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Henehan Michael J (2021) The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R
(2021) Interrogating the Cretaceous-Palaeogene Li Isotope Crash with New Records of Foraminiferal δ7Li
Henehan MJ, Kalderon-Asael B, Barnet JSK, Witts JD, Rae JWB, Planavsky NJ, Hull PM & von Blanckenburg F
(2021) The Effect of Fungal Iron Uptake on Olivine Weathering Studied by Genetic Approaches in the Rock-Inhabiting Fungus Knufia Petricola
Gerrits R, Henehan MJ, Feldmann I, Radnik J, Agudo Jácome L, Lisec J, Schott J, Schumacher J, Gorbushina AA & von Blanckenburg F
(2021) Establishing a Reactive Transport Framework for Lithium Isotope Signatures of Weathering in a First-Order Hillslope
Golla JK, Kuessner ML, Henehan MJ, Bouchez J, Rempe DM & Druhan JL
(2021) Evaluating the Utility of K/Ca in Marine Carbonates as a Recorder of Seawater Chemistry
Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Erez J, Kniest JF, Raddatz J, Renema W, Gray WR, Henehan MJ, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D

Henehan Michael J. (2023) Introducing PETRARCH: Pinpointing Earth-System Thresholds for Anoxia with New Reconstructions of the Cretaceous Hothouse
Henehan MJ
(2023) New Boron Adsorption Experiments to Constrain Past Changes in δ11B of Seawater
Ring SJ, Henehan MJ, Blukis R & von Blanckenburg F
(2023) A New Perspective on the MECO ‘Carbon Cycle Conundrum’: δ30Si Records from Multiple Sites
. R, Henehan MJ, Frings PJ, Laub O, Penman D, Frick DA & von Blanckenburg F
(2023) The Role of Melanin in Fungal Fe Uptake, Mineral Weathering and Metal Corrosion
Gerrits R, Henehan MJ, Frick DA, von Blanckenburg F, Schumacher J & Gorbushina AA
(2023) Reconstructing the Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Paleogene Seawater Using Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Nambiar R, Coenen D, Henehan MJ, Khanolkar S, Stassen P, Renema W, Leroy A, Moreau F, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2023) Foraminiferal Boron Isotope Proxy for pH/atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions: Evolving Updates and New Data
Anagnostou E, Babila TL, Chalk TB, Henehan MJ, Khanolkar S, Ausin B & Westerhold T
(2019) The Influence of Lithology on Mg Cycling in Highly Weathered Catchments: Insights from Mg Isotopes at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Chapela Lara M, Schuessler JA, Buss HL, Henehan MJ & McDowell WH
(2019) Extreme Li Isotope Fractionation during Tropical Weathering: The Multiple Roles of Secondary Minerals
Chapela Lara M, Buss H, Schuessler J & Henehan M
(2019) Interrogating the Paleocene Palaeoclimate Paradox
Henehan M, Barnet J, Planavsky N, Littler K, Hain M, Thomas E, Özen V, von Blanckenburg F & Hull P
(2014) Automated Sample Preparation for Boron Isotopes: Removing an Analytical Barrier
Martínez-Botí MA, Anagnostou E, Foster GL, Field MP, Henehan MJ, Stewart JA & de la Vega E
(2013) Surface Ocean δ11B-pH Reconstructions and Insights into the Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange during the Last Deglaciation
Martínez-Botí MA, Marino G, Foster GL, Ziveri P, Henehan MJ, Mortyn PG & Vance D
(2013) Investigation of Boron, Carbon, and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in the Aragonite-CO2-H2O System
Klein Gebbinck C, Kim S-T, Henehan M & Foster G
(2012) Insights on Biomineralisation and the Nature of 'Vital Effects' Using Boron Isotopes
Henehan M, Foster G, Rae J, Ries J, Erez J, Bostock H, Kucera M, Castillo K, Martinez-Bota M & Wilson P
(2011) Calibrating the Boron Isotope pH-Proxy in Globigerinoides Ruber by MC-ICPMS
Henehan M, Foster G, Rae J, Erez J, Wilson P & Kucera M

Heng C. (2017) Testing the Chondrule-Rich Accretion Model for Planetary Embryos Using Calcium Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F, Pringle E, Bouvier A, Heng C & Day J

Heng K. (2023) Geoastronomy: Galactic Chemical Evolution Expressed in Rocky Exoplanet Geodynamics
Mojzsis SJ, Gaillard F & Heng K
(2023) A Unified Framework for Modeling the Chemistry of Secondary and Hybrid Atmospheres of Super Earths and Sub-Neptunes
Tian M & Heng K
(2023) Exploring Non-Isobaric Treatment in Exoplanetary Atmospheric Retrieval
Novais A, Fisher C, Ghezzi L & Heng K
(2023) Exoplanet Ocean Chemistry in the Presence of Diverse Carbonates
Hakim K, Tian M, Bower DJ & Heng K

Heng W.X. (2020) Geoenvironmental Characterisation of the King River Delta: A Combined Geophysical, Geochemical and Mineralogical Approach
Nascimento S, Parbhakar-Fox A, Cracknell M & Heng WX

Henian W. (2004) Albite-Granite Dykes: A New Type Au-Bearing Formation of the Altay Telluride-Type Gold Deposits, in Xinjiang Province, China
Xiao H, Henian W, Jiyuan Z, Yongguan D & Kunyi G

Henig S. (2003) Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr, B, O, H) Characterization of Groundwater from the Lower Cretaceous Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev and Arava Valley, Israel
Henig S, Vengosh A, Ganor J & Bullen T

Henin O. (2005) Organo-Colloidal Control on Trace-Element Distribution in Shallow Groundwaters: Fingerprinting by Ultracentrifugal Cells
Dia A, Morin E, Pourret O, Gruau G, Davranche M & Henin O
(2004) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization: A Challenge to Understand Trace Metal Distribution in Surface Waters
Dia A, Dufaud F, Gruau G, Grybos M & Henin O

Heninger C. (2021) Geochemical Properties of Lake Khargal Sediments in Northern Mongolia
Orkhonselenge A, Fowell SJ, Bigelow N, Barna J, Gerelsaikhan D & Heninger C

Henjes-Kunst F. (2016) Early Paleozoic I- and S-Type Granitic Magmatism at the Pacific Margin of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM): Dominantly a Crustal Recycling Process?
Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A, Menneken M, Tribuzio R, Schüssler U & Zeh A
(2015) Rb-Sr Dating of Sphalerite from Poly-Metallic Sulfide Veins of the Freiberg Ore District, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Ostendorf J, Henjes-Kunst F, Seifert T & Gutzmer J
(2013) Boninite-Derived Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusives from Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): Implications for Mantle Source Metasomatism
Tribuzio R, Henjes-Kunst F, Braga R & Tiepolo M
(2012) Strontium-, Magnesium-, Sulfur- and Bromine-Isotopes as Indicators for Brine Origin and Migration
Stadler S, Henjes-Kunst F, Shoukar-Stash O & Buhl D
(2012) Development of (U-Th)/He Geochronology of Columbite Ores
Dunkl I, Melcher F, Henjes-Kunst F & von Eynatten H
(2011) Mid and Heavy REE in Carbonatites at Lofdal, Namibia
Do Cabo V, Wall F, Sitnikova M, Ellmies R, Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A & Downes H
(2008) Application of the Sm-Nd Isochron Method to Dating of Evaporitic and Hydrothermal Carbonates
Henjes-Kunst F, Prochaska W & Schramm M
(2008) Inclusion Fluid Chemistry of Sparry Magnesite Mineralizations in the Eastern Alps
Prochaska W & Henjes-Kunst F
(2007) "Blood Coltan": Fingerprinting of Columbite-Tantalite Ores
Sitnikova M, Melcher F, Oberthür T, Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A, Brätz H & Davis D

Henke K. (2010) Time Series Analysis of CO Emissions from a Coal Fire, Eastern Kentucky
Hower J, Rangwala A, O'Keefe J, Henke K & Engle M

Henke Stephan (2015) Modelling the Thermal Evolution of Chondritic Asteroids and Comparison to Geochronological Data
Henke S, Fischer C, Gail H-P, Trieloff M & Schwarz WH

Henke Steven (2008) Anisotropic Diffusion in Crystals: Insights from Computer Simulations
Henke S, Ihinger P & Thomas P

Henke T. (2009) Prediction of Sub-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Inventories by Empirical Relationships
Marquardt M, Hensen C, Henke T, Müller C & Wallmann K

Henkel C. (2019) Leaching of Additives and Fragmentation of Plastics in Semi-Terrestiral Environments
Hüffer T, Henkel C & Hofmann T

Henkel D. (2023) Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions in Cultured Brachiopod Shells
Rollion-Bard C, Jurikova H & Henkel D
(2019) In situ Measurements of Isotopic and Elemental Ratios in Brachiopods: Implications for their Use as Environmental Proxies and their Biomineralization Processes
Rollion-Bard C, Milner Garcia S, Burckel P, Angiolini L, Jurokiva H, Tomasovych A & Henkel D
(2019) Element Partitioning in Brachiopods – Implications for Proxy Use and Biomineralisation
Jurikova H, Ippach M, Liebetrau V, Gutjahr M, Krause S, Büsse S, Gorb SN, Henkel D, Hiebenthal C, Schmidt M, Leipe T, Laudien J, Rollion-Bard C & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Lithium in Brachiopods – Proxy for Seawater Evolution?
Gaspers N, Magna T, Tomasovych A, Henkel D, Eisenhauer A & Fryda J
(2017) Variations in the Oxygen Isotope Composition and Minor Element Ratios in the Shell Microstructure of Modern Brachiopods
Milner S, Rollion-Bard C, Burckel P, Tomašových A, Angiolini L, Jurikova H & Henkel D

Henkel Steven (2016) Impact of Wettability on Two Phase Flow at the Pore Scale
Ruecker M, Bartels W-B, Berg S, Mahani H, Ott H, Georgiadis A, Brussee N, Coorn A, van der Linde H, Hinz C, Jacob A, Wagner C, Henkel S, Enzmann F, Bonnin A, Stampanoni M, Hassanizadeh SM & Blunt M

Henkel Susann (2015) Fe Isotopes Revealing Mineral-Specific Redox Cycling in Sediments
Henkel S, Kasten S, Poulton S & Staubwasser M
(2015) Sequential Extraction for Palaeoproterozoic BIF and Implications
Oonk P, Tsikos H, Mason P, Staubwasser M, Henkel S & Williams H

Henkel Susann (2019) Iron Transport by Subglacial Meltwater Indicated by δ56Fe in Coastal Sediments of King George Island, Antarctica
Henkel S, Kasten S, Hartmann J, Silva Busso A & Staubwasser M
(2019) Post-Depositional Manganese Mobilization during the Last Glacial Period in Sediments of the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Volz J, Liu B, Köster M, Henkel S, Koschinsky A & Kasten S

Henkel Susann (2017) Iron Cycling and Isotope Fractionation in Shelf Sediments of King George Island, Antarctica
Henkel S, Kasten S, Hartmann J & Staubwasser M
(2017) Drivers of Iron Cycling in Sediments of the sub-Antarctic Island South Georgia
Kirschenmann E, Henkel S, Mogollón J, Fischer D, Kuhn G, Torres M, Bohrmann G & Kasten S
(2017) Investigating the Effects of High Temperature and a Deep SMTZ on Rock Magnetic Properties at Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370
Kars M, Henkel S & Okutsu N

Henkel Susann (2022) Marine Ice: A Sleeping Iron Giant in the Southern Ocean?
Stichel T, Freitag J, Henkel S, Geibert W & Kasten S
(2022) The Iron “Redox Battery” in Coastal Sandy Sediments and its Effect on the Cycling and Turnover of Phosphorus and Organic Matter
Zhou Z, Henkel S, Kasten S & Holtappels M

Henkel Susann (2021) Volcanic Ash Alteration as Driver of (Bio-)geochemical Iron Cycling in Deep Marine Sediments of the Nankai Trough
Köster M, Manners HR, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Staubwasser M, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Heuer VB, Kasten S & Henkel S

Henkel Susann (2023) Iron Isotope Signals: Use and Limitations in Natural Marine Sediments
Henkel S, Köster M, Liu B, Staubwasser M, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Manners HR, Heuer VB, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Kasten S
(2023) Preliminary Results of Sedimentary Stable Iron Isotope Data from South Georgia, Southern Ocean
Ebner B, Henkel S, Staubwasser M, Laufer-Meiser K, Köster M & Kasten S

Henkel Susann (2020) Carbon Mineralization Pathways in Antarctic Shelf Sediments, East Antarctic Peninsula
Baloza M, Henkel S, Kasten S & Holtappels M

Henkel Susann (2012) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction in Deep Marine Sediments
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Lyons TW, Henkel S, Voemeyer A, Reese BK, Mills HJ & Kasten S
(2012) Methane and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Biogeochemistry in the Argentine Basin
Formolo M, Riedinger N, Mogollon J, Henkel S, Tomasini J, Strasser M, Vossmeyer A & Kasten S
(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S

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