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Heinrich J. (2018) Indium Incorporation in Synthetic Sphalerite: Examination via Powder Diffraction and XANES Spectroscopy
Heinrich J, Bauer M, Göttlicher J, Seifert T & Heide G

Heinrich M. (2001) Circumstellar Oxide Grains in Ordinary Chondrites and their Origin
Krestina N, Hsu W, Heinrich M & Wasserburg GJ

Heinrich W. (2016) Jeremejevite as a Precursor for the Formation of Olenitic Tourmaline: An Experimental and B Isotope Study
Kutzschbach M, Wunder B, Meixner A, Wirth R, Heinrich W & Franz G
(2015) Multi-Method Characterization of Synthetic Tourmaline: Rossmanite, Magnesio-Foitite, Dravite, and Maruyamaite
Wunder B, Berryman E, Kutzschbach M, Koch-Müller M, Ertl A & Heinrich W
(2015) Tetrahedrally Coordinated Boron in Synthetic High-Pressure Olenite: Towards Raman Spectroscopy as a Chemical Probe for Tourmaline
Kutzschbach M, Wunder B, Rhede D, Koch-Müller M, Ertl A, Giester G, Heinrich W & Franz G
(2014) CO2 in Boiling Ore Systems – a Fundamental Control on Metal Fractionation Factors?
Rempel K, Liebscher A, Heinrich W, Dulski P & Schettler G
(2013) Experimental Characterization of Replacement Symplectites: The Influence of Temperature and Small Amounts of Water on Microstructure Evolution
Remmert P, Wunder B, Morales L, Heinrich W & Abart R
(2013) The Vapour-Brine Partitioning of Uranium in Boiling Ore Systems
Rempel K, Heinrich W, Liebscher A & Dulski P
(2013) Dolomite Reaction Rim Growth Under Non-Isostatic Stress
Helpa V, Rybacki E, Dresen G, Heinrich W, Abart R & Morales L
(2012) Segregation Processes in Metamorphism: The Role of Nucleation
Yardley B, Schettler G & Heinrich W
(2011) Rates and Mechanisms of Hydration in Crystalline Crust
Yardley B, Nabein H-P & Heinrich W
(2011) An Experimental Study of Brine-CO2 Metal Fractionation: Applications to the Geological Storage of CO2
Rempel K, Liebscher A, Heinrich W & Schettler G
(2009) Ammonium-Bearing Clinopyroxene: A Potential Nitrogen Reservoir in the Earth’s Mantle
Watenphul A, Wunder B & Heinrich W
(2008) Synthesis and Characterization of the High-Pressure Phases NH4-hollandite, NH4-wadeite, NH4-cymrite and NH4-phengite
Watenphul A, Wunder B & Heinrich W
(2007) Vapor-Liquid Fractionation of B, Li, and Cl Stable Isotopes: Experimental Constraints at 400 and 450℃, 20 to 42 MPa
Liebscher A, Barnes J, Heinrich W, Meixner A, Romer RL & Sharp Z
(2007) Experimental Study on the B-Isotope Fractionation between Tourmaline and Fluid: A Re-investigation
Meyer C, Wunder B, Meixner A, Romer R & Heinrich W
(2005) Experimental Determination of the Geochemical Cycle of Boron and its Isotopes from the Slab to the Surface
Liebscher A, Wunder B, Schmidt C, Romer R & Heinrich W
(2004) The Geochemical Cycle of Boron: Experiments on Boron Isotope Partitioning between Micas and Fluids
Wunder B, Meixner A, Romer R & Heinrich W
(2004) The Chemical Evolution of a Magmatic-Hydrothermal System Related to a Sn-W Mineralisation
Rickers K, Thomas R & Heinrich W
(2004) Liquid–vapor Fractionation of B and Br in the H-Na-B-O-Cl-Br System: An Experimental Study and its Application to Nature
Liebscher A, Heinrich W, Lüders V & Schettler G
(2001) The Synthesis of Boron-Rich Aqueous Melt and Implications for Element Partitioning in Pegmatites
Veksler IV, Thomas R, Schmidt C & Heinrich W
(2001) Strong Enrichment of H2O, B, F, P, Rb, and Cs in Pegmatite-Forming Melts
Thomas R, Heinrich W & Webster JD

Heinrichs B. (2017) Fate of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Carbonate and Silicate Aquifers
Ronchi B, Joris A, Mahy J, Heinrichs B, Veschkens M & Frippiat C

Heinsalu A. (2014) Does the Chemical Composition of Lake Sediments Reflect Past Climate Changes?
Ehapalu K, Kirsi A-L, Kisand A, Alliksaar T, Heinsalu A, Viik M, Tõnno I & Leeben A

Heintz M. (2009) Methane Oxidation Rates by AMS
Pack M, Heintz M, Reeburgh W, Trumbore S, Valentine D & Xu X

Heinz D L (2006) Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth’s D” layer
Mao W, Mao H-K, Shu J, Fei Y, Hemley R, Meng Y, Prakapenka V, Campbell A, Sturhahn W, Zhao J, Shen G & Heinz DL

Heinz Daniel (2017) Micro-Raman Dating of Zircon: A Possible Thermochronometer?
Jonckheere R, Heinz D, Hacker B, Rafaja D & Ratschbacher L

Heinz Dion (2013) Phase Diagrams of FeO and Fe-Si Alloys
Fischer R, Campbell A, Reaman D, Heinz D, Dera P & Prakapenka V

Heinze B. (2020) Survival at the Interface of Surface Input and Oligotrophic Conditions in the Deep Biosphere
Heinze B, Taubert M, Jehmlich N, von Bergen M & Küsel K

Heinzelmann S. (2014) D/H Ratios of Fatty Acids as a Tool to Infer the Metabolism of Microbial Communities
Heinzelmann S, Villanueva L, Schouten S, Sinninghe Damste J & van der Meer M

Heinzmann N. (2017) N2 Fixation Persists throughout the Euphotic Zone of the Ultra-Oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
Dürschlag J, Martínez-Pérez C, Heinzmann N, Lavik G, Kuypers MMM & Mohr W

Heise S. (2023) REE Levels in Abandoned Mining Sites
Brouziotis AAA, Heise S, Saviano L, Giarra A, Tommasi F, Guida M, Libralato G & Trifuoggi M

Heiser U. (2001) Is the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Authigenic Mn-Carbonates a Bottom-Water Salinity Indicator or a Reflection of Early Burial Diagenetic Processes: Evidence from Recent Sapropelic Sediments of the Baltic Sea
Neumann T, Heiser U, Leosson M & Stüben D

Heisinger B. (2002) Production of Selected Cosmogenic Radionuclides by Muons
Nolte E, Heisinger B, Lal D, Kubik PW, Ivy-Ochs S & Neumaier S

Heist C. (2012) The Role of Surface Charge and Exchange Cation Speciation on the Structure of Interfacial Water in Nontronite Suspensions
McGuire M, Roth J & Heist C

Heistek R. (2013) Changing Mantle Wedge Geometry and Magma Generation Processes in the Central Andes
Heistek R & Wörner G

Heister K. (2013) Interaction of Organic Matter with Different Minerals in an Artificial Soil Incubation Experiment
Pronk G, Heister K & Kögel-Knabner I
(2013) Soil Heterogeneity and Surfactant Desorption Influence PAH Distribution at a Tar-Contaminated Site
Heister K & Lima AT
(2013) Succession of Soil Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities in Artificial Soils
Ditterich F, Poll C, Pronk GJ, Heister K, Kögel-Knabner I & Kandeler E
(2011) Employment of the Nanoscaled-Sims in Soil Science
Höschen C, Heister K, Müller CW & Kögel-Knabner I
(2011) Investigation of Organo-Mineral Interactions in Artificial Soil Incubations by NanoSIMS
Heister K, Höschen C, Pronk GJ, Poll C, Kandeler E, Müller CW & Kögel-Knabner I
(2011) Microbial Community Development and Mineral-Organic Matter Interactions in an Artificial Soil Incubation Experiment
Pronk GJ, Heister K, Ding G-C, Smalla K & Kögel-Knabner I
(2009) Influence of Organic Matter Content on Specific Surface Area of a Eutric Cambisol and its Particle Size Fractions from Ultuna (Sweden) Determined by Different Methods
Heister K, Pronk G & Kögel-Knabner I
(2009) Phenanthrene Sorption to Particle Size Fractions of a Eutric Cambisol from Ultuna, Sweden Related to Specific Surface Area and Organic Matter Properties
Pronk G, Heister K & Kögel-Knabner I

Heister L. (2004) Timing and Pyroclastic Activity at the Onset of Flood Volcanism in Central East Greenland
Heister L, Lesher C, Gras M, Kent A & Renne P
(2004) Petrology and Geochemistry of the Milne Land Formation, Central East Greenland Flood Basalt Province
Gras M, Heister L & Lesher C

Heithoff A. (2014) Characterization of the Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09
Healy O, Souchek J, Heithoff A, LaMere B, Pan D, Hollis G, Yang W, Silver W & Weber K
(2014) Correlation between Nitrate and Naturally Occurring Uranium Contamination in Two Major US Aquifers: Potential for Nitrate Driven U Contamination of Groundwater
Nolan J, Healy O, Spanbauer T, Heithoff A, Pan D, Snow D & Weber K

Heitmann E. (2021) How 17O Excess in Clumped Isotope Reference-Frame Materials and ETH Standards Affects Reconstructed Temperature
Saenger C, Schauer A, Heitmann E, Huntington K & Steig E

Heizler M T (2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2009) Continuous Thermal Histories from Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar Age Spectra
Harrison M, Heizler MT, Haviv I & Avouac J-P
(2008) 40Ar Diffusion in Muscovite
Célérier J, Harrison TM, Aikman AB, Hermann J & Heizler MT
(2005) Reactivation of Precambrian Fault Networks: A K-Feldspar <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Study
Heizler M, Karstrom K, Timmons JM & Sanders R
(2005) Evaluating Intercomparability Amongst Several <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Laboratories
Heizler M
(2004) Problems with the Tectonomagmatic and Alphabet Classification Schemes in Post-Accretionary Granitoids in the Northern Burro Mtns, New Mexico, SW USA
McLemore V, Rämö O, Heizler M & Kosunen P

Heizler Matt (2019) Measurements of Oxygen Flanking the GOE
Blamey N, Brand U, Lecuyer C, Parnell J, Heizler M, Lepland A, Nic B & Betus S
(2018) Development of a Halite Screening Protocol for Ancient Atmosphere
Blamey N, Brand U, Parnell J, Lecuyer C, Heizler M, Fralick P, Davis A & Shaver K
(2017) Precise Hematite (U-Th)/He Age Determinations Using a Multi-Aliquot Method
Wu L-Y, Stuart FM & Heizler M

Heizler Matthew (2020) Muscovite MDD: In Vacuo Argon Release via Volume Diffusion
Heizler M, Holland M & Long S
(2015) Breeching the Holocene: Advances in Single Crystal 40Ar/39Ar Dating Using the ARGUS VI Mass Spectrometer
Heizler M & Ramos F
(2015) Age and Petrological Complexities of Young Alkalic Magmas at Changbaishan/Mt. Baekdu Volcano
Ramos F, Heizler M, James G, Buettner J, Wei H & Scott S
(2014) 10e13 Ohm Faraday Multi-Collection: Striving for Accuracy to Match Ultra-High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Measurements
Heizler M, McIntosh W, Ross J & Hamilton D
(2014) Accurate 40Ar/39Ar MDD Thermal Histories of Extraterrestrial Samples
Boehnke P, Heizler M, Harrison M, Lovera O & Warren P
(2014) Mid-Cretaceous Granulites and the Age of the Alpine Fault “Big Bend”
Sagar MW, Palin JM, Seward D & Heizler M
(2013) Noise is Now Signal: Capturing the Relevant from the Distraction
Heizler M

Hejcman M. (2019) Seasonal Development of Zn, Pb, As and Cd Contents in the Biomass of Selected Grass Species Growing on Contaminated Soils: Implications for Phytostabilization
Teodoro M, Komarek M, Hejcman M & Wu S

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