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Hecht Lutz (2019) Stable Isotopes Constraints on Crystal Mush Processes in Layered Intrusions: Crystal Growth vs. Diffusion?
Albert C, Williams H, Kaufmann F, Hecht L & Jenner F

Hecht Lutz (2020) Permo-Triassic Metamorphism in the Mérida Andes, Venezuela: New Insights from Geochronology, O-Isotopes, and Geothermobarometry
Tazzo-Rangel MD, Weber B, Schmitt AK, González-Guzmán R & Hecht L

Hecht Lutz (2021) Oxygen Isotope Variability in Unmelted Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Kaufmann FEDED, van Ginneken M, Hecht L, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2021) Tracing Magma Emplacement Processes by Microstructural and Mineral Compositional Variations: An Example from the Unit 7–8 Boundary Zone of the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland
Kaufmann FED, O'Driscoll B & Hecht L

Hecht M.H. (2010) Aqueous Chemistry on Mars
Hecht M & Kounaves S
(2002) Geochemical Analysis on Mars
Kounaves SP & Hecht MH

Heck K. (2017) Modelling Soil-Root Interactions
Schnepf A, Javaux M, Leitner D, Flemisch B, Heck K, Koch T, Mai TH, Sheng C, Helmig R, Vanderborght J & Vereecken H

Heck Philipp (2018) Lifetimes of Interstellar Dust from New Exposure Ages of Large Presolar SiC Grains
Heck P, Greer J, Koeoep L, Trappitsch R, Gyngard F, Davis A, Avila J, Busemann H, Colin M & Wieler R
(2018) Atom-Probe Tomography of Space-Weathered Lunar Ilmenite Grain Surfaces
Greer J, Rout S, Istheim D, Seidman D, Wieler R & Heck P
(2014) Atom-Probe Tomography of Cosmochemical Samples
Heck P, Isheim D, Auciello O, Davis A, Elam J, Hiller J, Larson D, Mane A, Pellin M, Rout S, Savina M, Seidman D & Stephan T
(2010) Silician Magnetite from the Dales Gorge Banded Iron Formation
Huberty J, Konishi H, Fournelle J, Heck P, Valley J & Xu H
(2009) Accurate Stable Isotope Analysis by Ion Microprobe
Valley J, Kita N, Ushikubo T, Huberty J, Kozdon R, Page Z, Heck P & Fu B
(2009) Crystal Orientation Effects on Bias of δ18O in Magnetite by SIMS
Huberty J, Kita N, Heck P, Kozdon R, Fournelle J, Xu H & Valley J
(2009) Assessing the Stardust Inventory of Comet 81P/Wild 2 by NanoSIMS
Leitner J, Hoppe P, Heck P & Huth J

Heck Philipp R (2022) Search for the Carriers of P-Process Anomalies in Early Solar System Condensates
Marquez RT, Charlier BLA, Abbott T, Smeets P, Heck PR & Tissot FLH
(2022) Vision and Strategies for Astromaterials Data Management and Archiving
Haenecour P, Lehnert KA, Bennett CA, Barnes JJ, Connolly HC, Crombie K, Davidson J, Ebel DS, Gemma M, Heck PR, McCubbin FM, Ogliore RC & Schrader D
(2021) Coordinated Analysis of Space Weathering Characteristics in Lunar Samples to Understand Water Distribution on the Moon
Kling AM, Thompson MS, Greer J & Heck PR
(2021) A Reevaluation of the Petrogenetic Relationships Among HED Meteorites with Ca Isotopes
Valdes MC, Blättler C, Razionale D & Heck PR

Heck Philipp R. (2020) Nanoscale Properties of GEMS-Like Material in Primitive Carbonaceous Chondrites
Villalon KL, Ohtaki KK, Bradley JP, Ishii HA, Heck PR, Keating K, Davis AM & Stephan T
(2020) A Reevaluation of the Petrogenetic Relationships Among HED Meteorites with Ca Isotopes
Valdes M, Blättler C & Heck P
(2020) Deformed and Compacted Fragments in the Aguas Zarcas Meteorite
Yang X, Neander A & Heck P

Heck Pr (2003) Cosmic-Ray Exposure Ages of 480 Ma Old Fossil Meteorites: The L-Chondrite Parent-Body Break-Up Event?
Heck P, Baur H, Schmitz B & Wieler R

Heck Stephanie (2015) Radionuclide Sorption Reversibility Studies on Different Compacted Bentonite Derived Clay Nanoparticles
Rinderknecht F, Huber F, Heck S, Götz R & Schaefer T
(2013) Montmorillonite Colloid Size Heterogeneity – Fractionation and Characterization
Norrfors K, Bouby M, Heck S, Finck N, Marsac R, Schäfer T, Geckeis H & Wold S

Heck Stephanie (2011) The Calcite–Water Interface and its Interactions with Selenium IV and VI
Heberling F, Heck S & Rothe J

Heckel C. (2023) Low-T Sheared Peridotites from the Kaapvaal-Craton: Record of Hydrous Metasomatism during Deformation
Heckel C, Withers AC, Woodland AB, Gibson SA & Ludwig T
(2022) Different Types of Sheared Peridotites from Lesotho (Kaapvaal Craton)
Heckel C, Woodland AB, Linckens J & Gibson SA
(2021) Sheared Peridotites from Kimberley (South Africa): Ti-Enrichment of Olivine Neoblasts Through a 1200℃ Hot Metasomatic Agent
Heckel C, Woodland AB, Linckens J & Gibson SA

Hecker C. (2019) Pathways of Hydrothermal Fluids in Fast-Spreading Oceanic Crust: Insights from Remote Sensing of 1000 km2 of Upper-Crust in the Oman Ophiolite
Belgrano T, Diamond L, Novakovic N, Hewson R, Hecker C & Gilgen S

Heckman Katherine (2017) A New Age of Radiocarbon: Reactive Transport Models as a Tool for Assessing Soil Carbon Cycling
Lawrence C, Druhan J, Heckman K & Berhe A

Heckman Katherine (2010) The Enigmatic “Occluded” C Fraction
Heckman K, Rasmussen C & Knicker H

Heckman Katherine (2016) Does Mineral Surface Chemistry Influence Soil Organic Matter Properties?
Heckman K

Heckman Katherine (2019) Kinetic Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter at the Global Scale
Lawrence C, Heckman K, Hicks Pries C, Crow S, Sierra C & Trumbore S

Heckman Katherine (2020) Mobility, Chemistry, and Prevalence of Shale-Derived Organic Carbon in an Alluvial Floodplain
Fox P, Bill M, Heckman K, Conrad M, Dewey C, Anderson C, Keiluweit M, Fendorf S & Nico P

Heckman Katherine (2015) Iron-Ing out the Details of Soil Organic Matter Cycling: The Unique Role of Fe-Bearing Minerals in Regulating Organic Matter Transformation in Soils
Heckman K
(2013) Climate and Topographic Controls on Soil Organic Carbon Cycling in Southern Arizona, USA
Lybrand R, Heckman K & Rasmussen C

Hector S. (2023) Disruption of a High-Pressure Unit during Exhumation: Petrology and Geochronology within the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos Islands, Greece)
Peillod A, Patten CGC, Drueppel K, Beranoaguirre A, Zeh A, Gudelius D, Hector S, Majka J, Kleine BI, Karlsson A, Gerdes A & Kolb J
(2021) Orogenic Au Deposits of the Pohjanmaa Belt, South-Western Finland: Deposit Model and Potential Co-source
Hector S, Patten CGC & Kolb J

Hedberg M. (2002) Development of a Micro-Cavity Ion Source for Enhanced Efficiency in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectromety
Riciputi L, Ingeneri K & Hedberg M

Hedding D.W. (2020) Decoupled Erosion of Authigenic and Detrital Components in Soil
Li X, Hedding DW, Chen Y, Greyling AC, Li L, Wu Z & Li G
(2019) Weathering Dynamics of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs): A Case Study from the Lesotho Highlands
Chen Y, Hedding DW, Li X, Greyling AC & Li G

Hedenquist J. (2003) Sulfidation State of Hydrothermal Systems: A Giggenbach Perspective
Hedenquist J, Inan E & Einaudi M

Hedgecock I.M. (2021) Global Mercury Observation Training Network (GMOS-Train)
Horvat M, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Lobnik A, Jonsson S, Dommergue A, Pirrone N, Amouroux D, Ebinghaus R, Knoery J, Corns W, Lapanje A, Kocman D, Hedgecock IM, Bieser J, Matthias V, Schrum C, Lorrain A & Point D

Hedgecock J. (2003) A Novel Portable Simulated Rover Platform (SimRP) for Astrobiology Exploration Rover Development
Fries M, Hall J, Toporski J, Hedgecock J, Bar-Cohen Y & Steele A

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