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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Helgeson H. (2007) Toward Calculation of the Thermodynamic Stabilities of Proteins in the Deep Biosphere
Dick J & Helgeson H
(2005) Thermodynamic Analysis of Microbial Metabolism in Hydrothermal Systems
LaRowe D & Helgeson H
(2005) Phase Relations in the System CHO and the Generation of Petroleum in Hydrocarbon Source Rocks
Helgeson H, Schmitt A, Richard L & Dick J
(2004) Toward Calculation of the Thermodynamic Stabilities of Proteins in the Deep Biosphere
Dick J, Larowe D & Helgeson H
(2004) Thermodynamic Analysis of Microbial Energy Production and Consumption in the Deep Biosphere
LaRowe D & Helgeson H
(2004) Thermodynamic Constraints on the Chemical Interaction of Microbes and Minerals in Hydrothermal Systems
Helgeson H
(2002) A Chemical and Thermodynamic Model of Oil Generation in the Earth
Helgeson HC & Richard L
(2002) Thermodynamic Analysis of Pyrobitumen Formation during Thermal Alteration of Crude Oil in Deep Hot Reservoir and Source Rocks
Richard L & Helgeson H
(2001) Thermodynamic and Chemical Constraints on the Biotic and Abiotic Synthesis of Biomacromolecules
Helgeson HC, LaRowe DE & Dick JM
(2000) Thermodynamic Calculation of the Relative Stabilities of Enzymes, DNA, and Other Biomacromolecules Under Extreme Conditions of Temperature and pH
Helgeson HC, Afonso GJ & LaRowe DE

Helias-Nunige S. (2017) Sensitive Determination of Dissolved Phosphate Pools for an Improved Resolution of the N:P Ratios in the Surface Oligotrophic Ocean: A Case Study in the Mediterranean Sea
Djaoudi K, Van Wambeke F, Coppola L, D'ortenzio F, Helias-Nunige S, Raimbault P, Taillandier V, Testor P, Wagener T & Pulido-Villena E

Helie Jean-Francois (2019) Drainage Dynamics of Lake Ojibway Inferred from the Isotopic Signature of Small Lake Basins
Poirier A, Veillette J, Blanchette D, Cloutier V, Helie J-F & Rosa E

Hélie Jean-François (2020) Removing the Barriers for Measuring Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Low P Concentration Freshwater Samples
Barbecot F, Tcaci M, Helie J-F, Surridge BWJ & Goody DC
(2017) Tracing Phosphate Sources Through Oxygen Isotopic Signatures
Tcaci M, Barbecot F, Hélie J-F & Gooddy D
(2014) Kinetic Fractionation of Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes Upon Sea-Ice Formation
Mucci A, Michel C, Niemi A & Hélie J-F
(2013) Light Hydrocarbons and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Shallow Aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands: Concentrations and δ13C Signatures
Moritz A, Gélinas Y, Hélie J-F, Pinti D, Larocque M & Barnetche D
(2012) Use of Stable (HOCN) and Radiogenic (Sr) Isotopes to Determine the Geographic Provenance and Traceability of Artisanal Cheeses of Quebec, Canada
Desrochers S, Stevenson R, Helie J-F & Poirier A
(2012) Suitability of IAEA-603 as a Replacement of NBS19 for Small Sample Carbonate Analysis
Helie J-F, Hillaire-Marcel C & Groening M
(2012) Dating Groundwater in Quebec Using Noble Gases, U and Stable Isotopes and Major Elements
Vautour G, Meyzonnat G, Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Castro MC, Hall CM & Helie J-F
(2012) Review of Environmental Multi-Tracer Sensitivity to Groundwater Discharge in River
Lefebvre K, Barbecot F, Larocque M, Ghaleb B, Helie J-F, Noret A & Gagne S
(2012) Sulphur and Carbon Isotope Records Across the Terrestrial Permian-Triassic (P-T) Boundary
Bui TH, Helie J-F & Wing B
(2011) Use of Stable (ΗOCN) and Radiogenic (Sr) Isotopes to Determine the Geographic Provenance and Traceability of Artisanal Cheeses of Quebec, Canada
Desrochers S, Stevenson R, Hélie J-F & Poirier A
(2009) Dissolved Carbon in Large Boral Catchment Basins and Hydroelectric Reservoirs: Isotopic Clues
Helie J-F, Rosa E, Lalonde A & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2002) Isotopic Insights into Carbon Metabolism in a Boreal Forest Hydroelectric Reservoir of the James Bay Area (Canada)
Helie J-F, Hillaire-Marcel C & Varfalvy L
(2001) Insight into Carbon Fluxes and Carbon Metabolism in an Hydroelectric Reservoir of the James Bay Area (Canada) Using Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions of Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon (Organic and Inorganic)
Hélie J-F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Luther L & Varfalvy L

Hell J. (2016) Lakes Nyos and Monoun – Past, Present & Future -
Kusakabe M, Ohba T, Yoshida Y, Issa I, Tanyileke G, Djomou S & Hell J
(2014) Recent Partial Pressure of CO2 Dissolved in the Water at Lake Monoun, Cameroon
Ohba T, Sasaki Y, Kusakabe M, Yoshida Y, Ueda A, Anazawa K, Saiki K, Kaneko K, Miyabuchi Y, Aka F, Fantong W, Tanyileke G & Hell J

Hellal J. (2023) Effect of Alluvial Gold Mines Rehabilitation on Mercury and Trace Metals Release to Hydrosystems (French Guiana)
Nitschke N, Tessier E, Ali A, Hellal J, Taravella S, Guedron S & Amouroux D
(2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2018) Agriculture in Mining-Impacted Regions- Investigations on the Influence of Soil Amendments on As Mobility
Jordan I, Reichel S, Janneck E, Hellal J, Devau N, Le Guedard M & Klose R
(2016) Nanoparticles and Bacterial Biofilm Interactions in Natural Groundwater: Implication for NPs Mobility and Toxicity for Bacteria
Crampon M, Hellal J, Michel C, Wille G, Mouvet C & Ollivier P

Helle G. (2016) Investigating the Onset of the Younger Dyras by High Temporal Resolution of Radiocarbon
Sookdeo A, Wacker L, Büntgen U, Friedrich M, Helle G, Kromer B, Pauly M & Reinig F

Hellebrand E. (2023) Composition and Thermal State of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Koornneef JM, Hellebrand E & Davies GR
(2023) Low-Temperature Plate Boundary Serpentinization Post-Dates Subduction Initiation and Facilitates Obduction of an Appalachian Ophiolite
Kotowski AJ, Smit H, van Broekhoven J, Cooperdock EHG, Tarling MS, Hellebrand E, Kirkpatrick J, King HE & Plümper O
(2022) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E
(2022) EXCITE: A European Infrastructure to Promote Electron and X-Ray Microscopy of Earth Materials
Hellebrand E, Walter S, Cnudde V, Plümper O & ter Maat G
(2021) Historical Mata Volcano Boninites and Primary Magma Musings
Rubin KH, Hellebrand E, Glancy S & Michael PJ
(2020) Data Services and Trans-National Access Program Accessible Through EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories
Hellebrand E, Wessels R, Hamers M, Lange O, ter Maat G, Plümper O & Drury M
(2020) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E
(2019) Decadal U-Th Age Shifts from Marine Alteration of Drowned Reef Corals of the Last Glacial Termination
Rubin K, Herries K & Hellebrand E
(2018) Mg Diffusion in Labradorite at Hydrous Magmatic Conditions
First E, Hammer J, Shea T, Hellebrand E & Tachera D
(2018) Weird Magmas All over the Place: Young Boninite-Dacite-Basalt Occurrences in the NE Lau Basin
Rubin K, Embley R, Hellebrand E & Chadwick W
(2018) Phosphorus and Aluminum Partitioning during Olivine Growth: Both Sides of the Story
Shea T, Hammer J, Hellebrand E, Mourey A, First E, Lynn K & Costa F
(2015) Water Contents of Natural Zircons are Controlled by their Y+REE Contents
De Hoog J, Lissenberg J, Brooker R, Hinton R, Trail D & Hellebrand E
(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
(2014) Rapid Olivine Growth in Deep Magmas: The Symptoms
Welsch B, Faure F, Famin V, Baronnet A, Bachèlery P, Hammer J & Hellebrand E
(2014) Microbially Altered Diabase from the Northern Caroline Plate(?)
Fryer P, Hellebrand E, Sharma S & Acosta-Maeda T
(2014) Wedge and Slab Inputs to Boninite Magmas in the NE Lau Basin
Glancy S, Rubin K, Hellebrand E, Jennner F, Arculus R & Embley R
(2014) Rapid Clinopyroxene Growth in Deep Magmas: The Symptoms
Welsch B, Hammer J, Jacob S, Baronnet A, Hellebrand E & Sinton J
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2011) Conduit-Scale to Localized Degassing in Ascending Magmas: Insights from Cl Measurements in Vesuvius 79AD Pumice
Gurioli L, Shea T, Hellebrand E & Hammer J
(2011) Local and Regional Magmatic Modulators to Mantle Signatures in Erupted Mid-Ocean Ridge Lavas
Rubin K, Maclennan J, Sinton J & Hellebrand E
(2009) Composition, Distribution and Properties of the Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component
Hellebrand E, von der Handt A, Johnson K, Snow J, Liu C-Z, Dick H & Hofmann A
(2008) REE-Distribution between Cpx and Grt in Siberian Garnet Peridotites: In situ Measurements vs. Lattice Strain Model Calculations
Mocek B, Hellebrand E, Moeller A & Ionov D
(2007) Formation of Oceanic Zircons
Hellebrand E, Möller A, Whitehouse M & Cannat M
(2007) Low Water Contents in Minerals from Gakkel Ridge Abyssal Peridotites, Arctic Ocean
Peslier A, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Von Der Handt A
(2007) Plagioclase Lamellae in Peridotite-Hosted Orthopyroxene
Jovanovic Z, Hellebrand E & Snow J
(2007) Experimental Study on Crustal Wehrlites of the Oman Ophiolite
Schoenborn S, Koepke J, Feig S, Boudier F & Hellebrandt E
(2007) REE Distribution between Zircon and Orthopyroxene in Granulites as a Link between Petrology and Geochronology
Möller A, Hellebrand E, Moraes R & Mocek B
(2007) Gabbros Drilled by IODP Leg 305, 30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Suhr G, Hellebrand E & Jochum KP
(2007) The Origin of Silica-Rich Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Davies G, Wasch L, van der Zwan F, Morel M, Nebel O, van Westrenen W, Pearson G & Hellebrand E
(2007) In situ Measurements vs. Lattice Strain Model Calculations: Distribution of REE between Grt and Cpx in Garnet Peridotites from Vitim (Siberia)
Mocek B, Hellebrand E & Ionov D
(2007) Trace Element SIMS Investigation of Multistage Garnet – Constraints on Partial Melting Processes in Crustal Rocks
Jung C, Jung S, Hellebrand E & Hoffer E
(2007) Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Compositions of Gakkel Abyssal Peridotites: Effects of Serpentinization and Constraints on Accretion Processes in Early Earth
Liu C, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Brügmann G
(2006) REE-concentrations of cpx and grt of mantle peridotites: New distribution coefficients from South African lherzolites
Mocek B & Hellebrand E
(2006) Time constraints of granite magma extraction from lower crustal sources derived from precise Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet ages and garnet ionprobe data
Jung S, Scherer E & Hellebrand E
(2006) Iron Isotope Fractionation as Indicator of Mantle Processes
Weyer S, Ionov D, Hellebrand E, Woodland A & Brey G
(2006) In-situ U-Pb dating and geochemical constraints on UHT metamorphism in the Brasilia fold belt
Möller A, Moraes R, Hellebrand E, Kennedy A & Fuck R
(2005) Tracing Element Zonation in Garnet-Peridotites by in situ SIMS
Mocek B, Hellebrand E & Ionov D
(2004) Geochemistry of Plagioclase Peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge (63°to 65°E)
von der Handt A, Seyler M, Snow J & Hellebrand E
(2004) Comparative Melting Dynamics of Gakkel Ridge and Lena Trough, Arctic Ocean
Snow J, Hellebrand E, Von der handt A, Dick H, Michael P, Langmuir C & Goldstein S
(2004) Gakkel Ridge: Mantle & Melting at Ultraslow Spreading Rates
Dick H, Snow J, Michael P, Hellebrand E & Shimizu N
(2002) Plagioclase Peridotites: Subsolidus Breakdown or Trapped Melt?
von der Handt A, Snow JE, Hellebrand E, Dick HJB & Michael P
(2002) Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites from Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Snow JE, Dick HJB, Hellebrand E, Büchl A, von der Handt A & Langmuir C
(2002) Melt-Host Rock Interaction and Zircon Growth during High Grade Metamorphism
Möller A, O'Brien PJ, Hellebrand E, Mocek B & Kröner A
(2002) Deep Melting Underneath the Ultraslow Lena Spreading Center
Hellebrand E, Snow JE & Hofmann AW
(2000) Major and Trace Elements Directly Contradict Melt Interaction Interpretations of MARK Area Os Isotopic and PGE Results
Snow JE & Hellebrand E
(2000) Ghost Garnet Signature in Residual Abyssal Peridotites?
Hellebrand EW, Snow JE & Hofmann AW

Hellebrandt Sophia E. (2016) Incorporation of Eu(III) into Calcite Under Different Recrystallization Conditions
Hellebrandt SE, Hofmann S, Jordan N, Barkleit A, Schmidt M & Hellebrandt S

Hellebrandt Stefan (2019) Effect of Background Electrolytes Composition on the Interfacial Formation of Th(IV) Nanoparticles
Neumann J, Qiu C, Hellebrandt S, Eng P, Skanthakumar S, Steppert M, Soderholm L & Schmidt M
(2016) Redox Dependent Interfacial Reactivity of Hexavalent Radionuclides
Hellebrandt S, Knope KE, Lee SS, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ, Soderholm L, Fenter P & Schmidt M
(2015) Influence of Background Electrolyte on ThIV Sorption Behavior
Hellebrandt S, Schmidt M, Knope KE, Lee SS, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ, Soderholm L & Fenter P

Hellen H. (2009) On the Formation of Organic Acids during the Photooxidation of α-Pinene and Trimethylbenzene
Dommen J, Gaeggeler K, Praplan A, Kalberer M, Metzger A, Hellen H, Prevot A & Baltensperger U

Hellenbrand C.D. (2009) The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules, a Proxy for Zn Availability in Ocean Surface Seawater
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Allen C, Hellenbrand CD & Anderson RF

Hellequin E. (2023) Effect of Temperature and pH on the Membrane Lipid Composition of Soil Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolates: Implications for the Use of 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acids as (Paleo)environmental Proxies
Hellequin E, Collin S, Seder-Colomina M, Véquaud P, Kish A & Huguet A

Heller A. (2017) Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Europium
Jordan N, Huittinen N, Lösch H, Barkleit A, Bok F, Heller A & Brendler V
(2016) Development of a Quality-Assured Thermodynamic Database for Rare Earth Elements
Jordan N, Barkleit A, Steudtner R, Bok F, Heller A & Brendler V

Heller B. (2023) Cenozoic Weathering Periods Recorded in a Deep Lateritic Profile in Northern Brazil
Heller B, Allard T, Sanchez C, Taitson Bueno G, Roig J-Y & Gautheron CE
(2023) Change of Climate, Geodynamic and Biogeographical Barriers Recorded in Supergene Minerals of the Tropical Critical Zone
Gautheron CE, Heller B, Ansart C, Sanchez C & Allard T
(2021) Detailed Study of a Lateritic Cover in NE French Guiana: Dynamic Evolution Through Time Extracted from Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Heller B, Riffel SB, Gautheron CE, Allard T, Morin G, Roig J-Y & Coueffe R
(2018) Titanite "Crystallinity" Determination for Thermochronology
Heller B, Dunkl I, Lünsdorf K, Molnár F, Huhma H & von Eynatten H

Heller C. (2010) Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial Methane-Emitting Mud Volcanoes in Italy
Heller C, Blumenberg M, Reimer A, Wrede C, Hoppert M, Taviani M & Reitner J
(2010) Microbial Activity in Terrestrial Mud Volcanoes from the Northern Apennines
Hoppert M, Dreier A, Heller C, Kokoschka S, Krukenberg V, Reitner J, Taviani M & Wrede C
(2010) A Novel in situ Detection Technique of Metabolic Enzymes in Black Sea Methane Seep Microbial Mats
Wrede C, Heller C, Reitner J & Hoppert M
(2009) First Results of Geo- and Biochemical Analyses of Terrestrial Methane-Emittingen Mud Volcanoes in Italy
Heller C, Blumenberg M, Dreier A, Wrede C, Zilla T, Kokoschka S, Heim C, Hoppert M, Taviani M & Reitner J

Heller H-P. (2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U

Heller Maija (2019) Redox Cycling of Iron at the Peruvian Margin
Heller M, Croot P, Lam P, Moffett J, Lee J-M, Till C & Wuttig K
(2019) Iron-Cycling in Various Environments
Wuttig K, Croot P, Gault-Ringold M, Heller M, Holmes T, van der Merwe P, Schallenberg C, Townsend A & Bowie A
(2018) A Comparison of Iron Redox Cycling in the World's Major Oxygen Minimum Zones
Moffett J, Kondo Y, Heller M & Bolster K
(2016) Major Modes of Variation in Particulate Trace Element Distributions in Contrasting Basins
Lam P, Lee J-M, Heller M & Ohnemus D
(2016) Size Distribution of Particulate Trace Elements in Hydrothermal Plume from the 20ºS East Pacific Rise
Lee J-M, Heller M & Lam P
(2015) Role of Authigenic Fe-Mineral Formation in the Delivery of Carbon to Marine Sediments
Toner B, Hoffman C, Fitzsimmons J, Sherrell R, Heller M, Lam P & German C

Heller Maija Iris (2017) Surprises in Iron Cycling at the Peru Margin
Lam PJ, Heller MI, Moffett JW, Till CP, John S, Sanial V, Charette M, Lee J-M, Toner BM & Marcus M
(2017) Scavenging of Hydroxide Dominated Elements: Insights from Dissolved Titanium in the South Pacific Gyre and Southern Ocean
Croot P, Nicholas S, Grassie A, Wieczorek A, Heller M, Klockgether G, Lavik G & Ferdelman T
(2017) The Role of Transient Redox Species in Trace Element Biogeochemical Cycles
Croot P, Heller M, Nicholas S & Wuttig K
(2017) Decomposition of Superoxide (O2−) Across the Mauritanian Shelf
Heller MI, Wuttig K & Croot PL
(2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A
(2014) Distribution and Potential Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Fe(II) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
Heller M & Moffett J
(2013) Reactive Oxygen Species (O2, O2- and H2O2) Control Manganese Redox Cycling in the Euphotic Zone: Role of Reactive Intermediates
Croot P, Heller M & Wuttig K
(2011) Sinking Titanic [Ti(IV)] – Insights into the Speciation and Distribution of Titanium in the Atlantic Ocean
Croot P, Dammshäuser A & Heller M
(2011) Uncovering the Key Processes Involved in Manganese Biogeochemical Cycling in the Ocean
Wuttig K, Heller M & Croot P
(2011) Processes Affecting Iron Solubility in the Tropical North Atlantic
Heller MI & Croot PL
(2007) Evaluating the Role of Superoxide (O2-) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) in the Dissolution of Saharan Dust in the Tropical Atlantic
Heller M & Croot P

Hellerich L.A. (2015) A Larger Positive Delta 53Cr Shift from Pollution Source to Groundwater at Czech Industrial Sites, Compared to the Northeastern U.S
Stepanova M, Novak M, Hellerich LA, Chrastny V, Cadkova E, Farkas J, Curik J, Szurmanova Z & Cron M

Hellers M. (2023) Combined 142Nd and 182W Systematics of Neoarchean Rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia
Hellers M, Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Gerritzen CT, Fischer-Gödde M, Schneider A, Marien C, Smithies H, Wyche S, Van Kranendonk MJ & Münker C

Hellevang B. (2004) Development of Orthogonal and Oblique Spreading at Slow and Ultraslow Spreading Centres: Example from the Mohns Ridge
Pedersen R & Hellevang B
(2004) Contrasting Liquid Lines of Descent along the Northern Knipovich Ridge: A Result of High- and Low-Pressure Fractionation?
Hellevang B & Pedersen R
(2002) Petrogenesis of Plagioclase Phyric Basalt from the Arctic Ridges
Hellevang B & Pedersen RB

Hellevang H. (2021) How to Bridge between Different Time and Length Scales Using a New Probabilistic Approach for Mineral Nucleation and Growth
Masoudi M, Nooraiepour M, Berntsen A & Hellevang H
(2020) Experiences from the ICO2P Project Applied to Migration Monitoring of Injected CO2
Weber UW, Sundal A, Hellevang H & Kipfer R
(2018) CO2-H2O-Basalt Interactions – Reactive Transport Experiments and Simulations
Hellevang H, Nooraiepour M & Fazeli H
(2014) On the Use of Zn2+ to Trace the Reaction Progress of Forsterite Hydration
Hellevang H & Neubeck A
(2014) Hydrogen Production Through Olivine Alteration
Neubeck A, Nguyen Thanh D, Hellevang H, Oze C, Bastviken D, Bacsik Z & Holm N
(2011) Albite Precipitation in Mudstones – Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Systems
Hellevang H, Thyberg B & Jahren J
(2011) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature Olivine Alteration
Huang S, Hellevang H & Thorseth IH
(2011) Potential for Mineral Trapping during CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins
Aagaard P, Hellevang H, Alemu BL, Pham VTH & Sundal A
(2011) Effect of Temperature and Mineralogical Composition on the Reactivity of Shale: A Comparison Study of Potential Caprock from Two Potential CO2 Storage Sites
Alemu B, Aagaard P & Hellevang H
(2011) On the Potential for CO2 Mineral Storage in Continental Flood Basalts
Pham V, Hellevang H & Aagaard P
(2010) Can Carbonate Precipitation Rates be Derived from Dissolution Rate Data?
Hellevang H & Aagaard P
(2009) Burial Diagenesis of Siliciclastic Reservoirs and Control on Formation Water Chemistry
Aagaard P, Hellevang H & Jahren J
(2009) Hydration of Forsterite at 1 Atm PCO2 and 80 to 120℃ – Comparisons of Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments to Understand the Factors that Govern the Overall Mineral Transformation Rate
Hellevang H, Sokalska E & Aagaard P

Hellfrich G.R. (2000) Composition of the Lower Mantle: Predicted Properties from Atomistic Simulations
Bovolo CI, Sherman DM & Hellfrich GR

Hellige K. (2011) Combined WAXS/XAFS Measurements for Studying the Reaction of S(-II) with Lepidocrocite
Behrends T, Hellige K, Silveira M & Peiffer S
(2009) The Effect of Flow Rate on Iron Oxide Driven Sulfide Turnover in Aquifers
Kurtz W, Hellige K & Peiffer S
(2009) Transformation of Iron(oxyhydr)oxides in the Presence of Dissolved Sulphide
Hellige K, Larese-Casanova P, Pollok K & Peiffer S
(2009) Redox Processes at the Nanoscale: A TEM Perspective of Iron Sulfide-Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Reactions
Pollok K, Hellige K, Harries D & Peiffer S
(2007) The Reactivity of Ferric (Oxy)hydroxides Toward Dissolved Sulphide between pH 3 to 9
Hellige K & Peiffer S

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