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Kashev A. (2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V

Kashiiwagi Y. (2009) Occurrence of Iodine Rich Brines and Hot Spring Waters in Japan
Muramatsu Y, Kashiiwagi Y, Ohba T, Kazahaya K, Matsuzaki H & Fehn U

Kashima D. (2013) Tholeiitic vs. Calc-Alkaline Igneous Trends on the Moon: Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773 vs. Apollo 15 Quartz Monzodiorite
Fagan TJ, Wakabayashi Y, Suginohara A & Kashima D

Kashima H. (2023) Metagenomic Characterization of Novel Electroactive Microorganisms Enriched from Stibnite Mine Wastewater
Hamamura N, Kashima H & Mitsunobu S
(2022) Characterizatin of Electroactive Microorganisms Associated with Stibnite Mine Wastewater
Hamamura N, Kashima H & Mitsunobu S

Kashima K. (2020) 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Hydrous Ferric Oxide Fractions in Core Sediments: High-Resolution Proxy for Paleo-Salinity Variation of Brackish Lake Water during the Holocene
Toyoda K, Yoneda S, Kashima K & Yonenobu H
(2002) Holocene Climatic Change Record in the Sediment Core from Lake Richardson, East Antarctica
Wada H, Nagayama M, Miura H & Kashima K

Kashiv Y. (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC
(2002) Kinetics of the Condensation of Presolar SiC and its Trace Elements
Kashiv Y

Kashiwabara T. (2022) Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy Age and Elemental Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts from Iwaki Seamount
Kobayashi E, Suzuki K, Usui A, Chang Q, Makabe A, Kashiwabara T & Orihashi Y
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Analytical 183W Deficits
Enomoto H, Iizuka T, Homma Y, Kobayashi O, Suzuki K & Kashiwabara T
(2020) Modern Precipitation of Ferromanganese Oxides and Metal Accumulation during 12-15-Yr on-Site Experiment at NW Pacific Seamounts
Usui A, Hino H, Suzushima D, Kashiwabara T, Tomioka N & Yamaoka K
(2019) Tellurium Isotope Analysis for the Surface Layer of the Ferromanganese Crusts from Two Seamounts in Northwest Pacific
Fukami Y, Kashiwabara T, Amakawa H, Shibuya T, Usui A & Suzuki K
(2019) Geochemistry of REY Carriers within REY-Rich Muds in the Pacific Ocean
Kashiwabara T, Toda R, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Kubo S, Nozaki T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K & Kato Y
(2017) Difference of Cesium and Selenium Adsorptions between Biogenic and Synthetic Ferrihydrite
Kikuchi S, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y
(2017) Stable Isotope Fractionation of Tungsten during Adsorption on Fe and Mn (Oxyhydr)oxides
Kashiwabara T, Kubo S, Tanaka M, Senda R, Iizuka T, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y
(2017) Stable Isotope Variation of Tellurium in Surface Layer of Marine Ferromanganese Crusts
Fukami Y, Kashiwabara T, Usui A, Kimura J-I & Suzuki K
(2016) Fractionation of Zirconium-Hafnium in Ferromanganese Crusts
Inagaki J, Sakaguchi A, Inoue M, Usui A, Haba H, Kashiwabara T, Yamasaki S, Sueki K & Takahashi Y
(2016) Speciation of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Euxinic Sediment Using Wavelength Dispersive XAFS
Watanabe Y, Kashiwabara T, Sekizawa O, Nitta K, Terada Y, Uruga T & Takahashi Y
(2016) Speciation of Platinum in Marine Ferromanganese Oxides Using Wavelength-Dispersive XAFS
Kashiwabara T, Watanabe Y, Sekizawa O, Nitta K, Terada Y, Uruga T, Usui A, Hein J & Takahashi Y
(2015) Synchrotron X-Ray Perspective on Formation Mechanism of REY-Rich Mud in the Eastern South Pacific
Kashiwabara T, Toda R, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K & Kato Y
(2014) Oxidation State of Magmas at an Immature Subduction Zone-Inferred from Sulfur Speciation of Boninitic and Tholeiitic Melt Inclusions
Shimizu K, Kashiwabara T & Tamenori Y
(2014) Chemical Processes for the Extreme Enrichment of Te into Marine Ferromanganese Oxides
Kashiwabara T, Oishi Y, Sakaguchi A, Sugiyama T, Usui A & Takahashi Y
(2013) Tungsten Species in Natural Ferromanganese Oxdies Related to its Different Behavior from Molybdenum in Oxic Ocean
Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y
(2013) Systematic Understanding of Adsorption of Oxyanions of Cr, Mo, and W at Solid/Water Interfaces
Ariga D, Tanaka M, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y
(2012) Mechanisms of Isotopic Fractionation of Mo on Ferromanganese Oxides Based on the Systematics of its Surface Complex Structures
Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y
(2011) Molecular-Scale Mechanism of Mo Isotopic Fractionation during Adsorption on Ferromanganese Oxides
Kashiwabara T, Takahashi Y & Tanimizu M

Kashiwagi H. (2003) The Link between Sr Isotope Record, Weathering and Glaciations during Neogene
Kashiwagi H & Shikazono N
(2002) Climate Change in Cenozoic Inferred from Carbon Cycle Model
Kashiwagi H & Shikazono N
(2000) Global Carbon Cycle Model in the Cenozoic
Kashiwagi H, Shikazono N & Tajika E

Kashiwagi K. (2016) Heinrich Events in a Stalagmite Record from Central Mie, Japan
Mori T, Kano A, Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Kashiwagi K

Kashiwagi Y. (2007) Secular Variation of Halogen Concentrations in Yugama Crater Lake Water, Kusatsu-Sirane Volcano
Kashiwagi Y, Muramatsu Y & Ohba T

Kashiwaya Kenji (2012) Mineralogy of Lacustrine Sediment from Darhad Basin Records the Past Lake Level Changes of the Paleo-Lake
Fuchizaki M, Yabe T, Abe H, Fukushi K, Hasebe N & Kashiwaya K
(2009) Carbonate Mineralogy in Bottom Sediment Response to Paleoenvironment in Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia)
Fukumoto H, Fukushi K, Ochiai S & Kashiwaya K

Kashiwaya Koki (2022) Effectiveness of Multicomponent Geothermometry in Geothermal Reservoir Temperature by a Case Study of Patuha Field, Indonesia
Kusumasari BA, Kashiwaya K, Tada Y, Rahayudin Y & Koike K
(2020) Sorption Behaviors of Cs and Eu onto Altered Rock Formed Around Fault
Watanabe Y & Kashiwaya K
(2017) Rare Earth Elements as Supporting Approaches for Early-Stage Geothermal Exploration
Shoedarto RM, Tada Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Iskandar I, Heriawan MN, Notosiswojo S & Malik D
(2016) Physical Property of Rock Cores of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits and its Application to the Geophysical Joint Inversion
Goto T-N, Ohta Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Kasaya T, Machiyama H & Lin W
(2014) Interaction of Surface Water and Groundwater in the Kyoto Basin
Kashiwaya K, Fumita R, Koike K, Tada Y, Taniguchi M & Nakano T

Kashiyama Y (2006) Nitrogen and carbon isotopic analyses on sedimentary porphyrins of organic-rich shales from Miocene and mid-Cretaceous
Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y, Suga H, Tada R, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2006) Nitrogen isotopic composition of chlorophylls and porphyrins in geological samples as tools for reconstructing paleoenvironment
Ohkouchi N, Kashiyama Y, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Tada R & Kitazato H
(2006) Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of chlorophylls by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Chikaraishi Y, Kashiyama Y, Ogawa N, Kitazato H, Nomoto S & Ohkouchi N

Kashiyama Yuichiro (2007) Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Amino Acids: Implications for Aquatic Food Web Studies
Chikaraishi Y, Kashiyama Y, Ogawa N, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2007) Reconstruction of the Past Biogeochemical Cycles Based on Compound-Specific N and C Isotopic Analyses of Sedimentary Porphyrins
Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y, Nomoto S, Tada R, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N

Kashparov Valeriy (2012) An Account of the Chernobyl Pilot Site Studies: 25 Years Later
Simonucci C, Martin-Garin A, van Meir N, Dick P, Diez O, Roux C, Bugai D & Kashparov V

Kashparov Valery (2019) Radiocesium Dynamics in Fukushima and Chernobyl Forests
Yoschenko V, Nanba K, Onda Y, Kashparov V & Holiaka D

Kashulin N. (2010) Pb Isotope Fractionation during Photodissociation of Tetraethyllead in Aqueous Solution
Malinovsky D, Kashulin N & Vanhaecke F

Kashulina G. (2007) The Barents Ecogeochemistry Project – Ecogeochemical Mapping of 1, 500, 000 km2 in NE-Europe
Kashulina G, Salminen R, Chekushin V, Bogatyrev I, Tenhola M & Niskavaara H

Kashyap C.S.A. (2013) Future Calamity of Arsenic Poisoning in the Groundwater of Thoubal and Bishnupur Districts of Manipur (India)
Kashyap CSA, Syed HF, Chandrasekharam D & P. T

Kashyap N.R. (2011) EPMA Study of Sulfides in Ultramafic Suites of J.C. Pura Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, India
Kashyap NR & Prabhakar BC

Kashyap S. (2023) Geochemical Challenges to Methanogenesis in Serpentinizing Systems: Implications for the Habitability of Ocean Worlds
Howells A, Price N, Batther H, Kashyap S, Som S, Kopf S, Templeton AS & Hoehler T
(2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2018) Biogenic Mineral Transformations of Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides at High Temperatures
Kashyap S, Sklute EC, Wang P, Tague Jr. TJ, Dyar MD & Holden JF

Kasian S.E.M. (2002) A Carbon Budget for Canadian Shield Lakes
Hesslein R, Guss DM, Schindler EU & Kasian SEM

Kasibhatla P. (2014) Dry and Wet Deposition of Gas-Phase Organics Mediates SOA Removal
Hodzic Roux A, Madronich S, Knote C, Kasibhatla P, Lee-Taylor J & Aumont B

Kasimov N. (2017) Trace Element Composition of Woody Vegetation in W-Mo Mining Area
Kosheleva N, Timofeev I & Kasimov N

Kasina M. (2017) Variation of the Composition of Fly Ash from the Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Plant
Kajdas B, Żaba T, Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Michalik M
(2017) Time-Related Diversity of Municipal Bottom Ash Chemical Composition
Kowalski PR, Kasina M & Michalik M
(2016) Municipal Sewage Slude Incineration Residues as a Source of Valuable Elements or Products of Environmental Concerns
Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Michalik M
(2016) Influence of Metallic Fragments Magnetic Separation on the MSWI Bottom Ash Chemical Composition
Kowalski P, Kasina M & Michalik M
(2016) Recovery or Reuse of Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Residues
Michalik M, Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Wilczyńska-Michalik W
(2015) Effects of Microbiological Processes on Corrosion in Geological H2 Storage – Results of Laboratory Long-Term Experiments
Kasina M, Halm H, Lerm S, Teitz S, Pudlo D & Würdemann H
(2013) Microbial Metabolic Processes in the Deep Subsurface – Impact on Geological Energy Storage
Würdemann H, Morozova D, Lerm S, Kasina M, Pellizzari L, Halm H & Neumann D
(2013) Experimental Study of Mineral-Microbial Interaction to Investigate the Effects of CO2 Storage
Kasina M, Morozova D, Pellizzari L, Kassahun A & Wuerdemann H
(2013) Role of Aggregates Formed during Process Stabilization in a Production of Methane in Biogas Reactors
Kasina M, Kleybocker A, Michalik M, Liebrich M & Wuerdemann H
(2009) Experimental Study of Slag Stability Under Different Geochemical Conditions
Kasina M, Michalik M & Kajdas B
(2009) Grus Origin in Karkonosze Granite
Kajdas B, Michalik M & Kasina M

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