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Heatherington A. (2010) Plutonic Imaging of Two Proterozoic Underplating Events in the NW Wyoming Province from Hf-Isotopes of Zircon from Cretaceous Batholiths
Foster D, Mueller P, Heatherington A, Kamenov G & Gifford J
(2005) Basement Influence on Phanerozoic Tectono-Magmatic History of the Northern Rocky Mountains
Foster D, Mueller P, Vogl J, Mogk D, Wooden J & Heatherington A

Heathman I. (2023) Volcanic (Lava Tube) Caves Water Chemistry Influenced by High Magnitude Wildfires on Surface
Hollan SH, Heathman I, Kulkarni H, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM, Northup DE & Datta S

Heathman K. (2022) Taming the Uncultured: Modeling Microbial Life Under Very Low Redox Potential in the Subsurface and Deep-Sea Biosphere
Beckmann S, Farag I, Giri S, Bowen M, Baughan C, Heathman K, Siftar Z, Prouty N & Biddle J

Heaton Daniel (2023) Age, Geochemistry, and Isotope Ratios of Harrat Uwayrid Alkali Basalts, NW Saudi Arabia: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Red Sea System
Whattam SA, Azizi H, Iskandar O, Osman MS, Heaton D, Nouri F, Lemdjou YB & Koppers AAP

Heaton Daniel (2019) Advancements in 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Mafic Phenocryst Phases
Koppers A, Konrad K, Miggins D, Heaton D & Balbas A

Heaton Daniel (2011) Short Magma Residence Times for Kilauea Volcano Based on High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
Heaton D, Pietruszka A, Garcia M & Marske J

Heaton Daniel (2018) Explosive Summit Collapse of Kīlauea Volcano in 1924 Preceded by a Decade of Anomalous Lava Chemistry
Pietruszka A, Heaton D & Garcia M
(2018) Age Dating Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts with the 40Ar/39Ar Method: Preliminary Results and Future Prospects
Konrad K, Koppers A, Balbas A, Miggins D & Heaton D

Heaton Daniel (2014) Lead Isotopic Evolution of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
Pietruszka A, Marske J, Heaton D, Burns D & Garcia M
(2014) Constraining the Rapid Construction of TAMU Massif at an ~145 Myr Old Triple Junction, Shatsky Rise
Heaton D & Koppers A

Heavens N. (2013) Improved Dust Representation in the Community Atmosphere Model
Albani S, Mahowald N, Perry A, Scanza R, Zender C, Heavens N, Maggi V, Kok J & Otto-Bliesner B
(2012) Aerosol Impacts on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles
Mahowald N, Ward D, Kloster S, Flanner M, Heald C, Heavens N, Hess P, Lamarque J-F & Chuang P

Heays A. (2018) Photolysis of SO Isotopologues
Heays A, Lyons J, Stark G & de Oliveira N

Hebbeln D (2000) Reconstructing Continental Paleoclimate and Paleoceanographic Changes along the Chilean Continental Margin
Lamy F, Hebbeln D, Rühlemann C & Wefer G
(2000) Alkenone-Derived High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Eastern South Pacific off Mid-Latitude Chile over the Past 33 kyr
Kim J, Schneider RR, Hebbeln D, Müller PJ & Wefer G

Hebbeln Dierk (2021) Reproducible paleo-Ph and Temperature Reconstructions Using Cold-Water Coral Aragonite Fibers with an Improved Mechanical Cleaning Procedure
Matos L, Douville E, Thil F, Montagna P, Frank N, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Wienberg C & Hebbeln D
(2019) Boron, Lithium and Magnesium Isotopes in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa)
Kasemann SA, Wilckens FK & Hebbeln D
(2017) Climate-Related Formation of Cold-Water Coral Mounds in the Alboran Sea Since the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Krengel T, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Frank N, Arps J & Eichstaedter R
(2017) Glacial Intensification of the Benguela Current
Frank N, Roesch C, Wefing A-M, Wienberg C, Lausecker M, Förstel J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Therre S, Friedrich R, Arps J, Hebbeln D, Dullo C & Freiwald A
(2017) Reconstructing the Variability of the SE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Using Geochemical Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera
Reyes Macaya DA, Hebbeln D, Hoogakker B, Martínez Méndez G, Mohtadi M, Lückge A, Lu Z, Kuhnert H & De Pol Holz R

Hebbeln K. (2015) Effects of Geothermal Usage on Shallow Aerobic Aquifer Systems – Temporarily Increase in Abundance and Activity of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Lienen T, Hebbeln K, Westphal A, Koeber R & Wuerdemann H

Heber V.S. (2012) C, N, O Abundances and Isotopic Compositions in the Sun
Heber V, Burnett D, Guan Y, Jurewicz A, Smith S, Olinger C & McKeegan K
(2009) The Composition of Noble Gases in the Solar Wind as Collected by Genesis: A Proxy for Solar Nebula Composition
Heber VS, Vogel N, Wieler R & Burnett DS
(2009) Solar Wind Ar, Kr, and Xe Abundances Deduced from Genesis Targets
Vogel N, Heber VS, Baur H, Burnett DS & Wieler R
(2009) Altitudinal Scaling of Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Artificial Quartz Targets
Vermeesch P, Baur H, Heber VS, Kober F, Oberholzer P, Schaefer JM, Schlüchter C, Strasky S & Wieler R
(2004) Noble Gas Diffusion in Mantle Minerals: High Resolution UV Laser Depth Profiling
Heber V, Brooker R, Kelley S & Wood B
(2000) Heavy Solar Noble Gases in Meteorites – New Insights into a Unique Archive of Solar Wind
Heber VS, Baur H & Wieler R

Heberling F. (2023) The Effect of Se(IV)O32- and Np(V)O2+ on Calcite Growth
Zunftmeister L, Soballa E, Schild D & Heberling F
(2023) Iron Corrosion Related Bentonite Alteration
Gill N, Heberling F, Dieste-Blanco O, Finck N, Metz V & Geckeis H
(2023) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Dieste-Blanco O, Schild D & Metz V
(2023) P3R, a Graphical User Interface for PhreeqC Model Fits to Geochemical Data
Heberling F
(2023) Prediction of the Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Jungcharoen P, Pédrot M, Heberling F, Hanna K, Choueikani F, Catrouillet C, Dia A & Marsac R
(2021) Anaerobic Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Compacted Bentonite Exposed to Natural Opalinus Clay Porewater: Bentonite Alteration Study
Morelová N, Schild D, Heberling F, Finck N, Dardenne K, Metz V & Geckeis H
(2021) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Schild D & Metz V
(2021) Benchmarking of a General Speciation Code for Charge Regulated Solid-Liquid Interfaces Interacting on the Nanoscale
Gil-Díaz T, Jara-Heredia D, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Link J, Sowoidnich T, Ludwig H-M, Haist M & Schäfer T
(2021) Surface Complexation Models for Heterogeneous and Uneven Surfaces – The Charge Regulation Concept Applied to Simple 2D Geometries
Heberling F, Gil-Díaz T & Luetzenkirchen J
(2021) EIKE, a Collaborative Project for Development and Testing of Scaling and Corrosion Inhibitors for Geothermal Sites in Germany
Kuhn D, Heberling F, Hoffmann R, Jähnichen S, Otto T, Seibt A & Uhde J
(2021) Reactive Transport of Selenite and Strontium Through a Goethite Coated Sand Column
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Finck N, Liu C, Marsac R, Jordan N & Hanna K
(2019) Selenite and Strontium Breakthrough in a Column of Goethite Coated Sand: Experiments and Modelling
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Marsac R, Hanna K, Finck N, Liu C & Lützenkirchen J
(2019) Structure and Surface Complexation of the Calcite-Water-Interface
Heberling F, Klacic T, Eng P, Preocanin T & Lützenkirchen J
(2017) Probing the Interaction of Eu3+ and Cm3+ with CaCO3 Pre-Nucleation Clusters
Bogachev N, Heberling F & Lindqvist-Reis P
(2017) Scaling Formations in a Geothermal Plant in the Upper Rhine Valley: From Fluid to Solid Composition
Jähnichen S, Degering D, Haas Nüesch R, Heberling F, Schäfer T, Scheiber J & Seibt A
(2015) Recrystallization Kinetics of Calcite, Morphology Controls, and the Influence of Eu3+ and SeO32-
Heberling F & Paulig L
(2013) A Thermodynamic Entrapment Model for the Quantitative Description of Selenite Coprecipitation with Calcite
Heberling F, Vinograd V & Polly R
(2013) Modeling Non-Equilibrium Uptake of Se(IV) Upon Calcite Precipitation
Thien B, Heberling F & Kulik D
(2012) Ion Specific Effects at the Calcite(104) – Water Interface
Heberling F, Eng P, Lutzenkirchen J, Stubbs J, Schafer T & Geckeis H
(2012) Sorption and Incorporation of Radio-Nuclides at Mineral Surfaces Studied with Quantum Chemical Methods
Polly R, Schimmelpfennig B, Florsheimer M, Heberling F, Stumpf T, Klenze R & Geckeis H
(2011) The Calcite–Water Interface and its Interactions with Selenium IV and VI
Heberling F, Heck S & Rothe J
(2009) Structural Incorporation of Neptunyl(V) into Calcite – Interfacial Reactions
Heberling F, Denecke M, Luetzenkirchen J & Bosbach D
(2008) Neptunium(V) Incorporation into Calcite
Heberling F, Brendebach B, Lindqvist-Reis P, Bauer A & Bosbach D
(2007) Np(V) Coprecipitation with Calcite
Heberling F, Denecke MA & Bosbach D

Hébert A-J. (2018) Behaviour of Submarine Groundwater Discharge-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Fluxes to Coastal Ocean
Hébert A-J, Chaillou G & Gélinas Y

Hébert Cécile (2022) Investigating Magma Ocean Solidification on Earth Through Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments
Badro J, Boukaré C-E, Nabiei F, Gillet P, Hébert C, Wehr N & Borensztajn S

Hebert Cecile (2011) Oxygen and Silicon Partitioning between Molten Iron and Silicate Melts up to 70 GPa and 4000 K
Ricolleau A, Badro J, Siebert J, Antonangeli D, Cantoni M, Hebert C, Alexander D & Gillet P

Hebert L. (2009) Melt Permeability Barriers beneath Slow and Ultraslow Mid-Ocean Ridges
Hebert L & Montesi L

Hébrard E. (2014) Atmosphere-Interior Exchange of Nitrogen on the Primitive Earth
Wordsworth R, Hebrard E & Pierrehumbert R
(2014) Geochemical Insights into the Composition of the Archean Atmosphere
Marty B, Avice G, Burgess R, Burnard P, Hebrard E, Kuga M, Philippot P, Pujol M & Zimmermann L
(2013) The Composition of the Archean Atmosphere as a Tracer of Volatile Exchange between the Mantle, the Surface and the Outer Space
Marty B, Pujol M, Burgess R, Hébrard E, Zimmermann L & Philippot P

Hebting Y. (2006) Early diagenetic reduction of organic matter: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Hebting Y, Schaeffer P, Behrens A, Adam P, Schmitt G, Schneckenburger P, Bernasconi S & Albrecht P

Hecht Lutz (2015) First Evidence of Calcite Melts in Recent MEMIN Impact Experiments
Hamann C, Hecht L & Deutsch A
(2015) Laser-Induced Melting Experiments: Simulation of Impact Processes
Hecht L, Ebert M & Hamann C
(2014) Petrogenesis of Basement Rocks in the Southern Chiapas Massif: Implications on the Tectonic Evolution of the Maya Block
González-Guzmán R, Weber B, Manjarrez-Juárez R, Hecht L & Solari L

Hecht Lutz (2016) Chromite: Accessory Mineral Tracing Pallasite Parent Body Differentiation
McKibbin S, Hecht L, Iizuka T & Claeys P

Hecht Lutz (2018) Evidence for Fluid-Melt Immiscibility during Partial Melting in the Oberpfalz Migmatites, Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)
Wannhoff I, Ferrero S, O´Brien PJ, Ziemann MA & Hecht L

Hecht Lutz (2008) Hydrous Sulphates Formed during Oxidation of Colloform Pyrite from Chiprovtsi Ag-Pb Deposit, NW Bulgaria
Dimitrova D, Mladenova V & Hecht L
(2002) Fluid Evolution and Mineralogy during Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Quartz-Depleted Granites (Episyenites)
Freiberger R & Hecht L

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