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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Kun (2016) Mineral Structure of Black Talc from Guangfeng County, China: Implications to its Formation and Material Properties
Li C, Wang R, Xu H, Lu X, Konishi H & He K

He Kun (2018) Hydrous Pyrolysis of Kerogens with FeS: Insights into the Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Hydrocarbon Gases in Deep Formation
He K, Zhang S & Mi J
(2018) Significance of Source Rock Heterogeneities: A Case Study of Mesoproterozoic Xiamaling Formation Shale in North China
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H, Su J, He K & Wang X

He Kun (2017) Molecular and Isotopic Characteristics of Source Rocks in the Early Cambrian of Tarim Basin
Su J, Zhang S, Wang Y, Wang X, Wang H & He K

He Kun (2014) Effect of Water on the Evolution of Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope of Lignite during Artificial Maturation
He K, Zhang S & Mi J

He Kun (2011) Effects of Water on the Thermal Stability of Hydrocarbons and the Composition and Isotope Characteristics of the Gas Products
He K, Zhang S & Mi J
(2011) Simulating Experiments on Gas Generation of Coal Under Different Fluid Pressure
Mi J, Zhang S & He K

He Kun (2020) Experimental Proof on Methane Polymerization Caused Isotopic Reversals of Natural Gas Formed at over Maturity
Mi J, Hu G & He K
(2020) Eukaryotic Algae Populated the Tropical Ocean 1400million Years ago
Zhang S, Su J, Ma S, Wang H, Wang X, He K & Canfield DE

He Lijian (2019) Development of a Two-Layer Transport Model in Layered Muddy-Permeable Marsh Sediments Using 224Ra-228Th Disequilibria
Shi X, Benitez-Nelson C, Cai P, He L & Moore W

He Lijuan (2010) The Dynamic Effects of Sedimentation Rate on the Gas Hydrate System
Zhang Y, Wu N, He L & Wang J

He Lilin (2022) Chemomechanical Influences during Replacement of Limestones by Siderite
Weber J, Starchenko V, Zhang R, Ilavsky J, Debeer-Schmitt L, Mata J, Littrell K, He L, Chen W-R, Allard LF, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2010) Pore Size Specific Characterization of the Adsorption of CO2 and Methane in Coal Using SANS
Melnichenko Y, He L & Mastalerz M

He Limei (2017) High Pressure Melting Behavior of EH3 Chondrite
Lu Y, Deng L, Zhang C & He L

He Liu (2017) Hydrochemical Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Groundwater in South China Uranium Mining Area
Li J, He L & Gao B

He Maoyong (2018) Effect of Concentration-Dilution Cycle on the Variation in δ37Cl Values in Evaporites
Luo C, Wen H, Xu L, Xiao Y & He M
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Leachates Acid-Soluble in Loess-Paleosol Sediments from Chinese Loess Plateau of Luochuan
He M, Jin Z, Dong J, Gou L, Deng L & Xiao Y

He Meng (2020) The Habitat of Oil Cracking: Insights from Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments
He M, Wang Z & Moldowan M

He Mengchang (2019) Contamination and Ecological Risk of Antibiotics in Haihe River Catchment, China
Lei K, Zhu Y, He M & Lin C
(2016) Light-Induced Oxidation of Sb(III) in Ferrihydrite Suspension
Kong L & He M
(2011) Interaction of Synthetic Manganite with Antimony(III)
He M & Wang X
(2011) Arsenic Partition in the Native and As-Sorbed Sediment
Lin C, He M, Li Y & Liu X

He Mengjia (2016) Structures and Acidity Constants of Oxy- and Thio- Arsenite Species in Hydrothermal Fluids: A First Principle Molecular Dynamics Study
He M, Liu X, Lu X, Zhang C & Wang R

He Mengying (2016) Understanding the Cenozoic Evolution of East Asian Tectonic-Geomorphology: A Sediment Provenance-Based Approach
Zheng H, He M, Wang P, Wei X, Luo C, Tada R & Clift P

He Min (2020) Pollution Level, Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Some Potentially Harmful Elements in Road Dust from Steel-Industry City, China
Wang J, Li T, He M, Cheng X, Shi H & Yang Y
(2020) Chemical Species Characteristics and Air Pollution Sources Tracing by Cd Isotopic Composition of Aerosol Particles in a Megacity, Southwest of China
Huang Y, Wang L, Cheng X, Wang J, Li T & He M
(2019) The Micro Morphology, Heavy Metal Concentration, Cadmium and Lead Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Dust in a Typical Mining Area, Southwest of China
Huang Y, Wang J, Wang L, He M, Su T, Cheng X & Ni S

He Mingyue (2018) Influence of Peridotite Xenolith-Magma Interaction on Geochemical Diversity of Alkali Basalts: Evidence from Spinels
Ma Y, He M, Liu L & Liu X
(2018) Random Si Distribution between the T-Site and M-Site of MgAl2O4-spinel at High P-T Conditions
Liu X, Liu L, Bao X, He Q, Yan W, Ma Y, He M, Tao R & Zou R

He Minye (2017) Coesite, Some of its IR Features (SiO4 and OH), and Dehydration
Liu X, Ma Y, He Q & He M

He Peng (2020) 127I and 129I along a Transect in the English Channel
He P, Aldahan A, Hou X & Possnert G

He Pengli (2018) The Origin of the Pliocene Wangqing River Alkali Picrite, NE China
Sun M, Xu Y, Ren Z, Xia X, He P, He H, Jourdan F & Milan L

He Pinjing (2011) Importance of Syntrophic Acetate Oxidation during Thermophilic Municipal Solid Wastes Anaerobic Digestion
Mazeas L, Grossin-Debattista J, Qu X, Guenne A, He P, Budzinski H, Le Munier M & Bouchez T

He Qi (2010) Variation and Complexity of the Late Permian Emeishan Basalts: Reappraisal of Plume-Lithosphere Interaction Processes
He Q, Xiao L, Chen J & Gao R
(2010) Small Volcano Swarms on the Moon: Common Volcanic Edifices on Terrestrial Planets
Xiao L, Huang J, He Q & He X

He Qiang (2020) Geochemical Constraints on Subduction Style in the Neoarchean: Magmatic Records from the Northern Yangtze Craton, China
Zhang S-B, Zheng Y-F, Wu P, He Q & Rong W
(2019) A New Geochemical Proxy for Supercontinent Reconstruction: Low δ18O Magma
Zhang S-B, He Q, Wu P & Zheng Y-F
(2018) Random Si Distribution between the T-Site and M-Site of MgAl2O4-spinel at High P-T Conditions
Liu X, Liu L, Bao X, He Q, Yan W, Ma Y, He M, Tao R & Zou R
(2017) Coesite, Some of its IR Features (SiO4 and OH), and Dehydration
Liu X, Ma Y, He Q & He M
(2017) Garnet Geochemistry Records Multistage Processes of Hydration and Dehydration at a Continental Rift during Rodinia Breakup
He Q, Zhang S-B & Zheng Y-F
(2017) Mineral Record of Abiotic Nitrogen Reduction
Li L, Busigny V, Zheng Y-F, Li K, He Q & Cartigny P
(2016) Neoproterozoic Deglacial Meltwater-Rock Reaction Recorded by Zircon in situ Oxygen Isotopes in Metaigneous Rocks from the Sulu Orogen
He Q, Zhang S-B & Zheng Y-F
(2012) Formation and Evolution of Precambrian Crust in South China: Insights from the Dongling Complex
Zhang S-B, He Q & Zheng Y-F

He R. (2021) A Prolonged Ice-Age in the Late Ediacaran Period: A Possible Fuse of Animal Evolution?
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X, Wen B, Ma H, Peng Y, He R, Li C, Huang T & Zhou C

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