Kamber Balz Samuel
Redistribution of Rare Metal(loids) during Digenite Exsolution in Porphyry Copper Ores
Brodbeck M, McClenaghan SH, Kamber BS & Redmond P
Regional Chemostratigraphic Correlation of the Irish Pb-Zn Ore Field
Koch H, Chew D, Philcox M & Kamber BS
Elevated 208, 207, 206Pb/204Pb by Volatile Degassing from Impact Melts
Kamber B, Schoenberg R, Murphy D, O'Neill H & Reimink J
Transient Ocean Oxygenation at 850Ma Recorded in δ98Mo of Microbial Carbonates
O'Sullivan E, Nägler T, Wille M, Kamber B & Turner E
Probing the Evolution of the Lower Crust with Trace Element Geochemistry and U-Pb Geochronology of Lower Crustal Xenoliths from Queensland, Australia
Emo R, Deegan B, Murphy D, Allen C & Kamber B
Chemical and Textural Analysis of Rocks with the Scanning Electron Microscope
Stavropoulou A, Hiscock M, Kamber BS & Rodriguez-Blanco J-D
An Exsolution Origin for Archaean Mantle Garnet
Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Hoare B, Stead C & Ildefonse B
Volatility-Related Element Loss during Large Impact Events: New Pb and Zn Insight from the Sudbury Basin
Kamber B, Guyett P, Schoenberg R, Kenny G, Petrus J & Ames D
Trace Element Distribution Patterns in Pyroxene of the UG2 Unit Crystal Mushes, Bushveld Complex
Brodbeck M, Kamber BS, Kleinhanns I & Schoenberg R
Geobotanical Prospecting Around the Navan Zn-Pb Deposit, Ireland: Developing Geochemical Vectors for Mineral Exploration
Mavric D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber BS
Why Archaean Cratons Differ from Younger Continental Lithosphere
Kamber B
Probing PM2.5 Sources with Laser Ablation: A Case Study of Traffic Emissions in Dublin City, Ireland
Gallagher M, McNabola A, Kamber B, Gill L, Ghosh B & Alam MS
In situ Carbonate Micro-Sampling Informed by Laser ICP-MS Trace Element Maps
Koch H, Kamber BS & McKenna C
Dating Impact Events with Shocked Zircon: Insights from the Sudbury Impact Crater, Ontario, Canada
Kenny G, Whitehouse M, Petrus J, Morales L & Kamber B
Increasing Zinc Pollution of the Earth Surface Environment? An Example from an Irish Peat Bog
Rosca C, Schoenberg R, Tomlinson EL & Kamber BS
Diffusion and Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Olivine
Stead C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B & McKenna C
Combining Rapid 2D Elemental Imaging Using LA-Icptof with Flexible Interrogation Software for the in situ Chemical Analysis of Meteorites
Williams N, Stremtan C, Borovinskaya O, Bussweiler Y, Tanner M & Kamber B
Zn Isotope Systematics in Contrasting Deccan Basalt Weathering Profiles
Suhr N, Kamber BS, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Widdowson M
Characterisation of the Deposition of Organolead Compounds in the Irish Peatlands by GC-MC-ICP-MS
Craig G, Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Lloyd N, Bouman C & Schwieters J
A New Approach to Laser Ablation ICP-MS Using the Flexible Map Interrogation Tool 'Monocle'
Petrus J, Chew D, Leybourne M & Kamber B
LA-ICP-MS Elemental Maps of Putative Detrital Pyrite: Evidence for Absence of Atmospheric Oxygen Ahead of the GOE
Zhou L, McKenna C & Kamber B
U-Th-Pb Cycling from Ocean to Mantle and the HIMU Endmember Source
Pettke T, Kodolanyi J & Kamber BS
The Beginning and End of Archaean-Style Continental Growth
Kamber BS
High-Resolution U-Pb LA-Q-ICPMS Age Mapping of Zircon
Chew D, Petrus J, Kamber B, Ubide T & McKenna C
REE Determination in Olivine by LA-ICP-MS: An Analytical Strategy and Applications
Stead C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B & Babechuk M
Silicon Isotopic Sytemematics of Different Weathering Profiles, Deccan Traps, India
Wille M, Babechuk MG, Widdowson M, Kamber BS & Schoenberg R
Geochemical Indicators in Higher Plants as an Exploration Tool
Mavrić D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber B
Do Cr Isotopes Really Fingerprint Precambrian Surface Oxidation?
Babechuk M, Schoenberg R, Kleinhanns I, Swanner E, Webb S & Kamber B
Geochemistry as a Tool for Mineral Exploration at Ballinalack, Ireland
Kalveram A-K, McClenaghan SH, Hewson CJ, Cook S & Kamber BS
Impact Triggered Mantle Melting? New Data from the Sudbury Basin
Guyett P, Kenny G, O'Sullivan E, Ubide T, Ames D & Kamber B
Covert Impact-Induced Heavy O in Zircon: Implications for the Hadean
Kenny G, Whitehouse M & Kamber B
Antecryst Trace Element Mapping: Solving Magma History Puzzles
Ubide T, McKenna C, Chew D & Kamber B
Pushing the Limits of Atmospheric Trace Metal Detection in Peat Samples
Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Mitchell F, McGlynn G & Kamber B
IsoNose – Isotopic Tools as Novel Sensors of Earth Surfaces Resources – A New Marie Curie Initial Training Network
von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Bouman C, Gaillardet J, Gorbushina A, James R, Kamber B, Oelkers E, Tesmer M & Ashton J
Transition Metal Behaviour in a Deccan Basalt Weathering Profile
Suhr N, Babechuk M, Kamber B, Schoenberg R & Widdowson M
On the Track of the Elusive Sudbury Impactor
Petrus J, Ames D & Kamber B
Beyond Garnet: REEs in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Tomlinson E, Stead C & Kamber B
Giant Submarine Impact Basins: Proliferation of Life after a Deadly Impact
O'Sullivan E, Goodhue R & Kamber B
The Neoarchaean Surface Sulphur Cycle: New Solutions to Non-Zero Intercept Δ33S – δ34S Arrays
Gallagher M, Whitehouse M & Kamber B
U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Dating of Common Pb-Bearing Accessory Minerals Using VizualAge/Iolite
Chew D, Petrus J & Kamber B
High-Precision Nd Isotope and HFSE Analysis of Deccan Traps Weathering Profiles
Babechuk M, Widdowson M, Murphy M & Kamber B
The Evolving Nature of Terrestrial Crust from the Hadean, Through the Archaean, into the Proterozoic
Kamber B
A First-Order Deep Time Reconstruction of the Marine Sr/Ba Ratio from Microbial Carbonate
Kamber B, Naegler T, Turner E, Webb G & Pretet C
Evaluating the Role of Microscopic Pyrite for Budgets of Vital Metals in Precambrian Carbonate
Gallagher M & Kamber BS
Submarine Meteorite Impact Craters as Potential Cradles of Life: Mineralogical Evidence from the Onaping Formation, Sudbury
Kenny G & Kamber B
A Novel 2D LA-ICP-MS Data Analysis and Visualization Solution
Petrus J & Kamber B
Carbonates of the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation: REE and Sr Isotopic Indications of their Origin
Crne AE, Lepland A, Kamber BS, Melezhik VA, Prave AR, Fallick AE, Brasier AT & Condon DJ
Yttrium Mobility during Weathering: Implications for Riverine Y/Ho
Babechuk M, Kamber B & Widdowson M
Ice, but no Fire: A New Depositional Age for the Rapitan Group, Canada
Baldwin GJ, Turner EC & Kamber BS
The Meso- and Early Neoproterozoic Deep Ocean REE Issue
Kamber B, Turner E, O'Hare S, Baldwin G & Hahn K
A Combined U/Pb and Hf-Isotope Study of up to 4.0 Ga Detrital Zircon from the Wyoming Province
Kamber B, Whitehouse M & Woodhead J
High-Resolution, Ultra-Trace and Major Element Chemical Stratigraphy of a New Paleoproterozoic Weathering Profile
Babechuk MG & Kamber BS
VisualAge: A Novel Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology
Petrus JA & Kamber BS
Micro-Xrd and ICP-MS Analysis of Sub-Milligram Sized Mineral Samples
Ross KC & Kamber BS
Steady-State U-Series Systematics Recorded in Two Deep Weathering Profiles, India
Kamber B & Widdowson M
Evidence of a Redox Chemocline in post-Goe Oceans from the 1.9 Ga Gunflint Iron Formation
Hage M, Kamber B & Fedo C
Precambrian Nickel Sources and Sinks
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Barley M, Kamber B & Konhauser K
Detailed History of Holocene Climate Variability in Australia from Dust Records in Peat Cores
Marx S, Kamber B, McGowan H & Denholm J
Mantle-Atmosphere Interaction Through Time
Kamber BS
The Compatibility of W during Silicate Differentiation
Babechuk MG & Kamber BS
The History of Open Ocean Seawater Stable Fe Isotopes from the Carbonate Record
von Blanckenburg F, Kamber B, Bau M & Webb G
An Empirical Comparison of Expected Versus Observed REE Distribution in Mantle Pyroxene
Ross KC & Kamber BS
Trace Element Records of Hydration and Dehydration Reactions in Ultramafic Rocks
Kodolányi J, Pettke T, Spandler C, Scambelluri M, John T, Kamber B & Gméling K
Oceanic Nickel Depletion and a Methanogen Famine Before the Great Oxidation Event
Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Papineau D, Nisbet E, Barley M, Arndt N, Zahnle K & Kamber B
Identification of Palaeo-Drought Episodes in Eastern Australia: High Resolution Dust Flux Records as an Indicator of Teleconnections and Associated Drought in the Australian Region
Marx S, Kamber B & McGowan H
REE and Y Compositions of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron-Formations
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Kamber B & Konhauser K
Pb Purification by HBr-Hcl and HBr-Hno3 – A Comparison
Gladu A & Kamber B
In situ Dating of Metamorphic Zircon, Kapuskasing Structural Zone: Crustal Refinement of a Late Archean LIP
Benn K & Kamber B
Fluid-Mobile Elements in Evolved Archean Magmas: Implications for Archean Subduction Processes
Kamber B, Mohan R & Piercey S
Origin of High µ Isotope Signature in Late Archean Granitoids
Ulrich T, Kamber B, Mekala RM & Whitehouse M
Mantle and Crustal Processes in the Hadean and Archean: Evidence for the Onset of Subduction at 3.8 Ga
Shirey S, Kamber B, Whitehouse M, Mueller P & Basu A
Establishing High Precision Trace Element Maps of the Main Dust Source Areas of Eastern and South-Central Australia
Kamber B, McGowan H, Marx S & Petherick L
Significance of the longevity of the marine rare earth pattern
Lawrence M, Collerson K & Kamber B
Primitive mantle source components with variable initial (U+Th)/He and U/Pb inferred from new data from Tristan da Cunha
Murphy D, Ballentine C, Burgess R & Kamber B
Micro-scale (SIMS) sulphur isotope evidence for late Archean rise in shallow oceanic free oxygen.
Whitehouse M & Kamber B
Comparative Stable Fe Isotope Systematics of Terrestrial and Meteoritic Materials
Schoenberg R, Kamber BS & von Blanckenburg F
Combined 34S/33S/32S, Pb-Isotope and Trace Element Data for a Pyritic Banded-Iron Formation from the 3.71 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt
Young E, Kamber B, Baublys K & Golding S
Geological Setting and Biogenicity of 3.45 Ga Stromatolitic Cherts, East Pilbara, Australia
Van Kranendonk M, Webb G, Kamber B & Pirajno F
Evidence for ~3.8 Ga Meteorite Bombardment of the Earth
Schoenberg R, Kamber BS, Collerson K & Moorbath S
H2O in the Mantle Drives Secular Change in Continetal Petrology
Kleinhanns I, Kramers J & Kamber B
Unradiogenic W in Kimberlites: Direct Evidence for Core-Mantle Interaction
Collerson K, Schoenberg R & Kamber B
How Unradiogenic is Pb in the Core? No Limits to Core-Mantle Exchange
Kamber B, Schoenberg R & Collerson K
Solution of the First Terrestrial Pb-Isotope Paradox by Garnetite Accumulation in the Transition Zone
Murphy D, Kamber B & Collerson K
Element Fractionation in Subduction Zones: An Eclogite, Adakite, and 3.7 Ga Tonalite Perspective
Kamber BS & Collerson KD
Kamble N.
Characterizing the Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Transfer from Marine Sulfur Oxidizing Microbes Using High Throughput Genetic Techniques
Rowe A, Kamble N, Nealson K & El-Naggar M
Kameda A.
High 3He Emanation Observed in a Forearc Region and Seismic Tomography in SW Japan
Sano Y, Kameda A, Takahata N, Yamamoto J & Nakajima J
Kameda J
Dependence of Acidity of Liquid Media on the Mechanochemically Generated Hydrogen
Kameda J, Saruwatari K & Tanaka H
Kameda Jun
Evolution of the Median Tectonic Line Fault Zone during the Exhumation
Shigematsu N, Kametaka M, Inada N, Inaoi C, Kameda J, Takahashi M, Ohtani T & Miyakawa A
Boron and Lithium Isotope Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Shallow Megathrust at the Japan Trench
Ishikawa T, Matsuoka J, Nagaishi K, Kameda J & Sample J
Physicochemical Processes of Minerals during and after Earthquake Slip: An Example from the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault
Hirono T, Kameda J, Tanikawa W & Ishikawa T
Kameda M.
Fragmentation of Vesicular Magma with Non-Uniform Distribution of Bubbles
Kameda M, Ichihara M, Maruyama S, Aoki Y, Okumura S & Uesugi K
Kameda S.
An in situ K-Ar Dating System and Possible Landing Sites for Future Exploring Mission to Mars
Miura YN, Cho Y, Morota T, Kameda S, Sugita S, Okazaki R, Miyamoto H & Usui T
Kamei A.
Evidence from Archean Granitoids for Microbial Sulfate Reduction Before 4.0 Ga
Aoyama S, Ueno Y, Komiya T, Iizuka T, Kamei A & Satish-Kumar M
Geochemical Compositions and Provenance of Core Sediments from the Gulf of Thailand and East Coast of Malay Peninsula
Hossain HMZ, Kawahata H, Roser BP, Kamei A, Sampei Y, Araoka D, Kon Y & Suzuki A
Origin of Cretaceous Magmatism in North Kyushu: Evidence from Metamorphosed Intrusive Rocks in the Sefuri Mountains, Southwest Japan
Owada M, Urashima R & Kamei A
Selective Cs Sorption in Biotite on Granite
Aoi Y, Fukushi K, Morishita T & Kamei A
Petolorogical Diversity of Chromian Spinel Bearing Matsue Basalt in Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto I, Tsubota T, Kamei A & Sato D
Sr-Nd Isotopic Ratios of Wakurayama Dacite as Adakite from the Matsue City, Inner Zone of Southwest Japan Arc
Sato D, Shibata T, Kamei A & Matsumoto I
Kamei G
A Natural Analogue of Iodine Migration: The Source and Behavior of Iodine in the Mobara Gas Field, Japan
Kamei G
Kamei Gento
What can the Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the 2 Ma Natural Cements at Maqarin, Jordan, Tell us About the Likely Long-Term Behaviour of Cementitious Wastes?
Alexander WR, Kamei G & Khoury H
Kamei T.
Mercury Stable Isotope in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelami), a Tracer of Methyl Mercury Spatial Distribution in Ocean?
Itai T, Point D, Sonke J, Lorrain A, Munaron JM, Houssard P, Kamei T & Tanabe S
Geographical Variation of Total Mercury Level and its Stable Isotope Composition in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) from Western North Pacific Ocean
Itai T, Sonke J, Point D, Kamei T & Tanabe S
Kamei Y
Variation of Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio of Aromatic Diterpenoids during Paleogene Time in Northeast Japan
Suzuki N, Yoshida T & Kamei Y
Kamei Yasuhiro
NINS Astrobiology Center Project: The Origin of Terrestrial Bioorganic Homochirality Relevance to Asymmetry of the Universe – Approaches with Synergy Effects of Observations, Experiments and Computations
Takahashi J-I, Katoh M, Tamura M, Kobayashi K, Umemura M, Kusakabe N, Kwon J, Takashima Y, Hosaka M, Zen H, Matsuo K, Tadokoro D, Kamei Y, Ehara M, Fukuda R, Shiraishi K & Shinojima H
Kamel A.
Hydrochemical Characterization and Groundwater Evaluation of the Area West El-Minia District, Egypt
Ismail E, Zaki R & Kamel A
Kamemoto Y.
Speciation Analysis of Gd Complexes in River Water Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Chiba K, Kawane L, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Tsuboi M & Okabayashi S
Speciation Analysis of Selenium Enriched Onions Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Okabayashi S, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Ogra Y, Takahashi K & Chiba K
Speciation Analysis of Anthropogenic Gd in River Water Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Okabayashi S, Kawane L, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Tsuboi M & Chiba K
Kamenetsky D.
Origin of “Quartz Eyes” and Fluid Inclusions in Mineralized Porphyries
Vasyukova O, Kamenetsky D & Goemann K
Copper-Gold Systematics and Arc Magmatism in the Eastern Manus Basin
Sun W, Arculus R & Kamenetsky D
Kamenetsky M.
Mafic Dykes in the Northern and South-Eastern Siberian Craton with Age of ca 1.4 Ga: Remnants of Large Igneous Province and Possible Marker for Nuna Break up?
Malyshev S, Ivanov A, Savatenkov V, Lebedeva O, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M, Pasenko AM & Sitkina D
Why are Udachnaya-East pipe kimberlites enriched in Cl and alkalis, but poor in H2O?
Kamenetsky VS, Kamenetsky MB, Sharygin VV, Maas R, Faure K & Sobolev V
Heterogeneous primary melts of the Emeishan picrites: contribution from eclogite to “plume” magmas
Kamenetsky M, Kamenetsky V, Chung S-L, Crawford A, Kuzmin D & Sobolev A
Alkali carbonates and sulfides in kimberlite-hosted chloride-carbonate nodules (Udachnaya pipe, Russia)
Sharygin V, Kamenetsky V & Kamenetsky M
Alkali Chloride-Carbonate Mantle Component in the Uniquely Fresh Udachnaya Pipe Kimberlites
Kamenetsky M, Sobolev A, Maas R, Kamenetsky V & Sobolev N
A Melt Inclusion Study of Baffin Bay Picrites
Yaxley G, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M & Francis D
Kimberlite Parental Melts: New Insights from Inclusions in Olivine
Kamenetsky MB, Sobolev AV, Sobolev NV & Pokhilenko NP
Kamenetsky Vadim
PGE Geochemistry of the Macquarie Island Basalts and Picrites
Park G, Park J-W & Kamenetsky V
Mafic Dykes in the Northern and South-Eastern Siberian Craton with Age of ca 1.4 Ga: Remnants of Large Igneous Province and Possible Marker for Nuna Break up?
Malyshev S, Ivanov A, Savatenkov V, Lebedeva O, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M, Pasenko AM & Sitkina D
Links between Ultramafic Lamprophyres and Kimberlites in the Anabar Shield, Yakutia, Russia: Evidence from Multiphase Inclusions in Rock-Forming Minerals
Kargin A & Kamenetsky V
Sulfides and Noble Metals in Primitive Arc Basalts
Zelenski M & Kamenetsky V
Can Primitive Kimberlite Melts Have an Alkali-Carbonate Composition?
Golovin A, Sharygin I, Korsakov A, Kamenetsky V, Yaxley G & Abersteiner A
Nanostructure of Platinum Group Minerals in Ural-Alaskan-Type Intrusions: From Magmatic to Hydrothermal Environments
Pushkarev E, Ballhaus C, Wirth R, Gottman I, Kamenetsky V & Shreiber A
Kamenetsky Vadim S.
Origin of Volatiles Emitted by Plinian Basaltic Eruptions of the Chikurachki Volcano, Kurile Arc, Russia
Gurenko A, Belousov A, Kamenetsky V & Zelenski M
Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J
Isotope and Geochemical Characteristics of Native Gold from the Olympic Dam Deposit
Beznosikova J, Yakubovich O, Kamenetsky V, Ehrig K, Savatenkov V & Salnikova E
Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M
High Water in Meimechites of the Siberian Traps LIP
Ivanov A, Mukasa S, Kamenetsky V, Ackerson M, Demonterova E, Pokrovsky B & Vladykin N
Oxygen Isotopes in the Gorgona Komatiites: Confirmation of Magmatic Origin of H2O
Gurenko A, Kamenetsky V & Kerr A
The Role of Cr-Spinel Crystallization on Platinum Group Elememt Fractionation in Terrestrial Magmas
Park J-W, Kamenetsky V & Campbell I
Colloform Zn-S-O-Al-Pb-Si as a Precursor to Sphalerite in the Grieves Siding Peat, Tasmania
Awid-Pascual R, Kamenetsky V & Goemann K
Primitive Island Arc Ankaramite in the Urals: An Example of Primary Melt for the Ural-Alaskan Type Ultramafic Intrusions
Pushkarev E, Kamenetsky V, Gottman I, Ryazancev A & Yaxley G
Alkali-Carbonate Rich Melt Inclusions in Magmatic Minerals of the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa
Abersteiner A, Giuliani A, Kamenetsky V & Phillips D
Immiscibility of Silicate, Carbonate, Fluoride and Chloride Melt at Oldoinyo Lengai
Potter N, Kamenetsky V & Simonetti A
Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au Deposit: 87Sr/86Sr in Carbonate Gangue Documents Long Formation History
Maas R, Apukhtina O, Kamenetsky V & Ehrig K
Geochemical Constraints on Kimberite Ascent Mechanisms Revealed by Phlogopite in Kimberlite and Mantle Xenoliths
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kamenetsky VS & Goemann K
The Abundance and Origin of Cl, Br and I in the Earth’s Mantle
Kendrick M, Kamenetsky V, Arculus R, Jackson M & Woodhead J
PGE-Au Potential of Sulphide-Saturated Melts from the Subcontinental Lithosphere
Kamenetsky V, Maas R, Fonseca R, Ballhaus C & Heuser A
Carbonate Mineralisation in the Supergiant Olympic Dam Deposit
Apukhtina OB, Kamenetsky VS & Ehrig K
Paleoarchean Felsic Magmatism: A Melt Inclusion Study of 3.45 Ga Volcanic Rocks from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Agangi A, Hofmann A & Kamenetsky VS
Zn-Pb-Fe Sulfide Formation in Grieves Siding Peat, Tasmania
Pascual R, Kamenetsky V, Goemann K, Noble T & Allen N
Oxygen Fugacity in the Kaapvaal Cratonic Lithosphere – Evidence from Fe XANES Measurements of Fe3+ in Garnet from the Kimberley Pipe
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Paterson D & Howard D
Xenoliths, XANES and Redox-Related Processes in the Cratonic Lithosphere
Yaxley G, Berry A, Woodland A, Hanger B & Kamenetsky V
Dating Mantle Metasomatism: A New Tool (U/Pb LIMA Titanate) and an Impostor (40Ar/39Ar Phlogopite)
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kendrick MA, Maas R, Greig A, Armstrong R, Felgate MR & Kamenetsky VS
The Olympic Dam Giant Ore Deposit – A Fossil Nuclear Reactor?
Kirchenbaur M, Ehrig K, Maas R, Kamenetsky V, Ballhaus C & Münker C
Sodium Rich Magmas Parental to Catanda Carbonatitic Lavas (Angola): Melt Inclusion Evidence
Campeny M, Kamenetsky V, Melgarejo JC, Mangas J, Bambi A & Manuel J
Magnetite-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Phoscorites and Carbonatites (Kovdor, Kola): A Hydrous Analog of Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatites?
Zaitsev A & Kamenetsky V
Phosphorus-Bearing Pyroxenes in Flood Basalts with Native Iron, Khungtukun, Polar Siberia, Russia
Zhitova L, Sharygin V, Kamenetsky V, Karmanov N & Nigmatulina E
Tectonomagmatic Origin of the Late Jurassic Volcanism in the Patagonia Province, Argentina
Serrano L, Kamenetsky V, Marzoli A, Marquez M, Bellieni G, Bertrand H & Ballhaus C
Volatile Element Content of the Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Kamenetsky V & Hékinian R
Redox Conditions and Metasomatic Activity beneath the Wesselton Kimberlite, South Africa
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A & Kamenetsky V
Olympic Dam U-Cu-Au Deposit, Australia: New Age Constraints
Maas R, Kamenetsky V, Ehrig K, Meffre S, McPhie J & Diemar G
Redox Profile Through the Siberian Craton: Fe K-Edge XANES Determination of Fe3+/Fe2+ in Garnet from Peridotite Xenoliths of the Udachnaya Kimberlite
Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Woodland A, Paterson D, de Jonge M & Howard D
The Effect of Cl on the Solubilty of Au and Pd in Andesitic Melts
Botcharnikov R, Linnen R, Guillong M, Holtz F & Kamenetsky V
Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Basalt Glasses
Kendrick M, Kamenetsky V, Woodhead J, Phillips D & Honda M
Volatiles in the Kimberlite Melt – What Drives Ascent and Causes Explosive Eruption?
Kamenetsky V
Origin of Quartz-Eyes from Porphyry-Type Deposits
Vasyukova O, Gömann K, MacRae C & Kamenetsky V
Melting of Carbonated Eclogite at 3.5-5.5 GPa: An Experimental Study
Kiseeva E, Yaxley G & Kamenetsky V
Garnet Pyroxenite Melting at the Break-Up of Gondwana (Karoo LIP) to Present day (Bouvet TJ)
Kamenetsky V, Zellmer G, Kuzmin D, Maas R, Yaxley G & Sobolev A
B Isotope Composition of Gorgona Komatiites: Do Melt Inclusions Support a Subduction-Related Origin?
Gurenko A, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Kerr A
The Mantle Sources of Continental Flood Basalts from Oxygen Isotope Composition of Primitive Olivine Phenocrysts
Bindeman I & Kamenetsky V
Mobility of Lithophile Trace Elements during the Late Magmatic Stage in the Felsic Gawler Range Volcanics, South Australia
Agangi A, Kamenetsky V, McPhie J, Allen S & Chambefort I
The Merits of “Recycled Oceanic Crust-Eclogite” Lineage in the Mantle Source of Group-I Kimberlite Melts
Kamenetsky V & Maas R
Trace Element Geochemistry of Nyerereite and Gregoryite Phenocrysts from Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite Lava
Mitchell R & Kamenetsky V
Inclusions of Immiscible Sulfide Melts in Olivine Phenocrysts from Mantle-Derived Magmas
McNeill A, Danyushevsky L, Kamenetsky V, Feig S & Crawford T
The Speciation of Metals in Natural Fluid Inclusions at Temperatures up to 700 C
Berry A, Harris A, Kamenetsky V, Newville M & Sutton S
Dehydration Processes Determine fO2 of Arc and Intraplate Magmas
Elburg M & Kamenetsky V
The Source and Fate of Silica in Mineralized Porphyries Revealed by SEM-Cl Textures of Quartz
Goemann K, Vasyukova O & Kamenetsky V
Survival Times of Anomalous Melt Inclusions; Constraints from REE Diffusion in Olivine and Chromite
Spandler C, O'Neill H & Kamenetsky V
Trace Element and Volatile Signature of Etna Magma Source(s): A Melt Inclusion Approach
Metrich N, Kamenetsky V, Allard P & Pompilio M
Recycled Oceanic Crust as a Possible Source of Kimberlites – Isotopic Evidence from Perovskite, Udachnaya-East Pipe, Siberia
Maas R, Kamenetsky V & Sharygin V
Exceptional mobility of Cu and Ag inferred from experiments with rhyolitic melt inclusions in quartz
Kamenetsky V & Danyushevsky L
Heterogeneous primary melts of the Emeishan picrites: contribution from eclogite to “plume” magmas
Kamenetsky M, Kamenetsky V, Chung S-L, Crawford A, Kuzmin D & Sobolev A
Alkali carbonates and sulfides in kimberlite-hosted chloride-carbonate nodules (Udachnaya pipe, Russia)
Sharygin V, Kamenetsky V & Kamenetsky M
Metals and chlorine in the evolution of convergent margin magmas
Sun W, Arculus R, Kamenetsky V, Binns R & Liang H-Y
Why are Udachnaya-East pipe kimberlites enriched in Cl and alkalis, but poor in H2O?
Kamenetsky VS, Kamenetsky MB, Sharygin VV, Maas R, Faure K & Sobolev V
Low-Calcium Olivine Crystals in Subduction-Related Magmas: Messengers From the Mantle or the Magma Chamber?
Elburg M, Kamenetsky VS, Arculus R & Thomas R
Apatite in Cu-sulfide ore from the Mount Polley alkalic porphyry, BC Canada
Bath AB, Logan JM & Kamenetsky VS
Source variability and crustal contamination of the Baffin Island picrites – coupled Sr isotope and trace element study of individual melt inclusions
Harlou R, Pearson DG, Davidson JP, Kamenetsky VS & Yaxley GM
Hydrosilicate liquids in late magmatic processes: experimental results and natural evidence
Smirnov S, Thomas V, Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Kamenetsky V & Large R
Why Golden Fingers Point to the Arc?
Sun W, Arculus R, Kamenetsky V & Binns R
Extreme Compositional Variability of the Mantle-Plume Related Magmas from Mauritius Island, Indian Ocean
Debajyoti P, Kamenetsky V & Hofmann A
Alkali Chloride-Carbonate Mantle Component in the Uniquely Fresh Udachnaya Pipe Kimberlites
Kamenetsky M, Sobolev A, Maas R, Kamenetsky V & Sobolev N
Geochemical Characteristics of Basaltic Lavas from Lucky Strike Central Volcanic Complex
Ferreira P, Murton B, Kamenetsky V & Munha J
Mixing of high-Ca Arc-Related Melts in Lombok (Indonesia)
Elburg M, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Foden J
Evolution of the Mantle Source beneath Macquarie Ridge Revealed by Macquarie Island Glasses
Kamenetsky V & Maas R
Mechanisms of Re Enrichment in Subduction Related Magmas
Sun W, Kamenetsky V & Bennett V
A Melt Inclusion Study of Baffin Bay Picrites
Yaxley G, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M & Francis D
Rhenium Systematics in Submarine MORB, Arc and Back-Arc Basin Glasses by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Sun W, Bennett V, Eggins S, Arculus R, Kamenetsky V & Falloon T
Low H2O in the LOMU Source of Oceanic Magmas: Inferences from a South Atlantic Submarine Glass
Michael PJ & Kamenetsky VS
Melt Immiscibility in Granite: A "Missing Link" in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Kamenetsky V & Naumov V
Chemistry of High-Temperature Fluids in Fe-Oxide Cu-Au Systems
Bastrakov E, Kamenetsky V, Skirrow R & Mernagh T
Magmatic Fluids Coexisting with Felsic Melts: An Example from Rio Blanco Rhyolite, Chile
Davidson P, Kamenetsky V, Hollings P, Cooke D & Frikken P
Melt Inclusion Evidence for Komatiite Genesis in the Gorgona Plume
Sylvester PJ, Kamenetsky VS & McDonough WF
Kameník J.
Differences in Chemistry of the Ries Area Sediments and Central European Tektites Revisited
Skála R, Žák K, Jonášová Š, Ďurišová J, Ackerman L, Řanda Z, Mizera J, Kameník J & Magna T
Kamenkovich I.
Model Comparison of Subantarctic Mode and Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South Pacific between the Last Glacial Maximum and Abrupt Climate Events
Hartin CA, Fine RA, Peterson LC, Clement AC & Kamenkovich I
Kamenos N.
Robustness of Marine Biomineral Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Medina-Sanchez J, Clog M, Yin H, Kamenos N & Cusack M
The Effect of Global Warming and Ocean Acidification on Nitrogen Uptake and Assimilation in Coralline Algae
Hanson S, Slaymark C, Kamenos N & Thibodeau B
Kamenov B.
The Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath Central Srednogorie (Bulgaria): U-Pb and Hf-Zircon, Nd and Sr Whole Rock Constraints
Peytcheva I, Von quadt A, Frank M, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
Subduction Related Rocks in Medet Cu-Porphyry Deposit: Sources and Magma Evolution
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Frank M, Nedialkov R, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
New Insight into Petrology, Geochemistry and Dating of the Vejen Pluton
Kamenov B, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I
U/Pb-, Hf-Zircon and Isotopic Investigations for Timing and Ore Genesis of “Elatsite” PGE Porphyry Copper Deposit, Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria
Von Quadt A, Peycheva I, Kamenov B, Fanger L, Driesner T, Heinrich CA & Frank M
Kamenov G.
Insights into the Iron Isotopic Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth from Fresh and Fertile Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Tariat, Mongolia
Pesar E, Elardo SM, Kamenov G & Conway TM
Testing Models for Three-Component Mantle Heterogeneity as Recorded in Compositions of Lavas from the Off-Axis 8°20’ N Seamount Chain
Anderson M, Perfit M, Graham DW, Kamenov G, Forte A & Johnston G
“Probing” Mantle Source Compositions and Melt Evolution beneath the Northern East Pacific Rise Using Olivine Geochemistry
Jiang P, Perfit M, Anderson M, Kamenov G & Trucco A
Application of Ag, Cu and Pb Isotopes in Determining the Origin of the Ore for Metals from Castillo de Huarmey (Peru)
Kałaska M, Mathur R, Kamenov G, Chyla J, Prządka-Giersz P & Giersz M
Compositional Evolution of the Long-Lived Craters of the Moon Magmatic System, Idaho, U.S
Chadwick J & Kamenov G
Hydrothermal Carbonate Chimneys from Afar Rift
Dekov V, Gueguen B, Okumura T, Bayon G, Yamanaka T, Mousa N, Yoshimura T, Kamenov G, Araoka D & Makita H
Nd, Pb and Hf Isotope Provenance of Glacial Granitic Pebbles in Late Ordovician Diamictites of the Taurides, S Turkey
Gürsu S, Möller A, Mueller PA, Köksal S, Kamenov G & Göncüoğlu MC
Plutonic Imaging of Two Proterozoic Underplating Events in the NW Wyoming Province from Hf-Isotopes of Zircon from Cretaceous Batholiths
Foster D, Mueller P, Heatherington A, Kamenov G & Gifford J
Reliability of LA-MC-ICP-MS Hf Isotope Analyzes: Insights from Natural and Synthetic Zircons
Kamenov G, Mueller P, Wooden J & Mazdab F
Evidence for Recycling of Crust and Mantle Lithosphere during a 2.4 Ga Rifting Event
Stroud M, Mueller PA, Foster D, Kamenov G, Mogk D & Wooden J
Plutonic Imaging: A Key to Understanding Crustal Evolution
Foster D, Mueller PA, Mogk D, Wooden J, Kamenov G & Probst K
Linking metamorphism, deformation and geochronology of accessory phases: examples from the Kaoko Belt, Namibia
Foster D, Coyner S, Mueller P, Kamenov G, Gray D & Goscombe B
Metal Sources in San Cristobal Mining District Southwest Bolivia: A Lead Isotope Study
Kamenov GD, Macfarlane AW & Riciputi L
Kamensky I.
Chemical Stability vs. Isotope Changes in Ferrous Mineral Water (Karelia, Northwest Russia)
Yakovlev E, Tokarev I, Borodulina G, Kamensky I & Skiba V
Significance of Baddeleyite for Plume Multimetal Deposits Originated on Continental and Oceanic Crust from AR to PZ Time (Fennoscandian Shield in the Arctic Region)
Bayanova T, Steshenko E, Serov P, Chaschin V, Korchagin A, Elizarov D & Kamensky I
Paleoproterozoic PGE-Layered Intrusions of the Arctic Region (the N-E Part of the Fennoscandian Shield): New Isotope-Geochemistry Data
Bayanova T, Serov P, Chachshin V, Kunakkuzin E, Steshenko K, Borisenko E, Mitrofanov A, Kamensky I & Elizarov D
Tritium/3He Dating and Fast Changes of Groundwater Quality
Tokarev I, Kamensky I, Tolsrikhin I, Rumynin V & Zubkov A
Mantle and Crustal Helium in Ancient Mafic Rocks: Components, Sites and Mobilities
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Tarakanov S, Kramers J, Pekala M, Skiba V & Gannibal M
Helium Isotope Signatures in Rocks, Minerals, and Related Groundwater: Residence Time of He in a Sandstone – Shale Interlayering (Molasse Basin, N. Switzerland)
Tolstikhin I, Waber N, Loosli HH, Kamensky I, Skiba VI & Novokov D
Residence Time of Helium Isotopes in Sediments and Related Groundwaters, Molasse Basin, Northern Switzerland
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Gannibal M, Tarakanov S, Lehmann BE & Waber HN