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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Xunyun (2023) Dolomitization of the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation in the Anyue Giant Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China
He X, Shen A & Xiong S
(2020) Origins of the Solid Bitumens in the Guizhong Depression, China: Evidence from Carbon Isotopes, Sulfur Isotopes and Biomarkers
He X, Shen A, Xiong S, Hu Y & Huang L
(2019) Key Factors of Gas Content for Organic-Rich Shales in the Structurally Complex Areas: A Case Study from Well a in the Zhaotong Area, China
He X & Xiong S
(2018) Mesogenetic Dissolution Could Significantly Enhance the Performance of Carbonate Reservoirs: Evidence from Experimental Simulation
He X, Shen A, Xiong S & Yang C
(2016) Good Exploration Potential for Shale Gas in the Central Guangxi Depression, SW China
He X, Shen A, Xiong S & Hu Y

He Xx (2003) Determination of True Fractional Calcium Absorption by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
He X, Zhu X, Liu D, Yang C, Chen W & Lee W

He Y (2006) SHRIMP U¨CPb zircon geochronology of the Huai¡¯an Complex: constraints on late Archean to Paleoproterozoic custal accretion and collision of the Trans-North China Orogen
Zhao G, Wilde SA, Sun M, Xia X, Zhang J & He Y
(2006) U-Pb zircon dating on the granitic conglomerates of the Hutuo Group: affinities to the Wutai Granitoids and significance on the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen
Zhang J, Zhao G, Li S, Sun M, Liu S, Xia X & He Y
(2005) Archean to Paleoproterozoic Record in the Southern Part of the Western Block, North China Craton
He Y, Sun Y, Chen L, Zhao G & Sun M

He Yang (2020) Understanding Torque-Generating Forces Enabling Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment
Zhang X, He Y, Sushko M, Liu J, De Yoreo J, Mao S & Rosso K
(2020) Probing Solid Transformation of Akaganéite to Iron Oxides by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Zhang X, He Y, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Du Y, Liu L, Wang C, De Yoreo J & Rosso K

He Yanhong (2009) Geochemitry of the Xiong’er Volcanic Rocks: Implications for the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Accretion of the North China Craton
Zhao G, He Y & Sun M
(2008) SHRIMP and LA ICP MS Zircon Analyses on the Xiong’er Volcanic Rocks along the Southern Margin of the North China Craton
He Y, Zhao G, Sun M & Xia X
(2007) Paleoproterozoic Post-Orogenic Evolution of the North China Craton: Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints from the Xiyanghe Group along the Southern Margin of the North China Craton
He Y, Zhao G & Sun M

He Ying (2014) Understanding the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Archaea in Marine Sediments
Wang F, He Y, Yu T & Xiao X

He Ying (2013) The Transformation and Co-evolution of Archaea with its Environment Assessed by Energy Quantum
Xiao X, Zhang Y, Wang F, He Y & Xu J

He Yong-Sheng (2010) The Investigation of Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Granite Differentiation
Liu S-A, Teng F-Z, Li S-G, He Y-S & Ke S
(2010) Partial Melts from Thick Lower Continental Crust: Geochemical Characterization and Identification
He Y-S, Li S-G, Hoefs J, Huang F & Liu S-A
(2009) Nd Isotopic Compositions of Adakites from Dabieshan: Implications for the Subducted Mafic Lower Crust of the South China Block
He Y, Li S, Hoefs J & Schoenberg I

He Yong-Sheng (2015) Iron Isotopes Constrain the Origin of the Luobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Xiao Y, Su B-X, Zhou M-F, Zhu B, Shi R-D, Huang Q-S, Gong X-H & He Y-S

He Yongsheng (2022) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Granitic Magmatic Differentiation: Mineral-Pair Perspectives
Huang T-Y, Teng F, Wang Z-Z, He Y & Wu F-Y
(2022) Large Iron Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Wedge Serpentinization
Sun W, Deng J, Zartman R, He Y & Yang X
(2022) Archean to Proterozoic Hard Rock Geochemistry: A Refined Database
Liu C, Keller CB, He Y & Zhang Z
(2020) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Genesis of Giant Beiya Au-Base Metal Deposits, Yunnan, Southwest China
He W, Xing Y, He Y & Gao X
(2020) Cr Isotopic Compositions of Chondrules from Murchison (CM2) and EET 92042 (CR2) Chondrites
Liu J, Qin L, Alexander C & He Y
(2020) Iron Isotope Compositions of Ultrapotassic Volcanic Rocks from Northeastern China and the Implication on Deep Oxygen Cycle
He Y, Yan Q & Ke S
(2020) Kinetic Fe and Mg Isotope Fractionation during Rapid Crystal Growth in Basaltic Melt
Wu H & He Y
(2020) Mg Isotope Disequilibrium during Fluid-Fluxed Crustal Anatexis: A Case Study of Migmatites from the Dabie Orogen
Wang Y, Ke S & He Y
(2019) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Melting and Ca Isotope Composition of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Wang Y, He Y, Lu W, Meng X & Teng F
(2019) Mg Isotopic Evidence for Recycling of Supracrustal Materials into the Deep Crust in the Dabie Orogen, Central China
Wang Y, He Y & Ke S
(2019) Low δ44/42Ca Widely Observed in Continental Basalts from Eastern China: Signal of Recycled Carbonate Versus Isotope Fractionation Created by Magmatic Processes
He Y, Meng X & Huang J
(2019) Modification of Mantle Rocks by Plastic Deformation and Origin of Nodular Chromitites in Ophiolites
Zhang P, Zhou M, Liu Q, Malpas J, Robinson PT & He Y
(2018) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Partial Melting with Residual Garnet: An Adakite Perspective
Wang Y, Ke S & He Y
(2018) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Crustal Melting and Magma Differentiation: A Granite and Mineral-Pair Perspective
Wang Y, He Y, Wu H, Zhu C, Huang J & Li S
(2017) Behavior of Calcium Isotopes during Slab Subduction
Lu W, He Y, Ke S & Li S
(2017) Multiple Influences on the Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Basalts:evidence from the Cenozoic Basalts of Eastern China
Meng X, He Y, Huang J, Ke S & Li S
(2017) Mineral Composition Control on Inter-Mineral Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Granitoids
Wu H, He Y, Bao L, Zhu C & Li S
(2017) Iron Isotopic Composition of the Lower Continental Crust
He Y & Teng F-Z
(2017) Iron Isotopic Compositions of A-Type Granites
Ke S & He Y

He Yongtien (2007) Electrolyte-Promoted Demineralization of Biogenic, Vitreous, and Crystalline Silica: A Density Functional Investigation
Dove P, Wallace A, He Y & Gibbs J

He You (2019) Effects of Groundwater Flow Field Characteristics on Uranium Mineralization in Yili Basin
He Y, Wang Z, Huang K, Wang Y & Wan J

He Youbin (2014) Application of Trace Elements in the Analyses of Sedimentary Environment of Wuling Series, South China
Pei Y & He Y

He Yu (2023) Tracking Source and Crustal Contamination by U-Th-Pb, Nd, Hf and O Isotopes in Zircon and Monazite for the Laojunshan Granite in the North Qinling Orogen, Central China
Zhang X, Wu Y, Zhang W, Zhou G & He Y
(2021) Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Lajimiao Mafic Complex in the Shangdan Suture Zone, Qinling Orogen: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
Chang H, Wu Y, Zhou G, Zhang W, Zhao Y, He Y, Hu P & Hu Z
(2020) Neoproterozoic Amphibolite-Facies Metamorphism of Douling Complex at the Northern Margin of the Yangtze Craton
He Y, Wu Y, Zhao Y & Zhou G

He Yuan (2023) Fluid Exsolution during the Formation of Podiform Chromitites: Case Study from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Zhu X, He Y & She Y-W
(2019) Comparison of Redox States between the Ultramafic Bodies of Xigaze and Luobusha Ophiolites, Tibet, China
Zhu X-K, He Y, She Y-W & Wan H-Q
(2017) Comparison of Luobusha and Xigaze Chromite Mineralization from the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolite Belt
Zhu X-K, She Y-W, He Y, Sun J, Ma J-X & Wan H-Q

He Yuanyuan (2023) Site Specific D-H Isotope Exchange in Amino Acids during Experimental Hydrothermal Alteration: Application to Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, He Y, Marceau L, Khodorova N, Boulesteix D, Buch A & Bernard S

He Yue (2017) Geochemistry of MORB and OIB in the Yuejinshan Complex, NE China: Implications for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Bi J-H, Ge W-C, Yang H, Wang Z-H, He Y & Zhao D
(2010) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Soil Development on Basalt in Tropical China
Zhang G-L, Chen L-M & He Y

He Yuhe (2015) Comprehensive Approach to the Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Wastewater
Flynn SL, He Y, Pereira A, Folkerts E, Martin JW, Goss GG & Alessi DS

He Yumei (2008) Pacific and African Anomalies, Earth’s Early Differentiation, Mantle Dynamics and Geochemistry
Wen L & He Y

He Yusi (2017) Geochemical Characteristics of Biomarkers Extracted from Coal Measures Rocks during the Early Cretaceous in Jixi Basin, China
Gao F & He Y

He Z (2005) Impacts of Iron and Aluminum Ions on Solubility of Phosphates Associated with Natural Organic Matter
He Z, Ohno T, Erich MS & Honeycutt CW

He Zhen (2019) The Replacement Reaction of Chalcopyrite by Covellite Under Hydro-Thermal Conditions
He Z, Harmer S, Pring A & Qian G

He Zhen-Yu (2019) The Crustal Evolution of Microcontinents in the Beishan Orogen of the Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
He Z-Y & Klemd R
(2018) Mesozoic Magmatism and Change of Tectonic Regimes in SE China
Xu X, He Z & Liu L
(2017) Petrogenetic Links between Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks of the Yandangshan Caldera in SE China
Yan L-L & He Z-Y

He Zhenyu (2015) Geochemical and Geochronological Evidence for an Early Neoproterozoic Crystalline Basement in the South Beishan Orogenic Belt, Southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Yuan Y, Zong K, He Z & Reiner K

He Zhi-Wei (2016) Melt Composition Effect on the FRTM and HFSE Partitioning between cpx and Silicic Melts
He Z-W, Zhang X-C, Zhang H-L & Huang F
(2015) Iron Isotope Systematics of the Tongshankou Porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo Deposit, Eastern China
He Z-W, Huang F, Yu H-M, Chen S, Kang J-T & Zhang X-C

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