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Mörth Carl-Magnus (2015) The Formation and Transport of Iron in the Lena River: Insights from Microscopy and Modelling
Hirst C, Kutscher L, Shaw S, Burke IT, Maximov T, Mörth C-M, Andersson P & Porcelli D
(2015) Export and Sources of Organic Carbon in the Lena River Catchment, Siberia
Kutscher L, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Porcelli D, Hirst C & Maximov T

Mörth Carl-Magnus (2023) The Modern Freshwater Component in Baltic Sea Glacial Clays
Chen N-C, Mörth C-M, Hong W-L, Roth F, Andrén T, O'Regan M, Stranne C, Huang T-H, Gyllencreutz R, Regnell C, Linderholm A, Humborg C & Jakobsson M

Mörth Carl-Magnus (2021) The Critical Role of Sediment Nutrient Cycling for the Nutrient Budget of the Laptev and East Siberian Shelf Sea
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V

Mörth Carl-Magnus (2017) Manganese, Iron, and Sulfate Reduction Rates in Terrestrial Carbon-Dominated Siberian Arctic Shelf and Slope Sediment
Brüchert V, Sawicka J, Sun X, Bröder L, Mörth M, Humborg C, Joye S & Samarkin V
(2017) Early Diagenesis of Silica in the Arctic Ocean Sediments Inferred by Porewater Stable Silicon Isotopes
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V
(2017) Chemical Controls on Ikaite Formation
Tollefsen E, Stockmann G, Skelton A, Mörth C-M, Dupraz C & Sturkell E
(2017) Influence of Deep Water Formation and Boundary Scavenging on 231Pa and 230Th Distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
Roy-Barman M, Gdaniec S, Foliot L, Thil F, Burckel P, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Masque P & Garcia-Orellana JG-O
(2017) Seasonal Variations in the Sources and Formation of Fe-Bearing Particles in the Lena River Basin; Evidence from Iron Isotopes
Hirst C, Andersson P, Mörth M, Kutscher L, Murphy M, Schmitt M, Petrov R, Maximov T & Porcelli D

Mörth Carl-Magnus (2010) Modelling DIC and DOC Transport from the Baltic Sea Catchment
Wällstedt T, Mörth C-M, Schurgers G, Smith B & Humborg C
(2010) Interactions between Climate Change, Land Use and the Biological Silica Buffer in Wetlands and Forests
Struyf E, Kokfelt U, Smis A, Conley D, Humborg C, Mörth C-M, Vandevenne F & Meire P
(2009) Tracing Terrestrial Organic Matter by δ34S and δ13C Signatures in an Arctic and a Subarctic Estuary
Alling V, Humborg C & Mörth C-M
(2009) Temporal Variations in the Export of REE in Boreal Catchments of Varying Character and Size
Köhler S, Lidman F, Hassellöv M, Stolpe B, Mörth M, Björkvald L & Laudon H
(2007) Iron Isotope Variations in Holocene Baltic Sea Sediments
Fehr M, Andersson P, Hålenius U & Mörth C-M
(2007) Influence of Landscape Type on Trace Metals in Small Boreal Catchments
Björkvald L, Borg H, Laudon H & Mörth C-M
(2004) River Water in NE Iceland: S Isotopes, Fe and Mn Concentrations
Torssander P, Gislason S, Eiriksdóttir E, Elefsen S, Mörth C & Snorrason Á
(2002) Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes, and Metals in Waste Work Sediments, Kovik, Sweden
Bohlin H, Mˆrth C-M & Holm NG

Mörth M (2006) Hydrogeochemistry of Fe and Mn in small boreal catchments: The role of seasonality, landscape type and scale
Björkvald L, Buffam I, Laudon H & Mörth M
(2004) Arsenic Mobilisation and Retention in Wetlands, Northern Sweden
Jacks G & Morth M

Mörth Magnus (2023) Silicon Isotopes as a Tool to Capture Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils: Implications on Fe-Organic Carbon Interactions
Villani M, Hirst C, Thomas M, du Bois d'Aische E, Vanderelst S, Lundin E, Giesler R, Mörth M & Opfergelt S
(2013) Microaerophilic Biological Methane Cycling 2.6-2.1 Billion Years ago
Chi Fru E, Hammarlund E, Pemba L, Bengtson S, El Albani A, Andersson P, Mörth M & Arvestål E

Mortimer G. (2011) Coral Records of Ocean Acidification and Physiological Processes in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Kang JO, McCulloch M, Eggins S, Gagan M & Mortimer G
(2009) Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
(2007) Seasonal Changes in Seawater pH from Boron Isotope Systematics in a Porites Coral from the Northern South China Sea
Wei G, Mortimer G, McCulloch M & Deng W
(2006) Proliferation and demise of Mediterranean deep-sea corals
McCulloch M, Taviani M, Montagna P, Mortimer G & Remia A
(2003) Large Sea-Level Excursions during the Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 3 Obtained from Huon Peninsula Uplifted Coral Terraces
Yokoyama Y, Esat T, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Chappell J & Lambeck K
(2002) Strategies for the Determination of the Isotopic Composition of Natural Uranium
Bernal JP, McCulloch M, Mortimer G & Esat T
(2002) High Precision 234U – 230Th Dating Using MC-ICPMS
Mortimer G, McCulloch M, Kinsley L & Esat T

Mortimer N (2005) The Hikurangi Oceanic Plateau: Another Large Piece of the Largest Volcanic Event on Earth
Hoernle K, Hauff F, van den Bogaard P, Werner R & Mortimer N

Mortimer Nick (2020) Provenance of Volcaniclastic Detritus from Sites U1507 and U1508, Zealandia Continent
Li H, Sutherland R & Mortimer N
(2019) St. Helena Type HIMU Plume Involved in Zealandia-Antarctica Breakup
Hoernle K, Timm C, Hauff F, Tappenden V, Werner R, Jolis EM, Mortimer N, Weaver S, Riefstahl F & Gohl K

Mortimer Robert (2014) Neutralisation of Red Mud Leachate: Mineralogical and Trace Metal Effects
Burke I, Peacock C, Lockwood C, Stewart D, Mortimer R, Ward M, Renforth P, Gruiz K & Mayes W
(2013) Arsenic Release from Red Mud Affected Soil-Water Systems
Lockwood C, Mortimer R, Stewart D, Mayes W & Burke I
(2013) Impact of Suspended Inorganic Particles on Phosphorus Cycling in the Yellow (Huanghe) River
Pan G, Krom M, Zhang M, Zhang X & Mortimer R
(2011) Geomicrobiology of Hyperalkaline Cr(VI) Contaminated Land
Whittleston R, Burke I, Stewart D & Mortimer R
(2009) Biostimulation of Nitrate, Iron and Chromate Reduction at Hyperalkaline Conditions
Whittleston R, Stewart D, Mortimer R & Burke I
(2008) Microbially Mediated Chromate Reduction in Alkaline Soils
Burke IT, Stewart DI & Mortimer RJG
(2005) DGT, Microsensor and Molecular Genetic Characterization of Biogeochemical Processes in an Extreme Arctic Environment
Benning LG, Mortimer RGJ & Steele A
(2004) Biogeochemical Reduction of U(VI) in a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Fox J, Mortimer R, Beadle I, Humphreys P & Morris K
(2004) Technetium Remobilisation during the Reoxidation of Tc-Radiolabeled Sediments
Burke I, Boothman C, Livens F, Llyod J, Mortimer R & Morris K
(2004) Technetium Solubility during the Onset of Progressive Anoxia
Morris K, Burke I, Boothman C, Lloyd J & Mortimer R
(2003) Anoxic Nitrification in Marine Sediments
Mortimer R, Bartlett R, Morris K & Krom M
(2000) High Volumetric Resolution Reveals Inter-Dependence of Metal Mobilisation in Sediments
Zhang H, Davison W, Mortimer RJG & Krom MD
(2000) A New Conceptual Model for Microbial Processes in Sediments
Mortimer RJG, Hayes P, Krom M, Davies I, Davison W, Zhang H, Phillips C & Prosser J

Mortimer Robert (2015) Ocean Acidification: The Affect on Trace Metal Speciation Evaluated with WHAM/Model VII
Stockdale A, Tipping E, Lofts S & Mortimer R
(2015) Controls of Acid Dissolution of P in Mineral Dust during Atmospheric Processing
Stockdale A, Krom M, Mortimer R, Benning L, Carslaw K, Herbert R & Shi Z

Mortimer Robert J.G. (2016) What are the Effects of Sediment Resuspension Events on Nutrient and Trace Metal Mobilisation along an Estuarine Continuum?
Vidal Dura A, Burke IT, Stewart DI & Mortimer RJG

Mortimore J. (2004) Environmental Impact Assessment of Forest and Mining Waste Interactions in the Tamar River Catchment
Mortimore J, Black S & Hutchings T

Mortlock R. (2018) Maldives Multispecies Foraminifera Hydrography Reconstruction over the Pleistocene and Oxygen Minimum Zone History
Yu S, Godfrey L, Mortlock R & Wright J

Morton A. (2017) Combined Chronometry and Geochemistry of Apatite for Very High Resolution Provenance Analysis
O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Morton A, Schneider S, Henrichs I & Mark C
(2016) Understanding the Provenance of the Turbidites from the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico: Utilizing Heavy Minerals and Bulk Quantification
Dos Santos T, Morton A, De Ros LF & Kneller B
(2015) Provenance of Upper Cretaceous Turbidites from the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico
Dos Santos T, Kneller B, De Ros LF, Morton A & Hurst A

Morton C. (2006) The Development of AMS Measurements of Manganese-53 for Erosion Rate Studies
Morton C, Fifield K, Gladkis L, Barrows T & Tims S
(2006) Aluminium-26 measurements with beryllium-10 counting statistics
Fifield K, Tims S, Gladkis L, Morton C & Barrows T

Morton Donna (2013) Structural Change in Molten Basalt at Deep Mantle P-T Conditions
Sanloup C, Drewitt J, Dalladay-Simpson P, Morton D, Rai N, van Westrenen W, Konopkova Z & Morgenroth W

Morton Doug (2018) Constraining the Crystallization Rate of Large Quartz Crystals in the Stewart Pegmatite from Trace Element Disequilibria
Phelps P, Lee C-T & Morton D

Morton Douglas (2020) Rapid Crystal Growth Causing Trace Element and Li-Isotope Enrichments in Quartz Crystals from the Stewart Pegmatite
Phelps P, Lee C-T, Morton D & Guan Y
(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J
(2009) Quantifying the Roles of Igneous Differentiation and Chemical Weathering on the Formation of Continental Crust
Lee C-T, Shen B, Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Morton D, Horodyskyj U, Little M & Leeman W

Morton J. (2017) Newcastle Allotments Lead Biomonitoring Study: Modelling Blood Pb in Coal Ash Amended Urban Soils
Entwistle J, Bramwell L, Morton J & Pless-Mulloli T

Morton O (2004) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Groundwater in the Guanajuato Mining District, Central Mexico: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals
Carrillo-Chavez A, Morton O, Morales P, Cienfuegos E, Gonzalez-Partida E, Rivas H & Camprubi A

Morton Ofelia (2019) Hg Anomalies in Air and Related Bedrock in the Acoculco Geothermal Field, Mexico
Canet C, Jiménez-Franco A, Sundblad K, Morton O, Martínez-Coronado A & García-Alonso D

Morton Peter (2020) Metal Uptake and Sequestration within Southern Ocean Diatom Frustules: A Significant Sink for Iron and Zinc
Castorina E, Ingall E, Morton P, Brewer L, McDaniel MF & Lai B
(2020) Relationship between Atmospheric Aerosol Mineral Surface Area and Iron Solubility
Ingall E, McDaniel MF, Morton P, Castorina E, Weber R, Shelley R, Landing W, Longo A, Feng Y & Lai B
(2017) Fluxes of Bio-Active Aerosol Trace Elements in the North Atlantic
Landing W, Shelley R, Ebling A & Morton P
(2011) Evaluating Sources and Transport of Zinc and Cadmium and their Complexing Ligands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Carrasco G, Duffaut-Espinosa L, Morton P & Donat J

Morton Peter L (2022) Atmospheric Deposition of Bio-Essential Trace Elements in the Southwestern Indian Ocean: Results from the 2021 Swings Research Cruise
Landing WM, Morton PL, Stephens M & Kadko D

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