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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Moynier Frédéric (2023) Isotope and Trace Element Composition of Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Coutaud M, Bouchez J, Van Zuilen K, Bradbury HJ, Moynier F, Gorge C, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K
(2023) Zinc, Copper and Calcium Isotopic Composition of Ryugu’s Samples
Moynier F, Paquet M, Dai W, Yokoyama T, Hu Y & Yurimoto H
(2023) Copper Isotope Compositions Measured Using the Collision/Reaction Cell (CRC)-MC-ICP-MS Sapphire
Luu T-H, Peters D, Gérard Y, Lahoud-Heilbronner E & Moynier F
(2023) Volatile-Depletion Processing of the Building Blocks of Earth and Mars Recorded by Stable Potassium Isotopes
Hu Y, Moynier F & Yang X
(2023) Planetary Formation and Evolution Through the Lens of Zinc and Copper Isotopes
Savage PS & Moynier F
(2023) Origin of Oldhamite in Enstatites: Evidence from Ca Isotope
Dai W, Moynier F & Siebert J
(2023) Origin of Moderately Volatile Element Depletion on Differentiated Bodies: Insights from the Evaporation of Indium from Silicate Melts
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J, Sossi PA, Hu Y & Kubik E
(2023) Iron and Zinc Isotopic Evidence for Fluid Infiltration in Eclogite Breccias at Monviso, Italy
Goliber SFB, Starr P, Inglis E, Agard P, Locatelli M, Dragovic B, Paquet M, Moynier F & Baxter EF
(2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M
(2023) Origin and Abundances of Volatiles on Mars from the Zinc Isotopic Composition of Martian Meteorites
Paquet M, Sossi PA & Moynier F
(2023) Zirconium Isotopes Reveal Continental Crust Recycling into the Mantle
Tian S, Moynier F, Jackson MG & Inglis E
(2023) Baseline of Rubidium Isotopic Composition in Mice Organs
Rigoussen D, Moynier F & Wang B
(2023) Rubidium Isotopic Compositions of Angrites Controlled by Extensive Evaporation and Partial Recondensation
Wang B, Moynier F & Hu Y
(2023) Impact of Aging on Copper Isotopic Composition in the Brain
Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Moynier F, Mahan B, Rigoussen D & Le Borgne M
(2023) An Isotope Metallomics Characterization of Samples from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing, and ab Initio Calculations of K Isotope Fractionation in Biological Systems
Mahan B, Nestmeyer M, McCoy-West AJ, Moynier F, Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Fowler C, Bush A & Study A
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L
(2023) Tracking Granitic Magma Origin and Evolution Using Stable Silicon Isotopes in Zircon
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Moynier F, Barbarin B & Marin-Carbonne J
(2023) Origin of the Volatile Elements of Primitive Achondrites and Iron Meteorites Revealed by Zinc Isotope Anomalies
Fang L, Moynier F, Paquet M, Kubik E, Barrat J-A & Chaussidon M
(2023) Triple Silicon Isotope Insight to the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Robert F, Tian S, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2022) Stable Zirconium Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Carbonatites
Tian S, Magna T, Rapprich V, Moynier F & Giebel RJ
(2022) The K Isotope Composition of Göttingen Minipig Brain Regions and Implication for Alzheimer’s Disease
Mahan B, Tacail T, Lewis J, Elliott T, Turner S, Chung R & Moynier F
(2021) Sample Analysis of Phobos Regolith Returned by JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission and its Scientific Objectives
Fujiya W, Furukawa Y, Sugahara H, Koike M, Bajo K-I, Chabot NL, Miura YN, Moynier F, Russell SS, Tachibana S, Takano Y, Usui T & Zolensky ME
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2021) Tracing the Origin and Differentiation of the Enstatite Achondrite Parent Bodies Using Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Schiller M, Becker H, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2021) Triple Silicon Isotope Constraints on the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Tian S, Robert F, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2021) Triple Magnesium Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Chondrules
Chaussidon M, Deng Z, Ebel DS, Villeneuve J, Moureau J & Moynier F
(2021) Using Copper Stable Isotopes in the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
Moynier F, Creech J, Lahoud E, Dallas J, Hugon J, Paquet C, Mahan B & Le Borgne M
(2021) Refractory Element and Ti Isotope Constraints on Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Derry LA, Grant KE, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2021) Earth’s Volatile Accretion as Told by Cd, Bi, Sb and Tl Core–mantle Distribution
Kubik E, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Agranier A, Huang D, Mahan B & Moynier F
(2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F
(2021) Stable Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Angrites: Implications for Volatile Element Depletion in their Parent Body
Hu Y & Moynier F
(2021) Tracking the Origin of Earth’s Volatile Elements Depletion with Indium
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J & Sossi PA
(2021) Ca Isotopes as Tracers of Geothermal Gradients in TTG Magmas: Evidence for Hot Subduction throughout the Archean
Antonelli MA, Kendrick J, Yakymchuk C, Guitreau M, Mittal T & Moynier F
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS
(2020) Silicon Isotope Systematics of Zircon from Various Granite Types
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Moynier F
(2020) A Sketch for a Photolytic History of Organic Molecules in the Solar System
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Piani L, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Wolters C, Vuitton V, Poch O, Moynier F, Sugawara I, Naraoka H & Tachibana S
(2020) Internal Zr Isotope Zoning in Magmatic Zircons Revealing Magmatic Thermal History
Guo J-L, Wang Z, Moynier F, Zhang W, Hu Z & Ducea M
(2020) A Longitudinal Investigation of Metal Accumulation in Brain Regions of Göttingen Minipigs, and a First Glimpse of Ca Isotopes in the Mammalian Brain
Mahan B, Antonelli M, Burckel P, Turner S, Chung R, Jørgensen AL & Moynier F
(2020) Natural Copper Stable Isotopes in the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
Moynier F, Creech J, Lahoud E, Dallas J, Hugon J, Paquet C, Mahan B & Le Borgne M
(2018) Earth’s Building Materials from Mass-Dependent Ca Isotopic Compositions
Bouvier A, Martin P-E, Amsellem E, Maloney M, Frossard P, Boyet M & Moynier F
(2018) Re-evaluating the 238U/235U Ratio of Zircon and Accessory Minerals
Livermore B, Connelly J, Moynier F & Bizzarro M
(2018) The Earth's Transition from Stagnant Lid to Plate Tectonics: Constraints from Titanium Isotopes
Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Savage P, Robert F & Moynier F
(2018) Cold Moon Formation Revealed by Chromium Isotopes
Sossi P, Moynier F & van Zuilen K
(2018) Stable Zr Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation: Insights into the Evolution of Earth’s Crust
Inglis E, Moynier F, Creech J, Savage P & Deng Z
(2018) Absence of Ga Isotopic Fractionation during Core Formation
Kato C, Moynier F, Mahan B, Blanchard I, Kubik E, Siebert J & Fujii T
(2018) Origin of Carbonatites from Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F & Bertrand H
(2017) Copper Isotope Composition of Planetary Mantles
Savage P, Day J, Moynier F & Burton K
(2017) Experimental Constraints on the Evaporation of Moderately Volatile Elements during Planetary Formation
Sossi P, Klemme S, O'Neill H, Berndt J & Moynier F
(2017) Extreme Volatile Depletion in the Eucrite Parent Body
Moynier F, Dhaliwal J & Day J
(2017) The Titanium Stable Isotopic Composition of Chondrites and Earth: Implication for Continental Crust Extraction
Deng Z, Moynier F, van Zuilen K, Sossi PA, Pringle EA & Chaussidon M
(2017) Pebbles or bam Bam?: Insights into Earth's Source Material, Accretion and Differentiation from Zn Metal-Silicate Partitioning
Mahan B, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Badro J & Moynier F
(2017) Effect of UV Irradiation on the Soluble Organic Matter Extract from the Murchison Chondrite
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Vuitton V, Moynier F, Piani L & Tachibana S
(2017) Theoretical Study of Reduced Partitioning Function Ratios of Zn-Bearing Minerals and Metals
Abe M, Moynier F, Asai K, Ono K, Sossi P, Zempo Y, Imamura Y & Hada M
(2017) Testing the Chondrule-Rich Accretion Model for Planetary Embryos Using Calcium Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F, Pringle E, Bouvier A, Heng C & Day J
(2017) Chromium Isotopic Homogeneity between the Moon, the Earth, and Enstatite Chondrites
Mougel B, Moynier F & Göpel C
(2017) Barium and Sr Isotopic Fractionation during their Uptake by Cyanobacteria Forming Intracellular Carbonates
Coutaud M, Bouchez J, van Zuilen K, Moynier F, Gorge C, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K
(2017) Silicon Isotopes in Large River Sediments: Imprint of Modern-Day Weathering vs. Continental Recycling
Zhang X, Pringle E, Dellinger M, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J & Moynier F
(2017) Isotope Cosmochemistry of Gallium: Insights into Planetary Volatile Depletion
Kato C & Moynier F
(2017) Stable Isotope Fractionation of Sn during Planetary and Nebular Processes
Creech J & Moynier F
(2016) Silicon Isotopes in Ancient Zircons
Savage P, Trail D, Burton K & Moynier F
(2016) Origin of Large Soluble Molecules in Murchison Chondrite
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Vuitton V, Moynier F & Zinner E
(2016) Origin of Volatile Element Depletion in Early Solar System Material
Pringle E, Moynier F, Beck P, Paniello R & Hezel D
(2016) Cr Isotope Composition of the Earth-Moon-Enstatite Chondrite System
Mougel B, Moynier F & Göpel C

Moyo A. (2023) Exploration for Critical Metals in Australia’s Mine Waste to Support the Energy Transition
Parbhakar-Fox A, Jackson LM, Bhowany K, Guerin K, Han Z, Blannin R, Moyo A, Nicholls L & Mejias O
(2021) Application of Alkaline Industrial Wastes in the Remediation of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Generated by Legacy Mine Wastes
Moyo A, Parbhakar-Fox A, Meffre S, Miller CB & Cooke DR
(2020) Potential Use of Industrial Wastes in the Treatment of Mine Wastes: A Case Study of Legacy Mine Sites in Tasmania
Moyo A, Parbhakar-Fox A, Meffre S & Cooke D

Moysey S. (2018) Engaging the Public in Electrical Energy Decision Making Through an Interactive Online Games
Shuller-Nickles L, Carbajales-Dale M, Moysey S, Godsey K, Hanna A, Hoover M, Phillips C, Boyer M & Smith F
(2010) Resolving IP Mechanisms Using Micron-Scale Surface Conductivity Measurements and Column SIP Data
Hao N, Waterman J, Kendall T, Moysey S & Ntarlagiannis D

Mozetič P. (2011) Sources and Cycling of Nitrogen in the Gulf of Trieste (N. Adriatic Sea)
Tamše S, Mozetič P & Ogrinc N
(2003) Preservation of Organic Matter in Macroaggregates
Kovac N, Faganeli J, Bajt O, Sket B, Orel B & Mozetic P

Mozgova N. (2005) New Type of Rare-Metal Mineralization: Deposition of Metals in High-Temperature Vapor System of Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kuriles, Russia
Chaplygin I, Safonov Y, Mozgova N & Yudovskaya M

Mozhganfar M. (2021) Technology-Critical Elements (TCEs) in the Caspian Sea
Zendehbad M, Mostaghelchi M & Mozhganfar M

Mozley P. (2013) Clumped Isotopes and Concretions: The Prairie Canyon Member of the Mancos Shale, Colorado
Dale A, John CM, Mozley P, Smalley CP & Muggeridge AH

Mozumder M.R.H. (2017) A Comparison of Arsenic Retardation in Reduced Holocene Sediment and Oxidized Pleistocene Sediment
Mozumder MRH, Bostick BC, Islam MA, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Ellis T, Mailloux B & Van Geen A

Mozumder R. (2014) A Weathering Index to Delineate the Boundary between Low and High Arsenic Aquifer Sediments
Mozumder R, Bostick B, Mihajlov I, Choudhury I, Ahmed K, Mailloux B & van Geen A
(2014) Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Below the Redox-Chemocline by Using Sediment Color as a Tool for the Local Drillers of Bangladesh
Mozumder R, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Ahmed K, Hasan A, Rahman M, von Bromssen M & Datta S

Møller S.D. (2023) Imprint of Deccan Volcanism and Changes in Pelagic Carbonate Production Across the Cretaceous – Paleogene Boundary Section of Nye Kløv (N. Denmark)
Thibault N, Møller SD, Adatte T, Bjerrum CJ & Spangenberg JE

Møller T.E. (2019) The Microbial Community Structure in Arctic Lake Sediments Reflects Variation in Holocene Climate Conditions
Møller TE, van der Bilt WGM, Roerdink D & Jørgensen SL
(2018) The Biogeochemistry of Arctic Lake Sediments: Paleoclimate Signal or Post-Depositional Cycling?
Møller TE, Leth Jørgensen S, Roerdink D & van der Bilt W

Mørk A. (2011) Re-Os Geochronology of Black Shale from the Barents Sea: Refining the Triassic Time Scale
Xu G, Hannah J, Stein HJ, Mørk A, Bingen B & Lundschien BA

Mørk Olsen L. (2016) Observations of Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Biogeochemistry in the New Thinner Ice Era: The N-Ice2015 Drift Ice Expedition
Granskog M, Assmy P, Duarte P, Fernandez-Mendez M, Fransson A, Kauko H, Mørk Olsen L, Chierici M, Nomura D, Mundy C-J & Steen H

Mørkved P.T. (2019) Diverse Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistries at 12–15°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Irinovskoe, Semenov-2, Azhadze II and Logatchev 1
Reeves E, Bach W, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Mørkved PT & Hamelin C
(2016) Soil pH Regulation and N2O Emission Mitigation by Mafic Rock Application
Mørkved PT, Soldal J, Dörsch P, van Noort R, Simon N & Bakken LR
(2011) Novel Denitrifier Method for Measuring 15N and 18O of Nitrate
Silvennoinen H, Zhu J, Mørkved PT, Bakken L, Mulder J & Dörsch P

Mørup S. (2011) The Influence of Local Cation-Distribution on the Magnetic Properties in Ilmenite-Rich α-Fe2O3-FeTiO3 Systems
Frandsen C & Mørup S
(2007) Green Rust Sodium/Potassium Sulfate
Christiansen BC, Balic-Zunic T, Frandsen C, Mørup S & Stipp SLS
(2005) Antiferromagnetic Nanoparticles
Frandsen C, Bahl C & Mørup S

mpaka Waku Y. (2023) Unlocking Pyrite LA-ICP-MS Trace Elements: The Power of Dimensionality Reduction Using Synergy between UMAP, PCA and k-Means Clustering
mpaka Waku Y & von der Heyden B

Mpodozis C. (2011) Neogene Central Andean Adakites, Frontal Arc Migration and Forearc Subduction Erosion at 27º-28.5ºS
Kay S, Goss A & Mpodozis C

Mrabawani N. (2019) Approach to Developing Accurate Methods for LA-ICPMS Using Non-Matched Reference Materials
Danyushevsky L, Thompson J, Mrabawani N & Norris CA

Mridha D. (2023) The Vicious Cycle of Arsenic Toxicity in Environment: A Study for Livestock and Human Health Threat in West Bengal, India
Das A, De A, Joardar M, Majumdar A, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Arsenic Exposure Through Cooked Rice and its Associated Benefit-Risk from Rural and Urban Populations of West Bengal, India: A Probabilistic Health Approach with Sensitivity Analysis
Joardar M, Das A, De A, Mridha D, Majumdar A & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Geospatial Investigation of Fluoride (F-) Contaminated Sites with Respect to Responsible Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics and Assessment of Human Health Hazard in West Bengal, India
De A, Das A, Joardar M, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T

Mrinjek E. (2006) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at the Permian-Triassic Transition, Mt. Velebit, Croatia
Fio K, Spangenberg JE, Sremac J, Vlahovic I, Velic I & Mrinjek E

Mrlina J. (2008) Combined Xenolith and Receiver Function Study, Western Bohemian Massif, Central Europe
Kämpf H, Heuer B, Mrlina J & Reuther H

Mroczek E. (2002) Oxidation Rates of Hg0 in Geothermal Fluids
Mroczek E & Christenson B
(2000) Precipitation Rates of Quartz from Wairakei (New Zealand) Geothermal Field Brine at Temperatures between 200℃ and 250℃
Mroczek EK, White SP & Mountain BW

Mrofka D. (2009) Methane Clathrate Destabilization in Equatorial Permafrost as a Trigger for Snowball Earth Deglaciation
Kennedy M & Mrofka D

Mrosko M. (2007) Pressure Induced Phase Transition in Hydrous Sr-Anorthite
Mrosko M, Hartmann K & Koch-Müller M

Mshiu E. (2008) Aerogeophysical, Geological and Geochemical Investigation of the Late Archaean Granitoids in the Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt, NE Tanzania
Mshiu E, Maboko MAH & Marobhe I

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