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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Shan (2018) Trace Elements and REE Distribution in the Phosphorite-Hosted REE Deposit of the Zhijin Region, Guizhou Province, China
He S, Xia Y & Gregory D

He Sheng (2021) Mercury Isotope Compositions in Upper Mekong and Salween Rivers on the Tibetan Plateau
He S & Chen J
(2020) Possible High U Effect on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) of Cassiterite U-Pb Dating
He S, Guo D, Cui J, Liu R & Fan Z
(2011) Study on Diagenetic Environments of Calcite Veins Hosted in Marine Carbonate Rock in Middle Yangtze Region of Southern China
Wang F, He S & Yang X
(2011) Oil-Source Correlation for Severely Biodegraded Oils in Biyang Depression, China
Li SF, Hu SZ, He S & Zhang DM
(2010) Inconsistent Maturities Explained by the Different Molecular Indicators of Oil Samples in Hetaoyuan Formation of Biyang Depression, China
He S, Li S, Liu G & Hou Y
(2010) Content of Gammacerane in the Paleogene Hetaoyuan Formation in Biyang Sag, East China
Hou Y, He S, Liu G & Li S
(2010) Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Deep-Burial Overpressured System of the Central Junggar Basin
Wang F & He S

He Shi-Ping (2011) Multiple Generations of Granitic Magma in the West Kunlun, NW China: Implications for Crustal Melting and Mantle-Crust Interaction at an Active Continental Margin
Wang C, Liu L, Yang WQ, Cao YT, Li RS & He S-P
(2011) LA-ICP-MS Chronological Study of Tongka Gneissic Granite in Northern Gangdise, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
He S-P, Wang C & Gu P-Y

He Shigen (2011) Application of the Field Seismic Data in Superficial Structure Study for Wenshui Area
Ding L, He SG & Gao EG
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics of the Shaxi-Changpushan Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit: Significance to Ore Formation
Sun SC, He SG & Jiang F
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics of Trace Elements of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits in the Ordos Basin
Gao E, He S & Sun SC
(2010) Type Au(Cu) Ore Body Discovered First-Time in Tonglushan Deposit in Hubei Province
Ma G, Gong L, Hu S, He S & Gao E
(2010) The Adakite and Fe-Cu-Au Mineralization in the Luzong Volcanic Basin, Central Anhui
Hu S, Gao E & He S
(2010) The Model of the Element Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rock in Early Precambrian Period in Liaoning
Gong L, Ma G, Hu S, He S & Gao E
(2009) Application of the Field Seismic Data in the Security Assessment of Coal Mining in Cuijiazhai Area
He S & Gao E

He Sinan (2019) Contaminants of Emerging Concern in a Freeze-Thaw River during the Spring Flood
Dong D, Guo Z, He S & Hua X

He Tao (2022) The Role of Continental Crust in the Global Halogen Cycle: Insights from Halogen Concentrations (F, Cl, Br, and I) of Ancient Glacial Deposits
Han P-Y, Rudnick RL, He T, Marks MAW, Wang S-J, Gaschnig RM & Hu Z-C
(2020) Gold Contents of Precambrian Metamorphic Crustal Basement in Jiaodong, China and the Contribution to Giant Gold Deposits
Xu Z, Wang Z, Cheng H, He T, Zong K, Hu Z & Guo J
(2017) A Rapid Acid Digestion Technique for Simultaneous Determination of Bromine and Iodine in Soils and Sediments by ICP-MS
He T, Xie J, Hu Z, Liu T, Luo T, Zhang W & Miao Q

He Taohua (2019) Silica-Rich Hydrothermal Activity and its Effect on Organic Matter Enrichment during the Earliest Cambrian
He T, Li W & Lu S

He Tengbing (2011) Accumulation of Trace Elements in Paddy Soil and Dry Land Under Different Geological Background
Tu C, He T, Liu C-Q & Lang Y-C

He Tianchen (2022) Orbitally-Driven Nutrient Pulses Linked to Cambrian Oxygenation and Animal Radiations
Zhang Y, Mills BJW, Newton RJ, He T, Yang T & Zhu M
(2022) Shallow and Deep Ocean Fe Cycling and Redox Evolution Across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Chen W, He T, Kemp DB, Xiong Y, Izumi K, Cho T, Huang C, Newton RJ & Poulton SW
(2022) A Novel Marine Phosphorus Record from Jurassic Belemnites
Roper AC, Ullmann C, Little CTS, Poulton SW, Wignall PB, He T & Newton RJ
(2022) The Toarcian Sulfur Cycle: Recent Progress
Newton RJ, He T, Han Z, Chen W, Hu X, Kemp DB & Mills BJW
(2021) A 27-Myr History of Marine Redox Oscillation during the Early Jurassic
He T, Newton RJ, Little CTS, Wignall PB & Poulton SW
(2021) A Novel Marine Phosphorus Record from Lower Jurassic Belemnites
Roper AC, Ullmann C, Little CTS, Poulton SW, Wignall PB, He T, Mills BJW & Newton RJ
(2020) Sulfate Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Pyrite Burial in the Aftermath of the Late Paleozoic Great Ice Age
Wu H, Wang Y, He T, Newton R, Che B, Zhang Y & Yang T
(2020) Multiple S Isotopes and Hg Geochemistry at the Terrestrial Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction
Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Chu D, Wignall PB, Zerkle AL, Claire M, Di Rocco T, He T, Mather TA, Mills BJW, Jamieson RA & Tong J
(2017) Extreme Redox Oscillations due to Coupling of the Marine Sulphur and Carbon Cycles during the Cambrian Explosion
He T, Shields-Zhou GA, Zhu M, Mills BJW & Wynn PM

He Tianrong (2008) Mercury Isotopic Ratios of Soil and Sediment Samples Collected from Contaminated Areas in China
Feng X, Foucher D, Hintelmann H, Qiu G, Li G, Yan H & He T

He Tong (2017) A Seven-Million-Year Hornblende Mineral Record from the Central Chinese Loess Plateau
He T, Liu L, Chen Y, Sheng X & Ji J
(2013) C4 Plants Expansion and the Enhanced Aridity from the Late Miocene to Pliocene on the Chinese Loess Plateau
He T, Chen Y & Ji J
(2011) Mineralogic and Climatic Interpretations of the Late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Ji J, He T, Zhao L, Chen Y & Chen J

He Wei (2020) N-Alkane Characteristics and Ancient Microbial Community Records of the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau: Implications for Enhanced Aridty at Around 8 Ma
He W, Wang Y & Wei Z
(2020) Diel Variation of Marine Group I Archaea Decoupled with Algae in the Pearl River Estuary
Yao W, Guo J, He W, Zhou J, Zou X & Zhang C
(2019) Geochemical Records of Qionghai Lake Sediments in Southwest China Linked to Late Quateranry Climate Changes
Wang G, Wang Y, Wei Z & He W
(2018) Paleoclimatic Records Spanning the Past 30 cal ka BP Inferred from Qionghai Lake Sediments in Southwest China: Insights from Geochemical Investigations and Grain-Size Characteristics
Wang G, Wang Y, Wei Z & He W

He Wenyan (2020) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Genesis of Giant Beiya Au-Base Metal Deposits, Yunnan, Southwest China
He W, Xing Y, He Y & Gao X
(2016) Insights into High-Magnesium Andesite Genesis
Li X, Mo X, Yu X, Ding Y, Huang X, Wei P & He W

He X (2004) Determination of Pb Isotope Ratios Using Multiple Collector ICP-MS and Tl Normalization
He X, Zhu X, Yang C, Tang S & Chai J
(2003) Cretaceous Age of the Sihetun Vertebrate Assemblage (Western Liaoning, NE China): The Evidence of Ar-Ar Ages
Chen W, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ji Q & He X

He Xian (2014) The Origin of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Snow at Hailuogou Glaciers of Gongga Mt. in China
Yu C, Li M, Cao Y, He X, Luo Z, Liu B, Zhou H & Li C

He Xiang (2017) The Application of Fluorescent Optode to Oxygen Dynamics in the Rhizosphere of Vallisneria Spirals
He X, Han C & Xu D

He Xiao-Fang (2017) Harmonic Hierarchy of Mantle Convective Cycles: Time Series Analysis of Hafnium Isotopes of Zircon
Mitchell R, Collins W, Kirscher U, Spencer C, He X-F, Li Z-X & Murphy B

He Xiaofang (2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N

He Xiaoqing (2023) Chromium and Strontium Isotopic Evidence for the Fractional Crystallization of Parent Magma of Chang’e 5 Mare Basalts
Zhang Y, Shen J, Wang Z, Hu Y, He X, Yu X, Fang Z & Qin L
(2023) Changing Weathering Regimes and Lithium Isotopes: Observations from the Present, Experiments, Modelling and Studies of the Geological Record
Pogge von Strandmann P, Krause AJ, Liu C, Liu X, He X & Wilson DJ
(2017) Redox Evolution of the Ediacaran Ocean and Atmosphere Constrained by Chromium Isotopes
He X, Fang Z, Gao Y, Shen Y & Qin L

He Xin (2020) Facet-Dependent Bioavailability of Mercury Sulfide Nanoparticles for Microbial Methylation
Tian L, Guan W, Ji Y, He X, Chen W, Alvarez PJJ & Zhang T

He Xin-Yue (2020) Rubidium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering of Granite is Driven by Minerals Transformation
Zhang Z-Y, Ma J-L, Wang Z-B, Zhang L, He X-Y, Zhu G-H, Zeng T & Wei G-J
(2020) Mass-Dependent Fractionation of Ti Stable Isotope during Intensive Weathering of Basalts
He X-Y, Ma J-L, Wei G-J, Wang Z-B, Zhang L, Zeng T & Zhang Z-Y

He Xinxing (2010) Small Volcano Swarms on the Moon: Common Volcanic Edifices on Terrestrial Planets
Xiao L, Huang J, He Q & He X

He Xinye (2020) Effect of Fe–Ti Oxides on Mo Isotopic Variations in Lateritic Weathering Profiles of Basalt
Wang Z, Ma J, Li J, Zeng T, Zhang Z, He X, Zhang L & Wei G

He Xu (2019) Determination of Gallium Isotopic Compositions in Reference Materials
Feng L, Zhou L, He X & Hu Z-C

He Xuexian (2008) A Surprising Correlation between Magnesium Isotope Composition and pH in Synthetic Calcium Carbonates Precipitated from Saline Water
Li SZ, Zhu XK, Xiao YK & He X

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