton S, Wohling D, Shand P, Aeschbach W, Broeder L, Mueller P, Tosaki Y, McCallum J, Chmielarski M & Xie Y
(2023) Unraveling the Paleo-Hydrology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Using Dissolved Noble Gases
Ram R, Seltzer AM, Adar EM, Solomon DK, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Yechieli Y, Burg A, Aeschbach W, Zappala JC, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Reznik IJ
(2023) Advances in Atom Trap Trace Analysis for Radiokrypton Dating
Mueller P, Bishof M, Bailey KG, O'Connor TP, Stollenwerk PR & Zappala JC
(2022) Revisiting the Milk River Aquifer with Novel Tracers
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Sturchio NC, Mueller P, Wheatcraft S, Corcho Alvarado JA, Duran N, Leuenberger M, Musy SL, Rollin S & Vockenhuber C
(2019) Multi-Tracer Approach to Constraining Groundwater Age Structure
Kulongoski J, Jurgens B, Zappala J, Mueller P, Mace E, White S, Aalseth C & Belitz K
(2018) The Circulation of the Dead Sea Brine in the Adjacent Regional Aquifer
Weber N, Yechieli Y, Stein M, Gavrieli I, Yokochi R, Zappala J, Mueller P & Lazar B
(2018) Determining the Absolute Abundance of Atmospheric 81Kr
Zappala J, Baggenstos D, Bishof M, Gerber C, Jiang W, Kennedy M, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Purtschert R & Visser A
(2017) Fossil Seawater in Floridan Aquifer
Yokochi R, Zappala J, Bernier R, Purtschert R, Mueller P, Richardson E, Krupa S & Collins B
(2017) Rapid Processing of 85Kr/Kr Ratios Using Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Zappala J, Bailey K, Mueller P, O'Connor T & Purtschert R
(2016) New Limit on Anthropogenic Sources of Atmospheric 81Kr Using Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Zappala J, Bailey K, Mueller P, O'Connor T & Purtschert R
(2016) Noble Gas Radioisotope Constraints on Age of Ice Cover of West Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Cronin K, Doran P, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Sturchio N
(2016) Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Groundwater
Bernier R, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Adar E, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Ram R & Zappala J
(2014) 81Kr: A New Tracer of Old Groundwater Flow
Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Zappala J, Bailey K, Mueller P & O'Connor T
(2013) Radiometric 81Kr Dating Reveals 120, 000 Year Old Ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
Buizert C, Baggenstos D, Jiang W, Purtschert R, Petrenko V, Brook E, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Severinghaus J
(2012) 81Kr-Dating is now Available
Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Sharma A, Bailey K, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Hu S-M, Purtschert R & Sturchio N
(2012) Noble Gas Radionuclides in Yellowstone Geothermal Gases
Sturchio NC, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Mueller P, Lu Z-T, Kennedy BM & Kharaka Y
(2011) Reaching Part-Per-Quadrillion: Detection of 39Ar in Environmental Samples Using ATTA
Lu Z-T, Bailey K, Davis A, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Sun Y & Williams W
(2009) Noble Gas Radionuclides and ATTA in Hydrology: State of the art
Sturchio N, Yokochi R, Lu Z-T, Purtschert R, Bailey K, Cheng C, Davis A, Ding Y, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Williams W & Young L
(2008) 81Kr Dating and 85Kr Dating
Ding Y, Lu Z-T, Davis A, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, Purtschert R, Sturchio N, Young L, Bailey K, O'Connor T & Yokochi R

Mueller Rebecca (2022) Enhancement of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis during in situ Biostimulation of Coalbed Methane Generation
Barnhart E, Smith H, Schweitzer H, Mueller R, Orem W, Varonka M, Ruppert L, Clark A, Crockett Z & Fields M

Mueller Russell (2010) Low Temperature Porosity Preserving Microquartz from Upper Cretaceous Sandstones of the Subhercynian Basin (Germany)
French M, Worden R, Mariani E, Horn W, Kliewer C, Lamberti W, Mueller R & Fischer C

Mueller Ryan (2011) High-Resolution Metabolomics Reveals Unusual N-Methyl Lyso Phosphatidylethanolamines as Abundant and Strain-Specific Lipids in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
Wilmes P, Fischer C, Bowen B, Thomas B, Mueller R, Denef V, VerBerkmoes N, Hettich R, Northen T & Banfield J
(2009) Influence of Geochemistry and Biology on Community Protein Expression within a Chemoautotropic Biofilm
Mueller R, Denef V, Kalnejais L, Wilmes P, Thomas B, Shah M, Hettich R, VerBerkmoes N & Banfield J

Mueller S.A. (2009) 231Pa/230Th as a Paleocirculation Proxy Outside the North Atlantic
Henderson GM, Hickey BJ, Rae JW, Thomas AL, Mueller SA & Edwards N

Mueller Thomas (2013) Unraveling Cooling Histories Using Fe-Mg Zoning of Exsolution Lamellae in a Garnet Pyroxenite from the Granulitgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Mueller T, Massonne H-J & Willner A
(2010) Experimentally Determined Interdiffusion Data of Divalent Cations in Carbonates
Mueller T, Watson B & Cherniak D
(2009) Modelling Infiltration Driven Reactions Using Experiments: Coupled Dissolution-Precipitation and Exchange Reaction between Spinel Grains in the Presence of Water
Mueller T, Dohmen R & Chakraborty S

Mueller Thomas (2015) Modelling Hydrothermal Replacement of Calcite
Jonas L, Mueller T & Dohmen R

Mueller Thomas (2016) Textural and Kinetic Controls on Stable Isotope Fractionation during Carbonate Replacement
Jonas L, Dohmen R, Mueller T & Immenhauser A
(2016) Nanoscale Alteration of Amorphous Fe-Silicate in Meteorites
Le Guillou C, Dohmen R, Mueller T, Vollmer C, Rogalla D & Becker H-W
(2016) Groundwater Residence Times Based on Chlorine-36
Mueller T, Patevich S, Osenbrueck K, Strauch G & Al-Mashaikhi KS

Mueller W. (2002) Combined Sr, Pb and O Isotopic Tracing of Origin and Migration of the Neolithic Alpine Iceman
Mueller W, Fricke H, Halliday AN & McCulloch MT
(2000) Isotopic Composition of the Earth's Lower Mantle from Ca-Silicate Inclusions in Diamonds
Mueller W, Stachel T, Harris JW & Halliday AN

Muena N. (2023) Scales of Change: Intra-Flow, Intra-Volcano, and Intra-Volcanic Chain B Isotope Variations
le Roux P, Ncetani S, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Deegan FM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rodríguez I, Guzmán-Marusic G & Muena N

Muenker C. (2015) Riverine HFSE Geochemistry and the Hf Isotopic Flux to the Ocean: Two Examples from Iceland and Germany
Schmidt K, Muenker C & Bau M
(2013) Isotope Anomalies of Hf and W in Chondrite Leachates and Residues Isotope Anomalies of Hf and W in Chondrite Leachates and Residues
Elfers B-M, Peters STM, Wombacher F & Muenker C
(2012) The Case of p-Process 180W Heterogeneities in Iron Meteorites
Schulz T, Muenker C & Peters S
(2011) Late Volatile Addition to Earth
Ballhaus C, Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC, Muenker C, Albarède F, Rohrbach A, Schmidt MW, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Helmy H
(2008) Fractionation of Li and Fe Isotopes at Magmatic Temperatures
Weyer S, Seitz M, Ghobadi M, Muenker C & Brey G
(2006) Partitioning of Pb, Zn, Cd, Se, and Te during terrestrial core formation: no evidence for sulfide melts
Lagos M, Ballhaus C, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Berndt J & Muenker C
(2000) Unusually Low Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta Ratios in the Depleted Mantle: Precise ID Analysis of Ultra Low Concentrations by MC-ICPMS
Weyer S, Muenker C, Rehkaemper M & Mezger K

Muentener O. (2002) Boron and Chlorine Cycling in the Subducted Hydrous Oceanic Mantle
Scambelluri M, Muentener O, Ottolini L, Pettke T & Vannucci R

Mueter D. (2019) Use of X-Ray µ-CT to Trace the Transport Behaviour of Sulfidised Zerovalent Iron in Porous Media
Schiefler A, Tobler D, Tuxen N, Dæssing-Overheu N, Mueter D, Bruns S & Osholm Sørensen H

Muffler L.J.P. (2008) Eruption of Discrete Magma Batches along a Normal Fault Zone: The Poison Lake Chain, Caribou Volcanic Field, Southernmost Cascades
Muffler LJP, Clynne MA, Calvert AT & Champion DE

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