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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Henriques S.B.A. (2022) From Cryogenian to Early Cambrian: Evolution of the Cadomian Arc in the North Gondwana Margin (Iberian Massif, Central Portugal)
Henriques SBA, Neiva AMR, Dunning G & Tajcmanova L
(2013) P-T Evolution of Neoproterozoic and Ordovician Metamorphic Rocks in the Iberian Massif, Central Portugal
Henriques SBA, Ribeiro ML, Neiva AMR, Dunning GR & Tajcmanova L
(2010) Geochemistry and Geochronology of a Precambrian Active Continental Margin at the Boundary between the Ossa Morena Zone and the Central Iberian Zone, Central Portugal
Henriques SBA, Neiva AMR, Ribeiro ML & Dunning GR

Henriques Pereira D.P. (2023) Mineral Surfaces as Protoenzymes: How to Connect Cofactors and Heterogeneous Catalysis
Henriques Pereira DP, Beyazay T, Belthle K, Tüysüz H & Preiner M
(2021) Serpentinizing Systems and Hydrogen Activation in Early Metabolism
Henriques Pereira DP, do Nascimento Vieira A, Kleinermanns K, Martin WF & Preiner M
(2021) NAD Reduction Under Alkaline Hydrothermal Conditions
Henriques Pereira DP, do Nascimento Vieira A, Kleinermanns K, Martin WF & Preiner M

Henriquez C. (2022) Orgamineral Precipitation Occurring in Laguna Timone Maar Crater, Pali Aike Volcanic Field National Park, Chilean Patagonia
Bahniuk Rumbelsperger AM, Cury LF, Henriquez C & Calderon M

Henriquez F. (2012) Origin of Magnetite oeLava Flows at El Laco Volcano, Chile
Naslund HR, Henriquez F, Nystroem J, Naranjo JA & Mathur R

Henry C.d. (2014) Cenozoic Slab-Rollback Magmatism in Western North America: Similarities and Differences in Space-Time-Composition
Henry CD, McIntosh WC, McDowell FW, Lipman PW, John DA, Colgan JP, Chapin CE & Watts KE

Henry Christopher (2019) Capturing Seasonal Changes in Microbial Interactions Across Redox Dynamic Environments
Weisenhorn P, Flynn T, Marshall C, O'Loughlin E, Henry C & Kemner K
(2012) Large-Volume Silicic Magma Genesis at Yellowstone, Heise, and Caetano: Isotope and Geochronology Insights from Three Supervolcanoes in the Western U.S.A
Watts K, Colgan J, John D, Bindeman I, Schmitt A & Henry C

Henry Darrell (2020) Copper-Bearing Tourmaline Provenance from Chemometrics of LIBS and EMP Data
Dutrow B, Farnsworth-Pinkerton S, Henry D & McMillan N
(2019) Episodic Crustal Growth and its Relation to Plume-To-Plate Transition, Wyoming Province, USA
Henry D, Mogk D & Mueller P
(2015) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as a Basis for Enhanced Provenance Studies
Dutrow B, McMillan N, Curry J & Henry D
(2014) Tourmaline: The Perfect Accessory
Dutrow B & Henry D
(2013) Deciphering Crustal Evolution from Metamorphic and Geochemical Signatures in Calc-Silicate Gneisses
Fukai I, Dutrow B, Henry D, Mueller P & Foster D
(2012) Monopolar and Highly Asymmetric Nucleation at Low Temperatures: Insights from Tourmaline
Henry D & Dutrow B
(2011) B-Bearing Fluids: Caught in the Act
Dutrow B, Henry D, Gable C, Travis B & Foster T
(2010) Course-Embedded Projects in Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Research Experience, Communication Skills and Programmatic Assessment
Henry D & Dutrow B
(2008) Complete Chemical Characterization of Metapelitic Minerals from W. Maine, USA: Petrologic Implications
Henry D, Dyar MD & Guidotti C
(2007) Tourmaline in Evaporites and Metaevaporites: Perspectives from Namibian Metasediments
Henry D, Sun H, Dutrow B & Slack J
(2005) Fluorine – x-Site Vacancy Avoidance in Natural Tourmaline: Internal vs. External Control
Henry D
(2004) Ti Substitution Mechanisms in Biotite: Perspectives from a Biotite Tisaturation Surface
Henry D & Guidotti C

Henry Darrell J. (2017) Fibrous Tourmalines as Indicators of Fluid Compositions
Dutrow B & Henry DJ
(2017) Cl Incorporation in Amphibole and Biotite from Granulite-Facies Iron Formations: Interplay Among Crystallography and Fluids
Henry D & Daigle N

Henry E. (2016) Redox Manipulation: A Novel Approach for Passive in situ Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Sediments
Vlassopoulos D, Kanematsu M, Leven A, Goin J, Henry E & O'Day P
(2014) Suppression of Methylmercury in Sediments by Manganese(IV) Oxide
Vlassopoulos D, Goin J, Henry E & Glaser D

Henry F. (2023) Urban Soils Exposed to Industrial Dust Deposition: Bioavailability of Dust-Borne Metals and Ecotoxicity of Soil Matrices (Gravelines, Northern France)
Casetta M, Philippe S, Caillaud J, Courcot L, Dumoulin D, Verdin A, Cornille V, Alaimo V, Billon G, Henry F, Courcot D & Hermoso M
(2017) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Analyses of French Guiana Recent Coastal Sediments Under Amazon Influence
Philippe S, Dörr W, Marko L, Courcot L, Lesourd S, Caillaud J, Gontharet S, Gardel A, Bory A & Henry F
(2002) Water Mass Pathways off the Argentine Coast Traced by REE Concentrations and Nd Isotopic Composition
Jeandel C, Lacan F, Henry F, Thouron D, Olivier L & Bénédicte M

Henry G. (2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L

Henry H. (2019) Bivalve Shell Architectures: New Insights from Pulsed Sr-Labelling and Correlative Micro/Nanoanalysis
Otter LM, Trimby P, Henry H, Kilburn MR, Eder K, Agbaje OBA, Gim J, Hovden R, Cairney JM, Mazumdar S & Jacob DE

Henry Hadrien (2020) Chromitite in a Tibetan Ophiolite Records Deep Upper-Mantle Circulation and Episodic Subduction
O'Reilly S, Xiong Q, Griffin W, Henry H, Zheng J-P & Pearson N
(2020) Extensive Prekimberlitic Lithosphere Modification Recorded in Jericho Mantle Xenoliths in Kimberlites, Slave Craton
Greene S, Jacob D, O'Reilly S, Henry H, Pinter Z & Heaman L
(2019) Deformation Mechanisms Related to Olivine Megacrysts in Mantle Dunite
Henry H, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY
(2017) The Unexplored Potential Impact of Pyroxenitic Layering on Upper Mantle Seismic Properties
Henry H, Afonso JC, Satsukawa T, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Kaczmarek M-A, Tilhac R, Gregoire M & Ceuleneer G
(2017) Recrystallisation and Shorted-Lived Lattice Disruptions along Mantle Fluid Pathways
Greau Y, Henry H, Huang J-X, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY
(2017) Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites: Origin and Age of a Sub-Arc Mantle Domain
Tilhac R, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Ceuleneer G, Schaefer BF, Henry H & Grégoire M

Henry Hugh (2023) Winter Soil Processes in Cold Region Agroecosystems: Impacts on Nitrogen Cycling
Rezanezhad F, Green D, Krogstad KJ, Jensen GB, Gharasoo M, Jordan S, Slowinski S, Hug LA, Wagner-Riddle C, Henry H, Rudolph D & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Effects of Winter Pulsed Warming and Snowmelt on Soil Nitrogen Cycling in an Agroecosystem: A Lysimeter Study
Green D, Rezanezhad F, Wagner-Riddle C, Jordan S, Henry H & Van Cappellen P

Henry K. (2014) Microbial Diversity, Composition, and Function in Anoxic Meromictic Marine Lakes of Palau: Oxygen Minimum Zones in Miniature?
Beman M, Meyerhof M, Wilson J, Henry K & Dawson M

Henry L. Gene (2015) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th in the Equatorial Atlantic
Ng HC, Robinson LF, McManus JF, Mohamed Falcon KJ, Jacobel AW & Henry LG

Henry Laura (2023) Reactive Transport of Carbonatite Melts: Constraints from ex- and in situ High PT Experiments
Perrillat J-P, Giovenco E, Boulard E, Le Godec Y, King A, Henry L & Guignot N

Henry Leonard

Henry Manuel (2020) Zinc Isotope Study of Neurotoxic Peptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C
(2019) Zinc Isotope Investigations into Neuropeptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C

Henry Mitchell (2008) Source of Heavy Oils and Tars in the Athabasca Oil Sands Based on Geochemistry and 4-D Basin Modeling
Lewan M, Higley-Feldman D, Roberts L & Henry M

Henry R.E. (2022) Predicting the Crystal Structure of Beryl from Chemical Analyses
Henry RE, Groat LA, Cempirek J & Skoda R

Henry T. (2017) Sourcing Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in North-East Ireland
Russell A, McDermott F, Hunter Williams T, Daly E, Henry T & Morrison L

Hensel A. (2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics at the Tonga Subduction Zone: The Role of the Metasomatized Forearc Mantle
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Hensel A, Pettke T & Hermann J

Hensel B. (2021) Novel Subsurface Reactive Zones Containing Mn-Fe Oxides and Hydrotalcite for in situ Groundwater Remediation of Multiple Inorganic Contaminants
Vlassopoulos D, Kanematsu M, Dalton-Atha A, Redwine JC & Hensel B

Hensel S. (2022) Using Zirconium and Zinc Concentrations to Differentiate Basalt Flows in the Blackfoot Volcanic Field, Idaho, USA
Hensel S, Tucci N, Einarson M & Payne C

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