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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Henderson Charles (2018) Insights into the End-Permian Mass Extinction from High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology: Progress and Future Prospects
Ramezani J, Shen S-Z, Chen J, Erwin D, Zhang H, Henderson C & Bowring S

Henderson Charles M. (2022) High-Resolution Olenekian (Lower Triassic) Conodont Unitary Association Zonation: Global Distribution and Paleogeographic Implications
Lyu Z, Henderson CM, Chen Z-Q & Zhao L

Henderson Dale (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Henderson Donald (2018) Molecular Characterization of Preserved Tissues in a Cretaceous Ankylosaur
Summons R, Herrera J, Sistiaga A, Brown C, Henderson D & Vinther J

Henderson Gideon (2021) Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G
(2020) Behaviors of Neodymium Isotopes and Carbon Isotopes in the South Atlantic Ocean
Wang R, Piotrowski A, Clegg J & Henderson G
(2019) A One-Column Separation of Ca and Sr for Accurate Isotopic Analysis Using MC-ICPMS
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw NS, Henderson GM, Chen B, Li S, Ma J & Li Z
(2019) GEOTRACES: Inspired by GEOSECS to Investigate Trace Elements and their Isotopes in the Ocean
Anderson R, Francois R, Frank M, Henderson G, Jeandel C & Sharma M
(2019) The Calcification Response of Multiple Species of Coccolithophore to Elevated Ocean Alkalinity
Gill S, Rickaby R & Henderson G
(2019) Multi-Proxy Speleothem Evidence for Southeast Asian Hydroclimate Variability Since 38 ka
Johnson K, Wood C, Griffiths M, Borsato A, Frisia S, Henderson G & Mason A
(2019) Coupled Trace Element and Stable Isotope Proxies Expose Alternating Wet and Dry Climates in Iran’s Past
Carolin S, Ersek V, Henderson G & Walker R
(2019) Testing the Milankovitch–climate Connection with U-Series Chronology of Carbonates
Henderson G, Carolin S, Johnson K, Mason A, Breitenbach S & Vaks A

Henderson Gideon M (2023) Ni Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Amorphous Nickel Sulfides
Wang T-H, Hsieh Y-TA, Clayton K, Cosmidis J & Henderson GM
(2023) Timing and Cause of Increased Water Availability in Arid South-Of-Atlas Region – Reconstruction from Cave Stalagmites
Day CC, Couper HO, Barrott JJ, Carolin SA, Bouzouggar A, Barton N & Henderson GM
(2022) Chemical Controls on Carbonate Sediment Production and Phosphate Concentration in Alkaline Lakes
Pietzsch R, Tosca NJ & Henderson GM
(2022) Ni Isotope Fractionation during Marine Phytoplankton Uptake: Implications for a Limited and Fractionated Bioavailable Ni Pool in the Modern Ocean
Wang T-H, Zhang Q, Hsieh Y-T, Rickaby REM & Henderson GM
(2022) Diagenetic Cycling of Barium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Petrou E, Bridgestock L, Henderson GM, Hsieh Y-T, Wang T-H, Kasten S, Foschi M, Macminn C & Baioumy M
(2022) Barium Isotopes in Atmospheric Aerosols: Tracing Anthropogenic Inputs to the South China Sea
Hsieh Y-TA, Huang K-F, Henderson GM & Ho T-Y
(2021) A Pronounced Eu Anomaly in Dissolved Seawater REE Patterns Close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Selzer S, Hsieh Y-TA, Holdship P, Resing JA, Tagliabue A, Annett A, Homoky WB & Henderson GM
(2021) Balancing the Modern Marine Barium Isotope Budget with Estuarine Processes
Bridgestock L, Nathan J, Paver R, Hsieh Y-TA, Porcelli D, Tanzil JTI, Holdship P, Carrasco G, Annammala KV, Swarzenski P, Andersson P & Henderson GM
(2021) Characterising Rates and Chemistry of Basalt Dissolution in Agriculture Soil Cores to Assess Potential of Enhanced Weathering
Buckingham FL, Holdship P, Renforth P & Henderson GM
(2021) Barium Isotope Calibrations between Shallow-Water Corals and in situ Seawater
Hsieh Y-TA, Paver R, Tanzil JTI, Bridgestock L, Lee JN & Henderson GM

Henderson Gideon M. (2018) Isotopic Constraints on the Molybdenum Cycle in the Late Cretaceous
Dickson A, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Murphy M, Jenkyns H, Idiz E, Porcelli D, Henderson G, van den Boorn S & Eldrett J
(2018) End of Green Sahara Responsible for Monsoon Failure and Societal Shifts in Mainland Southeast Asia
Griffiths M, Johnson K, Pausata F, White J, Yang H, Henderson G & Conrad C
(2018) Iron Fuels Vast Phytoplankton Bloom along 40°South in the Atlantic Ocean
Schlosser C, Henderson G, Tagliabue A, Klar JK, Woodward EMS & Achterberg EP
(2018) Redox Cycling Control on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Waters, Porewaters, and Sediments in the Saanich Inlet
Bryan A, Dickson A, Sorensen J, Porcelli D, Van Den Boorn S & Henderson G
(2018) Barium Isotopes in South Atlantic Sediment Pore Waters
Hsieh Y-T, Bridgestock L, Homoky WB & Henderson GM
(2017) Barium Isotope Fractionation in Hydrothermal Vent Fluids: Constraints on Ba Inputs to the Ocean
Hsieh Y-T, Bridgestock L, Seyfried Jr. WE & Henderson GM
(2017) Variations in Indo-China Hydroclimate over the Last Two Millennia
Wang J, Johnson K, Griffiths M & Henderson G
(2017) The Role of Scavenging on the Oceanic Distribution of 231Pa, 230Th and 10Be
Plancherel Y, Basak C, Khatiwala S, Carney L, Anderson R & Henderson G
(2017) Sediment Cadmium Isotopes as a Proxy for Nutrient Dynamics during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretacous)
Sweere T, Dickson A, Jenkyns H, Ruhl M, van den Boorn S, Porcelli D, Henderson G & Idiz E
(2017) Ba Isotopes in Cold Water Corals
Hemsing F, Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Spooner PT, Robinson LF, Frank N & Henderson GM
(2017) Effect of Thermal Alteration on the Preservation of Molybdenum- and Zinc-Isotope Palaeoproxies in Organic-Rich Sediments
Dickson A, Idiz E, van den Boorn S, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Porcelli D, Henderson G, Jenkyns H & Hesselbo S
(2017) Barium Isotope Variations Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Henderson GM & Porcelli D
(2017) Speleothem Trace Element Responses over the Last Deglaciation and Holocene in Northern Laos
Wood C, Johnson K, Griffiths M & Henderson G
(2017) Controls on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Modern Marine Sediments
Bryan A, Dickson A, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Slomp C, Homoky W, Dowdall F & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Zn Isotopes from Carbonates as a Tracer for Nutrient Dynamics during OAE-2
Sweere TC, Dickson AJ, Jenkyns HC, Henderson GM, Porcelli D & van den Boorn S
(2016) δ238U Reconstructions of Global Ocean Oxygenation during OAE 2
Murphy M, Hsieh Y-T, Dickson A, Sweere T, Van Den Boorn S, Porcelli D, Jenkyns H, Henderson G & Stirling C
(2016) Cd Isotope Signatures of Seawater, Suspended Particulate Matter, and Surface Sediments from the UK GEOTRACES 40°S Transect
Bryan A, Dowdall F, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Dickson A & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on the Biogeochemical Cycle of Ba in the South Atlantic
Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Homoky W & Bryan A
(2016) New Insights into Ocean Circulation and Particle Interaction from a Global Dissolved Rare Earth Element Dataset
Plancherel Y, Zheng X, Scott P, Osborne A, Hathorne E, Frank M & Henderson GM
(2016) A Multi-Proxy Speleothem Record of Southeast Asian Monsoon Variability Since 46 kyr BP
Johnson K, Griffiths M, Yang H & Henderson G
(2016) Coupled Modelling of Speleothem Major Isotope Systems
Owen RA, Day CC & Henderson GM
(2016) Reconstructing Rainfall from Growth, Trace-Elements, and Novel Isotopes in Speleothems
Henderson G, Barrott J, Day C, Owen R, Vaks A & Mason A

Henderson Gideon Mark (2015) Quantifying Oceanic Trace-Element Fluxes with U-Series Isotopes
Henderson G, Deng F, Hsieh Y-T & Yves P
(2015) The Iron Isotope Signature of Shallow Pore Waters Spanning the Depth of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky W, Conway T, John S, Hsieh Y-T, Woodward M, Henderson G & Mills R
(2015) Highlights from the GEOTRACES International Programme
Masferrer Dodas E, Bull A, Jeandel C, Henderson GM & Geotraces G
(2015) Barium Stable Isotope Fractionation in Seawater
Hsieh Y-T & Henderson GM
(2015) The Distribution of 236U/238U and 129I/236U in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
Christl M, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Masque P, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Henderson GM & Synal H-A
(2015) Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes in Caves Across Southern India
Kaushal N, Henderson G, Yadava M & Ramesh R
(2015) O and C Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions – Response to Changing Saturation State
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2015) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Caves: Implications for Speleothem Palaeoclimatology
Owen RA, Day CC, Hu C, Liu Y & Henderson G
(2015) Timing and Amplitude of the MIS5a and MIS5c Highstands in the Western North Atlantic-Caribbean
Wainer K, Rowe M, Mason A, Thomas A, Williams B, Dustherus A, Tamisiea M & Henderson G
(2014) Glacial-Interglacial Weathering Variations: Evidence from Speleothem Li Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Vaks A, Bar-Matthews M & Henderson G
(2014) Quantifying Non-Conservative Behavior of the Rare Earth Elements in the South Atlantic
Scott P, Zheng X, Plancherel Y, Hembury D, Pointing M, Woodward M & Henderson G
(2013) Assessing the Dissolution of Marine Sediment with 230Th, and the Impact of Dissolution on Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Deng F, Henderson G, Thomas A, Homoky W & Mills R
(2013) Suboxic Sediments as an Oceanic Sink of Isotopically-Light Cadmium
Horner TJ, Homoky WB, Georgiev SV, Stein HJ, Hannah JL, Mills RA, Rehkämper M & Henderson GM
(2013) Speleothem Reconstruction of Sea Level at Bermuda over the Last Climatic Cycles
Wainer KAI, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Thomas AL, Rowe M, Williams B, van Hengstum PJ & Chandler R
(2013) Trace Metal Inputs from River-Fed and River-Starved Margin Sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky WB, Mills RA, Hsieh Y-T, Hembury DJ, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2013) The Role of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for Chemical Fluxes in the Atlantic: Clues from Ra and Ac Isotopes
Geibert W, Hsieh Y-T & Henderson GM
(2013) Comparison of 228Ra and Microstructure Derived Ocean Mixing Rates and Chemical Fluxes in the Cape Basin
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, Palmer MR, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2013) Iron Availability Controls Phytoplankton Ecophysiology in the South Atlantic Subtropical Convergence Zone
Browning TJ, Bouman HA, Henderson GM, Moore CM, Schlosser C, Tarran GA & Woodward EMS
(2013) Lead Isotopes and Concentrations in the South Atlantic from the UK GEOTRACES Transect along 40°S
Paul M, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Weiss D, Lohan M & Henderson G
(2013) Rare Earth Element Distributions as Tracers of Micronutrient Input and Nd Cycling in the South Atlantic
Hembury D, Cheng X, Holdship P, Scott P, Pointing M & Henderson G
(2013) Modelling Scavenged Ocean Tracers: Rare Earth Element Transport and Fractionation
Plancherel Y, Zheng X, Scott P, Khatiwala S & Henderson GM
(2013) Altitudinal δ18O Gradients from Chinese Stalagmites Provide Records of Holocene Humidity Variation
Hu C, Henderson GM, Liao J, Ruan J, Li C, Xie S & Johnson K
(2013) Stalagmite Trace-Element Reconstruction of Terrestrial Hydrology: Results from Cave-Analogue Studies
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2013) Reconstructing Past Hydrology from Annual Cycles in Trace Elements in a Moroccan Stalagmite
Barrott J, Day C & Henderson G
(2012) Reconstructing Deep-Ocean Nutrients with Paired Cd/Ca and Cd Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals
Horner TJ, Henderson GM, Rickaby REM & Adkins JF
(2012) Tracing Metal Inputs and Cycles in the South Atlantic with Rare Earth Elements
Zheng X, Noble A, Saito M, Pointing M, Holdship P & Henderson G
(2012) Uranium Series Rate Meters for Ocean Processes
Henderson G, Hsieh Y-T, Bourne M, Geibert W, Deng F & Thomas A
(2012) 236U in Seawater – Contaminant and Tracer
Henderson G, Belshaw N, Neely R, Thomas A, Holdship P & Buesseler K
(2012) Using 228Ra to Assess Ocean Mixing and Nutrient Fluxes in the Cape Basin
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2012) Controls on Seawater Pa_231, Th_230 and Th_232 Concentrations along the Flow Paths of Major Deep-Water Masses in the Southwest Atlantic
Deng F, Thomas A, Henderson G & Rijkenberg M
(2012) Saturation State of CaCO3 Precipitation from Seawater at Raised Alkalinity
Renforth P, Henderson G, Kruger T & Darton R
(2011) 17O Anomaly of Dissolved O2 in the Deep Atlantic Ocean
Luz B, Barkan E, Henderson G & Smethie W
(2011) 227Ac in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean: New Results from Bonus-Goodhope and UK GEOTRACES
Geibert W, Hsieh A, Hanfland C, Verdeny E, Masque P & Henderson G
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
(2011) Stalagmite Reconstruction of Moroccan Climate from Geographically Spaced Records
Barrott JJ, Day CC, Barton RNE, Bouzouggar A & Henderson GM
(2011) O and Ca Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions
Day CC, Reynard LM, Pointing MD, Blättler CL & Henderson GM
(2011) Sea-Water 231Pa and 230Th Measurements, Understanding the Proxy in the S.E. Atlantic?
Thomas AL & Henderson GM
(2011) Nd-Isotope Evolution in the Cretaceous Gault and Chalk Seas (Albian–Maastrichtian)
Zheng X, Jenkyns H, Henderson G, Ward D & Gale A
(2011) Separating the Sources of 228Ra to the Open Ocean with 223, 224, 226, 228Ra Measurements in Loch Etive and the South-East Atlantic
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, van Beek P & Henderson G
(2011) Changes in Global Weathering Indicated by the Ca-Isotope Record of Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a and 2
Blättler CL, Jenkyns HC, Reynard LM & Henderson GM
(2011) A Depth Transect of Four 25 kyr 231Pa/230Th Records from the Argentine Basin: Assessing Southern Component Flow Rates
Hickey B, Henderson G, Thomas A, Rae J, Chiessi C & Mulitza S
(2011) Did the Glacial Atlantic Overturning Circulation run Backwards?
Zahn R, Hall I, Henderson G, Masque P & Thomas A
(2011) Synthetic ‘Age Solutions’, Reference Materials for U-Th Geochronology
Condon D, Henderson G, Richards D & Woodhead J
(2011) Isotopic Fractionation of Cadmium into Calcite
Horner T, Rickaby R & Henderson G
(2011) Speleothem Record of Permafrost in Siberia and Aridity in Mongolia during the Last 450 kyr
Vaks A, Gutareva O, Breitenbach S, Avirmed E, Kononov A, Osinzev A & Henderson G
(2010) In Search of a Common Reference Material for Cadmium Isotope Studies
Abouchami W, Rehkämper M, Galer SJG, Horner TJ, Xue Z, Henderson GM, Wombacher F, Schonbachler M, Gault-Ringold M & Stirling C
(2010) New Sea-Level Constraints from IODP Sampling on Tahiti, and Clues to the Process of Deglaciation
Thomas A, Henderson G, Deschamps P, Yokoyama Y, Mason A, Bard E, Hamelin B & Camoin G
(2009) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Cave-Analogue Conditions
Reynard L, Day C & Henderson G
(2009) 231Pa/230Th as a Paleocirculation Proxy Outside the North Atlantic
Henderson GM, Hickey BJ, Rae JW, Thomas AL, Mueller SA & Edwards N
(2009) Tracing Sources of Fe to the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific with Rare Earth Elements and Aluminium
Yang J, Henderson G, de Hoog JCM & Measures C
(2009) Investigating Soil Processes Across the Hawaiian Islands Using U-Series Nuclides
Pett-Ridge J, Henderson G & Chadwick O
(2008) Comparison of Seasonal Geochemical Variability in Chinese Speleothems Under Different Climatic States
Johnson KR, Hu C, Stewart J & Henderson G
(2008) Cave-Analogue Calcite Growth in the Laboratory: Calibrating Stalagmite Palaeoproxies
Day C, Henderson G & Johnson KR
(2008) Controls on Trace Elements in Stalagmites Derived from in situ Growth in a Chinese Cave
Henderson G, Hu C & Johnson K
(2008) A Record of Seasonality in the Western Mediterranean from the LGM to Recent Using Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Limpet Shells
Ferguson J, Fa D, Finlayson J & Henderson G
(2008) Holocene Antarctic Seasonality Reconstructions from Barnacles
Burgess S, Henderson G & Hall B
(2008) Stable Calcium Isotope Ratios (δ44/42Ca) in Bones and Teeth for the Detection of Dairying by Ancient Humans
Reynard L, Hedges R & Henderson G
(2008) Coral Li/Ca in Micro-Structural Domains as a Temperature Proxy
Montagna P, Lopez Correa M, Ruggeberg A, McCulloch M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dullo W-C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Freiwald A, Henderson GM & Mazzoli C
(2008) The Timings of Sea Level Change during the Last Glacial Cycle, from U/Th Dating of Submerged Corals: Results from IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti Sea Level”
Thomas A, Henderson G, Deschamps P, Yokoyama Y, Bard E, Hamelin B, Durand N & Camoin G
(2008) 231Pa/230Th in the Argentine Basin as a Tracer of Past Southern-Source Water-Mass Flow
Hickey B, Thomas A, Rae J, Mulitza S, Chiessi C & Henderson G
(2008) Lithium Isotope Geochemistry in a Polar Desert, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Witherow R, Henderson G & Lyons WB
(2008) Calibrating U-Series Tools for Weathering Rate and Duration on a Soil Sequence of Known Ages
Keech A, Pett-Ridge J, West J & Henderson G
(2007) U-Th Stratigraphy of a Cold Seep Carbonate Crust
Bayon G, Henderson G, Bohn M, Gontharet S & Pierre C
(2006) δ44/42Ca in gas hydrates, porewaters and authigenic carbonates from Niger Delta sediments
Henderson G, Bayon G, Benoit M & Chu N-C
(2006) Li isotopes as a probe for continental weathering and mineral growth processes
Henderson G, Mason A & Taylor P
(2006) Constant flow of AABW into the Indian Ocean over the past 140 ka? Conflict between 231Pa/230Th and sortable silt records
Thomas A, Henderson G & McCave N
(2006) The impact of growth rate on trace-element and Li-isotope composition of inorganically precipitated calcium carbonates
Mason A & Henderson G
(2006) Testing Seasonal Resolution Trace Element and Stable Isotope Proxies of East Asian Monsoon Rainfall
Johnson K, Hu C & Henderson G
(2006) High-resolution records of 10Be production rates during the Iceland Basin excursion
Knudsen MF, Henderson GM, Frank M, Mac Niocaill C & Kubik P
(2006) Constraints on the dynamic of gas hydrates in Niger Delta sediments from U/Th dating of cold-seep carbonates
Bayon G, Henderson GM, Pierre C, Caprais J-C & Voisset M
(2006) Controls On Trace Element Incorporation Into Carbonates Grown In Cave-Analogue Conditions In The Laboratory
Day C, Johnson KR & Henderson GM
(2006) High resolution climate records from stable isotopes and trace metals in mollusc shells from Gibraltar
Ferguson J, Fa DA, Atkinson TC, Barton RNE, Ditchfield P, Henderson GM & Finlayson JC
(2004) 231Pa/230Th as a Tracer of Ocean Circulation in the Indian Ocean?
Thomas A, Henderson G & Robinson L
(2004) Cu and Zn Isotope Fractionation during Sorption Experiments
Rousset D, Henderson G & Shaw S
(2003) In situ Measurements of Quartz Solubility Using the Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
Wang H, Henderson G & Brenan J
(2002) 238, 234U, 232, 230Th, 226Ra, and Ba in Holocene Marine Carbonate and its Potential for Age-Dating
Staubwasser M & Henderson GM
(2002) Th, Pa and U Isotopes in Bahamas Seawater by MC-ICP-MS
Robinson LF & Henderson GM
(2002) Lithium and Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Inorganically Precipitated Calcite: Assessing their Potential as a Paleothermometer
Marriott C, Belshaw N & Henderson G
(2002) U-Th-Pb Chronology in Pleistocene Carbonates Using MC-ICP-MS
Becker ML, Henderson GM & Belshaw NS
(2002) U-Series Dating of Archaeological Bone Material by Laser Ablation Multiple-Ion-Counter ICP-MS
Belshaw NS, Pike AWG & Henderson GM
(2002) Nd in Sedimentary Planktic Foraminifera Located in a Phase that Records the Nd Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
Beney P, Vance D, Staubwasser M, Henderson G & Slowey N
(2002) Seasonal Trace Element and Isotope Variations in Freshwater Tufas: Potentials and Limitations for Climate Reconstruction
Ihlenfeld C, Maas R, Gagan M, Norman M & Henderson G
(2002) Ross Sea 226Ra and Ba Profiles Measured by MC-ICP-MS
Foster DA, Staubwasser M & Henderson G
(2002) Weathering Control of River and Ocean (234U/238U)
Henderson G, Robinson LF, Smith A, Matthews I, Barker D & Hall B
(2002) Determining the Mechanisms of Lithium Isotope Fractionation during Weathering
Pistiner JS & Henderson GM
(2002) Osmium Isotope Variations in the Oceans: Past and Present
Burton K, Gannoun A & Henderson G
(2001) Trace Element and Inclusion Chemistry of Gem Corundum: Extrapolating the Source for the Montana Alluvial Sapphires
Garland MI, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ
(2000) U-Th Dating of Marine Isotope Stage Seven in Bahaman Slope Sediments
Robinson LF, Henderson GM & Slowey NC
(2000) Neodymium in Sedimentary Foraminifera Records the Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
Vance D, Henderson GM, Burton KW & Slowey NC
(2000) Tracing Holocene Sources of North Atlantic Deep-Waters Using Nd-Isotopes in Bahamas Slope Sediments
Reynolds B, Henderson G & Burton K
(2000) Investigation of 226Ra/Ba Dating of Marine Carbonate by TIMS
Staubwasser M & Henderson GM

Henderson Grant (2019) The Structure of Alkali-Silicate Glasses: High Frequency Raman Bands and the Si-O-Si Intertetrahedral Angle
Henderson G, O'Shaughnessy C, Nesbitt W & Bancroft M
(2017) The Structure of Alkali Silicate Glasses: A Density and Raman Spectroscopy Study
O'Shaughnessy C, Henderson G, Bancroft M, Nesbitt W & Neuville D
(2017) Oxygen Speciation in Silicate Glasses and Melts
Nesbitt W, Bancroft M & Henderson G

Henderson Grant S. (2012) In situ High Pressure Changes to the O K-Edge Electronic Structure of CaMgSi2O6: An X-Ray Raman Approach
Moulton B, Kanzaki M, Fukui H, Hiraoka N & Henderson G
(2012) Structural Modifications in Densified Soda Alumino Silicate Glasses
Sonneville C, De Ligny D, Neuville D, Florian P, Le Floch S, Le Losq C & Henderson G
(2010) Ce Speciation in Silicate Melts
Smythe D, Brenan J, Bennett N, Henderson G & Regier T
(2010) First-Principles Simulations of Boron XANES with Implications for Determining B Coordination in Glasses and Melts
Henderson G, Ferlat G, Cabaret D & Dong S
(2008) A High Temperature Raman Spectroscopy Study of Glasses and Melts along the GeO2-SiO2 Join
Henderson GS, Neuville D, Cochain B & Cormier L
(2002) Carboxylate Ions and Nordstrandite Growth: AFM Surface Observations
Peskleway CD, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ

Henderson Iain (2019) Neocrystallization of Zircon during Ultramylonitization: Cases from the Sveconorwegian and Mozambique Belts
Bingen B, Henderson I, Torgersen E & Reddy S
(2009) Zircon U-Pb Dating of Mylonitization, Macaloge Shear Zone, Mozambique
Bingen B, Henderson I & Reddy S
(2005) Molybdenite Deposits: Time Markers for Orogenic Processes, Example from SW Scandinavia
Bingen B, Stein HJ, Corfu F, Hamilton MA, Hannah JL & Henderson IHC

Henderson Iain H. C. (2023) Regional Scale Titanite U-Pb Dates, What do They Mean? Telemark, Norway
Bingen B, Hagen-Peter G, Torgersen E, Henderson IHC, Svendby A-K, Ganerød M & Haugsnes VS

Henderson K. (2019) Hyper-Enriched Black Shales: Paleoredox Conditions and Late-Stage Metal Mobility
Henderson K, Williams-Jones A & Clark J

Henderson L.C. (2023) Compound Specific Isotope and Enantiomer Analyses to Better Understand the Impacts of Marine Microbes on Oceanic Carbon Export
Wojtal PK, Henderson LC, Popp B & Close HG
(2021) Carbon Isotope Ratios of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Lower Euphotic Zone
Close HG & Henderson LC

Henderson Michael (2013) Iodide Ion Hydration in Aqueous Solution to 360C: Insight from XAS and ab Initio MD
Seward T, Henderson M, Suleimenov O & Charnock J

Henderson Michael (2011) An EXAFS and ab Initio Study of Aquated Cd2+ and Chlorocadmium(II) Complexes up to 300℃
Seward T, Lemke K, Henderson M, Charnock J & Sadjadi A
(2010) Characterization of Reactive Ferrous Iron in Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles for Contaminant Reduction
Pearce C, Qafoku O, Liu J, Arenholz E, Heald S, Felmy A, Henderson M & Rosso K
(2004) Local and Macroscopic Strain in the Barium Aluminate – Strontium Aluminate Solid Solution
Carpenter M, Rodehorst U, Marion S & Henderson M

Henderson Paul (2010) Nutrient Biogeochemistry in Permeable Sediments Impacted by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Charette M, Breier C, Dulaiova H, Gonneea M, Henderson P, Kroeger K, Mulligan A, Rao A & Slomp C
(2004) Trace Element Incorporation into Garnet as a Tracer of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Crystal Growth
Smith M, Henderson P & Jeffries T
(2000) REE and Uranium in Skarn Garnets and Other Phases: Constraints on the Transport of U and REE in Skarn Forming Fluids
Smith M, Henderson P, Long J & Williams CT
(2000) Fluid Evolution and The Formation and Alteration of Allanite in Skarn from the Beinn an Dhubaich Granite Aureole, Skye
Smith M & Henderson P

Henderson Paul (2020) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Inorganic Carbon Export from Intertidal Salt Marshes
Tamborski J, Gonneea ME, Kroeger K, Wang ZA, Henderson P, Kurylyk B & Charette M

Henderson Paul (2019) Spatial Variability of Inorganic Carbon Export from Intertidal Salt Marshes
Tamborski J, Charette M, Kurylyk B, Henderson P, Gonneea ME, Kroeger K & Wang ZA

Henderson Paul (2016) What are the Main Sources of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides to the Ocean off Japan Fiver Years Later ?
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Castrillejo M, Henderson P, Juan Diaz X, Kanda J, Masque P, Nagao S, Nishikawa J, Otosaka S & Pike S

Henderson Paul (2015) 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
Hammond D, Charette M, Moore W, Henderson P, Sanial V, Kipp L & Anderson R
(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K
(2013) Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Boundary Exchange Processes along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Charette M, Morris P, Jenkins W, Henderson P & Moore W

Henderson Paul B (2023) Prominent Regions of Enriched 228Ra along the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15)
Moore WS, Charette MA, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hammond D, Kemnitz N & Hult M
(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM
(2021) Controls on Barium and Radium-226 Distributions along GEOTRACES GP15
Le Roy E, Charette MA, Henderson PB, Shiller A, Moore W, Lawrence R, Shrikumar A, Casciotti KL, van Beek P, Souhaut M, Auro M & Horner TJ
(2021) Radium Inputs into the Arctic Ocean from Rivers: A Basin-Wide Estimate
Bullock EJ, Dabrowski JS, Kipp LE, Brown KA, Mann P, Henderson PB, Moore W & Charette MA

Henderson Paul B. (2017) 227Ac along GEOTRACES Transects in the Deep South Pacific and Preliminary Results for the Arctic
Hammond D, Charette M, Moore W, Henderson P, Sanial V, Kipp L & Anderson R
(2017) Distribution of Radium-226 along the GA01-GEOTRACES Section in the North Atlantic
Le Roy E, Sanial V, Charette MA, Henderson PB, Lacan F, GarcíaI-ibáñez MI, Pérez FF, Jacquet SHM, Lherminier P, Souhaut M, Jeandel C & van Beek P

Henderson R. (2011) Discovering Environmentally-Critical Nanomineralogy: Highly Reactive Mn-Oxyhydroxide Nanofiber Nucleation and Growth Catalyzed by Nanohematite
Veeramani H, Dippon U, Murayama M, Henderson R, Kappler A & Hochella MF

Henderson Samuel (2008) Stable Isotopic Tracers for Variations in Surface and Deep Water Circulation in the North Atlantic Since ~ 13 ka
Elmore A, Wright J & Henderson S

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