Izokh A
Argon-Argon Dating of Camptonite Dikes of the Sangilen, Southeastern Tuva, Russia
Izokh A, Gibsher N, Malkovets V & Travin A
Izokh Andrey
Geochemical Features of the Gabbroids of the Khairkhan Massif (Lake Zone of Western Mongolia)
Kurumshieva K, Vishnevsky A, Izokh A & Gertner I
Izokh Andrey E.
Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from ~260 Ma Song Da Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence of Component Mixing and Water Excess in their Parental Melt
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Gurenko A, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE, Batanova VG & Danyushevsky L
Melt Inclusions from Permian-Triassic Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence for a Deep Hydrous Mantle Reservoir
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Gurenko AA, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE & Batanova VG
Izokh O.
δ13C Evidence of Conodont Evolution as a Response to Bioproduction Perturbations
Izokh O
Izon Gareth
Seeing Through the Haze: Testing the Existence of a Neoarchean Bistable Organic-Rich Atmosphere
Izon G, Zerkle A, Claire M, Farquhar J, Poulton S & Eigenbrode J
Mo-Isotopes as Tracers of Cretaceous Ocean Anoxia
Izon G, Cohen A, Coe A, Poulton S & Wagner T
Izon Gareth
Clarifying the Haze: Biological Control as an Atmospheric Primer to the GOE?
Izon G, Zerkle A, Farquhar J, Williford K, Poulton S & Claire M
Izon Gareth
Multiproxy Constraints on Redox Conditions of ~2.7 Ga Oceans
Yang J, Zerkle A, Grassineau N, Nisbet E, Izon G, Hunter M & Martin T
Izon Gareth
(Re)defining the Structure of the Great Oxidation Event
Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N & Summons R
Izon Gareth
Tungsten Stable Isotopes as a Redox-Proxy for the Evolution of the Anoxic Archean Ocean
Roué L, Kurzweil F, Münker C, Wille M, Izon G & Schoenberg R
Extremely 34S-Rich Organic Sulfur in Cryogenian Mn Ore Deposit
Cai C, Sun P, Liu D, Luo G, Izon G, Peng Y & Hu Y
An Oxygenation Event or The Oxygenation Event? Prejuices, Perspectives and Possibilities
Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N & Summons R
Izon Gareth
Organic Matter δ34S Lighter Than the Pyrite in Cryogenian Datangpo Fm
Cai C, Sun P, Liu D, Luo G, Izon G & Xu C
Izon Gareth
Constraining Fluctuations in Atmospheric Oxygen in the Wake of the Great Oxidation Event(s)
Uveges BT, Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N, Luo G & Summons RE
Izon Gareth
Linking Atmospheric Oxygenation to Marine Deoxygenation during Earth’s Great Oxidation
Havsteen JC, Eickmann B, Kleinhanns IC, Rosca C, Gogouvitis MD, Izon G, Beukes N & Schoenberg R
The Role of Mid- to Deep Crustal Processes for Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Arc Magmas
Rezeau H, Beaudry P, Jagoutz O, Izon G, Ono S, Klein B & Kelemen P
Re-Os Geochronology of the Duitschland Formation: Implications for Paleoproterozoic Glaciation and Oxygenation
Millikin AEG, Uveges BT, Izon G & Rooney A
Izon Gareth
CO2 Fixation Through Carbonation of Basalts and Olivine: A Comparative Study Under CO2-Saturated Water and Water-Saturated Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Serafini AM, Xu M, Fong A, Pec M, Simpson J, Weaver JC, Izon G, Stefánsson A & Ono S
Great Oxidation Event or Episodes? Insights from Geologic Records and Coupled Photo-Biogeochemical Models
Ono S, Izon G, Uveges BT & Summons RE
Izoret L.
Crystal Field Concept Implementation in Material Sciences: Some Coloured Cases from Cement and Concrete Industry
Izoret L
Izquierdo M.
Kinetics of Tc-99 in Aerobic Soils: A 2.5 yr Experimental Study
Izquierdo M, Bailey EH, Crout NMJ, Young SD & Shaw G
Izquierdo-Díaz M.
Mapping DNAPL Groundwater Pollution with the 222Rn-Deficit Technique
De Miguel E, Barrio-Parra F, Serrano H, Izquierdo-Díaz M, Medina R & Díaz-Curiel J
Izraeli E.S.
Brine and Carbonatitic Melts in a Diamond from Diavik– Implications for Mantle Fluid Evolution
Klein-BenDavid O, Wirth R, Izraeli E, Hauri E & Navon O
Diamond-Forming Fluids
Navon O, Klein-BenDavid O & Izraeli E
Volatile-Rich Brine and Melt in Canadian Diamonds
Klein-BenDavid O, Izraeli ES & Navon O
Izu Y.
Excretion of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles Depends on Outer Membrane Integrity in Escherichia Coli
Ochi A, Tobe R, Toyotake Y, Izu Y, Imai T & Mihara H
A Novel Selenite-Reducing System in the Dissimilatory Metal-Reducing Bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens
Mihara H, Jahan MI, Jinno M, Shimamoto N, Ishido Y, Juengwiwattanakitti P, Izu Y & Tobe R
Izumi H.
ATEM as a Tool for the Study of High Pressure Mineralogy
Fujino K, Sasaki Y, Komori T, Ogawa H & Izumi H
Izumi K.
Shallow and Deep Ocean Fe Cycling and Redox Evolution Across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Chen W, He T, Kemp DB, Xiong Y, Izumi K, Cho T, Huang C, Newton RJ & Poulton SW
Climate Forcing on Millennial, Orbital and Million Year Scales: A Case Study from the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Kemp D, Izumi K, Chen W, Jin S & Fraser W
Rapid and Long-Lasting Increase in Global Weathering during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Kemp D, Selby D & Izumi K
Environmental Responses to Carbon Release during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Insights from the Panthalassa Ocean Margin
Kemp D & Izumi K
Izzo C.
Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B