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Low K. (2019) MAGNET in Hawaii: The Future of Active Teaching and Learning in Geochemistry is in the Field
Scoates J, Bilenker L, King E, Li M, Low K, Hanano D, Weis D, Gilley B, Sherman SB & Jolley A

Löw S. (2003) Reconstruction of Lake Levels and Recharge Altitude by Atmospheric Noble Gases
Kipfer R, Brennwald M, Löw S & Lützenkirchen V

Lowczak C. (2020) Copper Isotope Fractionation in Volatile-Fluxed Enclaves: Modern Analogues for the Genesis of Ancient Ore Deposits
McGee L, Lowczak C, Farkas J, Payne J, Wade C & Reid A

Lowczak J. (2016) Mantle Metasomatism by Sediment-Derived Melts: An Experimental Study
Lowczak J, Rapp R & Campbell I

Lowden R.R. (2021) Microstructural Origins of Chemomechanical Changes in Novaculite
Anovitz L, Flores-Betencourt A, Allard LF, Bosomworth P, Irle S, Mamontov E, Ghose D, Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Erdman D, Lowden RR, Ilavsky J, Kuzmenko I, Bleuel M & Littrell K

Lowe Don (2020) New Insights on the Biogenicity of South Africa’s Oldest Stromatolites
Homann M, Lalonde S, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Patry L, Hayles J, Walsh M, Lowe D & Byerly G

Lowe Donald (2019) Hadean Detrital Zircons Record Crustal Diversity but no Evidence for Fully-Formed Phanerozoic-Style Continental Crust
Drabon N, Wooden J, Byerly G, Byerly B & Lowe D
(2017) Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.6 – 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt: No Evidence for Older Continental Crust
Drabon N, Lowe D, Byerly G & Harrington J

Lowe Donald R (2021) Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
Drabon N, Byerly B, Byerly G, Wooden JL, Wiedenbeck M, Valley JW, Kitajima K, Bauer A & Lowe DR

Lowe Donald R. (2013) δ30Si in Early Archean Cherts and Implications for the Silica Cycle
Stefurak EJT, Fischer WW & Lowe DR
(2011) Peering Through the Diagenetic Window for Archean Phototrophs
Tice M, Cai J, Lee C-T & Lowe D
(2010) Seven Giant Impact Fallout Layers in the 3.5 to 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt: Evidence and Implications
Byerly GR & Lowe DR
(2004) Geologic Evidence for Evolution of the Archean Atmosphere
Lowe D & Tice M
(2002) Re-Os Systematics of Archean Spherule Layers from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Morel P, Byerly GR, Lowe DR & Kramers JD

Lowe Douglas (2019) A Numerical Approach for Picking Win-Win Strategies for Air Pollution in Megacities
Chen Y, Wild O, Ryan E, Sahu SK, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S, Wang Y, McFiggans G, Ansari T, Singh V, Sokhi RS, Archibald A & Beig G
(2011) Simulations of Multicomponent Aerosol Processes on the Regional Scale
McFiggans G, Utembe S, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S & Topping D

Lowe E. (2006) Diffusion Profiles within Garnet Grains of Peridotites from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Lowe E & Altherr R

Lowe K. (2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S
(2010) Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Activity during Amendment with Long-Term Electron Donor Sources for Bioreduction of Groundwater Contaminants
Gihring T, Schadt C, Zhang G, Yang Z, Carroll S, Lowe K, Mehlhorn T, Jardine P, Watson D, Brooks S, Wu W, Kostka J, Overholt W, Green S, Zhou J, Zhang P & Von Nostrand J

Lowe N. (2023) Geochemical Evolution of the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall Eruptions
Marshall EW, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Sigmarsson O, Halldorsson SA, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Bar Rasmussen M & Lowe N

Lowe T. (2023) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Cement Pellets: Impact on Cement Integrity
Byrd N, Morris K, Singh A, Small J, Taylor F, Boothman C, Engelberg D, Lowe T, Mahmood S & Lloyd JR

Lowell G. (2005) Contrasting Rift-Margin Volcanism in the St. Francois Terrane of Missouri at 1.47<!s><$>Ga
Lowell G, Harrison R & Unruh D

Lowell R.P. (2015) Temporal Evolution of the Hydrologic Cycle during the Phanerozoic
Angel AM, Bodnar RJ & Lowell RP
(2015) Effect of Salt on Energy Transport in MOR Hydrothermal Systems
Klyukin Y, Lowell R & Bodnar R
(2014) Evolution of Permeability and Fluid Chemistry during Serpentinization of Ultramafic Rocks: An Experimental Study
Farough A, Moore D, Lockner D & Lowell R
(2014) Numerical Model Linking the Temporal Evolution of the Geohydrologic Cycle and Ocean Chemistry over the Past 150 Ma
Angel A, Bodnar R, Lowell R & Gill B
(2012) Quartz Precipitation and Fluid-Inclusion Characteristics in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Steele-MacInnis M, Han L, Lowell R, Rimstidt JD & Bodnar R
(2010) Silica Solubility and Transport in Saline, Immiscible Fluids: Application of the Si-Cl Geothermobarometer to Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Steele-MacInnis M, Bodnar RJ, Lowell R & Rimstidt JD
(2010) Modeling of Two-Phase Flow at the East Pacific Rise 9°50′N
Han L, Lowell R & Lewis K
(2010) Preliminary Model of Hydrothermal Circulation at East Pacific Rise 950 N Constrained by Thermal, Chemical, and Seismic Data
Lowell R, Farough A & Germanovich L
(2010) Modeling Heat Transfer from Convecting, Crystallizing, Replenished Andesitic Magmas at Oceanic Spreading Centers
Liu L & Lowell R
(2008) A Reactive Hydrothermal Flow Model for the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Garven G, Tivey MK, Schardt C & Lowell RP
(2001) GTHSW — a Numerical Simulator for Two-Phase NaCl-Water Hydrothermal Systems: Application to Continental and Seafloor Environments
Xu W, Lowell RP & Bai W

Lowell T. (2017) Seasonal Production and δD Composition of N-Alkanes and N-Alkanoic Acids in a Temperate Forest
Freimuth E, Diefendorf A & Lowell T

Löwemark L. (2022) A Decade of Daily Oxygen Isotope Analysis from Peninsular Thailand: Implications for the Interpretation of Speleothem Records
Löwemark L, Kontsevich G, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Duerrast H, Liang M-C, Madhavan M & Wang C-H
(2020) Disentangling Local and Regional Paleoclimate Signals from Lake Internal Processes in Paleolimnological Records
Löwemark L, Lin T-W, Yamoah K & Kaboth S
(2017) Biogeochemical Controls on the Mn Distribution in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Löwemark L
(2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B

Lowenstein Tim (2021) Reconstructing the Secular Evolution of Boron Isotope Composition of Seawater from Evaporites
Jurikova H, Rae JWB, Gázquez F, Sendula E, Bodnar R, Weldeghebriel M & Lowenstein T
(2018) Southern California Hydroclimate over the Last 150 kyrs: New Results from the Searles and Death Valley Basins
McGee D, Olson K, Stroup J, Chen CY, Lowenstein T, Smoot J, Janick J, Lund S, Peaple M, Feakins S, Serrato Marks G & Litwin R

Lowenstein Tim K (2023) Reconstructing the Secular Evolution of Lithium Isotope Composition of Seawater from Marine Halite
Weldeghebriel MF, Murphy JG, Jurikova H, Lowenstein TK, Rae JWB, Niespolo EM & Higgins JA
(2023) Secular Evolution of Boron Isotope Composition of Seawater Archived in Evaporites?
Jurikova H, Gázquez F, Branson O, Weldeghebriel MF, Evans D, Dumont M, Sendula E, Bodnar R, Lowenstein TK & Rae JWB

Lowenstein Timothy (2013) Evidence from Fluid Inclusions Extends the Record of Seawater Chemistry by ~300 Million Years, from ~544 Ma to ~830 Ma
Spear N, Holland H, Garcia-Veigas J, Lowenstein T & Giegengack R
(2002) Isotope Constraints on Brine Formation in Closed Basin Salars, NW Argentina
Godfrey L, Chan L-H, Alonso R, Jordan T & Lowenstein T
(2001) Sources of Water and Dissolved Solids in Death Valley: A Strontium Isotope Investigation
Boulanger JR, Stewart BW, Lowenstein TK & Capo RC
(2000) Alive after 250 Million Years: Isolation of Live Permian Microorganisms
Vreeland R, Rosenzweig W, Lowenstein T & Powers D

Lowenstern J B (2012) Nature Abhors a Vacuum: Geothermal Gases at Yellowstone
Lowenstern J, Evans W & Bergfeld D
(2000) Late Pleistocene Zircons from Cascades Arc Volcanoes Dated by U-Th Analysis with SHRIMP RG
Bacon CR, Lowenstern JB, Persing HM, Wooden JL & Donnelly-Nolan JM

Lowenstern Jacob (2014) ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy to Measure H2O and CO2 in Silicate Glass
Lowenstern J, Sisson T, Blatter D, Mangan M & Hankins B
(2014) The Fate and Transport of Magmatic Volatiles in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
Hurwitz S & Lowenstern J

Lowenstern Jacob B. (2016) Quantifying Gas Composition and Yield from the 946 CE Millennium Eruption of Paektu Volcano, DPRK/China
Iacovino K, Kim JS, Sisson T, Lowenstern J, Ri KH, Jang JN, Song KH, Ham HH, Oppenheimer C, Hammond J, Donovan A, Weber-Liu K & Ryu KR
(2016) Fluorine Systematics in the Yellowstone (USA) Hydrothermal System
Hurwitz S, Lowenstern JB & Nordstrom DK

Lower Brian (2015) Pushed, Poked, and Prodded: Documenting Changes in Magnetotactic Bacteria from Wetland to Pure Culture
Mumper E, Lower S & Lower B
(2014) Biologically Controlled Mineralization of Magnetite Nanocrystals
Mumper E, Oestreicher Z, Lower B, Bazylinski D & Lower S

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