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Hennequin Salome (2018) Simulating the Coupled Response of the Carbon Cycle, Climate and Oceanic Biodiversity to the Onset of the Siberian Traps
Hennequin S, Godderis Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F, Brayard A, Donnadieu Y, Maffre P & Nardin E

Hennessey M. (2017) Cadmium Remediation in Agricultural Fields for Potato Cultivation
Alves S, Wall D, Grant J, Hennessey M, Nolan S, Mclaughlin MJ, Creedon J, Bonner P & Griffin D

Hennet L. (2021) Carbon in the Deep Earth: The Fate of Magnesite in the Lower Mantle
Libon L, Spiekermann G, Sieber MJ, Kaa J, Dominijanni S, Albers C, Morgenroth W, Biedermann N, Appel K, McCammon C, Roddatis V, Husband R, Glazyrin K, Hennet L & Wilke M
(2021) Melting Properties of Pyrolite: Implication for Chemical Segregation in the Primitive Earth’s Mantle
Pierru R, Andrault D, Manthilake G, Guignot N, Itie J-P, King A & Hennet L
(2017) Density and Structure of Amorphous Silicate at High Pressure Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Kupenko I, Sahle C, Spiekermann G, Weis C, Sternemann C, Sinmyo R, Hennet L, Wilke M & Rubie D
(2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Journaux B, Collings I, Kantor I, Hennet L, Harries D, Dane T, Burghamer M & Rubie D
(2015) Structure and Properties of SrO-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts
Novikov A, Neuville D & Hennet L
(2011) Structure of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts Studied by Molecular Dynamics and Diffraction Experiments
Jahn S, Haigis V, Drewitt J, Kozaily J, Bytchkov A & Hennet L

Hennhoefer D. (2017) Time lag between Organic Carbon Burial and Mid-Cretaceous OAEs on the Arabian Plate – Coincidence or Interrelation?
Hennhoefer D, Al Suwaidi A, Bottini C, Ruhl M & Steuber T

Hennig C. (2022) Experimental Simulation of Phase Evolution in Conditions of Underground Storage: From Million Years to One day
Svitlyk V, Weiss S & Hennig C
(2017) Formation of Zr(IV)-nanoparticles on Muscovite (001): Effect of Background Electrolyte
Qiu C, Eng P, Hennig C & Schmidt M
(2013) Raman Spectroscopy and Powder Diffraction Study of Synthetic Coffinite (USiO4) at High Pressures
Bauer JD, Labs S, Weiss S, Bayarjagal L, Curtius H, Morgenroth W, Bosbach D, Hennig C & Winkler B
(2012) Silica-Stabilized actinide(IV) Colloids at Near-Neutral pH
Zaenker H, Weiss S, Hennig C & Dreissig I
(2011) The Special Case of Actinide(IV) Complexation by the Carboxylic Function of Small and Large Organic Ligands
Hennig C, Takao K, Takao S, Meyer M, Jeanson A, Dahou S & Den Auwer C
(2011) Spectroscopic Study of Influence of Silica on the Stability of Actinide(IV) Colloids at Near-Neutral pH
Banerjee D, Weiss S, Zaenker H, Scheinost A & Hennig C
(2010) Chemical Bonds and Formation Process of Actinide(IV) Oligomers and Colloids
Hennig C, Takao K, Takao S, Ikeda-Ohno A, Banerjee D, Weiss S, Zaenker H, Kraus W, Emmerling F & Scheinost A
(2006) Geochemical behavior of uranium in mine tailings at Freital, Germany: a µ-XRF, µ-XAFS and µ-XRD study
Scheinost A, Hennig C, Somogyi A, Martinez-Criado G & Knappik R
(2004) Quantitative Antimony Speciation in Swiss Shooting Range Soils
Scheinost A, Rossberg A, Hennig C, Vantelon D, Kretzschmar R & Johnson C
(2004) Interaction of U(VI) with Bacterial Strains Isolated Form Uranium Mining Piles: Spectroscopic and Microscopic Studies
Merroun M, Raff J, Rossberg A, Hennig C, Reich T & Selenska-Pobell S

Hennigan C. (2014) Unspeciated Organic Emissions from Combustion Sources and their Influence on the Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget in the United States
Jathar S, Gordon T, Hennigan C, Pye H, Pouliot G, Adams P, Donahue N & Robinson A

Hennige S. (2019) Coral Chemists: Decoupling the Carbonate System to Survive
Chalk T, Standish C, Murray F, Foster G, Saeed M, Lei F, Hennige S, Roberts M, D'Angelo C & Wiedenmann J

Henning Silvia (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

Henning Sören (2020) Compositional EMPA and Raman Mapping of Minor and Trace Elements in Sphalerite from Hydrothermal Vein Deposits
Henning S, Berkh K, Graupner T & Goldmann S

Henning Thomas (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V
(2015) Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks
Henning T

Henning Thomas (2002) Optical Constants of Presolar Diamonds (Revisited)
Mutschke H, Andersen AC, Jäger C & Henning T

Henning W.F. (2016) Erosion Rate Study at the Allchar Deposit (Macedonia) Based on Radioactive and Stable Cosmogenic Nuclides (26Al, 36Cl, 3He, and 21Ne)
Paviceciv MK, Cvetkovic V, Niedermann S, Pejovic V, Amthauer G, Boev B, Bosch F, Anicin I & Henning WF

Hennissen J. (2020) Is the Mississippian Bowland Shale an End-Member?
Emmings J, Poulton S, Davies S, Vane C, Jenkin G, Stephenson M, Hennissen J, Dowey P, Taylor K, Leng M, Lamb A, Moss-Hayes V & Rushton J

Henny C. (2023) BioMetArchive – Subsurface Biosphere Metagenomics along the 1 Ma Sedimentary Archive of Ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia
Ruiz-Blas F, Kallmeyer J, Henny C, Russell JM & Vuillemin A
(2023) Isotope Signatures of Siderites Spanning 1 Ma of Depositional Historyin Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Friese A, Mayr C, von Blanckenburg F, Heuer V, Glombitza C, Bauer KW, Crowe SA, Henny C, Vogel H, Russell JM & Kallmeyer J
(2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S
(2019) Cr Isotopes and the Attenuation of Cr(VI)-rich Runoff
Davidson A, Holmden C, Nomosatryo S, Henny C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J
(2017) Primary Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Simister R, Michiels C, Henny C & Crowe S
(2017) Biogeochemistry of Lakes in Western Papua, Indonesia – First Results of a Pilot Study
Kallmeyer J, Nomosatryo S, Wagner D, Henny C & Kopalit H
(2017) Biogeochemistry of Sediments from Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Kallmeyer J, Friese A, Simister R, Bauer K, Crowe S, Nomosatryo S, Henny C & Dianto A

Henocq P. (2021) Selenite Interactions with Iron Sulfides
Wang K, Ma B, Fernandez-Martinez A, Simonelli L, Made B, Henocq P & Charlet L
(2021) Impact of Phthalates on the Migration Behaviour of Eu(III) and Am(III) in a Cementitious Repository Environment
Ait-Mouheb N, Deissmann G, Henocq P, Macé N & Bosbach D

Henri P. (2019) How do Microbes Make Minerals in the Environment? Tracking Iron and Sulfur Biomineralization Using Meta-Omics and Microscopy
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R, Henri P, Pavia M, Polson S & Macalady J
(2017) What Makes Biogenic Sulfur Special? Insights into Surface Chemistry and Mineralogy of Sulfur Globules
Marnocha C, Henri P, Sabanayagam C, Modla S, Powell D, Hanson T, Steele A & Chan C
(2017) Elucidating the Role of Chemolithotrophic Sulphide-Oxidizers in the Formation of S(0) Deposits
Henri P, Chan C, Macalady J, Webb S & Steele A

Henrichs I. (2020) Petrochronology and Thermochronology of Apatite
Chew D, Spikings R, Mark C, O'Sullivan G, Henrichs I & Ansberque C
(2017) Apatite Pb-Profiling by LA-MC-ICPMS: An Example of Lower Crustal Thermochronometry from the Alps
Mark C, Chew D, Cogné N, Daly S & Henrichs I
(2017) Combined Chronometry and Geochemistry of Apatite for Very High Resolution Provenance Analysis
O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Morton A, Schneider S, Henrichs I & Mark C

Henriksen J. (2012) Mineral Precipitation between Solutions Flowing in Parallel
Redden G, Fox D, Henriksen J, Guo L, Huang H & Fujita Y
(2012) Monitoring Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in the Subsurface
Fujita Y, Gebrehiwet T, Henriksen J, Taylor J, Dafflon B, Hubbard S & Smith R
(2010) Investigations of the Influence of Microbial Cells on Phosphate Mineral Precipitation
Wright K, Fujita Y, Henriksen J, Spycher N & Conrad M

Henriksen K. (2004) Polysaccharides in Coccolith Biomineralization: Site-Specific Interaction with the Calcite Surface
Henriksen K, Stipp S, Young J & Marsh M
(2002) Calcite Biomineralization in Coccoliths: Evidence from Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Henriksen K

Henriksen K. E. (2014) Pushing Thermodynamics Uphill: Organisms' Control on Biomineralisation
Stipp SLS, Hassenkam T, Andersson MP, Sakuma H, Pedersen CS, Schultz LN, Yang M, Keller KS, Sand KK, Bovet N, Henriksen KE & Engstrøm F

Henriksen L.B. (2022) Tackling TSR Risk in Deeply Buried Carbonate Reservoirs: New Insights from Coupling Fluid Inclusion Study with Clumped Isotopes Δ47/U-Pb Thermochronology
Sissmann O, Gasparrini M, Renard S, Maurand N, Wenke A, Henriksen LB, Rhodes P, Gerdes A & Eiler J

Henrique-Pinto R. (2014) Probing the Deep Crust of the Ribeira Fold Belt, Brazil: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Geochemistry and in situ Zircon Dating of Neoproterozoic Granites
Janasi VDA, Alves A, Henrique-Pinto R & Martins L

Henriques B. (2009) Bioavailability and Potential Human Health Impacts of Hg, As and Other Potentially Toxic Elements Soil Contamination Near Mining Sites: Current Knowledge and Future Priorities
Rodrigues S, Henriques B, Araújo C, Ferreira da Silva E, Romkens P, Pereira E & Duarte A

Henriques F. (2005) Principle Component Analysis of Cenozoic Kerguelen Plume Basalts
Henriques F, Weis D & Scoates J

Henriques R. (2011) Energy Content of Soil Organic Matter as Studied by Bomb Calorimetry
Rovira P & Henriques R

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