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Katsura M. (2016) Interfacial Water Components Around Nano-Particles of Silica as Stuidied by Attenuated Total Reflectance Infrared (ATR-Ir) Spectroscopy
Nakahashi A, Katsura M & Nakashima S
(2013) IR Spectra of Thin Film Water Sandwiched between Two Mineral Plates
Hamamoto M, Katsura M & Nakashima S

Katsura T. (2016) Water Reservior in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Chen J, Pamato M, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Yang B, Lin Y, Katsura T, Kawazoe T & Liu B
(2016) Reductive Decomposition of Phase D by Formation of Fe-Bearing Aluminous Bridgmanite
Ishii T, Miyajima N, Petitgirard S, McCammon C & Katsura T
(2011) Silicon Self-Diffusion in Forsterite, Revisited
Fei H, Katsura T, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Hegoda C, Yamazaki D, Wiedenbeck M, Yurimoto H, Shcheka S, Pollok K & Audétat A
(2011) Laboratory-Based Conductivity Structure in the Mantle Transition Zone
Yoshino T, Shimojuku A & Katsura T
(2008) Electrical Conductivity of MgO at High Pressure and High Temperature
Zhang B, Wu X, Xu J & Katsura T
(2007) Evidence for Dry Mantle Transition Zone from the Electrical Conductivity of Wadsleyite
Manthilake MAGM, Matsuzaki T, Yoshino T, Yamashita S, Ito E & Katsura T
(2003) Thermal Expansion of Mg2SiO4 Spinel in its Stability Field
Katsura T, Yokoshi S, Song M, Kawabe K, Kubo A & Funakoshi K
(2001) Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W

Katsuragi Y. (2020) Extremely High Volatiles of Petit-Spot
Hirano N, Katsuragi Y, Ushikubo T & Shimizu K

Katsuta T. (2023) Double-Substitution of 34S and 18O – A Tracer for Sulfate Sources
Surma J, Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Nakagawa M, Crockford PW, Bao H & Yoshida N
(2021) Application of Fluorination Method to Isotopologue Biogeochemistry
Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Taguchi K, Nakagawa M, Yoshida N & Gilbert A
(2021) Δ34S18O Systematics of Modern Sulfate
Katsuta T, Ueno Y, Nakagawa M, Aoki R & Yoshida N
(2020) Equilibrium and Kinetic Fractionation on S-O Clumping of Sulfate
Ueno Y, Nakagawa M, Katsuta T, Aoki R & Yoshida N
(2020) A Development of SO2F2 Method to Measure Sulfate Isotopologues
Katsuta T, Ueno Y, Nakagawa M, Aoki R & Yoshida N
(2019) A New Method for Measuring 34S-18O Clumping of Sulfate
Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Ishimaru T & Yoshida N

Katsuyama M. (2016) Variations of Fluorescent DOC in Temperate Forest Catchments
Katsuyama M, Tanaka Y & Tani M

Katsuyuki T. (2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Transboundary Transported Anthropogenic Sulfur Deposition in Japan by Using Sulfur Isotopic Ratio
Inomata Y, Saito T, Yamashita N, Morohashi M, Sase H, Ohizumi T, Katsuyuki T & Nakagomi K

Katta J. (2010) Coalbed Natural Gas (CBNG) Produced Water: Geochemistry and Water Quality
Katta J

Kattein L. (2019) No Evidence for 20th Century Acceleration in Fossil Carbon Supply to the Ocean from Thawing Permafrost in the Lena River Catchment
Mollenhauer G, Winterfeld M, Hefter J, Grotheer H, Kattein L & Ransby D

Kattenhorn S. (2005) Enigmatic Linear Patterns of Hydrogen Concentration on Mars
Clevy J & Kattenhorn S

Kätterer T. (2017) P Binding and Sorbent Dynamics
Simonsson M, Östlund A, Renfjäll L, Sigtryggsson C, Börjesson G & Kätterer T

Katvala S. (2009) Combining Hydrometric, Chemical and Isotopic Approaches to Assess Nitrate Loading of Rivers in Southern Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Rock L, Chao J, Hogue K & Katvala S

Katz A (2004) Brine-Freshwater Interaction and Redox Conditions in Lake Lisan during MIS2
Torpstein A, Gavrieli I, Goldstein S, Katz A, Haase-Schramm A & Stein M

Katz Al (2020) Ca-Carbonate Nucleation in Aqueous Solution and its Implication for Biomineralization
Wang Z, Katz A, Zhu C & Zhao L
(2018) Nucleation of Ca and Mg Carbonates from Aqueous Solution
Long Z, Katz A, Zhu C, Zhao L & Wang Z

Katz Amandine (2017) Δ47 and δ18O Disequilibria in Microbial Carbonates as Tracers of Metabolic Activity
Thaler C, Katz A, Bonifacie M, Ménez B & Ader M
(2017) The Δ47 Composition of Coccoliths: From the Laboratory to the Natural Environment
Hermoso M, Katz A, Minoletti F & Bonifacie M
(2015) The Clumped Isotope Fractionation for Carbonates Reacted with Phosphoric Acid at 70℃ in a KIEL IV – MAT 253 System
Müller IA, Violay MES, Bonifacie M, Katz A, Fernandez A, van Dijk J, Madonna C & Bernasconi SM
(2015) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Coccoliths: New Proxy for SST Reconstruction
Katz A, Bonifacie M & Hermoso M
(2014) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Fractionation during Phosphoric Acid Digestion of Calcite, Dolomite and Aragonite Minerals
Calmels D, Bonifacie M, Katz A & Siebert J
(2013) Green Rust Sulphate – Making Space for Interlayer Cations
Christiansen BC, Katz A, Bovet N, Sørensen HO, Andersson MP, Nedel S, Frandsen C, Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS
(2013) Effect of Mineral Structure and Composition on Carbonate Clumped Isotope Measurements
Calmels D, Bonifacie M, Katz A & Siebert J

Katz Amdine (2023) Do We Need to Have Mineral-Specific Δ47: Calibrations and/Or Acid Fractionation Factors and/Or Community Standards ?
Bonifacie M, Anderson N, Bergmann K, Katz A, Calmels D, Siebert J, Horita J, Bernasconi SM, Daëron M, Fosu BR & Jautzy JJ

Katz Brian (2010) SF6 Tracers and the Subsurface Attenuation of Nutrients
Chanton J, Harden H, Hicks R, Katz B & Wade E
(2009) Using Isotopes and Other Chemical Indicators to Track the Impacts on Groundwater Quality from the Land Application of Treated Municipal Wastewater in a Mantled Karst Aquifer
Katz B, Davis H & Shakar J

Katz Britney S. (2014) Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer: Physical and Chemical Data
Stotler RL, Katz BS, Butler JJ, Whittemore DO, Reboulet EC, Hirmas DR, Smith JJ & Ludvigson GA

Katz J. (2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2010) Observing Iron Redox Dynamics at the Nanosecond Scale with Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy
Gilbert B, Katz J, Zhang H, Banfield J, Falcone R & Waychunas G

Katz L. (2014) Effect of Amendments on Mercury Fate in Contaminated Sediments
Schierz A, Grundy JS, Bireta PJ, Katz LE & Reible DD
(2012) Impact of Ternary Surface Complexes on Metal Ion Adsorption
Katz L
(2009) Alkaline Earth Metal Adsorption to Gibbsite as a Function of Temperature
Criscenti L, Katz L, Chen C-C & Larentzos J
(2008) Molecular Modelling of Metal Speciation in Aqueous Solution and at the Mineral Surface
Criscenti L, Allen H, Chen C-C, Katz L, Larentzos J & Xu M

Katz Mimi (2016) New Clues on the Complex Late Triassic Carbon Cycle from the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy)
Zaffani M, Godfrey L, Katz M, Maron M & Rigo M

Katz Miriam (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L

Katz Miriam E. (2014) New Technique to Promote Unseeded Precipitation of Inorganic Calcium Carbonate Crystals from Artificial Seawater
Borrelli C, Watson EB, Gabitov R, Thomas JB, Ackerson MR, Trail D, Ruscitto D & Katz ME

Katz R. (2018) Mantle Heterogeneity in Mid-Ocean Ridge Lavas: The Melting Column as a Filter
Bo T, Katz R, Shorttle O & Rudge J
(2018) Finding Geochemical Fingerprints of Melt Transport Processes
Shorttle O, Rudge J, Katz R & Maclennan J
(2018) Source Versus Process: Peridotite Constraints on Magma Genesis
Warren J, Birner S, Cottrell E, Katz R, Kelley K & Davis F
(2008) Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Production in Magma-Dynamics Simulations of Mid-Ocean Ridges
Katz R
(2006) Controls on extent of melting at convergent margins
Langmuir C, Katz R & Spiegelman M

Katz T. (2019) Carbon Export and Drivers in the Southeastern Levantine Basin
Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Zlatkin O, Bar T, Herut B, Berman-Frank I & Katz T

Katzir R. (2023) A Mechanism for the Stubborn Persistence of Contaminants in Arid Environments – A Case Study from the Judean Desert, Israel
Katzir R, Gavrieli I, Nachshon U, Sharabi G & Golan R
(2022) Trace Elements Availability in Desert Sediments Affected by Acidic Phosphogypsum Slurry Pollution
Golan R, Nachshon U, Katzir R, Sharabi G & Gavrieli I

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