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Helms John (2012) Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) from Diverse Oceanic Environments by Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis
Mopper K, Helms J, Chen H, Green N, Stubbins A, Perdue M, Hatcher P & Mao J
(2010) Elucidating the Structure of Gilsonite Bitumen by Advanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Mao J & Helms J

Helms T. (2005) Fluid-Mediated Mineral Consumption and Growth in Polymetamorphosed Metapelites of the Black Hills, South Dakota
Nabelek P, Labotka T, Helms T & Wilke M

Helmstaedt H (2003) Fate of the Subducted Farallon Plate Inferred from Eclogite Xenoliths in the Colorado Plateau
Usui T, Nakamura E, Kobayashi K, Maruyama S & Helmstaedt H

Helmstaedt Herwart (2023) Isotopic Fingerprint of Metasomatism in Eclogite Xenoliths from the Navajo Volcanic Field (USA)
Pohlner JE, Aulbach S, Seitz H-M, Spomer E, Albert R, Gerdes A, Schulze DJ & Helmstaedt H
(2022) Behaviour of S and Fe during Multi-Stage Metasomatism of Oceanic Crust as Revealed by Eclogite Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau
Aulbach S, Höfer HE, Stern RA, Schulze DJ & Helmstaedt H

Helmy Hasan (2019) Arsenic, Te, Se and S Contents in Basaltic Melt at Arsenide, Telluride, Sulfide and Selenide Saturation: the Role of Metal Ligands and Implications for PGM Formation from Silicate Melts
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R & Leitzke F

Helmy Hassan (2020) Ultra-Reduced Phases in Ophiolites Cannot Come from Earth's Mantle
Ballhaus C, Helmy H, Fonseca ROC, Nagel T, Wirth R & Schreiber A

Helmy Hassan (2021) Sr and O Isotope Analyses Reveal Late Cretaceous Shark Teeth in Iron Age Strata of Jerusalem
Tütken T, Weber M, Zohar I, Helmy H, Bourgon N, Lernau O, Jochum KP & Sisma-Ventura G

Helmy Hassan (2015) Platinum-Group Elements Fractionation by Selective Complexing
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Bragagni A & Heuser A

Helmy Hassan (2017) Arsenic, Te and Se Solubility in Basaltic Melts: The Role of Metal Ligands
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R & Leitzke F

Helmy Hassan (2013) Pre-Nucleation Clustering of Noble Metals in High-Temperature Magmatic Liquids
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Wirth R, Nagel T & Tredoux M
(2011) Possible Platinum Group Element (PGE) Clusters in Magmatic Systems; Using Synthetic Sulphide Melts
Kennedy B, Tredoux M, Ballhaus C, Helmy H, Swart H & Coetsee L
(2011) Late Volatile Addition to Earth
Ballhaus C, Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC, Muenker C, Albarède F, Rohrbach A, Schmidt MW, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Helmy H
(2011) PGE Complexes at Superliquidus Temperature: Embryos for Platinum-Group Minerals?
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Wirth R & Tredoux M
(2002) Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits from the Eastern Desert of Egypt: A Comparative Mineralogical and Geochemical Study
Helmy H

Helo C. (2015) Water-Speciation in Silicate Glass from Partial Raman Spectra
Helo C, Castro J, Hess K-U & Dingwell D

Hélouis T. (2014) Volatile (F and Cl) Concentrations in Iwate Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions Indicating Low Temperature Subduction
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Hamada M, Hélouis T, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N
(2011) Volatile Abundances and Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from Iwate Volcano, Japan
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Hamada M, Hélouis T, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N

Helpa V. (2013) Dolomite Reaction Rim Growth Under Non-Isostatic Stress
Helpa V, Rybacki E, Dresen G, Heinrich W, Abart R & Morales L

Helser Jillian (2023) Environmental Impact of Sulfidic Mine Waste and Valorization Potential in Building Materials
Cappuyns V & Helser J
(2020) Leaching of Heavy Metals from Waste Rock and Tailings from a Cu-Pb-Zn Mine
Helser J & Cappuyns V
(2019) Environmental and Health Impacts of Hazardous Metals from Sulfidic Mine Tailings
Helser J & Cappuyns V

Helser Jillian R (2021) Acid Generation Potential and Metal(loid) Release from Resuspended Sulfidic Mine Waste
Helser JR, Lupu A & Cappuyns V

Helstrup T. (2004) Transport and Reduction of Nitrate in Clayey Till Underneath Forest and Arable Land
Jorgensen P, Urup J, Helstrup T, Jensen M, Eiland F & Vinther F

Helten O. (2022) Gas Generation from Intact Opalinus Clay Drill Cores Under Elevated Temperature Conditions
Helten O, Ostertag-Henning C & Weger T
(2020) CO2 and Hydrocarbon Gases Generated from Opalinus Clay at Elevated Temperatures and Pressure
Helten O & Ostertag-Henning C

Helton A.M. (2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Helvaci C. (2010) Geochemistry of the Pınarbaşı Granite (Gediz-Kutahya-Western Anatolia)
Semiz B, Ozpinar Y & Helvaci C

Helvacı C. (2023) Lithium Isotope Composition of Western Anatolian Volcanic Rocks: Insight into the Lithiniferous Potential of Turkey
Lefebvre-Desanois MG, Palmer MR, Helvacı C, Ersoy YE & James RH

Helz Georg. R. (2018) Tungsten in Sulfidic Waters: Implications for Paleoceanography and the Origins of Life
Johannesson K, Cui M & Helz G
(2018) Molybdenum Burial Mechanism: Iron-Sulfide Pathway
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A
(2018) Rogoznica Lake as a Proxy for Biogeochemical Processes in Euxinic Marine Environment
Ciglenečki I, Mikac N, Helz GR, Marguš M & Čanković M

Helz George (2020) Interpreting Re/Mo Ratios in Sedimentary Rocks
Helz G
(2017) The Phantom of Anoxia: Zero-Valent Sulfur
Helz G & Ciglenecki I
(2017) Inorganic Fixation of Molybdenum
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A

Helz George R. (2014) Thioanions, the Forgotten Ligands in Sulfidic Waters
Helz G
(2013) Picking Apart Paleoredox Proxies; What Regulates Them?
Helz G
(2012) What Mechanism Controls Rhenium Deposition from Euxinic Waters?
Helz G
(2011) Geochemical Roles of Thioanions of the Heavier Metals and Metalloids
Helz G
(2010) Chalcophile Elements as Potential Recorders of Anoxia in Estuarine Sediments
Helz G, Dolor M & McDonough W
(2009) Seasonal Variations of Reduced Sulfur Species in a Stratified Seawater Lake (Rogoznica Lake, Croatia); Evidence for Organic Carriers of Reactive Sulfur
Bura-Nakić E, Helz GR, Ciglenečki I & Ćosović B
(2008) Unique Redox Behaviors Induced by Polysulfide and Sulfide; Arsenic the Latest Example
Helz G & Tossell J
(2008) Light Mo Isotopic Signatures in Chesapeake Bay Sediments
Scheiderich K, Dolor M, Helz G, Walker R & Kaufman AJ
(2008) Aqueous Geochemistry of Rhenium in Sulfidic Environments
Dolor M & Helz G
(2007) Voltammetry of Chalcogenide Nanoparticles; The Preconcentration Mechanism at Hg(0) Surfaces
Krznaric D, Helz G & Bura-Nakic E
(2007) Voltammetry as a Tool for Detecting Metal Sulfide Particles and Nanoparticles in Natural Waters
Bura-Nakic E, Krznaric D, Helz GR & Ciglenecki I
(2007) Calculating the Stability, Raman and UV Spectra and Acidity of As Sulfides in Aqueous Solution
Tossell J, Zimmermann M & Helz G
(2005) Stabilities of Metal-Thioarsenite Complexes; Testing Some Theoretical Predictions
Helz G & Neuberger C
(2005) The Mechanism of Re Fixation in Reducing Sediments
Dolor M & Helz G
(2004) Fate of Molybdate in the Sea; Insights from the Laboratory
Helz G
(2001) Clay-Mineral Catalysis of Thiomolybdate Hydrolysis; Implications for Molybdenum Fixation in Anaerobic Environments
Vorlicek TP & Helz GR
(2000) Rise of Recent Coastal Eutrophication Chronicled by Sedimentary Mo
Helz GR
(2000) Molybdenum Adsorption Mechanisms on Pyrite
Bostick B, Fendorf S & Helz G

Helz Rosalind (2020) Hybrid Olivine Phenocryst Populations in the 1959 Kīlauea Eruption and Constraints on their Time of Arrival in the Summit Reservoir
Helz R & Rose T
(2019) Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
(2019) Titanium Isotope Fractionation in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake is Driven by the Crystallization of Oxides
Johnson A, Aarons S, Dauphas N, Nie N, Zeng H, Teng F, Helz R, Galli G, Romaniello S & Anbar A
(2017) Behavior of Mo, U, and Tl Isotopes during Differentiation in the Kilauea Iki System
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Owens J, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D, Greaney A & Helz R
(2017) Ancient 182W Signatures in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
Mundl A, Walker R, Touboul M, Jackson M, Day J, Kurz M, Lekic V & Helz R

Helz Rosalind L. (2022) The Kīlauea Iki Lava Lake: A 30-Year Long Diffusion Experiment to Study the Re-equilibration of Olivine in Natural Basalt
Nizam N, Shea T & Helz RL
(2022) Insights into Processes of Magma Mixing and Transport at Kīlauea Using Time-Series Scoria Samples vs. The Tephra Deposit
Helz RL & Lynn KJ

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