Juillerat J.
Mercury Deposition Through Litterfall and Subsequent Accumulation in Soils: Does Forest Community Type Matter?
Juillerat J & Ross D
Juillet-Leclerc A.
Daytime and Nighttime Aragonite are Revealed by Oxygen Isotope Analyses from Coral Acropora Cultured in Controlled Conditions, Likely Deposited out of Thermodynamic Equilibrium
Juillet-Leclerc A, Rollion-Bard C, Reynaud S & Ferrier-Pagès C
Light is an Active Contributor to Vital Effect in Coral Skeleton Proxies
Juillet-Leclerc A, Reynaud S, Dissard D, Tisserant G & Ferrier-Page C
Boron Isotopic Composition Correlates with Ultra-Structure in the Deep-Sea Coral Lophelia pertusa: Implications for Biomineralization Processes and Paleo-pCO2
Blamart D, Rollion-bard C, Cuif J, Meibom A, Juillet-Leclerc A & Dauphin Y
Oxygen Isotopic Composition in Deep-Sea Coral, Lophelia pertusa
Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D, Cuif J-P, Meibom A, Juillet-Leclerc A & Dauphin Y
The Measured Coral Oxygen Isotopes Result of the Superimposition of Two Fractionations
Juillet-Leclerc A & Yiou P
Juillot F.
Insight into the Biogeochemical Cycle of Ni in a Soil Developed Under Hyperaccumulator Species: A Combined Approach
Ansart C, Paidjan E, Montarges-Pelletier E, Cloquet C, Isnard S, Quantin C, Sivry Y & Juillot F
Exchangeability of Cr(III)/Cr(VI) in Ultramafic Systems: Elucidating the Role of Colloidal Carrying Phases to the Mobility of Chromium
Nguyen TT, Groleau A, Thery G, Kessie M, Juillot F, Quantin C & Sivry Y
Biogeochemical Response of New Caledonia Lagoon Sediments to Tropical Events: A Numerical Modeling Approach
Viollier E, Merrot P, Radakovitch O, Morin G, Fernandez J-M, Moreton B, Nmor SI & Juillot F
Environmental Dynamics of Chromium in Ultramafic Systems: A Combined Approach
Quantin C, Garnier J, Bolanos Benitez V, Gelabert A, Adjei Mensah E, Sivry Y, Juillot F, Morin G, Krishnan S & Subramanian S
Bushfires as a Possible Explanation for the Chromium Impregnation of the Population in New-Caledonia
Thery G, Juillot F, David M, Jourand P, Ducousso M & Fritsch E
Temporal Evolution of Chromium Leachability in Compost, a Case Study in New-Caledonia
Klein P, Leopold A, Gunkel-Grillon P, Kaplan H, Juillot F & Feder F
Influence of Trace As or Ni on Pyrite Precursors and Nucleation Kinetics at Low Temperature: High Resolution Mineralogical and Crystallochemical Analysis
Baya C, Le Pape P, Baptiste B, Brest J, Landrot G, Elkaim E, Noel V, Blanchard M, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F & Morin G
Zn Isotopes can Reveal Past Eutrophication of Continental Lakes: The Example of Baldeg (Switzerland)
Juillot F, Noël V, Voegelin A, Louvat P, Gelabert A, Mueller B & Morin G
Formation Mechanisms of Trace Metal-Bearing Sulfide Minerals in Acidic and Saline Environments
Le Pape P, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Blanchard M, Noël V, Ikogou M, Brest J, Battaglia-Brunet F, Casiot C, Bargar JR & Morin G
Green-Clays and the Coastal Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Metals
Merrot P, Juillot F, Noël V, Le Pape P, Lefebvre P, Menguy N, Viollier E & Morin G
Crystal-Chemistry of Trace Metals in the Lagoon Sediments of New Caledonia
Merrot P, Juillot F, Noël V, Viollier E, Menguy N, Bargar J & Morin G
Oxygen Dynamics in Mangrove Sediments, Vavouto Bay, New Caledonia
Viollier E, Noël V & Juillot F
Change in Co and Mn Speciation during the Differentiation of a Lateritic Regolith Upon Peridotites in New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ploquin F, Brest J, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L & Morin G
From Garnierite Toward Pyrite: A Journey at the Molecular Level that Depicts the Crystal-Chemistry of Nickel in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fritsch E, Morin G, Dublet G, Noel V, Ona-Nguema G, Marchand C, Ikogou M, Brest J, Belin S, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L, Kappen P, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
Nickel Behavior Toward Biogenic Mackinawite during Laboratory Experiments Aimed at Mimicting Mangrove Sediments
Ikogou M, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Richeux N, Le Pape P, Guigner J-M, Noel V, Brest J & Morin G
Fe and Ni Cycling in Mangrove Sediments from New Caledonia
Juillot F, Noel V, Morin G, Marchand C, Viollier E, Ona-Nguema G, Brest J, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
Mineralogical Pathways Involved in the Formation of Hydrous Mg/Ni Silicate Ores (New Caledonia)
Fritsch E, Juillot F, Auzende A-L, Dublet G, Caner L & Beaufort D
Environmental Mineralogy: Bridging the Gap from Microscopic to Macroscopic
Calas G, Morin G, Allard T, Galoisy L, Juillot F, Ona-Nguema G & Brown, Jr. GE
Fate of Ni in Local Reduced Environments Developed on Lateritic Ni Ores from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Brest J & Brown GE,J
XAS Crystal-Chemistry of Fe in Mangrove Sediments from New Caledonia. Implication for Iron Biogeochemical Cycling
Noël V, Marchand C, Juillot F, Ona-Nguema G, Marakovic G & Morin G
Sources and Processes Identification for Zn Cycling in the Seine River, France
Jouvin D, Gelabert A, Louvat P, Morin G, Juillot F & Benedetti MF
EXAFS Analysis of Crystal Chemistry of Ni in a Lateritic Weathering Profile from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ona-Nguema G & Brown Jr. G
Redox Reactions Affecting Arsenic at Iron-(oxyhydr)oxide Mineral Surfaces
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Juillot F, Wang Y, Hohmann C, Obst M, Kappler A & Brown Jr. GE
Zinc Sulfide in Suspended Matter from an Oxic River (Seine, France)
Priadi C, Morin G, Ayrault S, Maillot F, Juillot F, Testemale D, Proux O, Llorens I & Brown G
Redox Reactions on Mineral Surfaces: Spectroscopic and Imaging Studies at the Molecular Level
Brown G, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Fandeur D, Benzerara K, Calas G, Wang Y, Ha J, Kaya S, Kendelewicz T, Spormann A & Nilsson A
How Biogenic Nano-Iron Oxides can Control the Fate of Pollutants
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Maillot F, Wang Y, Egal M, Bruneel O, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Calas G & Brown GE
Arsenic Sequestration and Oxidation at the Surface of Fe(II)-containing Iron (Hydr)oxide Nanoparticles
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Menguy N, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
Importance of Phyllosilicates and Fe/Mn Oxyhydroxides on the Distribution of Ni and Cr along a Lateritic Soil in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fandeur D, Fritsch E, Morin G, Ambrosi J-P & Brown Jr. G
Hydrothermal vs. Meteoric Redistribution of Elements Upon Tropical Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks
Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Morin G, Fialin M, Couffignal F & Juillot F
Arsenic(III) Polymerization Upon Sorption on Iron(II, III)-(Hydr)oxides Surfaces – Implications for Arsenic Mobility Under Reducing Conditions
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Menguy N, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
Arsenite Sequestration by Fe(II)-Containing Minerals after Microbial Dissimilatory Reduction of Arsenic-Sorbed Lepidocrocite
Ona-Nguema G, Morin G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Abdelmoula M, Ruby C, Guyot F, Calas G & Brown GE
Fate of Manufactured Mineral Nanoparticles in Freshwater
Sivry Y, Gélabert A, Siron V, Ferrari R, Juillot F & Benedetti M
XANES Investigation of the Redox Behavior of Cr in a Tropical Context
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Morin G, Webb S, Olivi L, Hazemann J-L, Brown GE & Fritsch E
Zn Isotopes Fractionation Upon Sorption onto Iron Oxides
Juillot F, Marechal C, Cacaly S, Morin G & Benedetti M
Zn Isotopic Fractionation: Why Organic Matters
Jouvin D, Louvat P, Juillot F, Maréchal CN & Benedetti MF
Cr Behavior after Oxidation by Mn-Oxides along a Weathering Profile in New Caledonia
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Olivi L, Morin G, Brown, Jr GE, Webb S & Ambrosi J-P
Speciation and Long-Term Sequestering of Zn in a Naturally Enriched Soil
Juillot F, Morin G, Benedetti M, Hazemann J-L, Proux O, Bellin S, Briois V, Brown Jr. G & Calas G
The Role of Mn Oxides on the Geochemical Cycle of Chromium: A Field Study in New Caledonia
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Olivi L, Cognigni A, Morin G & Ambrosi J-P
In situ Arsenic Speciation in Earth Surface Environments: Importance of Iron Oxides
Morin G, Juillot F, Miot J, Wang Y, Casiot C, Cancès B, Proux O, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
As(V)-bearing Lepidocrocite and Green Rust Reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens: Evidence for Fe(II) Carbonate Hydroxide Formation
Ona-Nguema G, Morin G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Guyot F, Calas G & Brown, Jr GE
Structure and Reactivity of Nano-Crystalline As-Fe Oxy-Hydroxides in Acid Mine Drainage
Morin G, Lebrun S, Juillot F, Casiot C, Belin S, Proux O & Calas G
EXAFS Signatures of Structural Zn at Trace Level in di- and Trioctahedral Phyllosilicates
Juillot F, Morin G, Brown G & Calas G
Zn Isotopes Fractionation Upon Sorption and Precipitation
Cacaly S, Marechal C, Juillot F, Guyot F & Benedetti M
XAS Monitoring of Arsenic (Bio-)Oxidation and Immobilisation in Soils and Acid Mine Drainage
Morin G, Juillot F, Allard T, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F & Calas G
Metal Ion Speciation in Smelter Impacted Soils and Soil Solution
Ponthieu M, Juillot F, Morin G & Benedetti M
Zinc Trapping in Layered Double Hydroxydes (LDHs) and Phyllosilicates in Contaminated Soils from Western Europe
Juillot F, Morin G, Ponthieu M, Benedetti M, Trainor T & Kinniburgh D
Julia G.
Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E
Changes in Hydrogen Conversion Kinetics and Microbial Response to Variations in Temperature and Mineralogy
Muller E, Julia G, Sissmann O, Tafit A & Poirier S
Investigating and Quantifying Natural H2 Emissions within the Fe-Rich Kansas Precambrian Granitoid Crust, Through High Resolution Microscopy and Tomography
Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Kularatne K, Julia G, Guyot F, Bernard S, Viennet J-C, Martinez I, Renard S, Newell KD, Derluyn H & Deville E
Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Julia G, Ekambas P, Martin F, Vermesse H, Garcia B, Estublier A, Leroux O, Loisy C, Rossi L, Brichart T, Hautefeuille B & Cerepi A
Contribution of Geochemical Gas Analyses to the Understanding of the Subduction-Related Petroleum System’s Dynamics of North Peruvian Fore-Arc
Lemgruber-Traby A, Julia G, Souque C, Espurt N, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Bellier O & Calderon Y
Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 and CH4 Injection in a Carbonate Shallow Aquifer
Julia G, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Arfi L, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Loisy C, Rossi L, Cerepi A, Le Roux O & Petit A
Development of a Downhole Sampler and an Integrated Analysis System for Gas Content Determination in an Aquifer Fluid (Major, Noble Gas and Isotopic Meaurement). Application in situ on a Geothermal Well
Noirez S, Julia G, Martin F, Ekambas P, Estublier A, Ricroch P, Lajarthe M, Cazeaux D & Savay-Guerraz G
Julia M.
Using the Replacement of Calcium Carbonate by Hydroxyapatite in the Presence of Phosphate for Cadmium Capture from Solution
Julia M & Putnis CV
The Effect of Cadmium on the Growth and Dissolution of Calcium Carbonate
Julia M, Putnis CV, King HE & Renard F
Julian C.M.
Petrological Modeling of Sulfur Cycling at Active Coronal Boundaries on Venus
Julian CM & Stewart EM
Julian H.
Organic Speciation of (Micro)nutrients in Relation to Overall Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Soil Water Extracts: New Insights from Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Simon C, Tolu J, Bouchet S, Chan M, Mazza A, Julian H, Frossard E, Tamburini F, Chadwick O & Winkel LHE
Julian J.
Microbial Degradation and Community Changes to Crude Petroleum Oil in in Different Deep Oceans
Liu J, Techtmann S, Julian J, Joyner D & Hazen T
Juliani C.
The Patrocínio Gold Mineralization at Northern Brazil: Isotopic Data Considerations
Villela Cassini L & Juliani C
Metallogeny of the Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Centers in the Vila Mandi Region, Uatumã SLIP, Southernmost Amazonian Craton, Brazil
Fernandes CM, Lagler B, Juliani C, Monteiro LV & Rocha Júnior JM
The Paleoproterozoic Uatumã SLIP (Amazonian Craton, Brazil): Tectonic Setting and Epithermal Gold and Base Metal Mineralization
Juliani C, Fernandes CM & Monteiro LV
The Carajás IOCG Deposits: A SLIP-Related Mineral System?
Monteiro LV, Moreto C, Xavier R, Juliani C, Melo G, Veloso A, Delinardo M, Previato M, Jesus S, Sousa S & Marques I
Blueschists Accretion along the Subduction Interface: Insights from Diego de Almagro Island (Chilean Patagonia)
Hyppolito T, Angiboust S, Juliani C, Calderon M, Garcia-Casco A & Glodny J
Julie C.
Iron Oxidation State in Serpentine during Subduction: Implications on the Nature of the Released Fluids at Depth
Debret B, Andreani M, Munoz M, Bolfan-Casanova N, Julie C, Nicollet C & Schwartz S
Julie G.
N Biogeochemistry of the Western Arctic Ocean Evidenced by Coupled Nitrate N and O Isotope Ratios
Julie G & Daniel S
Julie V.
In situ Pb-Isotope Analysis by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Applications to Geochemistry, Geochronology, Palaeoceanography and Archaeology
Kent AJR, Joel B, Tod W, Ingrid U, Julie V & Sophie S
Julien B.
The Coupling between Chemical Weathering and Mechanical Erosion in Volcanic Islands: Example of the Steep Reunion Island Basins
Eric G, Pascale L, Julien B, Laurent M, Jerome G, Anthony D, Antoine L & Adrien S
Julien M.
Position-Specific Isotope Composition of Natural Gas Hydrocarbons: Recent Insights and Future Prospects
Gilbert A, Julien M, Yoshida N & Ueno Y
Determination of Intramolecular 13C Isotopic Composition of i- and N-Butane from Natural Gas Samples
Julien M, Goldman M, Yoshida N & Gilbert A
Julier A.
A Biogeochemical Proxy for Solar Irradiance; Proxy Development and Application to Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
Fraser W, Jardine P, Julier A, Gosling W & Lomax B
Julin J.
Interactions of Atmospheric Organic Particles with Inorganic Pollutants and Cloud Water
Riipinen I, Häkkinen S, Rastak N, Dalirian M, Murphy B, Julin J, Pandis S & Ekman A
Juliusson Bjarni
Mineral Storage of Gas Mixtures in Basalt
Gislason S, Gunnarsson I, Juliusson B, Clark D, Snæbjörnsdottir S, Aradottir E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigfusson B, Stute M, Matter J, Broecker W, Arnarsson M, Dideriksen K, Olssen J & Oelkers E
Juliusson Bjarni M.
The CarbFix-SulFix project: Mineral Storage of CO2/H2S Gas Mixtures in Basaltic Rocks
Clark DE, Gunnarsson I, Aradottir ES, Gunnlaugsson E, Juliusson BM, Matter JM, Stute M, Oelkers EH, Snaebjornsdottir SO & Gislason SR
Jull A. J. T
Evidences of Global Climatic Events for Last Two Millennia and their Forcing Factors from Active Mudflats of Western India
Banerji US, Bhushan R & Jull AJT
Jull A. J. T.
Sedimentary Sulphur Isotopes as Tracers for Sea Level Variability at Southern Saurashtra Coast (Gujarat, Western India)
Banerji US, Bhushan R, Agnihotri R, Khonde N, Sawlani R, Sharma C & Jull AJT
Jull A.J. Timothy
New Production Rate Estimates for in situ Cosmogenic 14C
Dugan B, Lifton N & Jull AJT
Calibration of Terrestrial Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides: CRONUS
Caffee MW, Balco G, Finkel RC, Jull AJT, Kurz MD, Lifton N, McGee S, Nishiizumi K, Phillips FM, Schaefer Y, Sisterson J & Stone JO
Testing Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rate Scaling Models Using in situ Cosmogenic 14C from Surfaces at Secular Equilibrium
Lifton N, Pigati J, Jull A, Quade J, Bierman P & Kober F
Altitudinal Variation of in situ Cosmogenic 14C Production Rates: Preliminary Results from the Southwestern U.S
Lifton N, Pigati J, Jull AJT & Quade J
Jull M.
Geochemical Evidence for a Transient Change in Mantle Melting from the Deglaciation of Iceland
Mervine E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J & Jull M
Consequences of Diffuse and Channelled Porous Melt Migration on Uranium Series Disequilibria
Sims K, Kelemen P & Jull M
The Geochemistry of Hawaiian Plume Dynamics
Jull M & Ribe N
Jull T.
Large 14C Excursion in the BC55th Century
Miyake F, Masuda K, Nakamura T, Jull T, Panyushkina I & Wacker L
Petrographic and Chemical Analyses of Ferricretes Exposed in Currently Arid Gondwana Landscape, Northwestern, India
Achyuthan H, Baker V, McHargue L & Jull T
14C and 10Be in Cosmic Dust Magnetite
Jull T, Lal D, McHargue L, Vacher L, Taylor S & Maurette M
Radiocarbon on Titan
Lorenz R, Jull T, Swindle T & Lunine J
Jullien M.
Availability of Nutrient Sources for Bacterial Development in Deep Clay Environments
Esnault L, Libert M, Jullien M & Mustin C
Jullion L.
Deconvolving Biogeochemical Processes from the Impact of Ocean Circulation: First Insight on the Mediterranean Dissolved Barium Dynamics
Jacquet S, Jullion L & Tanhua T