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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Zhijun (2011) Geological Characteristics and Genesis Discovery of Native Copper in East Tian Mountain, Xinjiang, P.R. China
Cui B, He Z & Zhao L
(2009) Geochemical Characteristics of Basalts from Shilipo and Heilongfeng Native Copper Mineralized Areas, Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang
He Z, Zheng D & Cui B

He Zhili (2015) Carbon Transformations in the Rhizosphere: The Critical Role of Microbial Functional Capacity
Pett-Ridge J, Shi S, Nuccio E, Herman D, He Z, Wu L, Brodie E, Zhou J & Firestone M

He Zhiliang (2020) Marine Cements of the Dengying Formation from South China Reveal the Terminal Ediacaran Ocean Anoxia
Wang J, He Z & Zhu D
(2020) Influences of Hydrocarbons on Porosity Enhancement in Deep Ediacaran Dolomite Reservoirs
Zhu D, Liu Q & He Z
(2020) Simulation Experiments of Carbonate Reservoir Modification by Source Rock-Derived Acidic Fluids
Ding Q, He Z, Zhu D & Wang J
(2018) Heterogeneous Depositional Environment of Lower Cambrian Organic-Rich Shale in Yangtze Platform: Evidences from Fe-Mo Geochemistry and Microorganisms
Zhang Y, He Z, Jiang S, Lu S & Xiao D
(2015) Multi-Fluid in Carbonate Reservoir: Geochemistry Evidence from Cement of Ordovician in Erdos Basin, Northwest China
He Z, Zhang J, Ding Q, Sun Y & Jin X

He Zhiwei (2023) Anthropogenic Source Identification and the Naturally Heavy Cu Isotopic Signatures in the Changjiang (Yangtze River)
Vasquez Vargas AC, He Z, Guo J, Yang S, Hohl SV & Hao Q
(2023) A Zn Isotope Perspective on the Basin-Wide Primary Productivity and Redox Changes during the Mediterranean Sapropel S1 Formation
He Z, Wu J, Yang S & de Lange GJ
(2023) Geochemical Characteristics of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Water during a Large Flood Event and Implications for Enhanced Chemical Weathering and CO2 Consumption
Guo J, Su N, He Z, Vasquez Vargas AC, Hao Q & Yang S
(2022) Unusually Heavy Cu Isotope Signatures of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River: The Impact of Chemical Weathering and Delivery to the Oceans
Vasquez Vargas AC, He Z, Yang S, Guo J, Su N & Hao Q
(2022) Controls of Iron Isotope Spatial Variability Across the Changjiang River Basin: Sources, Fractionation, and Implications
He Z, Vasquez Vargas AC, Guo J, Hao Q, Su N, Lian E, Li D & Yang S
(2020) Isotopic Characterization of the Benthic Iron Flux in the Changjiang Estuary
He Z, Yang S, Lian E, Cai P & Zhang R
(2019) Understanding Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Systematics in Continental Margin Sediments
He Z, Clarkson M, Andersen M, Archer C, Huang F & Vance D
(2017) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Skarn-Type Alteration
Wang F & He Z
(2017) An Experimental Study of Reductive Cleaning Procedures for Investigating Metal Isotopes in Ancient Carbonates
Müsing KD, He Z, Clarkson MO & Vance D

He Zhiyong (2013) Hydrocarbon Mobility Prediction for Lacustrine Shale Oil Plays
Wang F, Weiping F & He Z
(2009) Oil Cracking in Chinese Sedimentary Basins
Wang F, Tang Y & He Z

He Zisen (2016) The Oxidation State and Microstructural Environment of Transition Metals (V, Co and Ni) in Magnetite: An XAFS Study
Liang X, He Z & He H

Head D. (2014) Skarn Garnet Records of Fluid Control of Decarbonation and Ore Type in the California Arc
Ryan-Davis J, Head D, Fulton A, Lackey JS, Barnes J & Lee C-T

Head E. (2018) Microscale Oxygen Barometry in Basaltic Glasses Using Vanadium K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Lanzirotti A, Dyar MD, Sutton S, Newville M, Head E & McCanta M

Head Ian (2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B
(2012) The Location of Microrganisms in Petroleum Reservoirs
Larter S, Bennett B, Oldenburg T, Adams J & Head I
(2012) Canadian Oil Sands; A Window on the Deep Petroleum Biosphere
Head I, Gray N, Sherry A, Maguire M, Grant R, Hubert C, Aitken C, Jones M, Oldenburg T, Bennett B & Larter S
(2010) Can Studies of Petroleum Biodegradation Help Fossil Fuel Carbon Management
Larter S, Gates I, Adams J, Oldenburg T & Head I
(2009) Biogenic Methane Production from Subsurface Petroleum Systems: Organisms and Mechanisms
Gray N, Sherry A, Aitken C, Jones M, Adams J, Erdmann M, Larter S & Head I
(2009) Thermodynamic Constraints on Methanogenic PAH Degradation
Dolfing J, Xu A, Gray N, Larter S & Head I
(2000) Bacterial Hopanoids as Environmental Markers
Farrimond P, Innes H, Watson D, Talbot H & Head I
(2000) Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Selection of Bacterial Communities and Oil Composition during Bio-Remediation of Contaminated Beach Sediments
Milner MG, Jones DM, Swannell RP, Daniel F, Mitchell D & Head IM
(2000) Implications of Slow Biodegradation Rates in Oilfields for Crustal Biospheres
Larter S, Head I & Wilhelms A

Head Ian M. (2014) Thermophilic Endospores in Cold Sediments Indicate Long Term Survival and Dispersal Following a Former Life in Warm Anoxic Environments
Hanson C, Hubert C, Bell E, De Rezende JR, Sherry A, Suárez-Suárez A, Gray ND, Head IM, Loy A, Müller AL, Baranyi C, Kjeldsen KU & Jørgensen BB

Head J. (2023) Remote Detection of a Lunar Granitic Batholith at Compton-Belkovich
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K, Andrews-Hanna J, Economos R, St. Clair M, Million C, Head J, Glotch TD & White M
(2020) Geological Characteristics of the Young Mare Basalts in Chang’e-5 Landing Region, Northern Oceanus Procellarum
Qian Y, Xiao L & Head J
(2020) Volcanically-Induced Transient Atmospheres on the Moon: Assessment of Duration, Significance and Contributions to Polar Volatile Traps
Head J, Wilson L, Deutsch A, Rutherford M & Saal A
(2020) Large Impact Basin-Related Climatic and Surface Effects on Mars: Argyre Basin as a Case Study
Palumbo A & Head J
(2018) Venus: The Making of an Uninhabitable World
Kane S, Arney G, Crisp D, Domagal-Goldman S, Glaze L, Goldblatt C, Grinspoon D, Head J, Lenardic A, Unterborn C & Way M

Head-Gordon T. (2010) Experimental and Simulation Studies of Bulk Water and Hydration Water at Interfaces
Head-Gordon T

Headen T. (2015) Asphaltene Interaction with Calcite Surface: A First Principles Study
Alvim R, Headen T, Boek E & Miranda C

Headley J. (2016) Delineating Sources of Bitumen-Derived Acid Extractable Organics in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Gammon P, Mayer B, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J
(2012) Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Athabasca Oil Sands Acids in Environmental Samples
Headley J, Peru K, Fahlman B, Bailey J & McMartin D
(2012) Carboxyl Group delta13C Values of Naphthenic Acids: A Novel Approach to Source Discrimination
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J

Heagle D. (2010) Geochemical and Isotope Tracers in Pore Waters from Low Permeability Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin of Southwest Ontario
Clark I, Liu I, Mohammadzadeh H, Mohapatra R, Jackson R, Heagle D & Raven K

Heal Kate (2015) Bacteria-Induced Changes in Zinc Speciation Counteract its Toxicity Despite Increased Bioavailability to Plants
Ngwenya B, Adediran G, Adele N, Heal K & Mosselmans F

Heal Katherine (2010) Preferential Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter onto Mineral Soils due to Soil Type
Heal K, Mayes M, Amonette J, Phillips J & Jagadamma S

Heald C.L. (2014) Evaluating Global Model Parameterizations of Aerosol Optical Properties Using in situ Data from ARCTAS
Alvarado M, Lonsdale C, Macintyre H, Bian H, Chin M, Ridley D, Heald C & Wang C
(2013) Near-Field Measurements of Volcanogenic Sulfur: Emissions, Oxidation, and Neutralization
Kroll J, Cross E, Pai S, L'Heureux Z, Hunter J, Croteau P, Jayne J, Waillace L, Murphy J & Heald C
(2012) Aerosol Impacts on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles
Mahowald N, Ward D, Kloster S, Flanner M, Heald C, Heavens N, Hess P, Lamarque J-F & Chuang P
(2011) Global Constraints on Biogenic Particles
Heald C, Spracklen D & Guenther A
(2009) Global Budget of Organic Aerosol from Fungal Spores
Heald CL & Spracklen DV

Heald Steve M. (2011) Biogeochemical Redox Transformations of Pertechnetate (99TcO4-)
Fredrickson J, Lee J-H, Plymale A, Dohnalkova A, Heald S, Peretyazhko T, McKinley J & Zachara J
(2011) Fe(II) Exchange at Titanomagnetite-Water Interfaces
Pearce C, Liu J, Qafoku O, Arenholz E, Heald S & Rosso K
(2010) Reduction of Contaminant Tc(VII) by Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles
Liu J, Pearce C, Qafoku O, Rosso K, Peretyazhko T, Arenholz E & Heald S
(2010) Characterization of Reactive Ferrous Iron in Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles for Contaminant Reduction
Pearce C, Qafoku O, Liu J, Arenholz E, Heald S, Felmy A, Henderson M & Rosso K
(2010) Reactions of Tc with Fe(II) and O2 in Hanford Redox-Sensitive Sediments
Peretyazhko T, Zachara J, Kukkadapu R, Liu C, Heald S, Resch T, Arey B, Wang C & Plymale A
(2009) Contaminant Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Geological Media: New Insights Through Micro-Imaging and Micro-Spectroscopy
Grolimund D, Guenther D, Borca CN, Van Loon L, Stampanoni M, Marone F, Barmettler K, Aeschlimann B, Wersin P & Heald SM
(2009) Nature and Reactivity of Ferrous Iron Forms Through a Subsurface Redox Transition Zone Probed by Contact with the Pertechnetate Anion
Zachara J, Peretyazhko T, Liu C, Resch T, Heald S & Kukkadapu R
(2008) Biogeochemical Redox Reactions Controlling Technetium-99 Solubility
Plymale A, Kennedy D, Jaisi D, Dong H, Heald S, Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Zachara J, McKinley J & Fredrickson J
(2007) Microscale Controls on Contaminants at the Hanford Site
McKinley J, Zachara J & Heald S
(2005) Reduction of Uranyl by Trace to Minor Structural Fe(II) in Phyllosilicates
Ilton E & Heald S
(2005) Probing Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Catalano J, Wang Z, McKinley J, Zachara J, Heald S & Brown G
(2002) The Reductive Immobilization of Pertechnetate by Bioreduced Sediments
Mckinley JP, Zachara JM, Heald SM & Fredrickson JK

Heald Steven (2018) Plutonium Leaching from Cemented Radioactive Waste
Law K, Parry S, Bryan N, Heald S, Charnock J, Heath S, Knight D, O'Brian L, Fuller A, Law G & Livens F

Healey J. (2019) Magma System Model for Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Zawalna-Geer A, Hickey J, Williamson B, Petrone C, Pickles J, Brown J & Healey J

Healey M. (2023) Validating Geochemical Models for Enhanced Rock Weathering: An Assessment of Model Inputs and Comparability of Model Results to Experimental Data
Lewis A, Healey M, Bierowiec T, Edeh I, Kelland M, Murphy M, Pape R, Skov K, Turner W, Wade P, Wardman J & Liu X

Healy D. (2019) Preserving and Identifying Biosignatures in Hot-Spring Deposits
Brasier A, Capezzuoli E, Vonhof H, Rogerson M, Muirhead D & Healy D
(2012) How Does the Continental Crust get Really Hot?
Clark C, Fitzsimons I & Healy D

Healy O. (2015) Geogenic Aqueous Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer
Nolan J, Pan D, Healy O, Stange M & Weber K
(2014) Characterization of the Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09
Healy O, Souchek J, Heithoff A, LaMere B, Pan D, Hollis G, Yang W, Silver W & Weber K
(2014) Correlation between Nitrate and Naturally Occurring Uranium Contamination in Two Major US Aquifers: Potential for Nitrate Driven U Contamination of Groundwater
Nolan J, Healy O, Spanbauer T, Heithoff A, Pan D, Snow D & Weber K

Healy Richard (2010) Computer Simulation of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Using Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Bern C, Engle M, Healy R, Breit G & Zupancic J
(2010) Tracking Solutes and Water from Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application of Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Engle M, Bern C, Healy R, Sams J, Zupancic J & Schroeder K

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