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Hensen B. (2002) Thermal Disequilibrium in the Lower Crust: Evidence from the Bergen Arcs, Norway
Camacho A, Lee J & Hensen B

Hensen Christian (2017) Radioactive Disequilibrium in Sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California/Sea of Cortés
Benninger L, Hensen C, Teske A & MacGregor B
(2017) Si Isotopes in Sedimentary Pore Fluids Trace Early Diagenetic Reactions in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Geilert S, Hensen C, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Frank M & Ehlert C

Hensen Christian (2012) Spatial and Temporal Trends of Iron and Iron Isotope Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Scholz F, Hensen C, Severmann S, Noffke A, Haley B, McManus J, Schneider R & Wallmann K
(2012) A Bottom-Up Perspective on N nd P Cycling in Low Oxygen Environments: The Baltic Sea Versus the Peruvian Shelf
Dale A, Bohlen L, Noffke A, Sommer S, Hensen C & Wallmann K
(2011) Geochemical Evidence of Mud Volcano Activity in the West Alboran Sea
Lopez-Rodriguez C, Martinez-Ruiz F, Comas M, Hensen C, Piñero E, Böttcher M, Dellwig O & Lenz C
(2011) Paired Sr Isotope (87Sr/86Sr, δ88/86Sr) Systematic of Pore Water Profiles: A New Perspective in Marine Weathering and Seepage Studies
Liebetrau V, Haeckel M, Eisenhauer A, Scholz F, Hensen C & Reitz A
(2009) Lithium Isotopes as a Tracer for Diagenetic Processes in Deep Subsurface Sediments
Scholz F, Hensen C, Meixner A, Reitz A, Haeckel M, Romer RL, De Lange GJ & Wallmann K
(2009) Multi-Isotope Investigation to Identify General Characteristics of Different Cold Vent Systems
Reitz A, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Hensen C, Wallmann K, Haeckel M & Weise SM
(2009) Prediction of Sub-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Inventories by Empirical Relationships
Marquardt M, Hensen C, Henke T, Müller C & Wallmann K
(2008) Numerical Modeling of Ca-Enrichment on Authigenic Carbonate Formation at Mud Volcanoes: A Case Study off Costa Rica
Karaca D, Hensen C & Wallmann K
(2007) Effects of Calcium Fluxes on Authigenic Carbonate Formation at Mud Volcanoes off Costa Rica
Karaca D, Hensen C & Wallmann K
(2007) Geochemistry of Cold Vent Fluids at the Central American Convergent Margin
Hensen C, Wallmann K, Schmidt M, Liebetrau V, Fehn U, Garbe-Schönberg D & Brückmann W
(2007) Origin of Brines in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Reitz A, Haeckel M, Wallmann K, Hensen C & Heeschen K
(2004) Iron Diagenesis within and Below the Zone of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Riedinger N, Pfeifer K, Kasten S, Garming J, Vogt C & Hensen C
(2000) Modeling of Subsurface Calcite Dissolution Regarding Respiration and Re-oxidation Processes in the Equatorial Upwelling off Gabon
Pfeifer K, Wenzhöfer F, Hensen C, Strotmann B, Adler M & Schulz HD
(2000) Interpretation of Pore Water Profiles Affected by Intense Lateral Sediment Advection: Examples from the Argentinean and Uruguayan Continental Slope
Hensen C, Schulz HD, Pfeifer K, Zabel M & Kasten S

Hensen Christian (2019) Marine Reverse Silicate Weathering Traced by Silicon Isotopes
Geilert S, Hensen C, Doering K, Grasse P, Ehlert C, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Schmidt M & Frank M

Hensen Christian (2015) Investigation of Transform Type Plate Boundaries within the Project FLOWS: Seep Fluids and Gases in the Guaymas Basin
Geilert S, Hensen C, Schmidt M, Scholz F, Liebetrau V, Kipfer R & Lever M
(2014) The Impact of Ocean Deoxygenation on the Marine Iron Cycle: Evidence from the Paleo-Record
Scholz F, McManus J, Mix AC, Hensen C & Schneider RR
(2013) Paired Sr Isotope (87Sr/86Sr, δ88/86Sr) Systematic of Sulfates and Pore Waters: New Perspectives in Marine Weathering, Seepage Signatures and Fractionation Processes
Liebetrau V, Haeckel M, Eisenhauer A, Vollstaedt H, Haffert L & Hensen C

Hensen E.J.M. (2017) Enhanced Photo-Response of FeS2 Films: The Role of Marcasite-Pyrite Phase Junctions
Wu L, Dzade NY, Gao L, Scanlon DO, Hollingsworth N, Weckhuysen BM, Hensen EJM, Leeuw NHD & Hofmann JP

Henshall Thomas (2017) The Abundance of 92Nb in the Early Solar System
Lai Y-J, Henshall T, Cook DL, Fehr MA & Schönbächler M
(2017) The Timing of Moderately Volatile Element Depletion in Planetesimals and Planets
Henshall T, Cook DL, Lai Y-J, Fehr M & Schönbächler M

Henshall Tom (2016) Probing Earth’s Volatile Past with Sr Isotopes
Henshall T, Cook DL, Mezger K, Mason P & Schönbächler M

Henshilwood Christopher (2017) Patterns of Secondary U in Ostrich Eggshell: Application to U-Th Dating of Quaternary Terrestrial Strata
Niespolo E, Sharp W, Fylstra N, Tryon C, Weisz D, Faith JT, Henshilwood C, Lewis J, Mackay A, Steele T & Van Niekerk K

Henshilwood Christopher S. (2018) U-Th Burial Dating of Ostrich Eggshell Beyond the 14C Limit
Niespolo EM, Sharp WD, Fylstra ND, Avery G, Blegen N, Faith JT, Henshilwood CS, Klein R, Van Niekerk K, Weisz DG & Tryon CA

Hensler A-S. (2012) Iron Oxides Chemistry from High-Grade Iron Ore, Iron Quadrangle
Hensler A-S, Hagemann S, Rosiere CA, Angerer T & Gilbert S

Henson J. (2019) Cryptic Iron Cycling in Biogenic Iron Oxide Deposits
Rieb E, Whitaker A, Henson J, Amor M, Pena J & Duckworth O
(2017) Assessing Mycogenic Manganese Oxides Reactivity
Uster B, Duckworth O, Henson J, Mitchell E, Sombers L & Pena J

Henson N. (2013) The Effect of Chemical Evolution in 137CsCl on Radionuclide Leaching
Zhang F, Marks N, Gale J, Kang Q, Uberuaga B, Stanek C & Henson N

Henson P. (2019) New Insights into the Development of the South Nicholson Basin, Northern Australia from SHRIMP U–Pb Detrital Zircon and Authigenic Xenotime
Cross A, Anderson J, Kositcin N, Lewis C, Carson C, Carr L & Henson P

Henson S. (2015) On the Use of PELAGRA Sediment Traps and Radionuclides (234Th, 210Po) for Estimating Particle Export Efficiency in the High Latitude North Atlantic
Ceballos-Romero E, Villa-Alfageme M, Le Moigne F, Henson S, Marsay C & Garcia-Tenorio R

Henton - De Angelis S. (2013) Fast Hydration of Volcanic Glass at Low Temperatures
von Aulock FW, Lavallée Y, Hess K-U, Henton - De Angelis S & Kennedy BM

Hentscher Michael (2014) Comparison of Model and Experimental Results for CO2-Water-Rock Interactions: What Data are Best?
Hentscher M, Ostertag-Henning C, Stadler S & Waldmann S

Hentscher Michael (2011) On Organic Synthesis Reactions Driven by Serpentinization
Hentscher M, Bach W & Klein F
(2011) Phase Separation, Degassing and Anomalous Methane at the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field
Reeves E, Prieto X, Hentscher M, Rosner M, Seewald J, Hinrichs K-U & Bach W
(2010) Life in Young Ocean Crust: Insights from Subsurface Microbial Observatories
Orcutt B, Bach W, Becker K, Fisher A, Hentscher M, Toner B, Wheat CG & Edwards K
(2010) Reassessing Reaction Rates for TSR by Experiments and Modelling
Ostertag-Henning C, Scheeder G, Hentscher M & Bach W
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP

Henze D. (2014) Remote Sensing Constraints on Aerosol Sources and Impacts
Henze D, Zhang L, Zhu L, Xu X, Wang J, Cady-Pereira K, Shephard M, Bash J, Lee C & Martin R
(2014) Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) for Future Geostationary Satellite to Constrain Aerosol Emissions
Wang Y, Xu X, Wang J & Henze D
(2014) First Inversion of Aerosol Emissions from Satellite Radiances
Xu X, Wang J & Henze D
(2014) Top-Down Estimates of Black Carbon Emissions in the Western United States Using the Adjoin of GEOS-Chem
Mao Y, Li Q, Henze D, Randerson J, Jiang Z, Jones D, Gao M, Qi L, He C & Liou K-N

Heo C-H. (2023) Examining HSE Geochemistry of the Kalaymyo Ophiolite, Myanmar: The Effect of Partial Melting and Melt-Rock Reactions
Kim B, Park J-W, Park G, Park G & Heo C-H
(2023) Ni-Potential of the Serpentinized Ultramafic Block in the Andong Area of South Korea
Koh S-M, Davaasuren O-E, Lee BH & Heo C-H
(2019) Distribution of Melt-Rock Interaction Zones and the Podiform Chromitites in the Kalaymyo Ophiolite, Myanmar
Park G, Park J-W, Heo C-H & Kim J

Heo Joong-Hyeok (2008) The Effect of Ionic Strength and Hardness of Trichloroethylene-Contaminated Synthetic Groundwater in Remediation Using Granular Activated Carbon
Heo J-H, Lee D-H, Koh D-C & Chang H-W
(2007) The Application of Granular Activated Carbon on Remediation in Trichloroethylene Contaminated Groundwater
Heo J-H, Lee D-H & Chang H-W

Heo Junyong (2023) Assessing the Potential for Manganese Accumulation in Rice Crops Through Indoor Accumulation Experiments
Heo J & Yang M

Heo S.W. (2014) Accurate Measurement of Isotope Ratios of 30Si/29Si in Kaolin and Alumina with Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Lee K-S, Min HS, Lim Y, Heo SW, Yim Y-H, Suh JK & Hwang E

Heo W. (2022) Study on the Cesium Removal Efficiency of Sludge Generated from the Coal Mine Drainage Treatment in Aqueous System
Jeon S, Tak H, Bae M, Heo W & Lee MH

Hepburn L. (2017) Mineralogy of Reactive Iron Species: Combining Sequential Extractions and Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Hepburn L, Schröder C, Butler I & Boyce A
(2013) Diagenetic Mobilisation of Fe and Mn in Hydrothermal Sediments
Aquilina A, Homoky WB, Hepburn LE, John SG, Conway TM, Lyons T & Mills RA
(2011) Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Flow at the Hook Ridge, Bransfield Strait
Hepburn L, Mills R, Aquilina A, Copley J, Glover A & Tyler P

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