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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Heidmann I. (2005) Effects of Metal Cation Binding on the Colloidal Stability of Kaolinite-Fulvic Acid Particles
Kretzschmar R, Heidmann I & Christl I
(2004) Copper and Lead Binding to Minerals Coated with Fulvic Acid
Christl I, Heidmann I & Kretzschmar R
(2002) Metal Sorption and Aggregation in Kaolinite-Fulvic Acid Dispersions
Heidmann I, Christl I & Kretzschmar R

Heidsiek M. (2018) Pore-Scale Quantification of Calcite Cement Reaction Kinetics
Trindade Pedrosa E, Heidsiek M, Fischer C & Lüttge A

Heighton L. (2011) Impact of Reductants on the Optical Properties of Humic Substances (HS)
Del Vecchio R, Heighton L, Golanoski K & Blough N

Heijboer T. (2009) Three Methods for the Calculation of Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Isotopic Exchange Experiments
Heijboer T, Vennemann T & Baumgartner L
(2008) Vibrational Constraints on Hydrogen Isotopic Fractionation between Mg-Chlorite and Gaseous Water
Heijboer T & Vennemann T

Heijlen W. (2004) The Earliest Sea-Floor Type Hydrothermal System on the Earth
Heijlen W, Touret J & Appel P
(2002) Rb-Sr Dating of Sphalerites from Pomorzany, Upper Silesia (Poland)
Schneider J, Heijlen W, Muchez P & Haack U

Heikal M.T.S. (2014) Mineralogy of Silicic Lavas from Isbil Strato-Volcano, Dhamar – Radá Plio-Quaternary Volcanic Field, Yemen Republic: Implications for the Origin of Rapakivi Texture
Heikal MT & Lebda EM
(2013) Neoproterozoic Granites of Sharm El-Sheikh Area, Egypt: Mineralogical and Geobarometric Variations
Ghoneim M, El Dosuky BT, Heikel MT, Abu-Alam T & Sherif M
(2013) A Review of Radionuclides Impact in South Sinai, Egypt: Case Study of Sharm El Sheikh Area
Sherif MI, Ghoneim MF, Heikal MTS, El Dousky BT & El Galy MM
(2013) Tawlah Specialized Alkaline Granite Prospect, Midyan Region, Arabian Shield, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Petrology. Structural Implications and REEs-Rm Characterization
Heikal M & Ammawy M

Heiko P. (2013) Relatively Small Degree of Surface Ocean Acidification during the PETM in the North Atlantic
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Pearson PN, Heiko P, Norris RD & Foster GL

Heikoop Jeffery M (2014) Assessment of Uranium in Post in situ Leach Mined Mineralized Arkosic Sandstone Units
WoldeGabriel G, Boukhalfa H, Reimus P, Heikoop J & Ware D
(2014) Uranium Remediation at an in situ Recovery (ISR) Site: Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Reducing Enviroments
Basu A, Brown ST, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW, Heikoop JM, Schilling K & Johnson TM
(2014) Stable Isotopic Identification of Nitrate Sources in a Tundra Ecosystem, Barrow, AK
Heikoop J, Newman B, Throckmorton H, Perkins G, Gard M, Iversen C, Wilson C & Wullschleger S
(2013) Multiple Isotopic Tracers to Monitor Remediation of Uranium Solution Mining
Brown S, Christensen J, DePaolo D, Basu A, Reimus P, Simmons A & Heikoop J

Heikoop Jeffery M. (2015) Selenium Isotope Ratios as Novel Redox Proxies to Detect the Onset of U(VI) Reduction in Groundwater
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW & Heikoop JM

Heil E. (2021) Concentration-Discharge and Mass Flux Relationships in Two Alpine Headwater Catchments
Warix SR, Heil E, Navarre-Sitchler A & Singha K
(2021) Investigating the Impact of Pore Connectivity and Dead-End Pores on Mineral Dissolution Through Microfluidics
Heil E, Gorman B, Squier J & Navarre-Sitchler A
(2019) Pore-Scale Mineral Dissolution Rates Measured in Reactive Microfluidics at Variable pH and Fluid Velocity
Navarre-Sitchler A, Malenda M, Jung H, Heil E, Gorman B & Squier J

Heil-Chapdelaine V. (2006) Reconstructing Pleistocene pluvial phase environments, Western Desert, Egypt, from the geochemistry of authigenic water-lain deposits
Smith JR, Kieniewicz JM, Adelsberger KA & Heil-Chapdelaine V

Heiland K. (2013) Tracing the Origin of Sulphur in Darzila Karst Cave, NE Iraq
Seither A, Heiland K & Kummer S

Heilbron M. (2021) The Polycyclic Tectonic and Petrogenetic Evolution of the Juiz de Fora Complex: Constraints from Zircon Studies (U-Pb and Lu-Hf) Coupled with Whole-Rock Geochemical and (Sr-Nd) Isotopic Data
Araujo LEDAB, Heilbron M & Teixeira W
(2021) Metamorphic Evolution of the Juiz de Fora Complex: Rhyacian and Ediacaran Granulite Facies Metamorphism Records Two Supercontinent Amalgamation Events
Cutts K, Araujo LEDAB, Nunes Manoel T, Heilbron M & Valeriano C

Heilbrun C. (2012) Evaluation of 224Ra as a SGD Tracer in Long Island Sound
Garcia-Orellana J, Cochran JK, Daniel JWR, Rodellas V, Bokuniewicz H & Heilbrun C

Heilimo E. (2023) Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian Orogeny –rapid Crustal Growth on the Margin of the Columbia Supercontinent
Heilimo E & Mikkola P
(2017) Oxygen Isotopes in Titanite and Apatite. A New Tool for Crustal Evolution?
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M & Heilimo E
(2016) The Secular Evolution of Titanite and Apatite Trace Element Chemistry as a Tracer of Magmatic Evolution
Bruand E, Laurent O, Fowler M, Storey C & Heilimo E
(2016) O Isotopes in Underexplored Accessory Minerals (Titanite and Apatite). A New Tool for Crustal Evolution?
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M, Heilimo E & Laurent O
(2015) The Use of Apatite and Titanite as a New Window into Magma Genesis and Early Earth
Bruand E, Fowler M, Storey C & Heilimo E
(2015) Apatite and Titanite as Tracers of Magma Petrogenesis and Recorders of Geodynamic Evolution
Storey C, Bruand E, Fowler M & Heilimo E
(2015) Constraints on the Formation of the Archean Siilinjärvi Carbonatite-Glimmerite Complex, Fennoscandian Shield
Heilimo E, O'Brien H & Heino P
(2014) Paleo- to Neoarchean Transitional Granitoid Geochemistry and Crustal Evolution in the Bundelkhand Craton, India
Joshi KB, Bhattacharjee J, Rai G, Halla J, Kurhila M, Heilimo E & Ahmad T

Heilweil V.M. (2010) Gases in Managed Aquifer Recharge
Solomon DK & Heilweil VM

Heim C. (2021) Quantitative Remediation Study to Avoid Orthophosphate Dynamics between Sediment and Water Column at a Shallow Eutrophic Lake
Zeman-Kuhnert S, Thiel V & Heim C
(2020) Anaerobic Fungi Linked to Ancient Methanogenesis at Great Depth in the Siljan Impact Structure, Sweden
Drake H, Ivarsson M, Heim C, Bengtson S, Belivanova V & Whitehouse M
(2020) Dating Biosignatures in Fracture Habitats of the Deep Igneous Rock-Hosted Biosphere
Tillberg M, Drake H, Roberts N, Zack T, Ivarsson M, Heim C & Whitehouse M
(2018) Development of Superheavy δ34S Values in Paleozoic Pyrite Detected by SIMS Microanalysis and Ion Imaging
Drake H, Whitehouse M, Heim C, Reiners P, Tillberg M & Hogmalm J
(2017) Detecting Intermittent Events of Microbial Activity in the Subsurface Using Microscale Stable Isotope Analysis and Radiometric Dating
Drake H, Whitehouse M, Zack T, Roberts N, Heim C, Broman C & Åström M
(2013) Tracing Episodic Microbial Oxidation of Biogenic Methane Deep in Fractured Granite Using δ13C<sub>calcite</sub>
Drake H, Heim C, Åström M & Whitehouse M
(2011) Using TOF-SIMS to Study Biomarkers
Thiel V, Blumenberg M, Heim C, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Reitner J & Sjovall P
(2009) Traces of a Fossil Deep Biosphere in Fracture Fillings of the Äspö Diorite (Sweden)
Heim C, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Simon K, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) TOF-SIMS Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Microbial Systems
Thiel V, Heim C, Hode T, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Sjövall P & Toporski J
(2009) First Results of Geo- and Biochemical Analyses of Terrestrial Methane-Emittingen Mud Volcanoes in Italy
Heller C, Blumenberg M, Dreier A, Wrede C, Zilla T, Kokoschka S, Heim C, Hoppert M, Taviani M & Reitner J
(2007) Mineralized Microbial Mats with Extreme Lanthanum Enrichments in the Tunnel of Äspö, Sweden
Heim C, Simon K, Quéric N-V & Thiel V

Heim J. (2006) (U-Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: implications for weathering history and landscape evolution
Heim J, Vasconcelos P, Farley K, Shuster D & Broadbent G

Heim Karsten (2016) The Ternary Sorption System U(VI)/ phosphate/SiO2: A Consistent Surface Speciation Derived from a Multimethodological Approach
Foerstendorf H, Comarmond MJ, Heim K, Steudtner R, Stockmann M & Payne TE

Heim Karsten (2018) Consolidation of Surface Speciations by a Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach
Foerstendorf H, Jordan N, Heim K, Mayordomo N, Steudtner R, Stockmann M & Lützenkirchen J

Heim Karsten (2015) A Comparative Study of the Sorption of U(VI) on SiO2 and TiO2 in the Presence of Phosphate
Comarmond M-CJ, Foerstendorf H, Müller K, Heim K, Harrison J & Payne TE
(2015) The Surface Complexes of the Oxoanions of Se(VI) and Tc(VII) at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Foerstendorf H, Heim K, Franzen C & Jordan N
(2013) Sorption and Desorption Processes of U(VI) on Iron (Hydr)oxide Phases
Foerstendorf H, Heim K & Jordan N
(2009) Spectroscopic Identification of Ternary Carbonate Complexes Upon U(VI) Sorption onto Ferrihydrite
Foerstendorf H & Heim K

Heim Karsten (2014) Uptake of Selenium Oxyanions by Hematite
Jordan N, Domaschke S, Foerstendorf H, Scheinost AC, Franzen C, Zimmermann V, Weiss S & Heim K

Heim M. (2011) U-Pb Geochronology of the Southern Scandinavian Caledonides: The Mesoproterozoic Espedalen Anorthosite-Gabbro-Norite Massif and Associated Rocks
Corfu F & Heim M

Heim N.A. (2013) Increasing Metabolic Activity of Clams and Brachiopods over the Past 500 Million Years: A Consequence of the Changing Biological Pump?
Payne JL, Heim NA, Knope ML, Meyer KM & McClain CR

Heim W. (2014) Fog as a Potential Means of Transport of Methylmercury to Coastal Terrestrial Ecosystems
Weiss-Penzias P, Coale K, Heim W & Fernandez D

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