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Kantola M. (2022) High Ni and Mn Concentrations in Human Hair and Slightly Lower Ca in Blood Serum in Sulphur-Rich Black Shale Areas: Impact and Mechanisms
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Kousa A, Hatakka T & Kantola M

Kantor I. (2017) Analysis of the Structure of Compressed Liquid Ni and Co by EXAFS
Boccato S, Torchio R, D'Angelo P, Trapananti A, Kantor I, Recoules V & Pascarelli S
(2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Journaux B, Collings I, Kantor I, Hennet L, Harries D, Dane T, Burghamer M & Rubie D
(2015) Trace Elements in Silicate Melts: Understanding Bonding Enivronments at High Pressure
de Grouchy C, Sanloup C, Cochain B, Drewitt J, Daisenberger D & Kantor I
(2015) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Under Extreme Pressure and Temperature
Kantor I, Mathon O & Pascaralli S
(2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2014) Synthesis of Single Crystals of Iron Garnet Skiagite and its High-Pressure XANES Investigation
Ismailova L, Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Bobrov A, Kantor I & Cerantola V
(2011) Equation of State of Water and Melting Curve of Ice VII Based on Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocity and X-Ray Diffraction of Ice VII to 19 GPa and 873 K
Sang L, Farber D, Aracne C, Zhang J, Prakapenka V, Kantor I, Tkachev S, Zhuravlev K & Bass J
(2008) A Computational and Experimental Study of (Fe2+, Mg)SiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
Caracas R, Dubrovinsky L, McCammon C, Kantor I & Narygina O

Kantor R. (2020) Pulling Back the Curtain on Microbial Sulfur Dynamics in a Mine Tailings Reservoir
Whaley-Martin K, Chen L-X, Colenbrander Nelson T, Marshall S, Apte S, Rossi L, Kantor R, Twible L, Banfield J & Warren L
(2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2016) Microbial Sulfur Metabolism in Mining WasteWaters
Warren L, Lei S, Kantor R, Butterfield C, Burstein D, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Bennett D, Marshall S, Camacho D, Apte S & Banfield J
(2014) Prediction of the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea in the Subsurface
Banfield J, Castelle C, Hug L, Wrighton K, Sharon I, Brown C, Kantor R, Singh A, Thomas B, Luef B, Comolli L, Williams K, Long P & Hubbard S

Kanu C. (2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM

Kanzaki M. (2017) Hydrogen Incorporation Mechanism in Synthetic Katoite-Grossular and Natural Grossular: 1H Static and MAS NMR and First-Principles Calculation
Xue X, Kanzaki M & Geiger C
(2016) Hydrogen Incorporation Mechanisms in Forsterite: 1H NMR Measurement and First-Principles Calculation
Xue X, Kanzaki M, Turner D & Loroch D
(2014) CO2 Speciation in Ca- and Na- Aluminosilicate Glasses as a Function of Melt Polymerization: A Multi-Nuclear NMR Study
Xue X, Kanzaki M, Floury P & Tobase T
(2013) Crystal Structures of Two Oxygen-Deficient Calcium Aluminum Silicate Perovskites from NMR and Powder X-Ray Diffraction
Kanzaki M, Xue X, Wu Y & Nie S
(2013) Carbonate Speciation in Depolymerized Silicate Melts (Glasses): New Evidence from ab Initio Calculations and 13C MAS and Static NMR Measurements
Xue X & Kanzaki M
(2012) In situ High Pressure Changes to the O K-Edge Electronic Structure of CaMgSi2O6: An X-Ray Raman Approach
Moulton B, Kanzaki M, Fukui H, Hiraoka N & Henderson G
(2010) Water Speciation in Hydrous (Alumino)silicate Melts/Glasses and Quasi-Chemical Modeling
Xue X, Kanzaki M & Malfait W
(2009) Supercritical Fluids from Downgoing Slab beneath Volcanic Arcs: Critical Endpoints in Sediment – H2O and High Mg Andesite – H2O Systems
Kawamoto T, Kanzaki M, Mibe K, Matsukage K & Ono S
(2003) The Dissolution Mechanism of Water in Alkaline Earth Silicate and Aluminosilicate Melts: One View from 1H MAS NMR
Xue X & Kanzaki M
(2003) Direct Observation of Immiscible Fluids Using X-Ray Radiography
Mibe K, Kanzaki M, Kawamoto T, Matsukage K, Fei Y & Ono S
(2003) Interaction of Two Si(OH)4 Monomeres: An ab Intio Molecular Orbital Study
Kanzaki M
(2003) The Effect of Sulfate Sulfur on the Structure of Na2O-SiO2 Glasses: A 29Si MAS NMR, Raman and FT-Ir Study
Tsujimura T, Xue X, Walter M, Yamashita S & Kanzaki M
(2002) The Dissolution Mechanisms of Forsterite and Enstatite: Constraints from 29Si and 1H MAS NMR
Xue X, Kanzaki M & Fraser D
(2002) NMR Evidence for a New Water Dissolution Mechanism in Alkaline Earth Silicate Melts
Kanzaki M & Xue X
(2001) Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W

Kanzaki Y. (2023) A Model of Unidirectional and Accumulative Fluxes from Mantle to the Lithosphere Explaining Crustal Growth via Triple Oxygen Isotope Mass Balance throughout Earth’s History
Bindeman I, Kanzaki Y & Palandri J
(2019) Signal Tracking Diagenesis Model
Kanzaki Y, Hülse D, Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2019) Bioturbation: How Much is it Messing up our View of the Past?
Hülse D, Kirtland Turner S, van de Velde S, Kanzaki Y & Ridgwell A
(2018) Subseafloor Storage of Biogenic Methane Prior to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Kanzaki Y, Hunter S, Arndt S, Huelse D & Ridgwell A
(2014) Atmospheric Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Precambrian Estimated from Water-Rock-Atmosphere Interactions
Murakami T & Kanzaki Y
(2013) Estimates of Atmospheric CO2 in the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T
(2012) Effect of Fluid Flow Rate on Fe3+/Fe2+ Ratios of Paleoproterozoic Paleosols and its Implication for Atmospheric Oxygen Levels
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T
(2011) Fe(II) Oxidation Under Very Low O2 Conditions: New Rate Law and its Implication
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T

Kanzari A. (2017) Secondary U Bearing Minerals in Granitic Technosoils. (Massif Central, France)
Gerard M, Kanzari A, Tayal A, Conradson S & Descostes M
(2016) Weathering Impact of Granitic Waste Rock Piles at Former Uranium Mines (Limousin, France)
Kanzari A, Gérard M, Boekhout F, Galoisy L & Descostes M
(2013) Micromorphology Investigations by Imaging Alteration, Supergene and Anthropogenic Processes in Regoliths
Gerard M, Trombino L, Boekhout F, Kanzari A, Parisot JC & Stoops G

Kanzow T. (2019) Insensitivity of Glacial Iron Export to Climate Forcing
Krisch S, Hopwood MJ, Schaffer J, Lodeiro P, Gledhill M, Schlosser C, Kanzow T & Achterberg EP

Kao A.P. (2021) Some Examples of X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography Applied to Mantle Petrology
Venier M, Ziberna L, Mancini L, Kao AP, Bernardini F, Youbi N, Majigsuren Y, Lenaz D & De Min A

Kao C-C. (2016) Pressure- and Temperature-Induced Transformation of Natrolite to Sequester Cs and Pb
Im J, Seoung D, Lee Y, Lee SY, Blom DA, Vogt T, Kao C-C & Lee Y
(2013) Pressure-Induced Insertion of Xenon into a Small-Pore Zeolite Natrolite
Lee Y, Seoung D, Lee Y, Cynn H, Evans W, Vogt T & Kao C-C

Kao D-Y. (2018) Ab Initio Study of Chromium Isotopes
Kao D-Y & Domagal-Goldman S

Kao L. (2000) Geochemistry of Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reduction by Geobacter Metallireducens: Implications for Sustained Dechlorination of Tetrachloromethane
McCormick M, Gerdenich M, Kao L & Adriaens P

Kao N. (2020) Phosphorus Retention in a Dammed Reservoir in Ontario, Canada: Implications for Nutrient Management
Kao N, Parsons C, Niederkorn A, Mohamed M, Sorichetti R & Van Cappellen P

Kao P-T. (2023) P**ing on the Critical Zone: Micronutrient Dynamics in Pasture Systems
Buss HL, Kao P-T, McGrath SP & Lee MR

Kao S-J.
(2017) Light Effect on N2 Fixation and Diazotroph Derived Nitrogen Net Release of Field Trichodesmium
Lu Y, Wen Z, Shi D, Chen M, Zhang Y, Li Y, Tian J & Kao S-J
(2017) Diapycnal Fluxes of Nutrients and Carbon in an Oligotrophic Oceanic Regime: The South China Sea
Dai M, Du C, Liu Z & Kao S-J
(2016) Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotopic Compositions in Rivers from Choshui River during Typhoon Mindulle
You C-F, Liu H-C, Chung C-H, Kao S-J & Meyer K
(2016) Vertical Distribution and Controls of Nitrification in the Upper Ocean of Northwestern Pacific
Xu M, Wu Y, Wan X, Lu Y & Kao S
(2016) P Control on Millennial Scale Productivity in Subtropical North Pacific over the Past 92 kyr
Li D, Kao S-J, Fang T-H, Zheng L-W, Ding X-D, Chang Y-P & Chen M-T
(2016) Isotopic Insights for Sources and Export Behavior of Organic Carbon to Deep Ocean Through a Submarine Canyon in Active Margins
Zheng L-W, Ding X-D, Lee T-Y, Liu JT, Li D, Zheng X & Kao S-J
(2016) The Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in the Euphotic Zone
Wan X, Sheng H, Zhu Y, Xu M, Dai M & Kao SJ
(2015) Isotope Constraints on Dynamic Nitrogen Transformations in a Nitrogen-Replete Coastal Bay in Southern China
Kao S-J, Wu Y, Xu M, Wan X & Sheng H
(2015) Concentration Dependent Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Ammonium Uptake by Phytoplankton in a Highly Eutrophic Estuary and its Application to Determine the Phytoplankton Contribution to Particulate Organic Matter
Liu K-K, Wu P-C & Kao S-J
(2015) Isotopic Composition of Water-Soluble Nitrate in Bulk Atmospheric Deposition at Dongsha Island: Sources and Implications of External N Supply to the Northern South China Sea
Yang J-YT, Hsu S-C, Dai M, Hsiao SS-Y & Kao S-J
(2015) Ammonium Utilization by Nitrifier and Phytoplankton in Photic Zone at Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Xu M, Wu Y, Wan XS & Kao S-J
(2013) Efficient Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Offshore Taiwan: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle
Hilton R & Kao S-J
(2012) Climatic and Geomorphic Controls on the Erosion of Carbon from Mountain Forest: Implications for Earth's Thermostat
Hilton R, Galy A, Hovius N, Kao S-J, Horng M-J & Chen H
(2012) Submarine Groundwater Discharge at an Active Margin: NE Taiwan Coast
Gattacceca JC, Hovius N, West AJ, Galy A, Hammond D, Liu JT & Kao S-J
(2011) Efficient Cycling of Particulate Organic Carbon Through Orogenic Systems
Hovius N, Galy A, Hilton R, Sparkes R, Kao S-J & Liu J
(2010) Chemical Weathering in the Central and Coastal Ranges of Taiwan
Goldsmith S, Kao S-J, Carey A, Lyons WB, Selveraj K & Lee TY

Kao-Kniffin J. (2013) Sequestration of Labile Organic Carbon in Alaskan Permafrost Soils
Mueller CW, Kao-Kniffin J, Rethemeyer J, Löppmann S, Hinkel K & Bockheim J

Kaotekwar A.B. (2017) Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigations in Clastic Sediments of Lower Krishna River, India: Implications to Weathering, Transportation and Deposition of Sediments
Kaotekwar AB & Ahmad SM
(2011) Primary Structures, Petrography and Geochemistry of Deccan Flood Basalts at Anantagiri Hills, Andhra Pradesh, India
Kaotekwar AB

Kaown D. (2023) Investigation of Natural and Anthropogenic Sulfur Origin in Groundwater of Granite Area Using Multi-Isotope and Radon Data
Kim J, Kim J, Joun W-T, Kaown D & Lee K-K
(2023) Quantification of Residual DNAPL within Aquifer System Using Noble Gas and Radon
Kim YJ, Kipfer R, Kaown D, Kim J, Lee S-S, Kim J & Lee K-K
(2023) Understanding the Transport Characteristics of Chemical Compounds Derived from a Natural Uranium Deposit Near the Lake
Joun W-T, Koh D-C, Kaown D, Kim J, Kim Y, Lee S-S & Lee K-K
(2022) Impacts of Shallow Geothermal System on Groundwater Characteristics Using Hydrochemistry, Multiple Isotopes, and Microbial Analysis
Kim J, Lee K-K, Baek J, Kaown D, Ko H-N & Oh H
(2022) High Level of Radioactivity in Shallow Granite Aquifer: Radiogenic He as a Proxy of Strong in situ Supply from Residual Soils
Ju Y, Kaown D, Koh D-C, Lee K-K & Ryu J-H
(2020) Estimating the Unknown Quantitative Information for Residual TCE Source and Residual Source Allocation Using Various Tracer Data at a DNAPL Contaminated Site, Korea
Lee S-S, Cho I-R, Kaown D, Koh E-H & Lee K-K
(2019) Hydrogeochemical Changes Induced by 2016 Gyeongju Earthquakes Using Groundwater Level, Radon-222, and Strontium Isotopes
Kim J, Lee J, Kim H, Kaown D & Lee K-K
(2019) Application of Noble Gas to Alarm the CO2 Leak and to Constrain the Mass Distribution of Leaking Plume for Different Leakage Conditions
Ju Y, Lee S-S, Kaown D & Lee K-K
(2019) Noble Gas Push-Drift-Pull Test Considering Natural Degassing for Site Characterization in CCS Field
Cho I-R, Ju Y, Kaown D, Ha S-W, Lee S, Park I-W, Lee S-S & Lee K-K
(2018) Assessing Transformation Processes of Sulfate Using Stable Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Acid Mine Drainage Streams
Kaown D, Lim C, Kim H & Lee K-K
(2017) Assessment of Groundwater Contamination Using Environmental Tracers in a Heavily Cultivated Coastal Area
Kaown D, Koh E-H & Lee K-K
(2017) Artificial Injection of CO2 Infused Groundwater and Evaluation of its Partitioning Behavior Using Inert Gas Tracers
Ju Y, Kaown D, Lee S-S & Lee K-K
(2015) Application of the Dual Isotope Approach to Determine Contamination Sources and Fate of Nitrate in Shallow Groundwater Near a River in South Korea
Kaown D, Koh E, Mayer B & Lee K-K
(2013) Evaluating the Fate of Chlorinated Ethene (TCE) Around the Near-Stream Zone
Lee S-S, Kim H-M, Kaown D & Lee K-K
(2013) Use of Risk-Based Remediaiton Strategy and Concept of Attainable Clean-Up Level in Management of Groundwater Contaminated Sites in Korea
Kim H-M, Lee S, Kaown D & Lee K-K
(2013) Delineation of Recharge Patterns and Nitrate Contamination Using Stable Isotopes of Water, 3H-3He, and CFCs in an Agricultural Basin
Kaown D, Koh D-C, Yoon Y-Y, Kim H, Lee J-Y & Lee K-K

Kapanen G. (2023) To What Extent is the Geochemistry of Curative Mud in Estonia Satisfactory?
Kapanen G & Terasmaa J

Kapili B.J. (2021) Determining the Magnitude, Controls, and Mediators of Microbial Activity in Shelf to Abyssal Marine Sediments and Implications for Deep Time
Meyer NR, Parada AE, Kapili BJ & Dekas AE
(2021) Evolution of an Energy Dissipating Protein Domain Indicates Shared Origin for Ancient Metabolisms and a Self-Organizing Mechanism
Kapili BJ & Dekas AE

Kapitonov I. (2009) Distinct PGM Assemblages in a Mantle Tectonite at Unst: Evidence for Robustness of Os-Isotope System
Malich K, Lord R, Meisel T, Prichard H & Kapitonov I
(2007) The Geochemistry of Ni Isotopes in Mafic-Ultramafic Layered Complexes
Sergeev D, Sergeev A, Prasolov E, Kapitonov I & Sergeev S
(2007) Mineral Chemistry and Os Isotope Systematics of Os-Bearing Alloys from the Guli Massif (Russia): New Data
Badanina I, Malitch K & Kapitonov I
(2006) Ni isotope fractionation during lateritization of serpentinites
Mordberg L, Krymsky R, Kapitonov I, Klindukhov V & Sergeev S
(2006) Cu isotope composition of sulfide mineralization of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal field (12º45'N, MAR)
Krymsky R, Belyatsky B, Kapitonov I, Cherkashev G & Sergeev S

Kapitulcinova D. (2011) Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Silicate Mineral Weathering: Characterising Nanoscale Interactions Using AFM
Kapitulcinova D, Howe RCT, Jackson S, Gazze SA & McMaster T
(2009) Novel Techniques for Investigation of the Cell-Mineral Interface
Kapitulcinova D, Hallam KR & Ragnarsdottir KV

Kaplan Aaron (2009) The Effect of Marine Photosynthesis on 17O/16O and 18O/16O of Atmospheric O2
Barkan E, Eisenstadt D, Kaplan A & Luz B

Kaplan Alexey (2009) Towards a Global Calibration of the G. ruber (White) Mg/Ca Paleothermometer
Arbuszewski J, deMenocal P, Kaplan A, Klinkhammer G & Ungerer A

Kaplan Daniel (2022) Microbial Iron Oxidation in Metal-Rich Wetlands: An Integrated Kinetics and Omics Study
Chan CS, Tothero G, Awoyemi O, Hoover RL, Kaplan D, O'Loughlin E & Weisenhorn P
(2021) Speciation and Availability of Trace Metal Micronutrient in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Yan J, Sharma N, Flynn E, Giammar D, Catalano JG, Schwartz G, Brooks SC, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2020) Seasonal Variability of I-129 Concentrations in a Wetland Receiving Contaminated Groundwater
Nichols R, Kaplan D, Thibault J & Boerstler K
(2020) Plutonium Immobilization or Mobilization: The Contribution of Microbial Products and Cells
Merino N, Marie Coutelot F, Parker C, Kaplan D, Kersting A, Jiao Y & Zavarin M
(2020) Sulfur Cycling at the Surface Water-Groundwater Interface in Riparian Wetlands
Ng G-HC, Santelli C, Rosenfeld C, Dunshee A, Kaplan D, Kemner KM, Torgeson J, Srivastava S & Yourd A
(2020) Consistent Controls on Trace Metal Micronutrient Speciation in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Catalano J, Yan J, Flynn E, Sharma N, Giammar D, Schwartz G, Brooks S, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2018) Iodine Conceptual Models at the Hanford and Savannah River Sites: Similarities and Differences
Qafoku N, Kaplan D, Lawter A, Neeway J, Bagwell C, Szecsody J & Truex M
(2018) Molecular Characterization of Organic Compounds Binding 239,240Pu in Nagasaki Soils
Lin P, Xu C, Kaplan D, Yeager C, Schwehr K & Santschi P
(2018) Radioiodine Speciation in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Xu C, Lin P, Li D, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
(2018) Alkaline-Activated Metakaolin Solidification of Iodine Sorbed by Layered Double Hydroxides
Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Tokunaga K, Utsunomiya S, Ikehara R, Komiya T, Takeda A, Kaplan D & Santschi P
(2018) Radioiodine Speciation Impact on Ag-Activated Carbon Immobilization in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Price K, Seaman J, Li D, Lin P, Xu C, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
(2018) Structural Modified Organo-Feldspathoid for Sequestration of Anionic Radionuclides
Dickson J(, Conroy N, Powell B, Seaman J, Li D & Kaplan D

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