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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kang Yuelan (2017) Episodic Delamination of Impacting Lithospheric Wedge (ILW) and Uplift of Tibetan Plateau
Shi Y, Li L, Anderson JL & Kang Y

Kang Zhi Qiang (2009) Multistage and Heterogeneous Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau Implicated by the Multi-Episode Post-Collision Lava
Chen JL, Xu JF, Wang BD, Wang GQ, Kang ZQ & Dong YH

Kang Zhiqiang (2018) Hidden Granite-Related W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag Deposits in Dayaoshan-Xidamingshan Area, Guangxi, South China: Mineralization Patterns and Geodynamic Setting
Feng Z, Fu W, Li Z, Li S, Kang Z, Feng Y, Le X & Wang C
(2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Intrusions in Dayaoshan Uplift, Guangxi, South China
Wei N, Feng Z, Kang Z, Zhang Q, Tang J, Fang G, Qin Y & Fu W
(2014) A New Muscovite 40Ar-39Ar Age and its Implications for the Ziyuan-Xinnin Ductile Shear Zone of Northeastern Guangxi, China
Feng Z, Wu J, Kang Z, Zhang G, Feng M & Wang C
(2014) Muscovite 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology for the Vein-Type W-Sn-Nb-Ta Polymetallic Ores in Jinzhuyuan Deposit of Limu Orefield, China
Feng M, Kang Z & Wang C
(2012) The Volcanic Rocks of Bima Formation, Sangri Group in Gangdese Belt--products of Intra-Oceanic Subduction
Kang Z, Xu J, Zhu D & Chen J

Kang-Yun C. (2020) Environmental Implications of Metal Binding by the Novel Chalkophore Methanobactin
Semrau J, Gu B, DiSpirito A, Kang-Yun C, Liang X, Lu X & Dershwitz P

Kangueehi K. (2019) Comparing Natural and Anthropogenic Dust Emitted in Southern Africa as Potential Sources of Nutrients to Open Oceans
Kangueehi K, Fietz S, Eckardt F & Von Holdt J
(2017) Dust Transport Pathways and Bioavailability of Dust Emissions from Southern Africa
Kangueehi K, Fietz S, Roychoudhury A, Eckardt F & Van Holdt J

Kanhaiya S.

Kani T. (2020) Stable Sr Isotopes of the Middle-Late Permian Carbonate: Its Implication for Driving Ocean Sr Budget Change
Kani T, Isozaki Y, Misawa K, Ishikawa A & Yoneda S
(2016) Guadalupian (Middle Permian) Sr Isotope Profile and Reef Collapse in Low/Mid-Lattitude Shelf Carbonates in NE Japan and Primorye (Russia)
Kani T, Isozaki Y & Zakharov Y
(2013) Pb, Sr, Nd, Hf Isotope Geochemistry of South Arch Lavas: Origin of the Upstream Side Hawaiian Arch Volcanism
Kani T, Hanan B, Kingsley R & Schilling J-G
(2012) The Phanerozoic Minimum in Seawater 87Sr/86Sr: Middle Permian Mid-Panthalassan Seamount Record
Kani T, Hisanabe C & Isozaki Y
(2011) The Paleozoic Minimum in 87Sr/86Sr Ratio in the Capitanian (Middle Permian): Records from the Mid-Panthalassa Paleo-Atoll Limestones
Kani T, Kofukuda D & Isozaki Y
(2009) Isotopic Geochemistry of the Shield-Stage Lavas of Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii
Yamasaki S, Kani T, Hanan B & Tagami T
(2002) Pb Isotopic Characteristics of the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks Observed in the Japan Sea Side of Northeast Japan
Nohda S, Kani T & Otofuji Y-I
(2002) Isotope Geochemistry of Submarine Lavas from South Arch Volcanic Field, Hawaii
Kani T, Takahashi E & Nohda S

Kania J. (2004) Properly Verified Flow and Transport Model as a Basis for Management of Groundwater Quality
Kania J, Rozanski K, Szczepanska J, Witczak S & Zuber A

Kanický V. (2012) LA-ICP-MS as a Tool for Elemental Mapping Geological Samples
Vaculovic T, Gardenova N, Kanicky V, Breiter K & Vyslouzilova L
(2011) Study of Candidate Matrix-Matched Calibration Standards for Geological Applications by Nuclear and Laser Ablation Based Methods
Strunga V, Havránek V, Kučera J, Kanický V, Vaculovič T, Hrdlička A, Moravec Z, Všianský D, Pinkas J, Klíma M & Kynicky J
(2011) Phlogopite/Matrix, Cpx/Matrix and Cpx/Phlogopite Trace Element Partitioning in True Lamprophyres
Krmíčková M, Krmíček L, Kanický V, Vaculovič T & Galiová M
(2011) Analysis of Geochemical "Twins" Al/Ga and Si/Ge in Rock-Forming Silicate Minerals in Granitoides Using LA-ICP-MS
Gardenová N, Kanický V, Breiter K & Vaculovič T

Kanik I. (2008) Toward the in situ Quantification of Organic Molecules in Solid Samples: Development of Sample Handling and Processing Hardware
Beegle L, Johnson P, Hoydess R, Mielke R, Orzechowska G, Sollitt L & Kanik I

Kanik N.J. (2022) Negative Verification of Micas as Hydrogen Isotope Reference Materials. What Next?
Derkowski A, Kanik NJ & Dyckmans J

Kanivets V. (2017) Comparison of Solid-Water Distributions of Radiocesium in River Waters between Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas
Takahashi Y, Fan Q, Tanaka K & Kanivets V

Kanji Z. (2015) Field Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles on the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Lacher L, Kanji Z & Lohmann U

Kankaala A. (2009) Reduction of Aqueous Hexavalent Chromium by Steel Slag
Hanski E & Kankaala A

Kanke H. (2003) Source Apportioning of Sedimentary PAHs in an Urban Reservoir by Combined Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis and Petroleum-Biomarker Analysis
Kanke H, Uchida M, Okuda T, Takada H, Yoneda M & Shibata Y

Kanke N. (2016) Redox State of Mantle Wedge Above Subducting Slab Inferred from the Mantle Section of Oman Ophiolite
Tani M, Takazawa E, Satish-Kumar M, Akasaka M, Kanke N, Murakami R, Suetake A & Tamura Y

Kanna N. (2016) Dissolution of Iron from Sea Ice-Derived Particles in Seawater
Kanna N, Nishioka J, Van der Merwe P & Lannuzel D
(2015) Iron Enrichment by Sea Ice Melting in the Surface Water in the Okhotsk Sea
Kanna N, Nishioka J & Toyota T

Kannan K. (2016) Airborne PM2.5/PM10-Associated Phthalate Diesters in Suburban Area in Shanghai, China
Ma J, Yang M, Luo WY & Kannan K

Kannan Naidu P. (2019) Temperature and Environmental Reconstruction for Early Burdigalian Using Carbonate ‘clumped Isotope’ Paleothermometer on Fish Otoliths
Kannan Naidu P, Ghosh P, Kapur V & Mishra D

Kannappan R. (2015) Simulating U(VI) Desorption and Transport from Decimeter-Scale Experiments to the Plume-Scale
Curtis G, Kohler M, Briggs M, Ye M, Day-Lewis F & Kannappan R

Kanner L. (2013) Diagnosing the Hydroclimate Influences on Soil Water δ18O: Precipitation δ18O, Evaporation, or Moisture Transport?
Kanner L, Buenning N, Stott L, Timmerman A, Noone D & Sloan L

Kanngießer B. (2022) Imaging Distribution and Speciation of P Across Natural Fe Oxides, Clay Minerals, Microorganisms, and Diatoms by Nano-Xrf and Nano-NEXAFS
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Haidl A, Fröse H, Luehl L, Hönicke P, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2021) XRF and P K-Edge XANES on Natural Mineral-Organic Associations
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2020) Natural Mineral-Organic Associations Studied by XRF and P-Edge XANES
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche K
(2008) Sapphirine Granulites of the Gruf Complex (Central Alps, N-Italy): In situ Monazite Dating by SHRIMP and Confocal Synchrotron µ-XRF
Möller A, Schmitz S, Wilke M, Nelson DR, Malzer W, Kanngießer B, Schefer S & Bousquet R

Kanno S. (2022) Magma Feeding System of the Latest Magmatic Unit of Azuma Volcano, NE Japan
Ban M, Kanno S, Sato M & Imura T

Kano A (2006) Scientific drilling of a cold-water carbonate mound: Shipboard biogeochemical results from IODP Expedition 307
Ferdelman T, Cragg B, Frank T, Gharib J, Leonide P, Mangelsdorf K, Sakai S, Samarkin V, Spivack A, Kano A & Williams T
(2003) High-Resolution Stable Isotopic Analyses of an Annually Laminated Tufa, Southwest Japan
Matsuoka J & Kano A
(2003) Ion-Microprobe U-Pb Age of Neoproterozoic Phosphorite from South China
Kano A, Terada K, Kojo T & Wang W

Kano Akihiro (2016) Biogeochemical Cycle of Methanol in Anoxic Deep-Sea Sediments of the Eastern Japan Sea
Yanagawa K, Tani A, Yamamoto N, Hachikubo A, Kano A, Matsumoto R & Suzuki Y
(2016) Holocene Stalagmite Growth and Farming by Jomon Man in Japan
Kano A
(2016) Heinrich Events in a Stalagmite Record from Central Mie, Japan
Mori T, Kano A, Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Kashiwagi K

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