LaGrange M.T.
Biological Productivity and Primary Producers Recorded in the Depositional Record of Middle to Late Devonian Mudstones from the Horn River Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
LaGrange MT, Li K, Li L, Konhauser KO, Harris BS, Biddle SK, Terlaky V & Gingras MK
Lagrange T.
Uranium Reduction by Magnetite: Mechanism of UO2 Formation from EELS Analysis and Density Functional Theory Computations
Bartova B, Lagrange T, Pan Z, Leinders G, Bes R, Carbone J, Sassi M, Jacquemin N, Reinhold K, Rosso KM & Bernier-Latmani R
Nanoscale Mechanism of Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Bartova B, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Xia Q, Gauquelin N, Tavabi AH, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE & Bernier-Latmani R
Nanoscale Mechanism of Formation of UO2 Through Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bartova B, LaGrange T, Kvashnina K, Butorin S, Hyatt N, Stennett M & Bernier-Latmani R
Uranium(V) Persists as Uranium Oxide Nanowires during U(VI) Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bártová B, Lagrange T, Butorin S, Hyatt NC, Stennett MC, Kvashinina K & Bernier-Latmani R
Mechanistic Insights into U(VI) Reduction and the Associated Uranium Isotopic Fractionation
Bartova B, Brown A, Molinas M, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Faizova R, Mazzanti M, Schacherl B, Beck A, Vitova T, Kvashnina K, Roebbert Y, Weyer S & Bernier-Latmani R
Lagroix F.
Simulating the Dust Cycle for Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum
Sima A, Rousseau D-D, Kageyama M, Balkanski Y, Antoine P, Cozic A, Zhu D, Bertran P, Lagroix F & Hatté C
Some Examples of Applications of X-Ray Circular Magnetic Dichroism in Earth Sciences
Carvallo C, Guyodo Y, Sainctavit P, Arrio M-A, Penn RL, Ona-Nguema G, Morin G & Lagroix F
Experimental Comparison of Abiotic and Microbial Fe-Mineral Transformations to Identify Pathways of Magnetic Nanoparticle Production during Pedogenesis
Till J, Guyodo Y, Lagroix F, Bonville P, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N & Morin G
Laguerta E.
Lah R.
Automated Mineralogical Analysis of Coal Dust PM2.5 and PM10
Johnson D, Williamson B, Rollinson G, Moreno T, Trechera P, Lah R & Wrana A
Lahajnar N.
Trace Element (Ag, Cd, Re) Enrichment Patterns in Organic-Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System
Gäng F, Warnatz J, Pahnke K, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Böning P
Geochemical Characterization of Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS): New Insights into Lithogenic Inputs and Enrichment Mechanisms of Trace Elements (Ba, U, Ni)
Gäng F, Böning P, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Pahnke K
Nitrogen Cycle and Particulate Matter Fluxes in the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre
Harms N, Lahajnar N, Gaye B, Schwarz-Schampera U & Emeis K-C
Present and Past Nitrogen Turnover in the Danube Estuarine Transition Zone
Möbius J, Dähnke K, Emeis K-C, Friedrich J, Ion G & Lahajnar N
Reconstructing Past Organic Matter Fluxes from δ15N Records
Möbius J, Gaye B, Lahajnar N & Emeis K-C
Cycling of Nitrogen in the Namibian Coastal Upwelling System – The Stable Isotope View
Emeis K-C, Nagel B & Lahajnar N
Lahan R.W.
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of a Potential CO2 Sequestration Reservoir and Seal System, Illinois Basin, USA
Bowen B, Lovell T, Neufelder R, Rupp J, Brophy J & Lahann R
Influence of CO2 on New Albany Shale Composition and Pore Structure
Lahan RW, Mastalerz M & Rupp JA
LaHaye N.
Arsenic Spatial Distribution in Mine Wastes: Developing a Proxy for Short and Long-Term Exposure Risks
Vejar M, LaHaye N & Kim C
Lahaye Y.
New Insights into the Formation of the Rajapalot Deposit from Stable Ni, Cu and Fe Isotopes
Tepsell J, Lahaye Y, Molnár F, Rämö T & Cook N
Silver Isotope Analysis and Systematics of Native Gold from the Rajapalot Gold Deposit, Northern Finland
Tepsell J, Lahaye Y, Molnár F, Rämö T & Cook N
Li Isotopic and Trace Element Compositions of Spodumene as a Fingerprinting Tool for Li Pegmatites
Lukkari S, Lahaye Y, Grönholm P & Kurtti J
Toward the Application of Ni and Ag Isotopes as Indicators of the Genesis of Cobalt in Orogenic Gold Systems, Finnish Lapland
Tepsell J, Rämö T, Molnár F & Lahaye Y
Pb Isotope Systematics of K-Feldspar from the Precambrian Crust in the Baltic Sea Region
Salin E, Sundblad K, Woodard J & Lahaye Y
2.05 Ga A1-type Felsic to Intermediate Igneous Suite and Related Nb-Zr-Ree Mineralization at Otanmäki, Central Finland
Kärenlampi K, Hanski E, Kontinen A, Huhma H, Krause J, Heinig T & Lahaye Y
Sr-Isotope Compositions and Trace Element Concentrations in Plagioclase from the 0.92 Ga Sveconorwegian Hakafjorden Complex in SW Sweden – Implication for the Origin of Massif-Type Anorthosite
Scherstén A, Barrett A, Glommé A, Kullberg S & Lahaye Y
Li Isotopes in Fluid Inclusions as Tracers for Crustal Fluids
Richard A, Banks DA, Hendriksson N & Lahaye Y
Loparite Composition in Stratified Lovozero Alkaline Intrusion
Kogarko L, Lahaye Y & Williams T
Isotopic (Sr, Nd, Hf) Composition of Super-Large Metal Deposits from the Kola Penninsula Using in situ LA-MC-ICPMS
Lahaye Y, Kogarko LN & Brey G
Display Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th Ratios the Strength of Atlantic Deep Water Circulation? – An Approach for the Past 30, 000 Years
Lippold J, Christl M, Gruetzner J, Lahaye Y, Winter D & Mangini A
A Light Lithium Source for Komatiites
Lahaye Y, Seitz H-M, Brey G & Arndt N
Peridotite Xenoliths from the Andesitic Avacha Volcano, Kamchatka – any Signatures of Subduction Metasomatism?
Ionov D, Bruegmann G, Seitz H-M, Lahaye Y & Woodland A
Episodic versus long term recycling processes within the Archean South African crust
Klama K, Lahaye Y, Weyer S, Gerdes A & Brey G
Mapping of the Kaapvaal craton lithosphere with garnets from a polymict peridotite
Lazarov M, Brey G & Lahaye Y
Li-Isotopic Signatures of Peridotite Xenoliths and Isotopic Fractionation at High Temperature between Olivine and Pyroxenes
Seitz H, Brey G, Durali S, Weyer S & Lahaye Y
In situ Sulfur Isotope Ratio Measurements by Laser Ablation High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Lahaye Y, Bendall C, Brey G, Fiebig J & Weyer S
Re-evaluation of the Genesis of Kambalda-Style Komatiite-Hosted Ni-Cu-(PGE) Ore Deposits
Beresford S, Lahaye Y, Cas R, Jane M, Lambert D & Stone B
Sulfide Ore-Bearing Komatiite Systems at Kambalda, Western Australia
Lahaye Y, Beresford SW, Lambert DD, Jane M & Stone WE
Lahccen A.
RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N
Lahd Geagea M.
Natural Variations of Uranium Isotopes in Uranium Ore Minerals
Uvarova Y, Kyser K, Lahd Geagea M & Chipley D
Tracing of Industrial Emissions in an Urban Environment Using Pb, Sr, Nd, and C Isotopes (Tree Bark Biomonitoring and Aerosol Sampling)
Lahd geagea M, Stille P, Gauthier-Lafaye F & Millet M
Lahera Eric
A High T Cell for the in situ Study of Flux-Driven Magmatic Processes
Louvel M, Testemale D, Lahera E & Hazemann J-L
Lahera Eric
Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J
Lahera Eric
X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Critical Properties
Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina E, Testemale D, Proux O, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Aguilar-tapia A, Del Net W, Lahera E & Irar M
HERFD-Xas: A New Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental & Geochemistry Sciences
Lahera E, Bazarkina E, Del Net W, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Proux O, Testemale D, Irar M, Thomas S, Aguilar-Tapia A, Prat A, Tella M, Auffan M, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
Lahera Eric
In situ Characterization of Fluids and Melts to Shallow Supecritical and Magmatic Conditions
Testemale D, Louvel M, Goujon C, Legendre M, Lahera E & Hazemann J-L
Lahfid A.
Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material (RSCM) Geothermometery in Rocks of Advanced Diagenesis Processes and Low-Grade Metamorphism: Application to the Franciscan Complex, CA, to Examine the Pressure Effect
Lahfid A, Lacroix B & Delchini S
New Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) Geothermometer: Application in Aquitaine Basin (France) and Gulf Coast (Texas)
Lahfid A, Beyssac O, Deville E, Goffé B & Chopin C
Lahib A.
Evaluation of a Methodology for Ozone Production Rate Quantification in Ambient Air
Abichou G, Lahib A, Jamar M, Chen W, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Tomas A & Dusanter S
RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N
Lahijani H.
Speleothem Records of Glacial/Interglacial Climate from Iran Forewarn of Future Water Availability in the Interior of the Middle East
Mehterian S, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Lahijani H, Naderi M & Swart P
Lahiri N.
Nickel Hydroxide–Nickel Carbonate Competitive Growth on Carbonate Surfaces
Liu W, Lahiri N, Mergelsberg ST, Riechers S & Kerisit SN
Lahitte P.
Šumovit Greben, a Tale of a Rhyolitic Lava Dome
Molnár K, Dibacto S, Lahitte P, Arató R, Benkó Z, Szepesi J, Agostini S, Döncző B & Temovski M
Lähivaara T.
Hidden Reactive Transport Neural Network: A Physics- and Chemistry-Informed Accelerator for Pyrite Oxidation Modeling
Qiao H, Jooshaki M, Rolle M, Lähivaara T, Vauhkonen M, Kauppila T & Muniruzzaman M
Lahoud E.
Using Copper Stable Isotopes in the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
Moynier F, Creech J, Lahoud E, Dallas J, Hugon J, Paquet C, Mahan B & Le Borgne M
Natural Copper Stable Isotopes in the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
Moynier F, Creech J, Lahoud E, Dallas J, Hugon J, Paquet C, Mahan B & Le Borgne M
Lahoud-Heilbronner E.
Copper Isotope Compositions Measured Using the Collision/Reaction Cell (CRC)-MC-ICP-MS Sapphire
Luu T-H, Peters D, Gérard Y, Lahoud-Heilbronner E & Moynier F
Impact of Aging on Copper Isotopic Composition in the Brain
Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Moynier F, Mahan B, Rigoussen D & Le Borgne M
An Isotope Metallomics Characterization of Samples from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing, and ab Initio Calculations of K Isotope Fractionation in Biological Systems
Mahan B, Nestmeyer M, McCoy-West AJ, Moynier F, Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Fowler C, Bush A & Study A
Lahr D.
Putative Cryogenian Ciliates from Mongolia
Bosak T, Macdonald F, Lahr D & Matys E
Lahr J.
Characteristics and Origin of the Lala Iron Oxide Cu-Co-(u, REE) Deposit: Sichuan, Southern China
Meyer M, Schardt C, Sindern S, Gehlen M, Halbach P, Lahr J & Li J