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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Heine P. (2018) A Tale of Two CZ’s: Comparing Shallow and Deep Old-Field Forest Regeneration at the Calhoun CZO
Brecheisen Z, Heine P, Cook C, Ryang J, Mallard J & Richter D

Heine T. (2022) Insights into the Enigmatic TcO2·xH2O Structure via Atomistic Simulations
Oliveira AF, Kuc A, Heine T & Scheinost AC
(2022) Site-Specific Europium Adsorption on Muscovite (001) Surfaces
Schabernack J, Oliveira AF, Heine T & Fischer C

Heinecke L. (2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Heinemann A. (2011) Determination of δ11B Ratios in Marine Biogenic Carbonates via LA-MC-ICP-MS
Fietzke J, Ragazzola F, Heinemann A, Taubner I, Böhm F, Erez J, Hansteen TH & Eisenhauer A
(2009) Influence of Nacre Precipitation on the Chemical Composition of Prismatic Shell Layers in Mytilus edulis
Fietzke J, Heinemann A, Foster L, Zumholz K & Hansteen TH
(2009) Acidification-Sensitivity of M. edulis
Heinemann A, Fietzke J, Hiebenthal C, Thomsen J & Melzner F

Heinemann N. (2011) Stepwise C & O Stable Isotope Shows no Detectable CO2-sequestration by Cements in Analogue for Engineered Storage
Heinemann N, Wilkinson M, Fallick A & Haszeldine S

Heinemann S. (2007) Synthetic Forsterite Grain Boundaries: Tilt [100] and 9.9° to 21.5°
Heinemann S, Wirth R & Dresen G

Heinemeier J. (2018) Origin of the CO2 Fluxes of the Icelandic Hotspot
Kjartansdóttir R, Stefánsson A, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Fiebig J, Heinemeier J & Halldórsson SA
(2007) Different Sources of Bacterial Methane Revealed by Radiocarbon Dating – Example from Glacially Deformed Sediments, Denmark
Laier T & Heinemeier J

Heinen Ben (2018) The Fate of Carbonate in Oceanic Crust Subducted into Earth’s Mantle
Walter M, Drewitt J, Thomson A, Zhang H, Lord O & Heinen B

Heinen Benedict J (2020) LiquiδDiffract: Software for Liquid Total Scattering Analysis
Heinen BJ, Drewitt JWE & Lord OT

Heinesch B. (2013) Modelling Carbon Cycle and Major Cations Weathering Fluxes in a Young Temperate Forest
Violette A, Carnol M, Aubinet M, Godderis Y, Erpicum M, Heinesch B & François L

Heinicke S. (2014) Validation of Extraction and Clean-Up Methods for Compound-Specific Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in Complex Matrices
Herrero-Martín S, Ivdra N, Heinicke S & Fischer A

Heinig T. (2019) 2.05 Ga A1-type Felsic to Intermediate Igneous Suite and Related Nb-Zr-Ree Mineralization at Otanmäki, Central Finland
Kärenlampi K, Hanski E, Kontinen A, Huhma H, Krause J, Heinig T & Lahaye Y

Heino P. (2015) Constraints on the Formation of the Archean Siilinjärvi Carbonatite-Glimmerite Complex, Fennoscandian Shield
Heilimo E, O'Brien H & Heino P

Heinold B. (2013) Regional Modelling of Saharan Dust
Tegen I & Heinold B

Heinonen A. (2019) Assimilation and its Geochemical Modeling in Magmatic Systems
Heinonen JS, Iles K, Heinonen A, Fred R & Virtanen V
(2019) Parental Magma Composition of the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto Massif-Type Anorthosite, Finland
Fred R, Heinonen A & Heinonen J
(2014) Geochemistry of the 1066 Ma Little Hatchet Rapakivi Granite – Gabbro Pluton, New Mexico, USA
Heinonen A, McLemore V, Rämö T, Andersen T & Mänttäri I

Heinonen Jussi (2020) Zoned Mantle Source of Karoo Flood Basalts
Luttinen A, Heinonen J, Turunen S, Carlson R & Horan M

Heinonen Jussi S (2021) Unravelling the Effects of Crustal Assimilation Versus Mantle Source Heterogeneity in Tuli Basin Picrites, Karoo LIP
Howarth GH, Marsh JS, Duncan AR, Harris C, le Roux P, Heinonen JS & González-Maurel O
(2021) Crustal Heating and Assimilation by LIP Magmas: Volatile Perspectives from Experimental Petrology and Thermodynamic Modeling
Heinonen JS, Virtanen VJ, Spera FJ & Bohrson WA
(2015) Oxygen Isotopic Evidence from Karoo Flood Basalt Olivines for Metasomatism of the sub-Gondwanan Upper Mantle
Heinonen JS, Luttinen AV & Whitehouse MJ
(2015) Mantle Reservoirs of Karoo Flood Basalts: New Constraints from the Luenha Picrites, Mozambique
Turunen S, Luttinen A & Heinonen J
(2014) Tracing Peridotite and Pyroxenite Sources of Karoo Flood Basalts in the Tete Province, Mozambique
Luttinen A, Turunen S & Heinonen J
(2014) MORB-Type Spinels in Karoo Continental Flood Basalts, Luenha River, Mozambique
Turunen S, Luttinen A & Heinonen J
(2013) Contamination of DM-Sourced Magmas Produced Diverse Flood Basalts in the Karoo Province?
Luttinen A & Heinonen J
(2009) The Dawn and Destruction of Gondwana – Isotopic Record from Antarctica and Mozambique
Kurhila M, Rämö T, Andersen T, Foland K, Luttinen A, Heinonen J, Romu I & Jacobs J

Heinonen Jussi S. (2019) Investigating Formation of Ni-Cu-Pge Mineralizations by Black Shale Partial Melting Experiments
Virtanen V, Heinonen J, Molnár F, Schmidt M & Marxer F
(2019) Assimilation and its Geochemical Modeling in Magmatic Systems
Heinonen JS, Iles K, Heinonen A, Fred R & Virtanen V
(2019) Parental Magma Composition of the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto Massif-Type Anorthosite, Finland
Fred R, Heinonen A & Heinonen J
(2019) Modelling Fractional Crystallisation in Lachlan Fold Belt Granites Using the Magma Chamber Simulator
Iles K & Heinonen J
(2018) Luenha Picrites Reveal a Primitive Mantle-Like Plume Source for the Karoo LIP?
Turunen ST, Luttinen AV & Heinonen JS
(2018) The Differentiation of a Flood Basalt Sequence Modeled Using the Magma Chamber Simulator
Heinonen JS, Luttinen AV, Bohrson WA & Spera FJ
(2018) Quantifying Crustal Assimilation in Historical to Recent (1329 – 2005) Lavas at Mt. Etna, Italy: Insights from Thermodynamic Modeling
Takach M, Bohrson W, Spera F, Heinonen J & Graham D

Heinrich B. (2011) Long-Term Forecast of Acidity Load from Overburden Substrate into a Mining Pit Lake: An Integrated Approach
Ulrich K-U, Guderitz I, Heinrich B, Weber L, Pokrandt K-H & Nitsche C

Heinrich Christoph (2018) How Long Does it Take to Make a Giant Porphyry Copper Deposit? Advances in High-Precision Geochronology and Modelling of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes
von Quadt A, Large S, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C

Heinrich Christoph A. (2019) Rutile Geochemistry of Gubong Au Deposit, Republic of Korea
Yoo BC, Seo JH, Heinrich CA & Lee BH
(2019) Chlorine Partitioning between Granitic Melt and C-O-H-Cl Aqueous Fluids in the Earth’s Upper Crust, and Implications for Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Hsu Y-J, Zajacz Z, Ulmer P & Heinrich CA
(2019) Silver Isotopes as a Source and Transport Tracer for Gold?
Fehr M, Argapadmi W, Toth E, Schönbächler M & Heinrich C

Heinrich Christoph A. (2015) Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Data for Aqueous Species in the Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl System
Miron GD, Wagner T, Kulik DA & Heinrich CA
(2015) Determination of Low Concentrations of Calcium and Iron in Fluid Inclusions by Laser Ablation Dynamic Reaction Cell or Medium Resolution ICP-MS
Wälle M & Heinrich C
(2015) Using Zircon Petrochronology to Constrain Timescales of Porphyry Cu Formation: An Example from Bajo de la Alumbrera, NW Argentina
Buret Y, von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2015) The Optimal Pathways Leading to Earthquake-Enhanced Gold Precipitation in the Epithermal Environment
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Reich M, Driesner T, Arancibia G, Perez-Flores P, Cembrano J, Rowland J & Heinrich C
(2014) Fluid Evolution in an Andean Geothermal System: Coupling Fluid Inclusions Thermometry, LA-ICP-MS and Geochemical Modeling
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Driesner T, Heinrich C, Reich M, Perez P, Arancibia G & Cembrano J
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Tin-Tungsten Mineralizing Fluids at Panasqueira, Portugal
Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Heinrich CA, Wälle M, Vieira R & Pinto F
(2014) From Magma to Mudpool: Linking Arc Volatiles and Active Geothermal Systems
Chambefort I, Bégué F, Heinrich C, Walle M & Dilles JH
(2013) B-Isotope Variations in Tourmaline in the Varuträsk Rare-Element Pegmatite: The Role of Mica
Wagner T, Trumbull R, Siegel K, Jonson E & Heinrich C
(2013) Subduction-Related to Post-Arc Magmatism and Cu-Au-Te Metallogeny in the Carpathian Orogen, Romania
Gallhofer D, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Seghedi I & Heinrich CA
(2013) Why so Much Gold in the Archean? Some Thoughts Linking the Witwatersrand Gold Endowment to Hydrothermal Processes
Heinrich CA
(2013) CA-U-Pb Zircon Dating Obtained by the LA-ICP-MS System: Impact for their Interpretations
von Quadt A, Gallhofer D, Waelle M, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2013) The Potential of Using a Sector Field ICP-MS for Analysis of Fluid Inclusions by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Wälle M & Heinrich CA
(2012) Fluid Evolution along a Cross Section Through the Central Alps, Switzerland
Martinek K, Wagner T, Waelle M & Heinrich C
(2012) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Varutraesk Rare-Element Pegmatite (Northern Sweden)
Siegel K, Wagner T, Trumbull R, Jonsson E & Heinrich CA
(2012) Copper Partitioning during Magmatic-Hydrothermal Phase Separation – Revisited: Fluid Inclusions in Coeval Quartz, Topaz and Garnet
Heinrich CA & Seo JH
(2011) Fluid Inclusion Study of a Sediment-Hosted Copper Ore Deposit in the Lubin Area (Poland)
Kostylew J & Heinrich C
(2011) Hydrothermal Processes beneath the Merensky Reef and UG2 Chromitite, Bushveld Complex, RSA
Adlakha E, Hanley J & Heinrich C
(2011) Molybdenite Deposition in Bingham Canyon Deposit: Role of Sulfur, Redox and pH Chemistry in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids
Seo JH, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2010) Zircon Crystallization and the Life-Times of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Systems
Heinrich C, Martinek K, Erni M, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I
(2010) Multi-Phase Fluid Flow Simulations of Brothers Volcano: Application of Realistic Constraints
Gruen G, Driesner T, de Ronde CEJ & Heinrich CA
(2010) The Effect of Magma Composition on the Genesis of Hydrothermal Gold and Copper Ore Deposits
Zajacz Z, Seo JH, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2009) REE, HFSE, LILE, and Transition Metal Exchange between Basaltic Melt and Supercritical Cl-Bearing Aqueous Fluid
Bell A, Simon A, Guillong M & Heinrich C
(2009) Uranium Precipitation and Fluid Composition at Maureen U-Mo-F Deposit, Australia
Hurtig NC, Heinrich CA, Driesner T, Wall V, Mathison I & Herrmann W
(2009) Accuracy and Application of Sulfur Quantification in Fluid Inclusions by LA-ICPMS
Guillong M, Seo JH, Aerts M, Zajacz Z & Heinrich CA
(2009) Gold-Rich Epithermal Liquid by Contraction of Magmatic Vapor
Heinrich CA, Pudack C & Pettke T
(2009) Role of Sulfur in Hydrothermal Metal Fractionation and the Formation of Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits
Seo JH, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2009) Diffusive Reequilibration of Quartz Hosted Silicate Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Are all Metal Concentrations Unmodified?
Zajacz Z, Hanley J, Heinrich C, Halter W & Guillong M
(2009) Gold Content of Fluids and Quartz in the Hishikari Epithermal Deposit
Murakami H, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2009) Controls on Hydrothermal System Styles in Submarine Arc Volcanoes
Gruen G, Driesner T, de Ronde CEJ & Heinrich CA
(2009) Constraining Timescales of Ore-Formation by Numerical Simulations of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Weis P, Coumou D, Driesner T, Geiger S, Steinberger I, Grün G & Heinrich CA
(2009) A Missing Link in the Formation of the Porphyry-Cu Belt in Eastern Europe: New U/Pb Zircon Ages in the Timok Magmatic Complex (E-Serbia)
Moll M, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2009) Towards a Numerical Reconstruction of the Bingham Canyon Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore System
Steinberger I, Driesner T, Weis P & Heinrich C
(2009) The Source of Copper, Gold and Molybdenum in Giant Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits from Western North America
Pettke T, Oberli F & Heinrich CA
(2009) Primitive High-K Ankaramites and the Evolution of the Eastern Srednogorie Arc in SE Europe
Georgiev S, Marchev P, von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2008) Precise and Accurate Lead Isotopic Analysis of Fast Transient Signals by Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Pettke T, Oberli F, Audetat A, Wiechert U, Harris C & Heinrich C
(2008) Adakite-Like Magmas and Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits Derived from an Inherited Subduction Component, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Pettke T, Kleine T, Heinrich C, Rosu E & Woodland S
(2008) The Influence of Phase Separation on the Flow Patterns of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
Coumou D, Driesner T & Heinrich CA
(2008) Single-Grain and/Or in situ U-Pb and Hf-Isotope Study to Unravel Long-Lived Calc-Alkaline Magma Complex
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Schaltegger U, Tacheva E & Heinrich C
(2008) In situ Hf Isotope Analyses within Individual Zircon Growth Zones
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Reynolds B & Heinrich C
(2008) Geochemistry and Isotope Tracing of the Subduction Related Volcanism in the Timok Magmatik Complex, East Serbia
Moll M, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich CA
(2007) Resolving the Evolution of a Subduction Zone: Eastern Srednogorie, SE Europe
Georgiev S, Von Quadt A, Marchev P, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2007) Synthetic Melt Inclusion and Quartz-Trap Methods for Determining Pt Solubility in a Mafic Mineral – Halide Melt System at 750C, 400 Bar
Hanley J & Heinrich C
(2007) The Role of Fluid Immiscibility in the Formation of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Audétat A, Pettke T & Heinrich C
(2007) Using Pb Isotopic Analyses of Fluid and Melt Inclusions to Trace Sources of Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits
Harris C, Pettke T, Heinrich C & Kleine T
(2006) In-situ measurements (U-Pb, Lu-Hf, trace elements) in zircons to unravel the record of magmatic evolution within a Cretaceous ABTS belt
Von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2006) Modeling multiphase flow of H2O-NaCl fluids by combining CSP5.0 with SoWat2.0
Driesner T, Geiger S & Heinrich C
(2006) Sources And Magma Evolution Of Eastern Srednogorie, SE Europe: Conventional And In Situ Isotope Data
Georgiev S, Von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2006) Timing and magma evolution in Medet Cu-porphyry deposit, SE Europe: controversial or coinciding isotope data?
Peytcheva I, Von Quadt A, Nedyalkov R, Heinrich C & Frank M
(2006) Gold and Arsenic Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions.
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2006) Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes and geochemistry of Miocene magmas in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Rosu E, Pettke T, Kleine T, Woodland S, Heinrich C & Seghedi I
(2005) Isotopic Investigations on the Magmatism in Eastern Srednogorie
Georgiev S, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2005) Vapor as a Medium for the Transport of Metals: Implications for Ore Deposit Modeling
Williams-Jones A, Heinrich C & Migdisov A
(2005) Bingham: A Mesothermal Cu-Au Deposit Dominated by Vapor Transport of Metals?
Landtwing M, Heinrich C, Pettke T & Halter W
(2005) The Effect of Volatile Sulfur on Metal Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2005) Coupled Heat and Salt Transport Around Cooling Magmatic Intrusions
Geiger S, Driesner T, Heinrich C & Matthai S
(2005) Cretaceous Magmatism and Cu-Au Mineralization in the Region of the Apuseni – Banat – Timok – Sredno-Gorie Belt – Constrains from U-Pb Zircon and Re-Os Molybdenite Dating
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Bolz V & Heinrich C
(2005) Magma Genesis and Cu-Au Ore Formation (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) in Light of Pb, Sr and Nd Isotopic and Chemical Trends
Harris C, Pettke T, Rosu E, Seghedi I & Heinrich C
(2005) How Gabbro Zircons Contain More U Than Zircons from the Co-mingled Granodiorite – Lessons from U-Pb and Hf-Zircon Isotope Investigations
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Frank M, Georgiev N, Ivanov Z & Heinrich C
(2005) Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Modelling of the Formation of the Yuzhna Petrovitsa Hydrothermal Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Madan, Bulgaria
Driesner T, Kostova B & Heinrich CA
(2004) Thermodynamics of Hydrothermal Two-Phase Flow of H2O-NaCl Fluids
Driesner T, Geiger S & Heinrich C
(2004) The Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath Central Srednogorie (Bulgaria): U-Pb and Hf-Zircon, Nd and Sr Whole Rock Constraints
Peytcheva I, Von quadt A, Frank M, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
(2004) Subduction Related Rocks in Medet Cu-Porphyry Deposit: Sources and Magma Evolution
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Frank M, Nedialkov R, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
(2004) U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Monazite from Granitoids and Migmatites in the Core and Eastern Periphery of the Central Rhodopean Dome, Bulgaria
Ovtcharova M, Von Quadt A, Cherneva Z, Sarov S, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2004) Does Zircon Trace Element Chemistry Monitor the Magmatic-Tohydrothermal Crystallization History?
Pettke T, Audétat A, Schaltegger U & Heinrich C
(2004) Boiling, Condensation and Vapour Contraction in Magmatichydrothermal Cu-Au Ore Systems
Heinrich C, Driesner T & Landtwing M
(2003) The Relationship between Late-Orogenic Extension and Hydrothermal Ore Formation – New Age Constraints from the Central Rhodopes, South Bulgaria
Kaiser-Rohrmeier M, von Quadt A, Handler R, Ovtcharova M & Heinrich C
(2003) Can Accurate Pb Isotopic Compositions be Determined on Single Fluid Inclusions?
Pettke T, Wiechert U, Audétat A, Günther D & Heinrich C
(2002) Advantages and Limitations of Quantifying Melt Inclusion Chemistry by LA-ICPMS, EMP and SIMS
Pettke T, Webster J, Halter W, Heinrich C, Aigner-Torres M & De Vivo B
(2002) Life Span of a Cu-(Au-Pge) Porphyry Deposit Using High-Precise U-Pb Single Zircon Dating, Example: Elatsite, Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2002) Revised Critical Curve for the System H2O-NaCl
Driesner T & Heinrich CA
(2002) Sulfide Melts and the Origin of Cu/Au Ratios in Porphyry Deposits
Halter WE, Pettke T & Heinrich CA
(2002) Fluid Evolution at the Bingham Cu-Au-Mo-Ag Porphyry Deposit
Landtwing MR, Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Redmond PB & Einaudi MT
(2002) Metamorphic Pb-Ag Mineralization at Albrunpass (Central Alps)
Klemm L, Graeser S, Mullis J, Pettke T & Heinrich C
(2002) The Geodynamic Evolution of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits in the Madan Metamorphic Core Complex, Bulgaria
Rohrmeier M, V.QUADT A, Handler R, Ovtcharova M, Ivanov Z & Heinrich C
(2002) PTX Properties of a Natural Au-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluid from a Multidisciplinary Study of Fluid Inclusions (Sigma Deposit – Canada)
Garofalo PS, Heinrich CA, G¸nther D & Pettke T
(2002) Combining Control Volume Finite Element Methods with Realistic Fluid Properties for High-Resolution Simulations of Multiphase Flow in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Geiger S, Driesner T, Matthai S & Heinrich C
(2001) U/Pb-, Hf-Zircon and Isotopic Investigations for Timing and Ore Genesis of “Elatsite” PGE Porphyry Copper Deposit, Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria
Von Quadt A, Peycheva I, Kamenov B, Fanger L, Driesner T, Heinrich CA & Frank M
(2001) Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Analysis of Melt Inclusions: Applications to Various Host Minerals
Halter WE, Pettke T & Heinrich CA
(2001) Six Fluids in Ore-Forming Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Audétat A, Ulrich T, Landtwing M & ̧nther DG
(2001) The Porphyry to Epithermal Link: Preliminary Fluid Chemical Results from the Apuseni Mountains, Romania, and Famatina, Argentinian Andes
Pettke T, Halter WE, Driesner T, Von Quadt A & Heinrich CA
(2000) Geologic Complexity in Fluid-Flow Models for Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Systems
Heinrich CA, Matthai SK & Driesner T

Heinrich Christoph A. (2016) Magmatic-Meteoric Water Interaction during Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
Fekete S, Weis P, Driesner T, Baumgartner L, Bouvier A-S & Heinrich CA

Heinrich Hannah (2008) Acid-Base and Ion Exchange Properties of Two Thermophilic Bacteria at Different Growth Times
Heinrich H, Daughney C, McQuillan J & Bremer P
(2006) Use of ATR IR Spectroscopy in the Identification and Quantification of Bacterial Surface Functional Groups in Conjunction with Chemical Equilibrium Modelling
Heinrich H, McQuillan AJ, Bremer PJ & Daughney CJ

Heinrich Hans-Joachim (2018) Stable Isotope Analysis Using Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
Abad C, Florek S, Becker-Ross H, Huang M-D, Heinrich H-J, Recknagel S, Vogl J, Jakubowski N & Panne U

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