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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Louvel Marion (2015) Zircons in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits:an Experimental Study of Vapor-Phase Crystallization and Alteration at T>650℃
Louvel M & Mavrogenes J

Louvel Marion (2017) Element Absorption and Release during Serpentine Involved Reactions: Element Cycles in Subduction Zones
Luginbuehl SM, Rosa AD, Louvel M, Merkulova M, Krstulovic M, Munoz M, Wilke M & Irifune T
(2017) REE+Y Solubility and Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids: An Updated View from in situ XAS Measurements
Louvel M, Etschmann B, Mavrogenes J, Brugger J, Liu W, Williams-Jones A, Luginbuehl S, Brooker R, Mei Y, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L

Löv Å. (2017) Mobilization of Particulate, Colloidal and Dissolved Pb and Fe in Contaminated Soils – Effect of Metal Speciation and Soil Type
Löv Å, Larsbo M, Cornelis G, Sjöstedt C, Persson I, Gustafsson J-P & Berggren Kleja D

Lovász A. (2019) Geochemical Characteristics of Sulphide Minerals from Albanian Cu-Mineralisations and Mine Wastes
Lovász A & Kiss GB

Love Andrew (2014) Extreme Geochemical Environments in Mound Springs of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A, Gotch T, Raven M, Grocke S, Kirby J & Scheiderich K
(2014) Dating Groundwater in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Love A, Purtschert R, Shand P, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Tosaki Y, Fulton S, Wohllng D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L & Kipfer R
(2014) Solute and Isotope Tracers of Regional Flow Systems in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A & Priestley S
(2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y
(2011) Palaeoclimate Record from Groundwater of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Bröder L, Purtschert R, Love A, Fulton S, Wohling D & Aeschbach-Hertig W
(2007) Constraining Groundwater Residence Times in a Fractured Aquifer Using Noble Gas Isotopes
Purtschert R, Love A & Beyerle U
(2002) Kr81 Calibration of Cl36- and He4-evolution in the Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Lehmann B, Purtschert R, Love A, Kutschera W, Beyerle U & Frape S

Love Andrew J (2023) What can 81Kr and Other Environmental Tracers Tell us About Paleoclimate in the Pleistocene: An Example from the South-Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Love AJ, Purtschert R, Jang W, Lu Z-T, Yang G, Fulton S, Wohling D, Shand P, Aeschbach W, Broeder L, Mueller P, Tosaki Y, McCallum J, Chmielarski M & Xie Y
(2022) Transient Uses of Environmental Tracers in a Groundwater Flow System
Love AJ, Xie Y & Simmons C

Love Andrew J. (2016) Detecting Inter-Aquifer Leakage and Recharge Using Multiple Environmental Tracers
Priestley SC, Love AJ, Wohling D, Post VEA, Shand P, Kipfer R, Payne TE, Stute M & Tyroller L

Love E. (2002) Groundwater Recharge in Late Pleistocene and Holocene at Yucca Mountain, Nevada USA
Zhu C, Winterle J & Love E

Love G J (2006) Hf isotopes and zircon recrystallization: A case study
Kinny PD, Love GJ & Pearson NJ

Love Gordon (2022) Lipid Biomarkers Record Strong Marine Methane Cycling and an Anoxic Deep Ocean Persisting Through the Ordovician and Silurian Periods
Marshall N, Love G, Bekker A, Rohrssen M & Lee C
(2019) Lipid Biomarker and Stable Isotopic Records Track the Neoproterozoic Rise of Eukaryotes and Nutrient Controls on Marine Community Structures
Love G, Zumberge A, Duda J-P, Hoffmann A, Pehr K, Bekker A & Cardenas P
(2018) New Biomarker Occurrences Provide Evidence for Neoproterozoic Animals
Zumberge A, Cardenas P, Sperling E & Love G
(2018) Nutrients, Ecosystems, and the Expansion of Eukaryotic Life
Reinhard C, Ward B, Planavsky N, Love G & Ridgwell A
(2017) Lipid Biomarker Records from the Early-Middle Ordovician of Spitsbergen, Norway
Lee C, Love G, Hopkins M, Kröger B & Finnegan S
(2017) Unravel the Earth’s Oxygenation History with Molecular Organic Sulfur Geochemistry
Wang C, Lyons T, Bekker A, Love G & Planavsky N
(2016) Tracking the Ecological Expansion of Eukaryotes in Proterozoic Oceans Using Kerogen-Bound Lipid Biomarkers
Zumberge A & Love G
(2016) Selective Chemical Degradation of Microbial Mat Residues and Implications for Lipid Biomarker Preservation
Lee C, Love G, Jahnke L & Des Marais D
(2016) Assessing Bound Molecular and Stable Isotopic Information Preserved in Archean Sedimentary Kerogens
Love G, Bisquera R, Pehr K, Schoon P & Zumberge A
(2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N

Love Gordon D (2023) Organic Records for Progressive Ecosystem Collapse Leading to the Largest Biotic Crisis in the Phanerozoic – Alfred Treibs Medal Lecture
Xie S, Algeo TJ, Wignall PB, Love GD, Wu J & Luo G

Love Gordon D. (2014) Compound-Specific Carbon Isotopes Reveal Distinct Organic Carbon Sources Through the Shuram Excursion from the Sultanate of Oman
Lee C, Love G, Fike D, Fischer W, Grotzinger J & Summons R
(2014) Transformations and Fates of Lipid Biomarkers in Microbial Mat Ecosystems
Jahnke L, Lee C, Parenteau M, Carlson M, Kubo M, Love G & Des Marais D
(2014) Methane Sources in Arctic Thermokarst Lakes on the North Slope of Alaska
Matheus Carnevali P, Rohrssen M, Williams M, Love G, Michaud A, Adams H, Priscu J, Berisford D, Klesh A, Leichty J, Hand K & Murray A
(2014) Geochemical Evidence for Ferruginous Marine Conditions Following the Paleoproterozoic Demise of Iron Formation Deposition
Li C, Planavsky N, Love G, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Feng L, Huang J, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2013) Carbon Isotope and Lipid Biomarker Stratigraphy from Organic-Rich Strata Through the Neoproterozoic Shuram Excursion in South Oman
Lee C, Fike D, Love G, Sessions A, Grotzinger J, Summons R & Fischer W
(2013) Palaeozoic Biosphere and Climate: Modes of Marine Primary Production and Methane Cycling Feedbacks
Rohrssen M, Love GD & Reinhard CT
(2012) Geochemical Perpectives on Local Versus Global Ocean Redox at 1.64 Ga
Kelly A, Lyons T, Alsop E, Love G, Planavsky N, Kendall B & Anbar A
(2012) A Highly Stratified Cryogenian Marine Basin Recorded in the Datangpo Formation, South China
Li C, Love G, Lyons T, Scott C, Feng L, Huang J, Chang H, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2012) Fluctuations in Precambrian Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen Levels: A New Precambrian Paradigm Emerging?
Partin C, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Gill B, Li C, Podkovyrov V, Maslov A, Konhauser K, Love G & Lyons T
(2012) Tracking Proterozoic Biospheric Evolution and Marine Redox Structure Using Lipid Biomarkers
Love G, Kelly A, Li C & Rohrssen M
(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S
(2011) Iron and Other Metals in the Proterozoic Oceans
Planavsky N, Scott C, McGoldrick P, Li C, Reinhard C, Love G, Bekker A & Lyons T
(2009) Molecular Biomarker Records from Mid-Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks and Kerogens
Love G, Li C, Bowden S, Stalvies C & Summons R
(2009) C-Isotopic Studies of Hydrocarbons in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Samples
Kelly A, Rothman D, Love G, Grosjean E, Fike D, Zumberge J & Summons R
(2009) A Geochemical Redox Model for Ediacaran Ocean Chemistry in Nanhua Basin, South China
Li C, Love G, Lyons T, Sessions A, Fike D & Chu X
(2007) Carbonate Concretions as a Window to the Evolving Chemistry of the Early Ocean and Atmosphere
Lyons T, Raiswell R, Robinson A, Scott C, Chu X, Li C, Love G, Sessions A & Gill B
(2006) Constraining the timing of basal metazoan radiation using molecular biomarkers and U-Pb isotope dating
Love GD, Fike DA, Grosjean E, Stalvies C, Grotzinger J, Bradley AS, Bowring S, Condon D & Summons RE
(2006) Molecular Evidence for Prolonged Photic Zone Euxinia at the Meishan and East Greenland Sections of the Permian Triassic Boundary
Summons R, Love G, Hayes L, Cao C, Jin YJ, Shen S, Grice K & Foster C
(2006) Carbon and hydrogen isotopic analysis of hydrocarbons from the South Oman Salt Basin
Summons R, Grosjean E, Love G, Colonero C, Sylva S, Hayes J & Sessions A
(2004) Hydropyrolytic Release of Hopane and Sterane Biomarkers from 2.7 Ga Kerogens
Eigenbrode J, Freeman K, Love G, Snape C & Summons R
(2004) Rapid Screening of Microbial Cultures and Organic Macromolecules to Assess Biomarker Lipid Contents Using Catalytic Hydropyrolysis
Love G, Bowden S, Snape C, Jahnke L & Summons R
(2004) Purple Sulfur Bacteria in an Intensely Stratified Paleoproterozoic Sea
Brocks J, Love G, Summons R & Logan G
(2002) Hydropyrolysis of the Organic Macromolecular Material in the Murchison Meteorite
Watson JS, Sephton M, Love G, Verchovsky S, Snape C & Gilmour I
(2002) Alkylphenols and Light Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Oilfield Waters are Produced in Source Rocks, not from Petroleum Hydrolysis
Aplin AC, Love G, Dale J, Bennett B, Taylor G & Larter S
(2000) Exploring Biomarker Lipid Information Preserved in Complex Macromolecules
Love GD

Lovecchio E. (2019) Modeling the Impact of the Evolution of the Biological Pump on the Shelf Sea and Ocean Nutrient and Redox State
Lovecchio E, Daines SJ & Lenton TM

Lovejoy T. (2020) Revealing Biomineralization and SOM-Mineral Associations with Chemical Imaging Methods
Dohnalkova A, Kovarik L, Varga T, Battu AK, Jiao Y, Park D, Marcus M, Krivanek O, Lovejoy T & Kukkadapu R

Lovelace D. (2008) Redox-Linked Coordination Change in OmcA: Implications for Dissimilatory Fe(III) Reduction
Khare N, Eggleston C & Lovelace D
(2005) Surface and Solution Structure of Mitochondrial Cytochrome C
Khare N, Eggleston CM & Lovelace DM
(2005) Interaction of Cytochromes with Oxide Surfaces: Adsorption-Induced Conformation Change?
Eggleston C, Khare N & Lovelace D
(2005) Direct Electrochemistry of Cytochrome C on Oxide Electrodes
Eggleston C, Khare N & Lovelace D

Loveley M. (2017) Iron Fertilization of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Linked to Heinrich Stadial Events
Marcantonio F, Loveley M, Wisler M, Hertzberg J, Schmidt M & Lyle M

Lovell T. (2011) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of a Potential CO2 Sequestration Reservoir and Seal System, Illinois Basin, USA
Bowen B, Lovell T, Neufelder R, Rupp J, Brophy J & Lahann R

Lovelock C.E. (2018) Losses of Soil Organic Carbon with Deforestation in Mangroves of Madagascar
Arias-Ortiz A, Glass L, Masqué P, Benson L, Kennedy H, Garcia-Orellana J, Ridgway S, Salgado G, Duarte CM & Lovelock CE

Lovera Oscar (2018) Exploration of More Natural and Efficient Heating of K-Feldspar for 40Ar/39Ar Thermal History Analysis
Grove M, Hourigan J & Lovera O
(2014) Accurate 40Ar/39Ar MDD Thermal Histories of Extraterrestrial Samples
Boehnke P, Heizler M, Harrison M, Lovera O & Warren P

Lovera Oscar M. (2009) Early Archean Crustal Evolution in the Yilgarn: Constraints from Lu-Hf in Jack Hills Zircons
Bell EA, Harrison M, Lovera OM, Young ED & McCulloch MT
(2008) Evidence of Crust during the First 100 M.y. of Earth History: Lu-Hf, δ18O, and Ti Thermometry Results for Hadean Zircons
Harrison TM, Schmitt AK, McCulloch MT & Lovera OM

Lovett G. (2011) No Differences in Sr Isotope Ratios between Ectomycorrhizal and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Ecosystems Across a Wide Range of Geological Substrates
Koele N, Dickie I, Blum J, Gleason J, Lovett G & McGlone M

Lövgren L. (2013) Monodentate Inner–sphere Coordination of Arsenate and Phosphate Anions, Stabilized by Hydrogen Bonding, at the Goethite/Water Interface
Lövgren L, Nelson H & Sjöberg S
(2011) Phase Transformation in Simulated Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates
Lindegren M & Lövgren L
(2011) Precipitation and Surface Complexation in Systems Containing Cu(II), As(V) and Goethite
Nelson H, Sjöberg S & Lövgren L
(2011) Metal Attenuation in Tailings
Hedlund T, Lövgren L & Karlsson T
(2007) Surface Complexation Modeling of the Adsorption of Both Arsenate and Copper to the Surface of Goethite
Nelson H, Sjöberg S & Lövgren L
(2005) A Comparative Study of the Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite and Fluorapatite in the Absence and Presence of Organic Ligands
Bengtsson Å, Lövgren L, Sjöberg S & Persson P
(2004) A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of Fluorapatite Dissolution
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A, Boström D & Lövgren L

Lovley D.R. (2012) Manipulating Uranium Redox Status in an Alluvial Aquifer: Insights from Electron Donor Amendment Experiments
Long P, Williams K, Banfield J, Bargar J, Davis J, Fox P, Handley K, Hatfield K, Lovley D, Verberkmoes N, Wilkins M, Wrighton K, Yabusaki S & Science Team RI
(2012) Electron Donor Utilization during the Bioreduction of Uranium
Jaffe P, Barlett M, Kerkhoff L, Long P, Lovley D, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Tan H & Williams K
(2001) Genomic Approach to Understanding Microbial Metal Transformations in Anaerobic Subsurface Environments
Lovley DR
(2001) Mechanisms of Electron Transfer to Fe(III) and Other Metals in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Lloyd JR, Hodges Myerson AL, Leang C, Coppi M, Cuifo S, Sandler SJ & Lovley DR
(2000) Microbial Reduction of Iron in Hot Environments: Implications for the Geochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
Lovley D, Kashefi K, Tor J, Vargas M & Reysenbach A
(2000) Genomic Approach to the Study of Microbial Reduction of Iron and Uranium in Subsurface Environments
Lovley D, Methe B, Coppi M, Nevin K, Childers S, Lloyd J & Leang C

Lovrinic S. (2017) Microbial Architects of Anastomosing Cave Wall Patterns in Frasassi, Italy
Cardman Z, Lovrinic S, Schaperdoth I, Mainiero M, Mariani S & Macalady J

Low J.K. (2023) Diagnostic Procedures for Low-Level Asbestos Contamination in Occupied Tertiary Institutional Buildings
Berry T-A, Low JK, Steinhorn G, Wallis SL & Blanchon DJ

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