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Hegazy H. (2009) Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism in Northeast Africa, an Evidence for the African Plate Motion
Hegazy H
(2007) Geochemistry and Mechanic Emplacement of Late Proterozoic Dyke Swarms, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Hegazy H
(2005) Geochemistry and Mechanic Emplacement of Late Proterozoic Dyke Swarms, Eastern Desert, Egypt By Hussein A. Hegazy
Hegazy H
(2002) Petrogenesis and Solidification History of Late Pan-African Dykes Assemblage, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt,
Hegazy H

Hegde P. (2022) Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Tropical Unconfined Aquifers in Southwestern India and its Impact on Human Health: A GIS Approach
Shenoy AV, Keshava B, Narayana UH & Hegde P
(2014) Distribution of Trace Elements in the Monsoon Rainwater of South-Western India: Implication of Human Activity
Busnur M, Keshava B & Hegde P

Hegde V.S.H. (2016) A Critique of Sutured Cratonic Blocks in the Archean Dharwar Craton of Southern India
Sushanta Sarangi SS, Srinivasan RS, Debasis Behera DB, Sagar Kumar Swain SKS, Hegde VSH & Allen P Nutman APN

Hegedűs E. (2013) Integrated Geological and Geophysical Probing of Lithospheric Dynamics in a Young Extensional Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Kovács I, Falus G, Szabó C, Kiss J, Fancsik T, Hegedűs E & Pintér Z

Hegedűs M. (2019) Transformation of Synthetic and Biogenic Apatites in Mg2+ Rich Environment
Kis VK, Sulyok A, Hegedűs M, Kovács I & Kovács Z

Hegedus S. (2019) Trace Metal Sequestration in Microalgae and Ocean Acidification
Hegedus S, Gélabert A & Benedetti M

Hegele P. (2012) Combining Macroscopic Invasion Percolation with Mass Transfer to Model Bubble-Facilitated Transport of VOCs in Groundwater
Mumford K, Hegele P, Krol M & Sleep B

Hegenberger W. (2019) Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions: A Novel Metal Stable Isotope Perspective
Rodler A, Hohl S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Hegenberger W, Goderis S, Claeys P & Frei R

Hegg E. (2014) Isotopomer Analysis of Nitrous Oxide Produced by Cytochrome P450nor from Histoplasma capsulatum
Hegg E, Yang H, Gandhi H & Ostrom N
(2014) Using Stable Isotopes to Investigate Microbial H2 and N2O Production
Hegg E, Yang H, Kreuzer H, Moran J, Hill E, Gandhi H & Ostrom N
(2010) Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Assess Proton Flux during Biological Hydrogen Production: Part 2
Moran J, Hill E, Hegg E & Kreuzer H
(2010) Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Assess Proton Flux during Biological Hydrogen Production: Part 1
Yang H, Kreuzer H, Shi L, Ostrom N, Gandhi H & Hegg E
(2010) A Stable Isotope-Based Model of Intracellular Water Dynamics
Hegg E & Kreuzer H

Hegg F. (2022) Uranium Sources and Mobility Related to Mining Areas
Dzimbanhete VL, Hegg F, Alakangas L, Karlsson T, Peinerud E, Aiglsperger T & Paulsson O

Heggblom M. (2012) Genome-Enabled Study of Alternate Respiratory Pathways in a Novel As(V)-respiring Bacterium
Yee N, Rauschenbach I, Bini E & Heggblom M

Heggie G. (2011) The First Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for a 2.9 Ga Mesoarchean Sulfate Reservoir
Barley M, Golding S, Heggie G & Fiorentini M
(2009) Global Variability in the Platinum-Group Element Contents of Komatiites
Fiorentini M, Barnes S, Maier W & Heggie G

Hegler F. (2010) Study at the Nanoscale of Iron Biomineralization on Organic Fibres by a Phototrophic Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium
Benzerara K, Miot J, Obst M, Kappler A, Hegler F, Guyot F & Morin G
(2009) Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidizing Bacteria – Strategies to Avoid Encrustation by Fe(III) Minerals
Hegler F, Schmidt C, Schwarz H & Kappler A
(2009) Microbially Mediated Geochemical Iron and Carbon Cycling in a Cold Mineral Spring
Hanselmann K, Hegler F, Horath T, Behrens S, Schmidt C & Kappler A
(2008) Constraining the Role of Anoxygenic Phototrophic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria in the Deposition of Banded Iron Formations
Kappler A, Posth N, Hegler F & Koehler I
(2008) Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidizing Bacteria – To Encrust or not to Encrust
Hegler F, Muehe EM & Kappler A

Hegner E. (2023) Remobilization of Tungsten in Archean Cratons: Insights from W Isotope Compositions of Volcanic Rocks from the Kaapvaal and Singhbhum Cratons
Messling N, Hegner E, Jodder J, Hofmann A, Wemmer K & Willbold M
(2020) MELTS Modelling of Prehistoric Mount Etna, Valle del Bove
Kempton PD, Downes H, Spence A, Blichert-Toft J, Bryce J, Hegner E & Vroon PZ
(2013) Late Mesozoic A-Type Magmatism in Hailar Basin, NE China: Constraints on the Evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean
Li S-Q, Chen F, Hegner E & Wu J-D
(2013) Geochemical Evolution of Prehistoric Magma Sources beneath Mt. Etna
Spence A, Downes H, Blichert-Toft J, Bryce J & Hegner E
(2007) Nb-Depleted Calc-Alkaline Dacites from Iceland: Implications for Archean Crust Formation
Hegner E, Willbold M, Stracke A & Rocholl A
(2007) Climate Changes and Volcanic Signals during the Bronze Age: A Stalagmite Record
Siklosy Z, Demeny A, Vennemann TW, Hegner E, Kramers J & Leel-Ossy S
(2002) Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Subduction-Related Carbonate-Silicate Melts in Mantle Xenoliths from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
DemÈny A, Vennemann T, Hegner E, Embey-Isztin A, Homonnay Z & Milton A

Hegoda C. (2011) Silicon Self-Diffusion in Forsterite, Revisited
Fei H, Katsura T, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Hegoda C, Yamazaki D, Wiedenbeck M, Yurimoto H, Shcheka S, Pollok K & Audétat A

Hegyi S. (2019) Understanding Microscale Isotopic Patterns in Pyrite Using a Two-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Model
Hegyi S & Halevy I

Heidari H. (2015) Oxidation Potential in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Kaminsky F, Ryabchikov I, McCammon C, Longo M, Abakumov A, Turner S & Heidari H

Heidari P. (2014) Unravelling Controls on Marcellus Shale Weathering
Li L, Heidari P, Jin L & Brantley S

Heidbuechel I. (2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X

Heide G. (2018) Indium Incorporation in Synthetic Sphalerite: Examination via Powder Diffraction and XANES Spectroscopy
Heinrich J, Bauer M, Göttlicher J, Seifert T & Heide G
(2017) Shock Wave Treatment of Calcite up to 116 GPa
Schlothauer T, Kempe U, Kroke E & Heide G
(2014) Gas Release from Minerals and Rocks
Heide K, Langenhorst F & Heide G

Heide K. (2014) Gas Release from Minerals and Rocks
Heide K, Langenhorst F & Heide G
(2010) Buchite Type Glasses in the West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany)
Goepel A, Heide K, Merten D & Büchel G

Heidelbach F. (2022) In situ 4D Dendritic Crystallization in Basaltic Magmas Reveals How Magma Mobility Occurs within the Earth's Crust
Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Torres-Orozco R, Di Genova D, Neave D, Hartley M, Mader HM, Giordano D, Atwood R, Lee PD, Heidelbach F & Burton MR
(2007) The Perovskite – Post-Perovskite Phase Transition of CaIrO3 during Experimental Deformation: Implications for the D' Layer
Walte N, Heidelbach F, Rubie D & Frost D
(2007) Textural and Microstructural Analysis of Rapidly Grown Omphacite from Eclogite Facies Pseudotachylytes
Pollok K, Heidelbach F, Langenhorst F & John T
(2004) Interplay between Fluid Infiltration, Deformation, and Diffusion during Eclogitization in the Mte. Mucrone Quartz Diorite, Italy
Terry M & Heidelbach F
(2004) Phase Relations in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series: Crucial in Acquiring and Preserving Crustal Magnetism
Robinson P, Harrison R, McEnroe S, Langenhorst F & Heidelbach F
(2002) High-Strain Deformation of Mantle Minerals and Seismic Anisotropy
Mackwell S, Bystricky M, Stretton I & Heidelbach F

Heideman W. (2009) Developmental Toxicity of Oxidatively Degraded QDs
Wiecinski P, King Heiden T, Metz K, Mangham A, Hamers R, Heideman W, Peterson R & Pedersen J

Heiden E. (2006) In Field Analysis of Aqueous Environmental Samples using Transportable EDXRF: Methodological Developments for Remote Areas
Heiden E, Gore D & Stark S

Heidi S. (2019) Linking Snowmelt and Nitrogen Cycling to Vegetation Community Dynamics along a Hillslope Transect
Bhavna A, Eoin B, Zelalem M, Tetsu T, Jiamin W, Heidi S, Yuxin W & Carl S

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