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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hemmings B. (2014) Reactive Transport Modelling the Early Meteoric Diagenesis of a Carbonate Island: A Critical Consideration of Complexity
Cooper K, Whitaker F, Rudd M & Hemmings B

Hemmingsson C. (2016) Arsenic and Phosphorus Dynamics in Early Proterozoic Oceans
Chi Fru E & Hemmingsson C
(2015) A Silica & Arsenic Controlled Early Proterozoic P Cycle
Hemmingsson C & Chi Fru E
(2015) Metagenomics and Biogeochemistry of Shallow Submarine Vent Field, Spathi Bay, Milos Island, Greece
Callac N, Hemmingsson C, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Argyraki A, Kilias S & Chi Fru E

Hemminsson C. (2013) Experimental Studies of Catalytic Properties of Iron II and III Modified Hydrothermal Zeolites
Iñiguez Pacheco JE, Hemminsson C & Holm NG

Hémond C. (2023) Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Mid Ocean Ridge Cold Spots
Verhoest L, Hémond C, Cipriani A, Nonnotte P, Maia M & Brunelli D
(2021) Is Archean Sulfur Recycled in Plume Sources? New Observations at Pitcairn
Labidi J, Dottin J, Clog M, Hemond C & Cartigny P
(2019) Insight into a not Well Stirred Indian Ocean Mantle 60-50 My ago
Hémond C, Das P & Iyer S
(2018) Mantle Flow from beneath Antarctica Toward the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hanan B, Graham D, Hemond C, Briais A, Ceuleneer G, Maia M, Park S-H & Revillon S
(2017) The GEISEIR Cruise: Sr, Nd and Trace Elements High Resolution of Mantle Signal beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hemond C, Bollinger C, Hanan B, Graham D & Nonnotte P
(2017) Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M
(2014) Helium Isotopic Textures in Earth’s Upper Mantle
Graham D, Hanan B, Hemond C, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2012) Lu-Hf Isotope Study of Mafic and Ultra Mafic Plutonic Rocks, Grenville Province
Cambrai E, Constantin M & Hemond C
(2012) The Southeast Indian Ridge: Scale of Source Heterogeneity and Origin of the DUPAL Anomaly
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarade F
(2012) Recycling of Crust in Proterozoic Convergent Margins: Evidences from Sm-Nd Isotopes and Trace Elements of Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Rocks from the Grenville Province
Constantin M, Hemond C, Sappin A-A, Montreuil J-F & Pik R
(2011) Central Indian Ridge Versus Réunion Hotspot: Do Interaction Processes Account for on and off Axis Geochemical Observations?
Hemond C, Janin M, Murton B, Füri E, Hilton D & Dyment J
(2011) New Isotopic Constraints on Amsterdam-St. Paul Hotspot Activity: Evidence for a Deep-Seated Mantle Plume and Implications for the DUPAL Anomaly Origin
Janin M, Hemond C, Maia M, Agranier A, Johnson K & Ponzevera E
(2011) Origin of the Seamounts Near Futuna Island, SW Pacific
Labanieh S, Chazot G, Etoubleau J, Fouquet Y, Dosso L & Hemond C
(2011) Stable Isotope (C-N) and Noble Gas (Ne-Ar) Evidence for Recycled Plume Components at the CIR
Barry P, Hilton D, Fueri E, Murton B, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2011) A High-Resolution, Multi-Isotopic Study of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge: Preliminary Pb and Hf Results
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarède F
(2011) An Unusual Hf-Pb Signature Below the East Pacific Rise – Mathematician Hotspot System
Mougel B, Agranier A, Hemond C & Gente P
(2010) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of La Réunion Island
Smietana M, Bachèlery P & Hémond C
(2009) Indian Ridges, Hotspots, Interaction: Réunion Central Indian Ridge and Amstersdam St Paul Southeast Indian Ridge Cases
Hémond C, Janin M, Maia M, Füri E, Hilton D, Murton B & Dyment J
(2009) Evidence for Ultra-Depleted Pb Isotopic Component in the Backarc Patagonian Mantle Wedge
Rivalenti G, Mazzucchelli M, Zanetti A, Hémond C & Cipriani A
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes and Plume-Ridge Interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge
Barry P, Hilton D, Sano Y, Takahata N, Murton B, Füri E, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Central Indian Ridge, 20°S: New Helium Isotope Results
Füri E, Hilton D, Dyment J, Hémond C & Murton B
(2008) Linking Erosion Rates and Climatic Variations in the Gulf of Lions, France: A Geochemical Approach
Revillon S, Berne S, Bayon G, Dennielou B & Hemond C
(2007) Timescales of Melt Extraction from a Heterogeneous Mantle beneath the Central Indian Ridge at 19.2°S
Cordier C, Benoit M, Hémond C, Dyment J, Le Gall B & Briais A
(2007) Different Origin for Mafic and Inter-Mediate/Felsic Lavas from Moorea Island (Society, French Polynesia)
Hemond C, Chauvel C, Maury R & Lewin E
(2006) The origin of E-MORB
Hofmann AW & Hémond C
(2002) Central Indian Ridge and Reunion Hotspot in Rodrigues Area: Another Type of Hotspot – Ridge Interaction ?
Hemond C, Dyment J, Maia M & Gente P
(2002) Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction along the Central Indian Ridge
Nauret F, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Hemond C & Hofmann AW

Hemond H. (2017) Deposition of Rare Earth Elements and Indium from the Atmosphere to an Ombrotrophic Bog in the Northeastern United States
White SJ, Laitz M, Valentine C & Hemond H
(2015) Atmospheric Sources and Transport of Emerging Metal Contaminants
White SJ & Hemond H
(2014) Industrial Influence on Indium Deposition from the Atmosphere to a Bog in the Northeastern United States
White SJ, Keach C & Hemond H
(2013) Indium’s Aqueous Behavior in a Stream Influenced by Acid Mine Drainage
White SJ, Hussain F, Hemond H, Runkel R, Walton-Day K & Kimball B

Hemp James (2013) Evolution of Photosynthesis
Hemp J, Pace L, Johnson J & Fischer W
(2013) Environmental Diversity of Denitrification
Pace L, Hemp J, Murali R, Gennis R & Fischer W
(2013) Sedimentary and Genomic Insights into the Evolution of Iron Oxidation
Fischer WW, Johnson JE, Hemp J, Pace LA, Planavsky NJ & Webb SM

Hemp James (2015) Diversity and Evolution of Nitric Oxide Reduction
Pace L, Hemp J, Murali R, Ward L, Sanford R, Gennis R & Fischer W
(2015) Manganese and the Evolution of Photosynthesis
Fischer W, Johnson J, Hemp J, Johnson H & Webb S
(2015) Evolution of Oxygenic Photosynthesis Triggered the Rise of Oxygen
Ward L, Hemp J, Shih P, Kirschvink J & Fischer W
(2015) Evolution of Anoxygenic Phototrophy
Hemp J, Ward L, Shih P, Pace L, Johnson J & Fischer W

Hemp James (2017) Evolution of Phototrophy and Carbon Fixation in the Chloroflexi Phylum
Ward L, Shih P, Hemp J, McGlynn S & Fischer W
(2017) What if Oxygenic Photosynthesis Isn’t that Old?
Fischer W, Hemp J, Hugenholtz P, Johnson J, Parks D, Shih P, Soo R, Rasmussen B, Webb S & Ward L

Hemsing F. (2017) Ba Isotopes in Cold Water Corals
Hemsing F, Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Spooner PT, Robinson LF, Frank N & Henderson GM
(2015) Mid-Depth Northeast Atlantic 14C during the Past 30000 Years
Frank N, Wefing A-M, Hemsing F, Fohlmeister J, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Blamart D, Schröder-Ritzrau A & Carreiro-Silva M
(2015) Growth Rate Variations of FeMn Crusts – O2 Concentrations in the Deep Pacific over the Last 30 ka
Hemsing F, Mangini A, Wirsig C & Frank N

Hemsley V. (2019) Denitrification Dominates Riverbed N2O Production
Ma C, Clark D, Hemsley V, Sanders I & Trimmer M
(2019) Are Sinking or Suspended Particles Hotspots of Marine Microbial Nitrogen Cycling?
Lam P, Fuessel J, Tribe H, Turnbull I, Baylay A, Hemsley V & Trimmer M

Hemza P. (2007) Isotopic and Geochemical Evidence of Gas Producing Microbial Ecosystems in Coal Seams and Gobs in the SW Upper Silesian Basin, Czechia
Francu J, Buzek F, Hemza P & Francu E

Henaut I. (2017) Plugging Wellbore Formations with Environment-Friendly Silicate Gels
Sissmann O, Fleury M, Leveque I, Henaut I, Chardin M, Labaume J & Brosse E

Henchiri S. (2016) The Global Riverine Li Budget to the Ocean
Gaillardet J, Henchiri S, Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Louvat P & Raymond PA
(2015) Large Variations of Lithium Isotopic Compositions in the Congo River System Trace Two Contrasted Weathering Regimes on a Flat Continental Setting
Henchiri S, Gaillardet J, Dellinger M, Bouchez J & Spencer R

Henck A. (2008) Seasonal Trends in Solutes and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of SE Tibet Rivers: Yarlung Tsangpo and Parlung
Hagedorn B, Nelson B, Kennell T, Henck A & Hallet B

Hencz M. (2023) FluidsByDepth: An Inclusion-Based Research Project on the Better Understanding of Lithosphere-Scale Fluid Transfer
Berkesi M, Spránitz T, Hencz M, Nemeth K, Török K, Békési E, Porkoláb K, Palcsu L, Kővágó Á & Szabó C

Hendel R. (2015) The Relationships between the Peaks of Mantle Convection Energy, Surface Heat Flow, and Crust-Mantle Differentiation
Walzer U & Hendel R
(2013) Episodic Growth of Continental Crust: A 3-D Geodynamic Model
Walzer U & Hendel R

Henderiks J (2006) Algal Constraints on the Cenozoic History of Atmospheric CO2
Henderiks J, Rickaby R & Elderfield H
(2006) Blooming Coccolithophores
Rickaby R, Stoll H, Henderiks J, Shaw S & Elderfield H
(2006) How do marine carbonate Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca proxies constrain Cenozoic ocean history
Elderfield H, Rickaby R & Henderiks J
(2000) Orbital Forcing of Dust Supply to the North Canary Basin over the Last 250 kyrs
Moreno A, Targarona J, Henderiks J, Canals M & Freudenthal T

Henderiks Jorijntje (2018) Resolving the Physiological Parameter ‘b’ for Alkenone-Based pCO2 Reconstructions
Zhang YG, Pearson A, Henderiks J, Liu X & Dong L
(2016) The alkenone-Pco2 Method over Glacial – Interglacial Cycles
Zhang YG, Benthien A, Dong L, Henderiks J & Pearson A

Hendershot W. (2012) Comparing the Soil Solution Chemistry of Soils Amended with Nano-Sized Copper Oxide, Micron-Sized Copper Oxide, and with a Copper Salt
McShane H, Whalen J, Sunahara G & Hendershot W

Henderson Amanda (2019) Quantifying Rock-Nitrogen Export from a Shale Hillslope to Floodplain in the East River Watershed, Colorado
Wan J, Tokunaga T, Bouskill N, Tfaily M, Brown W, Dong W, Maavara T, Henderson A, Williams K & Hubbard S

Henderson Amanda N (2022) Fossil Carbon Release and Exports from Subsurface Sedimentary Bedrock Weathering in Mountainous Watersheds
Wan J, Tokunaga TK, Dong W, Beutler C, Newman AW, Brown W, Bill M, Druhan JL, Henderson AN, Harvey-Costello N, Hubbard S & Williams KH
(2022) Linking Snowmelt and Nitrogen Cycling to Vegetation Community Dynamics along a Hillslope Transect
Arora B, Brodie E, Steefel C, Steltzer H, Wu Y, Faybishenko B & Henderson AN

Henderson Anna (2012) Understanding Biomarker Records of Terrestrial Paleoecolgy
Freeman KH, Graham H, Henderson A & Magill C

Henderson B. (2003) The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Paradigm in Environmental Research: How Far can it get You?
Bui E, Henderson B & Moran C

Henderson C M B (2006) X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of halide ion hydration in hydrothermal solutions
Seward TM, Henderson CMB, Suleimenov OM & Charnock JM
(2005) Spectroscopic Investigations of the Adsorption of As onto Bovine Bone
Harrison W, Wendlandt R, Charnock J & Henderson CMB
(2002) An EXAFS Study of Pd2+ Solvation in Aqueous Media and Chloride Complexing to 340℃ at Saturated Vapour Pressuree
Seward TM, Henderson CMB & Charnock JM
(2001) UV-Visible and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Seward TM & Henderson CMB
(2001) Dynamic In Situ, High-P/T Mineralogical and Petrological Research Using Synchrotron Radiation
Henderson CMB, Shaw S & Pawley AR
(2000) Hydrothermal Formation of Hydrated Ferric Oxides: An in situ Synchrotron Study
Shaw S, Pepper SE, Livens FR, Henderson CMB, Vaughan DJ & Clark SM

Henderson Carl (2017) Lithium Detection by Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry in an Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA)
Robbes A-S, Henderson C, Moret M, Kelly T & Larson D

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