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Hedges J. (2007) An Integrated NMR and FTCIR Mass Spectroscopic Study to Characterize a New and Major Refractory Component of (Marine) Natural Organic Matter (NOM) at the Molecular Level, CRAM: Carboxyl-Rich Alicyclic Molecules
Hertkorn N, Benner R, Witt M, Frommberger M, Kaiser K, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Kettup A & Hedges J
(2003) Compound-Specific δ15N Measurments of Amino Acids in Dissolved Organic Matter from the Central Pacific Ocean
McCarthy M, Hedges J, Benner R & Fogel M
(2003) Isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) Fractionation of Organic Matter during Sorption to Minerals
Aufdenkampe A, Hedges J, Quay P & Richey J

Hedges Lester (2013) Liquid-Liquid Separation at the Onset of CaCO3 Formation
Wallace A, Hedges L, Fernandez-Martinez A, Raiteri P, Whitelam S, Waychunas G, Gale J, Banfield J & De Yoreo J

Hedges Lindsey (2002) Constraining Landscape Evolution of the West Antarctic Rift Flank of Southern Victoria Land
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Farley K, Hedges L, O'Sullivan P & Webb L

Hedges R. (2008) Stable Calcium Isotope Ratios (δ44/42Ca) in Bones and Teeth for the Detection of Dairying by Ancient Humans
Reynard L, Hedges R & Henderson G
(2002) Providing Reliable Chronologies for Later Human Evolution: Direct Dating of Bone by U-Series Disequilibrium
Pike A, Hedges R & VanCalsteren P
(2000) A New Approach to U-Series Dating of Bone Using TIMS
Pike AW, Hedges RE & vanCalsteren P

Hedges S. (2010) Experiments of CO2-Brine-Feldspars/Sandstone/Shale Interactions: Implications for Geological Carbon Sequestration
Lu P, Liu F, Hedges S, Griffith C, Soong Y & Zhu C

Hedin B. (2017) Cation Exchange as a Control on Coal Mine Drainage Geochemistry in the Appalachian Region, Eastern USA
Hedin B, Capo R, Stewart B, Cravotta C, Hawkins J & Hedin R
(2017) Nd Isotopes Track Rare Earth Element Sources in Acid Mine Drainage, Appalachian Basin, USA
Wallrich I, Stewart B, Capo R, Phan T & Hedin B
(2016) Controls on Rare Earth Elements in Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage in the Appalachian Basin, Eastern USA
Stewart B, Capo R, Hedin B & Hedin R

Hedin R. (2017) Cation Exchange as a Control on Coal Mine Drainage Geochemistry in the Appalachian Region, Eastern USA
Hedin B, Capo R, Stewart B, Cravotta C, Hawkins J & Hedin R
(2016) Controls on Rare Earth Elements in Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage in the Appalachian Basin, Eastern USA
Stewart B, Capo R, Hedin B & Hedin R
(2010) Sr Isotope Quantification of Siderite, Brine and AMD Contribution to High TDS Well Discharges
Chapman E, Capo R, Stewart B, Hedin R, Weaver T & Edenborn H

Hedlund Brian (2017) Light Sensitivity of Marine Group II Archaea in the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary: Implication for Microbial Niche Adaptation
Xie W, Luo H, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Chen S, Sun Y, Hedlund B, Wang P, Fang H, Deng M & Zhang C
(2015) Marine Group II Archaea are Significant Players of Carbon Cycling in Estuaries and Coastal Seas
Zhang C, Xie W, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Luo H, Sun Y, Chen S, Wang P, Hedlund B & Phelps T

Hedlund Brian P. (2023) Expanding the Known Diversity of Methanogenic Microorganisms: Mcr-Based Methane Production in Archaeoglobaceae
Buessecker S, Chadwick GL, Quan ME, Hedlund BP, Dodsworth JA & Dekas AE
(2016) Phylogenomic and Physiological Exploration of Novel Clades of the Phylum Chloroflexi from Great Boiling Spring, Nevada, USA
Thomas SC, Dodsworth JA, Zhou E, Murugapiran SK, Woyke T, Shaprio N, Bowen B, Silva LP, Northen TR & Hedlund BP
(2016) Envirnomental Genomics of Fervidibacteria, a "Microbial Coelacanth" from a Hot, Primitive Earth?
Hedlund B, Dodsworth J, Murugapiran S, Jarett J, Ivanova N, DeVlaminck I, Quake S, Li W-J & Woyke T

Hedlund T. (2011) Metal Attenuation in Tailings
Hedlund T, Lövgren L & Karlsson T

Hedman B. (2000) Surface Complexes: Copper (II) and Glyphosate on Boehmite and Goethite Surfaces
Sheals J, Persson P & Hedman B

Hedman C. (2009) MnO2-mediated Transformation of the Antimicrobial Sulfamethazine
Gao J, Guo T, Hedman C & Pedersen J

Hedrich S. (2019) Iron-, Sulfur-, Nitrogen- and Carbon-Cycling Microbial Communities in an Abandoned Acidic Metal Sulfide Mine
Hedrich S & Schippers A
(2018) Biohydrometallurgy for Metal Recycling
Hedrich S & Schippers A
(2018) Simultaneous Removal of Arsenic and Zinc Using an Acidophilic Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor
González D, Hedrich S, Colipai C & Nancucheo I
(2014) Geobiotechnological Metal Dissolution and Precipitation
Schippers A & Hedrich S
(2011) Redox Transformations of Iron in Extremely Low pH Environments: Environmental and Industrial Implications
Johnson B, Kanao T & Hedrich S

Hedström M. (2011) Donnan Equilibrium in Na-Montmorillonite from a Molecular Dynamics Perspective – Consequences for Diffusional Transport
Hedström M, Birgersson M & Karnland O

Hedwig S. (2022) Plant and Microbial Contribution to Metal Mobilization from a Technosol Developed on Waste Dump
Potysz A, Pędziwiatr A, Kierczak J, Hedwig S & Lenz M
(2020) Membrane Based Scandium Extraction from Industrial Waste
Hedwig S, Constable EC & Lenz M
(2019) Selective Scandium Recovery from Complex Wastes by Nanofiltration
Hedwig S, Remmen K, Wintgens T, Constable E & Lenz M

Heerboth M. (2009) Ion Chromatography of Inositol Phosphates with High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Detection
Heerboth M & Cooper W

Heeschen K. (2013) Metamorphic-Hydrothermal Transition in the Alteration of Pillow and Dike Basalts from the Rodriguez Triple Junction
Franke H, Heeschen K & Schwarz-Schampera U
(2012) Structural Development and Petrogenesis along the Southern Central Indian Ridge
Heeschen K, Schwarz-Schampera U & Franke H
(2011) Alteration of Carbonates in Saline Aquifers due to CO2 and Accessory Gases at Geological Storage Conditions
Risse A, Heeschen K, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2011) Mineral Alterations due to Accessory Gases in the Geological Storage of CO2
Heeschen K, Risse A, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2010) Using TOF-SIMS Isotope Mapping to Constrain Dissolution/Reprecipitation and Redox Reactions in Experimental CO2-Sequestration Studies
Rinnen S, Stroht C, Heeschen K, Ostertag-Henning C, Risse A & Arlinghaus HF
(2008) Fluid Flow Rates and Sediment Pore-Fluid Interactions at the Carlos Ribeiro Mud Volcano (Gulf of Cadiz)
Vanneste H, Heeschen K, Kelly-Gerreyn B, Mills RA & Green DHR
(2007) Origin of Brines in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Reitz A, Haeckel M, Wallmann K, Hensen C & Heeschen K

Heesemann M. (2019) Geological Storage of CO2 in Sub-Seafloor Basalt Offshore Washington State and British Columbia
Goldberg D, Aston L, Bonneville A, Demirkanli I, Fisher AT, Gerrard M, Giammar D, Heesemann M, Knottavange-Telleen K, Hsu E, Moran K, Park A, Scherwath M, Slagle AL, Stute M, Weathers TS, Webb R, Wells RK, White MD & White SK

Heffernan L. (2023) Adsorption Controls on the Composition and Biological Reactivity of Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
Abbasi M, Groeneveld M, Heffernan L, Kellerman A, Gogoll A, Tranvik L & Kothawala D
(2019) Non-Proportionality between Anoxic CO2 Fluxes and Soil Organic Carbon Mass
Estop-Aragonés C, Heffernan L & Olefeldt D

Heflik W. (2019) Mineral Composition of Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks in Ba Vi Area, North Viet Nam: A Preliminary Results
Smoliński W, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Khac Nguyen G, Gunia P & Heflik W

Hefter Jens (2019) No Evidence for 20th Century Acceleration in Fossil Carbon Supply to the Ocean from Thawing Permafrost in the Lena River Catchment
Mollenhauer G, Winterfeld M, Hefter J, Grotheer H, Kattein L & Ransby D

Hefter Jens (2022) Land-Ocean Connections during Last Deglaciation: Transport of Biospheric Terrestrial Carbon beneath the Svalbard Barents Ice Sheet
Nogarotto A, Mollenhauer G, Hefter J, Noormets R, Capotondi L, Belt S, Chauhan T, Muschitiello F, Colleoni F, Pellegrini C & Tesi T

Hefter Jens (2012) Comparison of Three Organic Geochemical Proxies for Sea-Surface Temperatures in a Four Year Sediment Trap Record
Mollenhauer G, Uliana E, Basse A, Kim J-H, Romero O, Schefub E, Hefter J & Fischer G
(2012) North American Ice Sheet Dynamics Controlled by Obliquity (41 ka) during the Early Pleistocene
Naafs D, Hefter J, Acton G, Haug GH, Martinez-Garcia A, Pancost R & Stein R

Hefter Jens (2015) Release of Pre-Aged Terrestrial Organic Matter from the Amur Watershed during Deglacial Permafrost Thaw Revealed by Compound-Specific 14C Analysis
Mollenhauer G, Dummann W, Winterfeld M, Hefter J, Lembke-Jene L & Tiedemann R
(2015) Sources and Age of Terrigenous Organic Matter Exported from the Lena River Watershed, NE Siberia
Winterfeld M, Goñi M, Just J, Hefter J, Sun S, Han P & Mollenhauer G
(2011) Tracing the Source of IRD in the Heinrich Layers of the North Atlantic
Naafs D, Hefter J, Zhang S & Stein R

Hegan A. (2011) A "Cradle to Grave" Analysis of Geothermal Arsenic in Lowland River System
Webster-Brown J, Wilson N, Hegan A, Christenson H & Swedlund P
(2009) Mitigation of Geogenic Arsenic-Bearing Groundwaters: Assessing the Importance of Risk Substitution Arising from Waterborne Pathogens
Mondal D, Polya D, Giri A, Banerjee M, Hegan A, Rodriguez-Lado L, Bradford W, Banerjee N, Kundu M & Ganguli B

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