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HÉKINIAN R. (2018) The Role of Melt-Rock Interaction on the CO2/Ba Ratio of Depleted MORBs
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Perfit M & Hékinian R
(2013) Volatile Element Content of the Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Kamenetsky V & Hékinian R
(2002) Carbon and Water in Pitcairn and Society Hotspots, French Polynesia
Aubaud C, Pineau F, Javoy M, Hékinian R & Cheminée J-L

Helbert J. (2020) Using “Machine Learning” to Make Sense of Very Big and Very Small Data Sets
Helbert J & D'Amore M
(2019) The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Alkali-Carbonates: An Hypothetical Equivalent of the Ceres Bright Spots
Zucchini A, Morgavi D, Stabile P, Carroll MR, Comodi P, Frondini F, Perugini D, Cherin M, Maturilli A, D'Amore M, Helbert J, Alemanno G, Fastelli M & Arzilli F

Helbling A (2004) Partitioning of Li, Be and B in a K–rich Rhyolitic Ignimbrite
Helbling A, Altherr R & Ludwig T

Helbling Angela H. (2017) Behaviour of Boron Isotopes during Magmatic Degassing
Thomaidis K, Deegan FM, Troll VR, Whitehouse MJ, Weis FA, Helbling AH, Marschall HR & Geiger H

Held A. (2021) The Legacy of Chromium Contamination in Hinkley, California: A Tool for Environmental Chemistry Students to Develop their Soft-Skills
León-Ninin JM, Colina Blanco A, Held A & Planer-Friedrich B
(2013) Salt Lakes of Western Australia – Emissions of Natural Volatile Organic Compounds
Sattler T, Krause T, Schöler HF, Kamilli K, Held A, Zetsch C, Ofner J, Junkermann W & Atlas E

Held B. (2019) Bioaccumulation of Toxic Elements in Floating Aquatic Macrophytes of Guarapiranga Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil
Nobrega Coutinho S, Graciano Figueiredo AM, Alves Quináglia G & Held B

Held C. (2021) Boron Isotopic Signatures in Cold-Water Corals Determined by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS
Steinhoefel G, Beck K, Wall M, Nehrke G & Held C

Held P. (2015) Combined δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr in Bones and Teeth: A Toolbox for Diet and Habitat Reconstruction
Tütken T, Held P, Herrmann S & Galer S
(2013) Isotopes in Vertebrate Bioapatite: Proxies for Climate, pCO2 and Diet
Tütken T, Held P & Galer SJG
(2011) Assessing Calcium Isotopes as a Dietary Proxy for Terrestrial Vertebrates
Broska J, Tütken T, Galer SJG, Held P & Alt KW

Held S. (2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D
(2017) Adjusting Solute Geothermometry – Methods to Constrain Subsurface Temperature Estimation
Nitschke F, Held S, Neumann T & Kohl T
(2017) Advanced Geochemical Techniques to Characterize Geothermal Fluid Circulation Patterns
Held S, Nitschke F, Schill E, Kohl T & Neumann T

Held T. (2019) Chromate Reduction by Sulfate Green Rust (GRSO4) and Sulfidized Zero Valent Iron (sZVI) in Packed Sand Columns
Digiacomo F, Tobler DJ, Held T & Neumann T

Heldele A-S. (2021) A ZnHAsO4 Phase Controls As(V) and Zn(II) Solubility in a Multi-Contaminated Soil- a Study Combining µ-XRF, µ-EXAFS and Geochemical Equilibrium Modeling
Sjöstedt C, Kristofferson Å, Gustafsson JP, Heldele A-S, Kessler V & Berggren Kleja D

Heldt M. (2011) First High-Resolution δ13C-records of the Early Aptian OAE 1a within the Mid-Latitudes of NW-Europe (Germany, Lower Saxony Basin)
Heldt M, Luppold FW, Weiss W, Mutterlose J, Berner U & Erbacher J

Helean K. (2005) Sequestration of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals by Hydroxyapatite Doped with Fe, Cu and Sn
Helean K & Moore R

Helena M. (2012) Correlation of Magnetic Susceptibility with H=18O Data in Magnetite- and Ilmenite-Type Granites from Iberian Massif
Sant'Ovaia H, Helena M, Jose CL, Joana M & Fernando N

Helena S. (2013) Contact-Metamorphic Effects of the Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Southern Portugal): Lithological and Structural Constraints
Ribeiro MA, Helena S & Cruz C

Helena Pellizari V. (2019) Microbial Community in Cobalt-Rich Crusts of the Rio Grande Rise
Menezes Bergo N, Signori Negrão C, Pereira Brandini F & Helena Pellizari V

Hélène A. (2023) Stable Mercury Concentrations in Tunas from the Global Ocean Arise Question About Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minamata Convention
Médieu A, Point D, Sonke JE, Buchanan P, Bodin N, Adams D, Bignert A, Streets D, Hélène A, Ménard F, Choy CA, Allain V, Itai T, Bustamante P, Ferriss B, Bourlès B, Habasque J, Gauthier O & Lorrain A

Helfenstein J. (2019) Insights onto Se Speciation in Soils and the Role of Organic Matter Using SEC-Uv-ICP-MS/MS
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Hausheer O, Chékifi SD, Helfenstein J, Chadwick O, Tamburini F, Frossard E & Winkel LHE

Helffrich George (2020) Metal/silicate Partitioning Experiments in a Diamond-Anvil Cell; Issues and Applications for Fe-Si-O-Mg Core Chemical Evolution Models
Hirose K & Helffrich G

Helffrich George (2011) Causes and Consequences of Outer Core Compositional Stratification
Helffrich G & Kaneshima S
(2009) Iron Lite: Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Earth’s Core
Walter M, Lord O, Helffrich G & Walker D
(2009) Constraints on Outer Core Compositional Stratification and Core-Mantle Reaction from Outer Core Wavespeed Profiles
Helffrich G

Helffrich George (2017) Evolution and Structure of an Outer Core Crystallizing SiO2
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Morard G & Sinmyo R

Helffrich George (2019) Core-Mantle Interaction Through Liquid Magnesium Silicate Release from the Earth's Core
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Nomura R & Sinmyo R

Helffrich George (2014) Seismological Evidence for Residual Core Material from the Late Impactor
Helffrich G & Wood B

Helgason B. (2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T

Helgason K. (2021) Carbfix: CO2 Storage Through Carbon Mineralisation
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Helgason K, Marieni C, Clark DE, Ratouis T, Voigt M, Oelkers EH, Gislason SR & Aradottir ES

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