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Henkel Susann (2013) Fe Isotopic Composition of Sequentially Extracted Reactive Fe from Marine Sediments
Staubwasser M, Henkel S, Kasten S & Poulton S
(2013) Effect of Increased Glacier Melt on Diagenetic Fe Cycling in Marine Sediments at King George Island (Antarctica)
Henkel S, Kasten S, Sala H, Busso A & Staubwasser M
(2013) Controls on Redox-Nutrient Cycling in the Cretaceous Greenhouse Ocean: Insights from S Isotope Systematics
Poulton S, Henkel S, März C, Urquhart H, Flögel S, Kasten S, Sinninghe Damsté J & Wagner T

Henkel T. (2015) Halogen Abundances in OIB Source Regions
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Marquardt K, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2014) Evidence for Volatile Recycling from Determination of the OIB Mantle Source Halogen Concentration
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Clay P, Ruzié L, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2014) Halogen Incorporation in Forsterite at Earth´s Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Marquardt K, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2013) Halogen Partitioning Behavior at Earth's Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Lyon I, Pawley A, Henkel T, Ruzie L, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine CJ
(2008) C60 TOF-SIMS: A Tool for High-Resolution Mapping of Elements and Organic Compounds
Rost D, Henkel T, King A & Lyon I
(2007) Elemental Distributions in Zircons from Diamondiferous UHPM Rocks from the Greek Rhodope: A TOF-SIMS Study
Chatzitheodoridis E, Kostopoulos D, Lyon I, Henkel T, Cornelius N, Baltatzis E & Reischmann T
(2000) TOF-SIMS Analysis of Presolar SiC x-Grains
Henkel T, Stephan T, Jessberger EK, Hoppe P & Strebel R

Henkemans E. (2012) Groundwater Evolution Under Permafrost Conditions, South-West Greenland
Henkemans E, Frape S, Ruskeeniemi T, Claesson Liljedahl L, Lehtinen A & Engstrom J

Henkes Gregory (2014) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Terrestrial Carbonates
Passey B, Hu H, Ji H, Montanari S, Li S, Henkes G & Levin N
(2014) Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) as a Tool for Evaluating Fossil Preservation for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Perez-Huerta A, Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B & Shenton B

Henkes Gregory (2012) Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Carboniferous Brachiopods and the Effects of Burial Heating
Henkes G, Grossman E, Yancey T & Passey B
(2012) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Closure Temperatures
Passey B & Henkes G

Henkes Gregory (2015) Marine Bivalve Mollusc Shell DELTA47-temperature Calibration Using the MIRA Mass Spectrometer
Clarke L, Dennis P, Marca A, Petrizzo D & Henkes G
(2015) Phanerozoic Trends in Seawater Nitrogen Isotope Composition from Geoporphyrins
Henkes G, Shen J, Naafs D, Idiz E, Shen Y, Wankel S & Pearson A

Henkes Gregory (2016) Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation in Synthetic Carbonate-Water Systems
Li S, Passey B, Henkes G & Levin N

Henkes Gregory (2020) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Fe-Carbonates from the Gunflint Formation
Holme E, Henkes G, Rasbury T, Fralick P, Tosca N & Hurowitz J

Henkes Gregory (2021) A Distributed Activation Energy Model for Clumped Isotope Bond Reordering in Carbonates
Hemingway JD & Henkes G

Henkes Gregory (2023) Isotopic Tracers for CO2 Produced during a Planetary Impact into Limestone Target Rocks
Burtt DG, Henkes G, Hayles JA & Walton E

Henkler R.D. (2000) Assessment of Constraints to Bioremediation in Contaminated Sites
Jones A, Fenwick C, Glover AL, Henkler RD & Mason JR

Henley Richard (2015) A New Model for Volcanic Gas Compositions in Lunar Fire Fountain Eruptions
Renggli CJ, King PL & Henley R
(2013) Iron Mobilisation from Volcanic Ash/Glass by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Ayris P, Jacques C, Guevara A, Henley R, Opfergelt S & Delmelle P
(2013) Invisible Gold in Arc Volcanic Glasses
Timm C, Reyes A, Gill S, Layton-Matthews D, Leybourne M, de Ronde C & Henley R
(2011) Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry beneath Paleofumaroles
Tanner D, Mavrogenes J & Henley R
(2011) Heavy Metal Fractionation in High Temperature Fumaroles
Mavrogenes J & Henley R

Henley Richard W. (2021) Sulfur Sequestration, Redox Control and Metallogeny in Earth and Other Planetary Volcanic Systems
Fischer TP & Henley RW

Henley S. (2021) Early Diagenesis of Silica in Barents Sea Sediments: A Holistic Laboratory and Reaction-Transport Model Assessment
Ward J, Hendry KR, Arndt S, Pickering RA, März C, Faust JC, Henley S, Krause J & Ng HC
(2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR
(2019) Quantifying Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Changing Arctic Barents Sea
Sales de Freitas F, Ward J, Stevenson M, Abbott G, Henley S, Faust J, Tessin A, Solan M, März C, Hendry K & Arndt S
(2019) Sedimentary Nutrient Supply in Productive Hotspots off the West Antarctic Peninsula Revealed by Silicon Isotopes
Cassarino L, Hendry K, Henley S, MacDonald E, Arndt S, Sales de Freitas F, Pike J & Firing Y
(2019) Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C
(2018) Macronutrient Cycling in Arctic Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Brand T & Maerz C
(2018) Nitrogen Cycling in the Warming Arctic Ocean
Doncila A, Ganeshram R, Tuerena R, Henley S, Dodd P & Rutgers v. d. Loeff M
(2017) Macronutrient Cycling on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf
Henley S, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Dittrich R & Meredith M
(2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling at the West Antarctic Peninsula
Dittrich R, Henley S, Ganeshram R, Cowie G, Mowbray S, Meredith M & Ducklow H
(2016) Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Antarctic Sea Ice and Exchange with the Surface Ocean
Henley S, Ganeshram R, Annett A, Fallick A, Meredith M, Clarke A & Venables H
(2014) How is the Marine Nitrogen Cycle Responding to Physical Climate Change at the Antarctic Peninsula?
Henley S, Ganeshram R, Annett A & Meredith M

Henmi T. (2005) Molecular Orbital Study on Dissolution of Allophane with Dilute Alkali Solution
Abidin Z, Matsue N & Henmi T

Henne A. (2016) Biogeochemical Cycling of Copper during Supergene Weathering
Henne A, Schuster J & Southam G

Henne Stefanie (2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Geothermal Fluids
Vieth-Hillebrand A, Vetter A, Sachse A, Henne S, Regenspurg S & Mangelsdorf K

Henne Stephan (2013) Tracking Stable CO2 Isotopes with Laser Spectroscopy at Jungfraujoch
Emmenegger L, Tuzson B, Sturm P & Henne S

Henne W. (2012) Stable Isotopes Reveal Biogeochemical Processes in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake
Gammons C, Henne W & Poulson S

Hennebel T. (2017) Heterotrophic Bioleaching of Mine Tailings
Williamson A, Varia J, Boon N, Nicolay X & Hennebel T
(2017) Chemical and Biogenic Organic Acid Leaching of Low-Grade, Polymetallic Primary Ores and Secondary Industrial Residues
Varia J, Williamson A, Boom N & Hennebel T
(2010) Structure-Catalytic Activity Relationship of Biogenic Pd Nanoparticles
Fitts JP, Chidambaram D, Hennebel T, Taghavi S, Boon N, Verstraete W & van der Leile D

Henneberger R. (2014) Driving the Methane Cycle – Microbial Communities and Vascular Plants in Alpine Fens
Cheema S, Henneberger R & Zeyer J

Hennekam F.M. (2011) Comparison of XRF Core Scan Data to Conventional Geochemical Analyses: Usage in High Resolution Paleoenvironmental Research
Hennekam FM & De Lange GJ

Hennekam R. (2021) Occurrence of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea over the Last 56 kyr
van Kemenade ZR, Hennekam R, van der Meer M, Hopmans EC, Villanueva L, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Rush D
(2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP
(2021) Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Marine Inorganic Carbon Chemistry in the Benguela Upwelling System during the Last 25 ka
Karancz S, de Nooijer LJ, Hennekam R, Erdem Z, Haghipour N, Schouten S, van der Wagt B & Reichart G-J
(2021) Controls of Redox-Dependent P Cycling on the Namibian Margin in Past and Present
Ungerhofer KA, Sweere T, Hennekam R, Erdem Z, Reichart G-J & Kraal P
(2019) Progressive Molybdenum Drawdown during Mediterranean Sapropel Deposition
Sweere T, Hennekam R & Reichart G-J
(2019) Biomarker Evidence for Cyanobacterial Blooms in a Brackish Surface Layer in the Mediterranean Sea during S5 Sapropel Deposition
Bale N, Hennekam R, Hopmans E, Dorhout D, Reichart G-J, van der Meer M, Villareal T, Sinninghe Damsté J & Schouten S
(2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Eccentricity-Related Cycles in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation
Lantink M, Davies J, Hennekam R, Hilgen F, Howard H, Martin D, Mason P, Reichart G-J & Schaltegger U
(2015) Redox-Controled Formation, Preservation, and Interruption of Organic-Rich Sapropel S1 Sediments
De Lange GJ, Hennekam R, Goudeau M-L & Filippidi A

Henneke J. (2023) Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M

Hennequin Salomé (2019) Simulating the Combined Response of Climate, Carbon Cycle and Marine Biodiversity Through a LIP Degassing
Hennequin S, Goddéris Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Brayard A

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