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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Larat V. (2015) Raman Imaging for Geological Applications: More Than a Nice Picture
Lewandowska R & Larat V

Larcher D. (2021) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Galezowski L, Recham N, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
(2019) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida Starin MnB1
Galezowski L, Miot J, Recham N, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
(2013) Textural Control over Electron Transfer and Reaction with Li<sup>+</sup> of Biomineralized Fe-Oxides
Miot J, Recham N, Larcher D, Guyot F & Tarascon J-M

Lardeau J.M. (2018) Monazite Petrochronology in Internal Rif Units (Beni Bousera, Northern Morocco): New Insights of Permian and Oligo-Miocene Events
El Bakili A, Bosse V, Corsini M, Nicollet C, Lardeau JM & Chalouan A

Lardy M. (2019) Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption
Bani P, Moussallam Y, Medard E, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Gauthier P-J, Carn S, Aiuppa A, Coppola D, Tari D, Bani I, Benbakkar M, Voyard G, Scott B, Garaebiti E & Lardy M

Lardy-Fontan S. (2021) Metrology for Monitoring of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Under the EU Water Framework Directive
Steinhaeuser L, Lardy-Fontan S, Piechotta C, Heath E, Balzamo S, Gardia-Parège C, Gökcen T, Budzinski H & Perkola N

Larentzos J. (2009) Alkaline Earth Metal Adsorption to Gibbsite as a Function of Temperature
Criscenti L, Katz L, Chen C-C & Larentzos J
(2008) Molecular Modelling of Metal Speciation in Aqueous Solution and at the Mineral Surface
Criscenti L, Allen H, Chen C-C, Katz L, Larentzos J & Xu M

Larese-Casanova P. (2023) Fe and O Atom Exchange on Hematite and Goethite Surfaces after Aqueous Fe(II) Sorption: A NanoSIMS Investigation
Larese-Casanova P, Yue P & Gorski C
(2020) Selenium Oxyanion Uptake on Iron Oxides and Pyroaurites: Probing Mechanisms Using 18O Tracing
Larese-Casanova P, Yue P, Schellenger A, Chen N, Peak D, Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Onnis-Hayden A
(2018) Influence of Trace Metals on Dissolution and Fe(II)aq-Promoted Recrystallization of Iron Oxides
Yue P, Cui Y, Gorski C & Larese-Casanova P
(2018) Usefulness and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Application to Selenium Oxyanion Biogeochemistry
Larese-Casanova P, Schellenger A, Paydary P, Xia L, Jaisi D & Onnis-Hayden A
(2018) Quantum dot Dissolution in Photic and Aphotic Aqueous Environments
Paydary P & Larese-Casanova P
(2010) Stable Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Arsenic and Selenium Oxyanions
Larese-Casanova P & Blake R
(2010) Redox Transformation of Arsenic by Fe(II)-Activated Goethite: Impact of Humic Acids and Fe(II)
Borch T, Amstaetter K, Larese-Casanova P, Posth N & Kappler A
(2009) Transformation of Iron(oxyhydr)oxides in the Presence of Dissolved Sulphide
Hellige K, Larese-Casanova P, Pollok K & Peiffer S
(2005) Green Rust Formation Under Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxiding Conditions
Weber K, Thieme J, Larese-Casanova P, Scherer M, Achenbach L & Coates J
(2005) Fe(II) Adsorption at the Cell-Water Interface: From Macroscopic Observations to Spectroscopic Measurements
Larese-Casanova P, Leonardo M & Scherer M
(2005) Fe(II) Adsorption at the Oxide-Water Interface: From Macroscopic Observations to Spectroscopic Measurements
Scherer M, Larese-Casanova P & Williams A

Large D. (2012) Potential Dissolution of Sandstone in the Presence of Supercritical CO2-H2S-H2O: An Experimental and Geochemical Modelling Approach
Nwankwor C, Maroto-Valer M, Large D, Bateman K & Rochelle C
(2012) Warm Arctic Peatlands – Future Methane Factories?
Marshall C, Large D, Meredith W, Snape C, Spiro B & Jochmann M
(2009) Hydropyrolysis as a Method for Radiocarbon Pre-Treatment, and the Quantification of Black Carbon
Meredith W, Ascough P, Snape C, Large D, Bird M, Brock F, Higham T, Wood R & Vane C
(2009) Permafrost and Decadal Climate Oscillations during Holocene Peat Accumulation on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Large D, Spiro B, Ferrat M, Zhang G & Weiss D

Large E. (2023) Denudation Rates of Southwestern Madagascar over the Past 900 ka and their Relation to Climate Changes
Large E, Charreau J, Blard P-H, Bayon G, Garzanti E, Dennielou B & Jouet G

Large P.R. (2002) Numerical Modelling of Heat and Fluid Flow in Submarine Terrains
Schardt C, Yang DJ & Large PR

Large R (2003) LA-ICPMS of Sulphides: Evaluation of an XRF Glass Disc Standard for Analysis of Different Sulphide Matrixes
Danyushevsky L, Robinson P, McGoldrick P, Large R & Gilbert S

Large Ross (2019) Characterising Trace Element Distribution in Pyritised Microfossils: A Tool to Test Biogenicity
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R, Goemann K, Large R & Danyushevksy L
(2018) Earth System Evolution in the Proterozoic – The Story from Marine Pyrite
Large R & Mukherjee I
(2018) How Robust is Sedimentary Pyrite Trace Element Geochemistry as a Geochemical Proxy?
Mukherjee I, Large R, Corkrey R, Willink R & Stepanov A
(2018) Invited Keynote: Advances in Applications of LA-ICPMS to Minerals in Ores and Black Shales
Large R, Danyushevsky L, Meffre S & Stepanov A
(2017) The Boring Billion, a Slingshot for Complex Life on Earth
Mukherjee I, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2017) REE Evidence for Elevated pCO2 throughout the Boring Billion
Large R, Mukherjee I, Zhukova I & Stepanov S
(2017) Significance of Marcasite Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Algeo T, Grice K, Rodemann T, Davidson G & Steadman J
(2017) Understanding the Interplay between S Source and Metal Availability in the Archean: An Example from the Jeerinah Formation
Gregory D, Olson S, Large R, Zhukova I, Kaufman A & Lyons T
(2017) The Behaviour of Chalcofile Elements during UHP Metamorphism: Evidence from the Kokchetav Massif by LA-ICP-MS Imaging of Sulfides
Stepanov A, Mikhno A, Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A & Large R
(2016) A Multi-Proxy Approach to Tracking Ocean Chemistry over the Last 1000 Ma
Large R
(2016) Trace Metals and Isotopes in Estonian Black Shales: Cambro-Ordovician Shallow Water Anoxia on the Baltica Shelf?
Johnson S, McGoldrick P, Systra Y, Meffre S, Large R, Raub T, Boyce A & Lyons T
(2016) Rare Minerals and Trace Elements in Sulfide Turbidites from Yubileynoye VMS Deposit, South Urals, Russia
Tseluyko A, Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2016) Potential Controls on Evolution of Complex Eukaryotic Organisms by Bio-Essential Trace Element Availability in Proterozoic Oceans: Evidence from the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Mukherjee I & Large R
(2016) Trace Element Patterns in Pyrite Nodules as a Window to Bioessential Metal Availability in Archean Marine Sediments
Gregory D, Lyons T, Large R, Olson S & Zhukova I
(2015) Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry in Ore Deposit Research
Meffre S, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Cooke D & Gilbert S
(2015) Stability and Metastability of Arsenian Pyrite
Stepanov A, Goemann K, Large R, Meffre S & Danyushevsky L
(2015) Trace Element Partitioning during the Pyrite to Pyrrhotite Reduction
Johnson S, Large R, Meffre S & Raub T
(2015) Trace Elements in the Tube Fossils from Silica-Hematite Rocks of the Urals VMS Deposits
Ayupova N, Maslennikov V, Large R, Danyushevsky L & Tseluyko A
(2015) Do Hyperenriched Black Shales Correspond with Periods of Elevated Atmospheric O2?
Large R, Johnson S, Kelley K, Slack J & Coveney R
(2015) Theme 12: 25 Years of Advances in Ore Genesis Research
Large R
(2014) Pyrite Trace Element Compositions for Ore Deposits from Western Australia
Belousov I, Large R, Meffre S, Danyushevsky L & Beardsmore T
(2014) Gold in the Ocean Through Time
Large R, Steadman J & Gregory D
(2014) S Isotopes of Pyrite from PTB Sediments in the Perth Basin: Toxic H2S Ocean in Latest Permian and High Bacterial Activity in Early Triassic
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Gregory D, Steadman J, Cook C & Gilbert S
(2014) Geochemical Signature of PTB Sediments in the Perth Basin Reveals a Toxic Ocean at the End of Permian and Anoxic Ocean in Early Triassic
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Mantle D, Halpin J, Goemann K & Gilbert S
(2014) Phanerozoic O2 Cycles
Large R, Halpin J & Danyushevsky L
(2013) Mineral and Chemical Evolution of Fragmental Massive Sulfide Ores
Maslennikov V, Large R, Maslennikova S & Danyushevskiy L
(2013) Four Cycles of Oxygenation in the Phanerozoic
Large R, Halpin J, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Bull S, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2013) Secular Trends in the Global Ocean Revealed Through Trace Elements in Sedimentary Pyrite
Halpin J, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2010) Pyrite is the Key: Insights into Ore Forming Processes at Bendigo, Australia Using LA-ICPMS Trace Element and Isotope Methods
Thomas H, Large R & Bull S
(2010) Source Rocks for Sediment-Hosted Orogenic Gold Deposits
Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2006) Hydrosilicate liquids in late magmatic processes: experimental results and natural evidence
Smirnov S, Thomas V, Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Kamenetsky V & Large R

Large Ross R (2022) Marine Pyrite Trace Element Database and its Multiple Applications
Mukherjee I, Large RR & Corkrey R
(2022) Anoxic Photochemical Weathering of Pyrite on Archean Continents
Hao J, Liu W, Goff J, Steadman J, Large RR, Falkowski P & Yee N
(2021) Precambrian Ocean-Atmosphere Evolution Based on the Archive of Sedimentary Pyrite
Large RR & Mukherjee I

Large Ross R. (2020) Variable and Elevated Oxygen in the Archean Atmosphere
Steadman JA, Large RR, Blamey NJ, Corkrey R & Danyushevsky LV
(2020) Trace Element Features of Modern Black, Gray and Clear Smokers and their Ancient Analogues
Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2020) #The Brilliant Billion that Gave the Planet Animal Evolution
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R & Large R
(2020) The GOE and Oxygen Trends in the Proterozoic Atmosphere
Large R, Mukherjee I, Blamey N, Hazen R & Corkrey R

Large Simon (2018) How Long Does it Take to Make a Giant Porphyry Copper Deposit? Advances in High-Precision Geochronology and Modelling of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes
von Quadt A, Large S, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2015) High-Precision Zircon U-Pb Dates Obtained Using New 1013 Ohm Resistor Current Amplifiers by TIMS
vonQuadt A, Buret Y, Large S, Trinquier A & Peytcheva I

Large Simon J. E. (2021) Sc-in-Zircon by LA-Icp-Qqq-Ms Provides Insights into Relative Timing and Locus of Zircon Crystallisation in Magmatic Systems
Buret Y & Large SJE
(2021) Resolving Tectono-Magmatic Processes that Drive multi-Myr Arc Magma Evolution in Central Chile
Large SJE, Nathwani C, Buret Y, Tapster SR, Knott T & Wilkinson JJ

Largeau C. (2005) Diagenesis Effects on Specific Carbon Isotope Composition of Plant N-Alkanes
Nguyen Tu T, Derenne S, Largeau C, Bardoux G & Mariotti A

Larikova T. (2011) Geochemistry of Tonalites Formed by Partial Melting of Eclogites: Experimental Modelling
Larikova T, Holzheid A & Kegler P
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of Eclogites from the Eastern Part of the Kokchetav Complex (N. Kazakhstan)
Larikova T

Larin A. (2020) How Robust is the Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronometer?
Neymark L, Moscati R, Larin A & Slack J
(2017) Reliable LA-ICPMS U-Pb Dating of Cassiterite Without an Independent Age Standard
Neymark L, Holm-Denoma C, Larin A, Rizvanova N & Moscati R
(2009) Timing of Precambrian Gabbro-Anorthosites in the Stanovoy Mobile Belt (Eastern Siberia)
Buchko I, Sal'nikova Y, Larin A, Kotov A, Sorokin A & Velikoslavinsky S
(2005) Kalar Complex (Siberian Craton) – The Oldest Example of the Anorthosite-Mangerite-Charnockite-Granite (AMCG) Association
Larin A, Kotov A, Salnikova E, Glebovitsky V & Kovach V

Larin N. (2017) New Predictive Model for Composition of Inner Planets
Toulhoat H, Zgonnik V, Larin N & Larin V
(2017) Hydrogen Seepage from Shallow Circular Depressions
Zgonnik V, Larin N & Larin V
(2011) A Hydrogen Rich Early Earth?
Toulhoat H, Beaumont V, Zgonnick V, Larin N & Larin VN

Larin Vladimir (2017) New Predictive Model for Composition of Inner Planets
Toulhoat H, Zgonnik V, Larin N & Larin V
(2017) Hydrogen Seepage from Shallow Circular Depressions
Zgonnik V, Larin N & Larin V

Larin Vladimir N. (2011) A Hydrogen Rich Early Earth?
Toulhoat H, Beaumont V, Zgonnick V, Larin N & Larin VN

Larionov A. (2017) The 1.98 Ga Mafic Sills in the Karelian Province as an Integrated Part of Phanerozoic-Type LIP
Samsonov A, Stepanova A, Larionov A, Larionova Y, Salnikova E & Egorova S
(2015) High-Ti Mafic Intrusions in the Central Part of the East European Craton: Petrology, Geochronology and Tectonic Application
Samsonov A, Stepanova A, Larionova Y, Bibikova E & Larionov A
(2013) The Paleoproterozoic MORB-Type Tholeiitic Dykes as Indicators of Early Continents Breakup
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Larionova Y, Larionov A & Stepanov V
(2013) Evolution of Deep Crustal Roots of the Arkhangelsk Diamondiferous Province: Evidences from Crustal Xenoliths and Xenocrysts from Devonian Kimberlite Pipes
Samsonov A, Griban J, Larionova Y, Nosova A, Tretyachenko V, Lepekhina E & Larionov A
(2013) Precise U-Pb (ID-TIMS) and SHRIMP Ages on Single Zircon for Achaean TTG Rocks on Baltic Shield
Bayanova T, Mitrofanov F, Morozova L, Nitkina E, Serov P, Fedotov G & Larionov A

Larionova Y. (2020) Grib Kimberlite Peridotite Xenoliths: Isotopic Evidence of Variable Source of Mantle Metasomatism
Lebedeva N, Nosova A, Kargin A, Larionova Y, Sazonova L & Tikhomirova Y
(2017) The 1.98 Ga Mafic Sills in the Karelian Province as an Integrated Part of Phanerozoic-Type LIP
Samsonov A, Stepanova A, Larionov A, Larionova Y, Salnikova E & Egorova S
(2017) Fragments of Paleoproterozoic LIPs in the Eastern Fennoscandia: Implications for the Life Span of the Lapland-Kola Ocean
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Arzamastsev A, Puchtel I, Kepezhinskas P, Egorova S, Larionova Y & Erofeeva K
(2015) High-Ti Mafic Intrusions in the Central Part of the East European Craton: Petrology, Geochronology and Tectonic Application
Samsonov A, Stepanova A, Larionova Y, Bibikova E & Larionov A
(2015) Composition and Duration of Paleoproterozoic Plume Events: A Case Study of 2.45 Ga Mafic Dyke Swarms in the Karelian Craton, Fennoscandian Shield
Stepanova A, Salnikova E, Samsonov A, Larionova Y & Stepanov V
(2013) The Paleoproterozoic MORB-Type Tholeiitic Dykes as Indicators of Early Continents Breakup
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Larionova Y, Larionov A & Stepanov V
(2013) Evolution of Deep Crustal Roots of the Arkhangelsk Diamondiferous Province: Evidences from Crustal Xenoliths and Xenocrysts from Devonian Kimberlite Pipes
Samsonov A, Griban J, Larionova Y, Nosova A, Tretyachenko V, Lepekhina E & Larionov A

Lariviere A. (2013) Using Stable-Isotope Probing to Elucidate the in situ Metabolic Activity of Microbial Populations in the Cystic Fibrosis Lung
Kopf S, Hunter R, Lariviere A, Hu Y, Dieterle M, Sessions A, Orphan V & Newman D

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